The time has changed.
Japs no longer play the bing bing wahooo Nintendo consoles.
They are all conve...
Virtual YouTubers
ぶいすぽっ!: This thread is about VSPO! & vtubers that play a lot of FPS & participate in FPS tournaments...
Anime & Manga
SHY: It's Shyday once again!
Video Game Generals
Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #3832: Hasu Edition: Zenkai no /llsifg/!: >>512201264
LLLL: Winter gacha
LLLL will receive an update to add a rhyth...
Comics & Cartoons
Amphibia: Felicia Sundew: the most underrated milf ever.
Why is he looking increasingly Mongol as he gets older?