For the first time in over five years we're running contests for new 4chan banners. We're accepting submissions for both the rotating banners and our house ads.
Rotating Banners
If you've used 4chan for more than five minutes, you're no stranger to these rotating banners that have been with the site since its inception. In fact, a large percentage of these are from
4chan's inception (over 9 years ago), and it's about time we add some more. Below are the parameters for what we're looking for:
House Ads
These banners run in the banner ad positions (somewhat outdated example placement here) and link to internal 4chan pages.
The goal is to drive awareness to the various pages hosted on when we aren't running paid advertisements.
The winners will have their banners featured on and receive credit on this page.
Submissions should be posted to the appropriate stickied threads on /q/. Thanks in advance to all those who submit their work!
We're accepting submissions for a new logo to replace the current one from the new layout. Not looking for any radical changes here; the design should still be based off of the classic portrayal of four leaves or Yotsuba's pigtails. I'm just looking for something new that meshes well with the current front page. Some requirements:
The winner will obviously have their logo featured on and receive credit on this page. Submissions and/or questions should be e-mailed to me here. Contest will last until I select a winner or decide to end it. Thanks in advance to all those who choose to submit work!
I ran a small contest on /i/ for 4chan inspired banners to be used as links back to our content pages on the main website. They're being displayed in the 468x60px rotating slot (when the paid ads don't show), and have replaced our old in-house rotation. The guidelines were:
Thanks to all those who submitted!
Well, it's been a while—over two years to be precise. Last night I was considering removing this page due to its inactivity, however, I'm glad to report this won't be the case. We need the community's help in designing a few neat pictures to be used on 4chan's "403 Forbidden", "404 Not Found" and banned user pages. See below for details:
Submissions should be uploaded to /ic/'s submission thread, located here. If for some reason it is impossible that you upload your submission(s) to the preferred location, feel free to e-mail them to me at the usual. There is no set run time for this contest, but it should run no longer than one week in length. I've tossed around a lot of ideas for this in the past (in e-mails to Dan Kim at least), so I'll include them here:
4chan is now looking to implement a favorites icon. This little icon is visable in your browser under the 'Favorites' menu or in the address bar. The requirements for this submission are as follows:
All submissions or inquiries should be e-mailed to me. Please do not post entries or questions on the boards, last time a lot of great entries were submitted on the board and not mailed to me—causing a few not to be used.
The prize for this contest is free archive access whenever it is ready. Running time for the contest should be about a week, but remember unlike last time only one submission will be accepted.
4chan needs a few logos. The plan is to implement a rotating image PHP script, and have these display on the image boards. Here are the requirements for submission:
Submissions should be mailed to me here.
There is no real prize, this is more of a request than a contest. Other than having your logo possibly displayed, you will of course recieve credit and my personal thanks (WHAT A STEAL!).