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>loyalty of a Golden Retriever
>intelligence of a Border Collie
>courage of a dobermann
Is correct?
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Of course she got fed.
There are stray dogs in villages, some have more some have less
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Back legs not nearly short enough, toadmaxx it
So what? Guard dogs serve no purpose unless you’re an African war lord?
I like them. My dad just got one. After years of bulldogs and high drive hunting dogs it was actually pretty interesting how quick and easy he trained up by comparison. Eager to please and very food motivated. Like inside 15 minutes he figured out come, sit, stay, down, and heel. Felt like I was playing tutorial mode lol.
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This dog mogs it, it can do everything on your list and more

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>looks like a fish
>behaves like a fish
>lives like a fish

It's a fish.
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Fish don't have mammaries
Yes. It is a lobe finned fish. So are you.

Have you ever put fish sticks in your mouth? Did you enjoy it? If so I have bad news for you
>dolphin hate thread?
>dolphin hate thread
Evil fish eating child killing human raping murderous drug addicted bastards. The lot of em.
t. jealous of their bigger brains and prehensile dicks
What good does their fucking brain do if I could shoot them, and I can pleasure a female dolphin just as good as any male dolphin could

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Post birds, appreciate birds
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fuck im high, im sorry
Like the other anon said, chickadees don't like millet or any of that stuff. So if your seed is a mix they are digging for the sunflowers. Black- oil Sunflower seeds are what they love.
They work, but I think the reward of seeing a few orioles before they go off to nest and have to put out such messy stuff that attracts ants is not worth it. They don't really benefit from feeders it's just for humans to look at them. So decide how much seeing an oriole is worth.
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anyone have a system of recording their bird feeder while they're out the house for work etc? a system of recording, transferring, editing down and converting/exporting?
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here's another

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I came home from work for lunch a couple hours ago to play with my husky and exercise him. Clearly I needed to come back earlier because he was bouncing off the walls when I came through the door. While he was bouncing he jumped up while I was crouching down and he headbutted me in the eye. Now I’ve got a golf ball growing over my eye and a presentation to give in an hour at work. Has anyone else been victimized by the Zoomies?
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Why did OP do it

Are there really people out there touching themselves to the idea of their dogs accidentally hurting them?

That is so specific
OP's actual dog is a fat beagle incapable of hurting a soul
Oh shit this guy made threads on /p/ too

Yes its a fetish. He doesnt have a husky.
Do you need to have a black card to get a husky? Anyone can get one
But he doesnt have a husky. He cant post dog with timestamp within a few minutes = he doesnt have a dog

I hate lions. Overrated motherfuckers don’t deserve their reputation as King of the Beasts or King of the Jungle. They get mogged by so many herbivorous animals and even the lesser carnivores give them tons of shit. END THE LION HYPE.
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>of all big cats, the jaguar is least likely to kill and eat humans unless wounded or cornered
laughably wrong, picrel
snow leppards arent even defined as big cats, lol
it's me
Neither are cougars. It’s pretty dumb
Where the fuck did this nigger get a dolphin

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these budgies piss me off! they make so much noise! look I don't think it's their fault, it's probably society's fault because my mom thinks it's ok to keep birds in a cage. I told my mom many times that I think it's ok to have birds as long as you let them out of their cage and train them but she tells me "they're not trained. they're ok in the cage. they're happy" heck nah they be screaming so much and she says they make good noises. what should I do? I can tell her again I think her keeping the birds untrained and in a cage all the time is not good for them but she'd probably just say they're fine... it's like if someone kept birds in a cage countries away from me and I tell them that's bad because the birds would be happier trained and outside a cage. sure I'll spread awareness but we'll it's as if people don't think of everything. my question for you guys is how do I keep these birds quiet? how do I convince my mom that she shouldn't have birds if they're not trained. also I have this question, should someone keep a dog if they're not trained? I would say cats are ok untrained but my male cat has started hissing at his sister a lot recently. I believe everyone should be trained, from mice to humans.
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If it's fairly warm year round i'd just buy a shitton of budgies and let them live in an open aviary in your backyard. Even if it's not warm, just add heating to the aviary so they can thrive in winter. Do it. Create an invasive population. Be the budglord. Make up for your ancestors sins of parrot extirpation.
BTW they be screaming. dark forces are among us
I've thought about doing that twice
i think about doing it daily but i'm worried some retarded budgie or five would get frozen solid instead of returning to home base for warmth. hopefully some people further south get the idea to become budglords.
shiet maybe you can convince someone down south to do it or pay them to do it yknow if you have money. I dont.

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Discovery channel edition

Post all things insect and arachnid
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>It's hard as a person who doesn't know anything about bugs (and had a slight phobia of them growing up)
I understand 100%. I used to be disgusted and freaked out by moths, now I’ve got a dozen sleeping in my bedroom. Here’s a male Anisota virginiensis that emerged in my hand yesterday. It makes me feel like a mother when they emerge in my hand kek
That the cow killer? Here's one at Dulles airport.
NO WAY, that fellow is so fucking cute! If anything, I'm kind of more afraid the smaller the bug is. Because if it's big it probably won't easily get lost in one of my eyes, mouth, or enter my nose or ears. Like, a tarantula is fast, alright, but it won't get stuck in my eyes unless it's kicking hairs at me (which is NOT what anyone wants). And it's probably more scared of me than I could be of it. Unless it's a thailand black.
Those... Those are something.
The more colorful a insect looks the more painful it's possible bite/attacks looks to me. The mantis shrimp so far is the perfect example of my instinct.
Can mealworms and dubia roaches live together, in the sense that the mealworms won't try to eat the dubias?

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Lounging edition.

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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This big guy tried to steal my roti off of my plate. I think he is Indian too.
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‘jeet cats (jats) are a menace
I love orange cats
That look says it's a purebred maine coon unlike these moggies

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Motherfuckers say cat's don't care about people but look at this fucker? He wait's for me at the door every time i leave. Even when he doesn't need food he want's to cuddle when i come back.

Cat's are also badass as fuck compared to their size. Have you seen the agility?
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You chose an incredible pet OP but its okay, you don’t need to make schizos seethe online.
I hope you give him a cat friend to keep him company while you're away soon. Cats shouldn't be lonely, maybe a female?
Men with cats are so cringe and beta lmao
He wants to escape and needs grooming

Its that simple
And he will still be picked over the indian dogfag

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meow *snort* meeow meeow
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Catfaggot "humor"
still crying? keep it up it’s funny
imagine the coke-fuelled zoomies
What inbreeding does to a meowgga

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That’s just wood dust from all the wood
Anon they would probably do that with you if they could
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who knew eels could be chefs?
Stop it vedius pollio, that's immoral

Qhy don't people like eating gamey meat. As far as I am concerned, gamey meat is meat that has a strong flavor, often a little bloody taste to it.
This is my favorite taste of meat. Normal meat often feels bland to me. So why do most people like bland meat?
This is animals and nature btw because I am discussing the taste of animals
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To me, “gamey” can taste unpleasantly bitter or rotten. Sometimes it’s fishy, like old spoiled blood, which is also off-putting. Usually these flavors are from the poor handling or bitter diet >>4788536 mentioned. Sometimes it’s just a particularly hormonal animal and too rank and musky smelling/flavored, like trying to eat a used jock strap. I’ve had meats that other people eating the same meal considered gamey, but that I found delicious and savory so I don’t really know what “gamey” is actually supposed to mean.
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Its for jannies. If it's not a "heckin wholesome boop animal" circlejerk thread then janny thinks its off topic. If you make a thread about any debate you run the risk of being banned because janny hallucinates you are some kind of namefag.
I mainly put the disclaimer because people can politicize eating meat and I don't want it getting moved to /ck/ because I want to discuss wild animals not recipes
Gamey for me is meat that has to be all of the following:
>tough, sinewy, almost no fat
>tastes like sweaty unwashed armpits
>very dark meat
Our rooster was like that, tasted not great.
In the same way with fish, super fishy fish is my jam. I can appreciate white fish. But mackerel, sardines, dried fish, and the friken best.
And I far prefer turkey and rabbit over chicken, even tho people consider them gamier

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Land Whale edition

Previous Thread >>4685883

Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.

>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a project

>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depth


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post the time stamp or the art piece that is "shilling" the troon flag
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if those back-mounted bows are strong enough they could be use for hunting of medium and large prey(though not the truly gigantic ones like pic related)
even more if you consider they wouldn't be prone to hunt alone, but only in packs
though those back mounted bows wouldn't reach the same level of accuracy as a hunting bow with a skilled user, as well as being much more complex

actually thinking about it more, those massive creatures would be the ones that would likely be hunted with ranged weaponry
since initially they'd lack fear response to the sophonts due to their smaller size, since these seem to be more sauropod size while the sophont species are smaller than humans, they wouldn't face the same issue as humans have hunting megafauna where we're recognized as threats even by the largest species

as such I could see massive bows on the backs of [insert spider-ox equivalent] or carts they pulled, then carefully drawn and launched, likely dipped in powerful toxins or carefully designed with serrated edges to cause the animal to bleed to death in a timeframe suitable for their non-nomadic style

since they're even more focused on meat than humans are, and their equivalent of sugar is something meat-based, this could be a worthwhile endeavor

For smaller animals though like the video mentioned, they're incredibly adept trap builders and would likely default to that rather than try to experiment with back-bows
Trvth. Like the secret police of the internet
This is the exact song and dance that the kaimere shill always goes through, forgetting it the next day and screaming at the mods to delete any post that points it out
kill yourself.

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Previous: >>4729588
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What a fine lookin' woman.

Hmm, what's it like bein' the main fox poster on the thread? Foxes rock I just don't know where to find pictures of 'em
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it's too hot and I'm sweating but I still want to cuddle this fox
you can try this thing called Google
works like a charm
Don't work

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so i got around 2-3k to spend on some animal as a pet but im unsure what to get all bets are pf here expect for dog and cat as my parents alredy have those so what should i get any recommendations/good ideas?
all bets are of*
*all bets are off
Really setting the tone of the thread

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