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>highly intelligent and incredibly skilled martial artist who has trained around the globe and with Batman
So the damsel stuff is an act right? Just Daphne toying with her prey
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What's the issue? You can make a character highly capable and still a massive klutz. Case in point.
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I don't find it funny that feminists write all their characters as Mary Sue. It's better like Gunn did, that she got tired of being kidnapped and became a martial arts master to defend herself.

coffee shop edition
Prev: >>143462320
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Kim/Ron was planned as early as the series bible. They even created a romantic rival for Ron in the early stages; Global Justice's Will Du. (Called Kenneth back then) When the series came out, Will appeared in like 2 episodes and was a major prick. No romantic undertones. Ron on the other hand had 'just noticed Kim was a girl'

Speaking of early stage development changes. Early promotion material heavily focused on Adrena Lynn as villain, going as far as giving her main bad guy status. She proved to be unpopular in early screenings and was written out after her debut episode.

Drakken and Shego went in a different direction. Shego's design paired with Nicole Sullivan's voice and Dynamic with Dr. Drakken was an instant hit and they quickly became the main bad guys. They were so popular, Fan favorite episode 'Rappin' Drakken' was supposed to be focused on them entirely, with Kim and Ron only showing up in a cameo. When Execs heard that the titular character wouldn't show up in her own show, writers were forced to write them in as B-plot.

Ron-Factor's plot was that Global Justice was convinced Ron was the secret to Kim's success and the agency were more interested in Ron as opposed to Ron. The opening had a 4th wall break with Kim asking the viewers/writers "Seriously? They want Ron?" which proved oddly prophetic as that episode had a bit of a main writer shake-up which, supposedly, resulted in more Ron-centric episodes.

The show was supposed to end with the So The Drama movie, but fans petitioned for another season (supposedly the show garnered a very large following in Germany), so Season 4 came to be.
That one was a fluke. The prompt is

>35mm Animation,movie still, 4K, Highly detailed, adult Vanellope von Schweetz, black shaved hair with purple streaks,female,flowing black sith robes, black pants,belt,black high heels,serious face,death star loading bay,power walk, holding one hand out front, dynamic lighting,blue filter,freckles, heavyset,
das it mane
thanks. I find insights on the development of shows to be really neat.

thanks anyways. I'll try and engineer that hairstyle later. Have you ever tried putting someone in a twilek outfit or leia's slave outfit?Although I imagine that either one would either be hard blocked or dog city.

Now that Death Battle is ending, what was your favorite Death Battle?
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No one cares about this slop
Fuck sake. Reminds me of an interview with Ed Boon before Midway went down, where he ran from room to room, showing the interviewer the hundreds of people working on MK vs DCU, as if that indicated the health of Midway.
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Kaiju No. 8. A Shonen manga about hunting Kaijus, recently got a JJK-tier anime.
It's not even outliers. People just take random statements and just roll with them, no research or anything. Half of what they said could easily be debunked by simply reading the comics they cited, and the other hand required a bit more context.
Not ever, they get splattered like as if they were against what amounts to a Flash-Hulk combination character. The water aspect about the Leviathan is peripheral.

Kairos Fateweaver and nothing else comes close.

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Who was in the wrong?
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This board is so fucking boring
>This person I don't like deserves to get robbed and assaulted and if you don't agree you are an idiot
You are a sociopath.
Comic still falls flat because New Guy seemed genuinely happy to make a possible friend. If it didn't have the last two panels and had a different punchline it *might* have worked, but in this case it makes >her look like a turbocunt.
PewDiePie is rich and I envy him so she was in the right. He deserved to get robbed for happening to get luckier in life than me.
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I made it better.

Bob wins one million dollars in the lottery. What happens?
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Who's bigger?
I think susmita is pretty big too.
But she looks to be the same size as Tina even though she's shorter.
Andy is the cute one but Ollie is the wild one and would be a wildcat in the sack.

Was it a good scene?

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What the fuck is Chuck thinking? Aside from throwing in with Orchis not once but twice, he's now also actively mind-controlling the human population to fall victim to the AI's schemes.

I don't see the grand plan here, and I don't see how he comes back from this heel turn... he's evil forever for this imo. He's become everything he was once afraid of. Thoughts? Am I missing something?
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>Nobody is saying that krakoa is the only valid era,
NTA but there are a shitload of faggots on twitter who do. All of them have trans rights flag or similar and all of them think Krakoa was all about the parties and concerts and galas. Did they read the comics? Probably not, they probably just consume it second-hand or something.
>What the fuck is Chuck thinking?
He's supposedly trying to buy time for Jean to fuse with the Phoenix again so she can BTFO Enigma. The problem is nobody actually knows this is the plan except Rachell and Jean so half the mutants want to stop him while the other half are fine with bending the knee
Only in her body she's mentally an adult
>the guy who did advocate for a healthy coexistence
They retconned that to him not actually giving two shits about coexistence and simply forming the X-Men to act as mutant police because he viewed mutants as an existential threat to humanity.

It was right before the Sinister dark future.
He formed the X-Men as mutant police for the ultimate goal of peaceful co-existence.

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Which one?
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I like the Toppin Gals.
And we care about what a korean dude in korea is doing because...?

Why are both the 4K transfers of My Little Mermaid: Eight Legs Is Magic such utter shit? Blurry linework, blended frames, bad color. BLENDED FUCKING FRAMES
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does that mean everything is on ones now?
I know we're on 4chan, but you have a throwaway email? I uploaded it to my google drive but would rather not post that here.
Sure, try mermaid at sharklasers.com
Okay sent
I mean I was expecting it to be large but lmao. Maybe if other anons want you could just obfuscate the link by base64ing it?

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What does she look like? how fit or fat is she?
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You mean the kingdom was hoarding it?

Maybe the syrup is for slowibg threads like this down
If Caine thought that far ahead, probably.
But I don't imagine his AI would have come up with anything more complex than "Stop bad guys, save kingdom and return precious resource".

Who knows. Maybe if he had more to work with, the kingdom could have been hoarding it.
Or maybe the gummigoos separated from the kingdom and decided to raid their supply to keep themselves afloat since they didn't know how to manufacture more.

All autistic headcanon and worldbuilding for a world that barely even exists beyond a 25 minute episode.
we're split across a bunch of a different threads
Right. It would be a lot sadder if they weren’t npcs

What do you mean?
Sucks, but it is what it is.
I just hope this little slice of autistic speculation gets picked up along with the usual plot stuff.

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Which of these "asexuals" gets the most action on the regular?
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Uhm... Any safe-ish ideas for Red?
her holding a cross scared of her fans
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>What is called "being a wizard"
Troll harder.
do you think its a choice to become a 30+ year old virgin? weird cope.

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Who should Nerd choose?
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Aww they called me cute
conceptualize the aroma
How many times do I have to explain this to you women do not get horny or sexually attracts to things
This comic feels like a manga for kids who are too young to read manga. It's literally just a generic romcom with anime tropes.
Exposing anime culture to the West was a mistake.

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Post cursed /co/ images.
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Disney, Christianity, and the police force. This one has it all
happy thanksgiving pilgrims
Haha. Aged up right? R-right?
It's even worse, it was a bib. A BIB
It was? Fuck. If it is then we also need to adjust the name in the Pastebin before finalizing the iceberg.

So... This episode feels a bit personal. The end at least because... Well my grandma passed away like 2 days ago and will have a funeral on thursday and... I can tell the experience will be rather similar to what the crew felt in this episode. Especially since she had a brain tumor that slowly ate away her mind, in a way kind of like abstraction. It is good to see that Pomni has now faith that she herself may also be mourned if hat ever happens to her as I am also afraid of that after both my grandma and grandpa died after losing big part of their mind. This feeling that you matter to someone and will be important to them even when you can't recognize them and you will not be alone at the end.

But if there is one other thing I got out of this episode besides sadness for Gumny and empathy for Pomni is that Jax will NOT be mourned. He is a terrible, terrible person that I hope gets what he deserves.
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Just watched the first and second episode for the first time
Show seems fun, felt bad for Gummigoo
Depends on how the game is set up. There are a few that have active npcs that just have a "no state", but if the "no state" is pushed into an active state through some sort of exploit they do become active parts of the game.
Bubble keeps telling me
Not sure what it means, but what do?
>Truck-based deathmatch championship to see who gets to take on the bandits as everyone is arranged into teams
>Everyone having to cram into one vehicle, with all the chaos that comes from that
>A fuckton of people means a fuckton of trucks means a fuckton of bandits, scaling into full-on warfare
Many such ways it could be amusing
Add up the numerical values of each letter, divide the total by the number of letters and the 4 at the start, and use the letters those numbers represent to spell out ligma

is he now the Best character in your eyes?
Gummigoo mogged the entire cast that hasn't received any sort of interesting characterization yet.
Jax easily being the 2nd worst.
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i don't think i can pick a character that i would call "best", but i keep daydreaming about ragatha. i think there's something wrong with me.

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