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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

Any anons do Turo? Thinking about leasing/financing a car and using Turo to pay for it, then just sell the car.
Expertness with Turo as a company? Do they offer insurance for customer at fault accidents and damages? How much of a cut do they take? Are customers all grubs leaving a giant mess off the interior?
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The cuck is someone paying off someone elses vehicle
It's a way to build equity with the cuck building equity for the owner
I guess basic financial literacy wasn't taught in your bumfuck flyover state school
Would you rent out your wife?
Wife isn't an appliance for profit and I wouldn't rent out a car I want to keep and consider a personal car
Why are you so obsessed with cuckoldry?
>Wife isn't an appliance for profit
She could be. Why are you buying fleet vehicles for a company you don't own?
I've considered it but live in an area with too many shits for it to be viable. They'll trash the car or smoke/smoke weed in it and destroy it. You gotta think about shit like it getting impounded too, if the driver is DUI or they just park it in a bad spot. Do they cover that? Do they have full coverage for theft if the dude rips out your transponder or takes it to Mexico? Too many liabilities and these app companies scheme too much. Probably some bullshit happens where they don't pay out for damage to upholstery, or don't pay you for entire rental periods because the renter says they never received the car. Uber now removes trips if the customer claims they never got a ride, they just take the money out of the driver's account and refuse to pay it back. I wouldn't fuck with fake app companies, they're trying to shave off cost wherever they can.

>*slowly bankrupts tesla in your path*
nothing personel
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>bad tires
Well, they're specced for rolling efficiency after all
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Whoever this was today, enjoy you're rust
Daily reminder Tesla has never made a single useful car
It just came out, I got it on mine today. But yeah, the tires are just all seasons really, they do fine in the dry but instantly become slicks in any type of mud.
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majority of truck owners dont use them for what they're designed for, what has that got to do with the cybertruck?

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just why
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hilarious that someone spent more time making this than the trucktard spent screenshotting a single article to post over and over again, I stg I hate this board so much fuck all of you
To make you cry and seethe. Your tears are a rich source of nourishment for me.
Probably because the parking spots are short and he'd rather stick out into the sidewalk than stick out into the street
If he parked nose in his bed would be sticking out into the parking lot and you'd make the exact same post because you're a gay bitch
>Last affordable NA V8s other than the mustang
>not overly fagged-up with useless tech and ipad screens

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Diversity trumps qualification, you racists
Why are they all like this?

Indian here
Gujaratis are the Jews of India
>3x attempted murder
>victimless crime
Based retard.

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>fun to drive
>good gas mileage
>truck-like amount of cargo space
Does a car like this exist?
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Yes. What's wrong with that?
>Good gas mileage
find something actually cheap with bad gas mileage
Honda Fit.
Because everything is a trade-off.
Just get a crossover or long wagon like the Outback. Trucks don't really have cargo space. Tried moving with my buddy's F150 and we couldn't even fit my queen size mattress in the bed, let alone get anything stacked on top of it once it was taking up all the space. Took several more trips than it would've with just a Uhaul, and I know this because I moved everything in with a Uhaul box truck in one trip. I could've rented a Uhaul or Home Depot pickup for cheaper than I paid him. Home Depot also has box trucks now. Rent a real truck if you need to do truck stuff, pickups are pathetic. Renting a trailer, open or enclosed, gives you far more space than a pickup bed and you can tow a trailer with any vehicle that has a toe hitch, which Uhaul will weld into any vehicle you bring in. It doesn't stand out on crossovers, and there's sometimes already threaded holes to mount tow bars.
>laying the bed flat so it takes up all the available room
cringe and bad spatial awareness

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Imagine an alternate future in which Mazda didn't spend so much time and money on meme Doritos™ wanker engines. What would it look like?
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>I don't have any argument because I know you're right, so I'll have a temper tantrum!

Thanks for admitting I'm right. You can beg for forgiveness now.

Maybe someday I'll let you have the honor of groveling on the ground I walk on. Until then, keep embarrassing yourself publicly with your utter retardation.
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Let’s say I have a retarded amount of money and want to try something unique and fun. A single rotor of the mx-30 r-ev produces 75hp at 4,500RPM, about 50% more than a typical renesis rotor at the same RPM. It has a high compression ratio of 11.9:1 and a larger displacement, so theoretically a 2-rotor would produce about 300 peak horsepower.
How complicated would it be to stuff this thing into an rx7 or rx8 engine bay and get it running with a custom ECU?
Also, it uses direct injection and apparently has better apex seal materials as well, so potentially durability would be better.
>how hard would it be to create my own custom 2 rotor engine using range extender parts?

If you have to ask, you can't do it.
I’m not going to do it, I’d pay a rotary shop to do it for me. Just curious if there’s any potential there with the larger rotors, direct injection, etc.
seals at 65k as a regular maintenance item is a hell of a lot better than a V6 engine spark plugs and timing components over the 150k+ lifespan of any engine. You can do a rotary seal job in less than three hours.
Build a three rotor, put it in a non-turbo FC chassis, and you've got 300HP in a ~2700lb car that can last for 180k+ miles with nothing but spark and apex seal changes. 1:9 power to weight is by no means a slow car.

180k aint a high bar for longevity today, but that's fucking fantastic for a 1960s concept with 1970s design with 1980s manufacturing.
And I'm sure if someone really fanboys the rotary they can get a machinist to custom make housings and rotors out of modern metal that will last twice that, or handle boosting for 200k+ miles.

As another anon said, modern apex seal/spring materials are far and away better than the original OEM type, import knockoffs, and Jerry's Garage Specials.

new edition
put /dbt/ in the title edition

>Motorcycle bingo
>Twist of the Wrist 3
>pop a wheelie i pop a boner
>Too Many nobikes
>scooters / EVbikes dont belong here
>take the warning stickers off your bike
>take the anime stickers off your bike
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>don't squid, even in summer, wear ear plugs
>pass the MSF course

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Glad to hear bro! It's cool you managed to fix your baby and can finally ride it and go for those snack runs. Don't worry my dear one day we shall look for the socket free into the sunset
He's such a cutiepie
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yea he is
Ah I forgot to check that. Good looking out. I know that the the petcock flows quite freely when I forget to attach the line though
Alt right dog whistle
Back off r6
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Goddamn /o/, I went off the deep end. I made a financially stupid purchase and I don't even care. I bought the best damned daily driver/grand tourer I've ever owned. Yes, it's a modern BMW, which I know is frowned upon here, but fuck, it's just so good to cruise around in it's not even funny. Even the wife loves it, and she's completely "meh" about cars. The B58 is a badass engine, and the ZF8 slushbox is great. I traded in my Manuel Mk7 Golf R and I don't miss it one bit, as 90% of my driving is highway commuting anyway. The difference in quality is substantial to say the least, the m240i is comfier and more compliant on roads than the R ever hoped to be. It's also nice to not have understeer-happy Haldex AWD anymore. Fucking thing even gets north of 30mpg on the highway despite weighing a gorillion pounds, it just doesn't make sense.

Keep your heads up, work hard, get paid, and buy fun toys. Whether it's a beat to shit Miata or a 911 Turbo, get something that makes you happy every time you go for a drive.
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It's not a god-awful crossover, doesn't have a meme-worthy BIG SNIFFER and it's a nice color to boot. No hate from me.
>waiting for mid cycle refresh
sounds like a gamble anon, there's a chance you get stuck with a mild hybrid system like the 3 series already has, or they add the big sniffers like the 4 series and M3
>the only one that is even tolerable to me is the Alfa Quadrifoglio, I heard they changed the steering geo after 2020 though so the new ones might also suck
post-2020 front end geometry reduced the absolute limit angles, reducing the chatter you get at full lock at low speed. it's an improvement, as is having both direct and port injection instead of just direct
I still need to drive a 2022/2023 (I wouldn't buy a 2024 because of the digital dash change), it has been my intention to buy one, but after driving all of these other cars like the M3 and Blackwing, I'm starting to just think all of these new cars are garbage and the Alfa just stands out because the design is older. Jason Cammisa the car reviewer just did a podcast about the Model 3 Performance, what he had to say I think is probably true, he's saying all these cars have tons of turbo lag, fake sounds, AWD, stupid quick, you might as well just go the rest of the way and just get a Model 3 since it's cheaper/quicker and doesn't try to fake anything, or just get an older car.
you can still feel turbo lag in the quad, but it's very slight once you're not in the two eco modes

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Post your 4x4

Pavement Princesses and Mall Crawlers allowed. Blog posting encouraged. AWD ≠ 4WD. Do you have a solid front axle, or are you an IFS larper?
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>Weird my hooks are too short. Did you have to do the diode trick to increase alternator output to charge the AGM or do you trickle charge it?

I just hooked it up and it runs fine, it came with a charge from the store so I've never had to do anything beyond run the vehicle.
Nothing about his post was sexual, that’s just the name of a diesel engine.
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based. went blasting today too.
Good man. I did not shoot today. Because I'm lazy

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why do some people absolutely SEETHE at lane split gods?
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The last asshole who lanesplit by them blasted their ears out and purposely got too close, then they turn on all motorcyclists. I don't move for them anymore, you're on your own and whenever one pisses me off I purposely fuck with the next guy. Human nature to develop biases based on observation.

Proper way to lanesplit in webm.
Look at that limp wristed poindexter. He couldn’t fight his own petty intrusive thoughts about being a passive aggressive crab person. He won’t fight a biker. And win anyway.
Lamo I see more people running it up the hard shoulder than lanesplitters. You know, actually “cutting” traffic as opposed to utilizing wasted space
Meanwhile I'm doing 50 mph on my e-bike down the pathway with no traffic. I never really got the point of lane splitting. I don't like it because I don't need some squid dropping their bike into my vehicle. I would sure as fuck not move over to give them room either. I sort of wish people would start reinforcing their mirrors with some steel and purposely get these faggots to smash their mirror off.
A lot of those people are gonna be the same kind of people who want police the road themselves and do shit like going slower then traffic in the left lane while purposely blocking you from passing.

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QTDDTOT because there isn't one and because this is a stupid question:

6.9 lbf ft - yes it's the workshop manual, but this won't crack the battery casing right ? Feels like this thing just keeps spinning but I guess it's compressing the little pad the battery is sitting on until it can't. Or should I shoot for a little less.
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Going to presume this is less a paranoid schizophrenic and more a "My ex knows I love my cars" situation. Get a locking gas cap, check your fluids before driving. Check the mouth of fluid reservoirs for powders or foreign fluids before driving. If you find any save it in a baggie if it's solid, dab it with a clean paper towel if it's liquid and stuff that in a bag and make what courts call a "contemporaneous note", write down why you did the check, what you found, the date and time, so on and so forth. You would give this to your attorney later, do not admit it yourself, DO NOT represent yourself in court. If you're concerned an ex or jilted lover or something is out to destroy a beloved car you need to find garage space or bare minimum set up a camera. You'll have to do a check each time you go out to drive to make sure each tire has air, the brakes aren't pissing when you pump them and that nobody has fucked with the oil cap or anything. If you're super desperate you can dust the oil fill cap and such with flour or talc and it'll give you an at-a-glance hint as to whether someone has fucked with it. You could also take pictures as evidence if you needed to sue for damages. Good luck, protecting a car from a psycho bitch is a chore and a half.
How would I know if there is a mafia style bomb under my car?
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>Going to presume this is less a paranoid schizophrenic and more a "My ex knows I love my cars" situation.
It does sound extremely schizo, but evidently I pissed off some NAFO troons hard enough that they've been following me around for the last couple weeks posting thinly veiled threats in the threads that I normally post in. I don't even give a shit about their slav civil war, but they're completely unhinged. They keep making references to my car, and I suspect that there may be some foreign glowniggardry afoot. I'm in the US btw.
It is almost entirely certain that you're not in any real danger. You mentioned "normally posting" in certain threads, very commonly people will let information slip. You mention off hand being a father, being a sibling, slowly people can build a dossier based on things you've accidentally said. Maybe they connect dots, maybe you posted links tied to a specific reddit account, maybe on that reddit account you mentioned your gluten allergy or asked someone how to fix a car model specific problem. These things snowball and eventually you can find everything about someone. Eventually you use one of the "person finder" or "white pages" sites and you can use an email you found to look up a person's relatives, home location, anything. Your problem is not car security, your problem is information security. The first thing you need to do is stop posting. You're worked up, you're nervous, you've obviously shared too much personal info, stop posting. Second, give the situation a long hard think. Car bombs are not common. I think the last major car bombing in america was the WTC truck bomb in the 90s or something. You're far more likely, IF someone were actually going to fuck with your vehicle, to have brake lines cut or something simple like that. At the end of the day you need to just shut the computer off and walk away, you and the people you're arguing with are so involved with the internet sphere and detached from reality that you're being brought to a state of horror by threats that are obviously empty to anyone not within arm's reach of the situation. You will be okay, if you must set up cameras to be comfortable again, simply get some trail cams. The most healthy thing you can do for yourself right now though is to stop engaging with the situation.
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This poster >>27631509 wasn't me. That's either a troll or one them.

Also, I haven't been the one antagonizing them. They've been coming my unrelated hobby general for the last two years to shill their war and that Biden is the greatest president ever.

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tl;dr, why do you hate ford? why shouldn't i purchase an f150 over a 1500 gm/chrysler truck?

the ENTIRE fleet of vehicles at my job are fords, with the exception of a handful of macks, a few internattys, freightliners, and an oshkosh. these trucks take a beating like no other. from 150s to 550s, almost all of them plow. other than oil changes and new tires, maintenance isn't egregious. my 2016 f350 rides nice, hauls trailers perfectly well, just hit 190xxx, and still runs like a top. why shouldn't i buy an f150 for personal use? don't misinterpret my post as me simping for ford, just my observations.

also ford hate/discussion thread
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My first car was a 2001 f150. Worst car I've ever had nothing was easy to do
I live in Detroit, Ford along with the other 2 are garbage, made by niggers and women.
I don’t, have had nothing but good times with every ford I’ve owned. Still salty about my 14 fusion getting sideswiped and totaled at 164k miles (it had zero issues in my 9 years of ownership, minus a ruptured brake line)

Now the bmw I replaced it with…

And hell my work truck is a 98 f150 with 337k miles and still runs like a clock.
I just think they're ugly
>like the new ranger Raptor
You are gay

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is the camry the new altima?
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lol you can't just post this and not give us some deets or sauce
Specifically white Camrys I've noticed are driven by niggers most the time.

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Why do we let the handicapped bully us into giving them special privileges, when they are vastly outnumbered by regular people? If we all banded together we could easily repeal the ADA regulations and take back all these parking spaces.
If you have the balls you can park there, Timmy won't tow shit
I just park in the veteran spots lol

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