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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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>hello, future-man who's wearing cloths I've never seen before in my life, I have an indian accent for some reason despite living in the bombed out hellscape of the United States over a century after the apocalypse!

Behold, a game that many gamers hold to be the best RPG of all time.
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>in this game where you fight giant rats in post-apocalyptic LA, the most unbelievable thing is that you meet an indian
verisimilitude exists. don't hire a lebanese to voice an indian in your post-apoc cali setting.
Nope, a better name woulda been glowingdeadradiationman-town.
didn't Aradesh also come out of a vault?
why not make everyone have blue colored skin too while were making shit happen that has no logical bearing even within the universes rules

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Come share your tales
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Why does the Delta Base music play absolutely everywhere?
is this an LGBTQIA+ game?
Cheers niggers. Guess I'll be grinding hat and hatless man on epees.
It's a generic SCIENCE theme actually, not a world theme like the one in Miyako, Crowrealm or Mare Nostrum.
I didn't really hear it all that often outside of Delta Base though, I think I heard it in Vermiglio and in some visions in Providence and that's it.
yeah that's my one issue with the game, the music for each zone should be what plays there, only in some places is that the case, it's strange

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After over 20+ years, how is Morrowind still so fucking good? Even though it's obviously inferior to modern day TES games I still feel like it's refreshing to going back to a DnD dice rolling tier combat system. You don't have to worry about actual combat you just swing your weapon at your enemy like a retard, and I love it.
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>Argonian is an assassin
Reminded me of a quest where you're escorting an escaped argonian slave to someone who helps slaves, and upon arrival the argonian reveals he's an assassin and starts killing the guy, and you can choose to intervene or not.
>ethnocentrism, xenophobia, and slavery of the inferior "beast races" are all cultural and legal norms,
I played eso just to check out some of the first person questing and all of the xenophobia and norms are still present there. Bethesda does good worldbuilding when it tries.
Yeah, that one’s kinda northeast of Vivec in the plantation area. Was kinda funny. “Oh, won’t you please help me, a poor innocent escaped slave?”
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Are there any mods to make Morrowind into an offline MMO grind with crafts, hobbies, etc
u want kenshi.

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So there are infinite Aeriths and Sephiroths and Zachs now?

What the fuck are they doing?
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Allows authors for maximum non-commitment and maximum fanservice
The Simpsons has ascended the cycle. If each step is one turn of the wagon-wheel, each cycle a new kalpa, The Simpsons side-stepped it; viewing it from its side. It stopped being a participant, and now is just an observer.
Tardy tard.
supremely based

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I have been playing the pixel remaster of this and so far it is the only Final Fantasy game I have played that doesn't completely suck.
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No, the PR is better in every single way.
I mean, just look at the first 35 seconds. I've never played any of these pixel remasters, but this alone convinced me that just emulating the original SNES version is superior. Case closed.
>I mean, just look at the first 35 seconds
Yeah it looks a lot better. The translation is closer to the Japanese script as well. Sure would be a shame if someone got tricked into listening to you and played the worst version of the game.
Wound up playing this all day because I was having so much fun. The pacing in this game is top notch. Got all the way to the airship fight. Now to go play Ys 8.
How is this different/more soulfvl than the current T-Edition 3.05 and T-Edition EX 2.05?

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>Can't wait for DRH!
Been saying that for two years.
Hopefully we get at the end of this year
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You may not love Alice but Alice loves you
>I don't care about Alice
Same not sure why nips and pedos are obsessed with her
What's the red thing on the middle of Meryphillia's sprite?
A ribbon.
What do ya'll think is up with Dorothy? She seems to be aware to some extent that she was in a story (as she says "I desire the power to control the world,this garden world can't satisfy me") and there were records about her in the mental ward that she was schizo,plus there's that encounter with her which could be just be 100 sen activities,not sure what the consensus here is,but either way her character is a bit strange in general across both games so i'm a bit confused

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>Reddit: The Character
Why are plebbitors always fawning about this basic bish?
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>It's a fuckoff huge castle on the coast that's been there for like a thousand years. It's right next to Skyrim's main sea route to the Empire. Anyone could have found it at any time.
Just joined the Legion with a new character and they send me to go clear out bandits from a fort that's 30 seconds horse ride away from Solitude, and what do I see?
>So now, less than three eras later, you can go up on a steep hill in Skyrim and look North, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.
>There are 200 popular RPG classes
>198 of these RPG classes are literal evil Daedra worshipping swine, having little-to-no reason to murder Serana obviously
>2 of these popular RPG classes are Paladin and Cleric, they're the ONLY two classes who have any reason to murder Serana obviously
Are you trying to say I said that? Because that's not quite what I was getting at, and I even gave some basic examples of why neutral oriented classes and goodie-two-shoes classes might wanna decide to spare Serana too in the post you replied to
There are presumably many more islands in the Sea of Ghosts that we don't see ingame because of geographic scaling. Also some Skyrim residents are aware of Castle Volkihar's existence, but, they stay the fuck away under the assumption it is dangerous and/or haunted, since rumor holds that people who travel there are never heard from again. Similar to how Dawnstar residents are aware of the Black Door, but choose to just avoid it out of fear, and are unaware it's even associated with the Dark Brotherhood
I've always felt like the Dawnguard DLC was just... such an odd inclusion in a game like Skyrim.
You do quests for every Daedra in existence but VAMPIRES is where you're supposed to draw the line, apparently.
I just kinda hate that in Skyrim there's 0 ways to be a classic Paladin (or Vigilant in that case), you get locked into Daedra quest without any options of fighting back (because they thought no one would want to since wooooow cool you're working with the daedras!!!!) and there's no real Aedra content in comparison.
But for some reason, in the DLC, THERE you can choose to smite evil or join them, despite it not making sense for 99% of characters to smite them considering they've been working for evil gods the entire fucking time anyway.
I largely agree with you, but I just played Morrowind and Oblivion and am currently playing Skyrim, all as paladins, and I’ve done zero Daedric quests (except the one that’s required for the oblivion main quest, I did the suggested Azura quest which had me kill vampires to put their souls at rest, I considered this acceptable behavior). If you don’t want to do quests for evil entities just don’t do them, bro.

What went so right?

Get the Unfinished Business mod and it is legit 9/10
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>Wizard, fighter, cleric, thief.
Let me guess, you need more?
Personally, I like to do paladin, cleric, bard, wizard, but same archetypical roles
Also in (((5th edition))) clerics can use whatever weapons they want. Hell, if you identify as a heckin' wizard with heavy armor proficiency, then that's totally valid, too.
I like the art direction. I'll check it out.

>it's a fucking grid-based tac-combat game
>likes the awful art direction
>isn't a tactical turn-based chad
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Rage against the grid. Free form combat, but still turn based.

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bought this game 10 years or so ago and i played it on and off across the years, still very trash at it, does someone have any good tips, cheese strategies or even just some random stories, please post.
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there might be newer versions somewhere else. i think some guys was working on tome2.
>the link to the source on that page is actually dead
>2.3.3 doesn't exist on the main website's downloads page
>or in the thankfully accessible /dl/src
Hardly surprising considering the last update was almost 20 years ago, but still.
For my money Infra Arcana is still the best RL.
there's this
lost land dlc never ever

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Let's settle this once and for all.
Is it worth playing?
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Just to back up >>3475320, not only are all classes viable, classes with unconventional stat spreads are viable and interestingly different. Pillars has a lot of issues, but it's right there
What are some weirds builds you can do? I'm thinking of playing POTD soon and I'm trying to figure out what build to play.
wtf I backed that shit
lol, microsoft thanks you.
>backing soiyer slop
you dummy

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April is the month of Uula. Be nice to her.
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She's among the first you unlock.
You get both Lusica and Yubeil after the first boss, pretty much
Also nice about this cause I really was confused since her actings was a bit contradictory in Colony. If she was just a puppet she wouldn't keep seemingly talking to Aeon when she was ''thinking about it'' secretely communicating.
So now we learn she had an actual ego and that was her attempt to decide the course of action. Also explains why Aeon that had absurdly good information gathering capabilities had a delay whenever dealing with Auris - he wasn't in full control all the time. The machines were on auto.
based, had a similar idea for youmaen sensei but im too lazy

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>drops four defender shields (0.2%)
>drops no bright crystals (2%)
Not an RPG
yes it is
> Kingdom Hearts is a series of action role-playing games created by Japanese game designers Tetsuya Nomura and Shinji Hashimoto, being developed and published by Square Enix.
ARPGs aren't real RPGs

Decided to replay Trials with the three characters I didn't use and chose Angela as my main. I went Light for her first reclass. Should I try to focus on obtaining one particular spell or evenly distribute training points?
You still need to make the deal with the elemental to use the magic you want so maybe focus on it that way
Focus INT, SPR and LCK with her, also try to get Lucent Beam (later on Lucent Beam+ when you get Class 3) as soon as possible.
Lucent Beam+ is by far her best spell and you will be spamming it 99% of the time.
STR is also useful if you decide to go Archmage (which happens to be her best class) because of Judge which gives you 20% more damage to bosses, but its a pretty hefty investment for an otherwise useless stat to her and frankly not worth it if you're playing Hard or below.
Are you playing Expert or No Future? That matters in terms of builds.

Judge is kino, it just melts things
It is, but I would definitely prioritize Elemental Combo II and Pinpoint II over it, since you're far more likely to have invested in those stats over STR. It's still an amazing pickup for sure though, especially for future NG+ runs and Expert/No Future.

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Name 1(one) good game made in rpg maker
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>hat world
at least they talk about the actual game and the gameplay in their containment threads, unlike the black souls/sequel-ers.
No-one has done more damage to this board than SigmaSuccour, I'm sorry but it's the truth
>unlike the black souls/sequel-ers.
It's the same people.
I don't care, all of you need to go. Why is this retarded pajeets name even being mentioned here? All of you need to get out right now. Play a real rpg instead of rpg maker favela crap or get the fuck out of here.
Honestly, if it removed him from the board, I'd be happy with an RM ban

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