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Please save us chasers are taking over our board
Why is there 4 chasergen threads up at once? God forbid we me a transbian thread or they’ll shit themselves
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twansbian poopy... twansbian need diapy...gib diapy to twansbian pwease...
Don’t care your fat n ugly
Knew you wouldn’t. Imagine getting mobbed by wren
Nobody cares you repressed tranny, go back to gooning to tranny porn
The ick i get is from how insecure chasers get whenever anyone calls them out on their faggotry like the guy above, you got no girl friends buddy, you're a sad 4chan porn addicted tranny in the making
no but really tho the board has been full of them forever what are you even talking about you schizo
wrong I just hate predators

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QOTT: Do you get the respect you deserve?

previous: >>35660723
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why is it tragic?
>It's unnecessary
clearly not
maybe go to bed? a little self love?
The short of it is that years ago I was engaged to someone I loved very much, but someone died and things fell apart because of the grief.
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You're cashing in my apologies for me now lil bro ?
Pretend there's a man and also a bear in the woods with you
Trans girls you deserve better than these pathetic low value males, that's all

What did Musky mean by this?
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yes, it helps win people over, too
The evidence is always going to be mostly circumstantial and you can nitpick it as much as you want but eventually you look at the big picture it's not an unreasonable suspicion at all.
Besides what "proof" can we ever get? Like, a direct confession from Jo herself?
>The more of their accounts of gender dysphoria I’ve read, with their insightful descriptions of anxiety, dissociation, eating disorders, self-harm and self-hatred, the more I’ve wondered whether, if I’d been born 30 years later, I too might have tried to transition. The allure of escaping womanhood would have been huge.

Oh right lol she has it posted on her own website.
>She does have some of the phenotype I think will powers commented on
Lmao at jk rowling being intelligent and creative
Link to will powers on phenotypes?

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The transgender movement is not demonic and they don't hate Jesus Christ - Oh wait!
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man will be the death of this planet
i curse being human i only wish to know the simple joy of being a dessert gecko, licking my eyeballs and thinking about my next meal

hate bueracracy, hate religon, hate police, hate people and hate machines
there plenty of good people who have never heard of jesus
were there not good people before jesus?
(assuming the sand niggers were right)
a man is a type of beast
>hate bueracracy, hate religon, hate police, hate people and hate machines
so true anon
>there plenty of good people who have never heard of jesus
>were there not good people before jesus
i never mentioned jesus sis. but yes theres always been good people

apparently terfs choose the man lol
and they still think trannies are the reason they suffer...
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you're asking the wrong question. i don't think that it's likely for a random man to do those things. but the scenario of being alone in the woods away from any help or civilization greatly increases the chances.
and even then i think the chance of the encounter ending as poorly as i described is super low, but so are the chances of a random bear encounter ending in a fatality
mfers will literally run from an air horn
a man wont
A man will literally run from a sound of gun shots.
>you are in a forest
>you have an air horn
>blow it?
>now the man knows where you are
scared myself with this one
I choose the man. Even if he's malicious, I have more of a chance of beating him than a grizzly.

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what kind of relationship do you want anon?
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Being loved is unrealistic I'm not useful in any capacity
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I just want someone who will help me. I don't want to be taken care of, I just need help. I want someone reliable, someone who will love and support me. I wanna feel safe with someone. Feel like I have a home
It's nice when there's just endless unconditional love
god i rlly hope this isn’t a larp u made me tear up a bit,,, i hope u find ur dream gf anon
>Bratty during normal conversation but affectionate after I do something nice or give a hard dicking
>High sex drive and loves constant physical contact
>Eccentric and likes going to live shows to see local music
>Strong opinions and isn't afraid to share if they oppose mine
>Willing to take the initiative to plan dates or start a good conversation
>Lets me take the lead with providership and protection, and shows appreciation for it

I don't expect people to meet all these requirements, in 12yrs of dating only one boy has, but I'd say at least 80% of them is required for me to be happy. Most of all I want a romantic partner that is opeen and unafraid to exert their personality.

I WOULD LIKE to be a female, but I don't FEEL like a female.
Ergo I am not trutrans and you need to stop grooming me
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Uhhh, that is just you. I am super introspective, probably on the spectrum and hormones have made me feel completely different from before.
>hormones have made me feel completely different from before
I didn't say they didn't make me feel completely different from before either (they did and I fucking love it and I would not be alive if that was not the case), I'm saying the whole "I feel like a girl on the inside" narrative (irrespective of transition medical or otherwise) is a gross oversimplification that ultimately does more harm than good
ooooo, I getcha!
But every single trans story I hear, people talk about how they always felt that gender, and not affirming it makes them want to kill themselves, and when they do troon they feel right.
I literally feel totally normal, but when I think about being a girl I think it would be cool, and I roleplay sometimes.
Groomers will tell me to troon but it's all just an act and not real to me.

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>made my nipples fucking huge and puffy
>did nothing else
thanks i guess
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exactly im hesitant on it and want to see op's results
You can't just come in here and say that and then NOT show us your nips
you need to wait more than a month
tubular breasts
Haha woman moment

/lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit

qott 1: are you into feet? if so, what's your favorite thing about them?
qott 2: how would you feel about dating a girl who had a foot fetish?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35642016
discord: https://discord.gg/hrbygddw
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>when you're middle aged you're going to regret being poly your whole life and wish you'd chosen the strong connection that only monogamous relationships can provide desu
I thought that was the end game too, but then I met this girl who has a gf of 10 years. Both are poly and had other partners over the years, but they still love and support each other.
changed my mind quite a bit desu
other poly relationships I saw my frends getting into didn't last long, but I've now seen examples of people doing it long term and being happy with it.
i don't like polyfag shit but sometimes i wish i had 2 gfs, just 2, not anymore, and they'd both be exclusively with me.
what about each other
they could do stuff with each other if they wanted ig
hot hot hot

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I'm just now realizing how little effort cis men put into literally everything.
Yeah true, the most they do is weightlifting typically desu

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Daily reminder that if you dont agree with this you're a malebrained hon
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Really depends the situation, is it hungry ? Any bear could, is it a mother with cubs ? Any bear could.
If it's a polar or a brown bear you're just fucked anyways, most bears you're fucked actually.
again, i'm not accepting ANY chance of getting mauled so the actual figures don't even matter. i don't know what it is but i know it's not zero.
people seem to be assuming it will be a grizzly and you're going to literally walk into it or something
we don't have to assume it's a survival situation either, just that you're spending some time in the woods away from the public and can't leave for the duration
just leave the bear alone and you're good probably and then leave
Y'all would pray for a man with a gun if you saw a polar bear chasing an errant seal into the woods.
it does depend on the bear yes

qott - Do you love america?
qott 2 - does the great outdoors call to you?

previous- >>35654327
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So she'll either rape you, or kill you once you start passing?
Mine wasn't even sensitive at all until I took T
Never fucking touched it before T because I felt nothing at all with it
G would seriously dip low enough for Terje? What about Joe?
I’m not dating Terje and I haven’t spoken to Joe in a while kek
I’m dating a guy I met in HS.
What was wrong with Joe?

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Im a tranny from Israel

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are you a yair lapid tranny or a meretz tranny? also what part of tel aviv are you in?
Why would they? At this point, anything less than six figures is laughably incompetent. The IDF can't even kill 5k per month.
your music kinda sucks dude
>which is why countries in sub Saharan Africa that don’t cut their foreskins have a significant increase in hiv prevalence compared to ones where they do cut it
yes mutilating a wild animal's genitals does keep it from spreading diseases with its penis but i don't see why that applies to monogamous humans with any self control
Jesus is a jew and thats why you shouldnt be christian and be atheist, buddhist, or pagan, or literally any philosophy or religion that isnt obsessed with jews and their folklore

previously: >>35610187

thread for cis women dating trans women & trans women dating cis women

QOTT: Ideal places for a first date with your (asian) gf

if you don't like c4t/t4c get out!! not every space is made for you!! there are other places you can be!! please respect the purpose of this thread and be nice

Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/c4t
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Married about 5 years in. The sex stopped earlier at about 3 years in. My transition could have had something to do with it, but then again she does say she prefers me now.

I don't really know what to think. I just feel undesirable.
Idk I think it's pretty common for straight couples as well as lesbians. To push past it you really have to work on it.
See what gets either of you going, be honest, maybe take turns doing what the other person is into.
Maybe if you're willing to top she can just let you do it or something. I know that sounds rough but imo it's better than bed death and might be a way out
I'd say that what you said is good advice, because for most people it is, but honestly she never wants to do anything. Even when I ask her she just shrugs, she seems to have no imagination for what she wants in that way.

I've always topped, I've never bottomed in anyway shape or form. I think I always knew I'd always have to do all the work.

Thanks for the suggestions though.
why not? is it better to be an incel?
picrel's moid has the repper stare

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old >>35657300
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all the way to the wrist
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twinks twinks twinks
forgot how vile blood tasted
Finally some good lean meat
fat people issues are gross

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