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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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What do you use to play old games without issues? GoG sometimes bundles a dx wrapper with their releases, but it doesn't always work. I prefer to use dgvoodoo or dxwnd to play shit in windowed mode.
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This works surprisingly well.
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I had Firestorm installed so it might have been the cause. Otherwise it is exactly that, a primitive condition enabling it.
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No one likes Italians, not even other Italians.
How are markets going to work once the Age of Colonization kicks in? Will your colonies be part of your market, or they will be considered their own markets but still part of the same Empire?
So the game will only be played in Europe? what a surprise without a doubt
It was just the Roman Empire. The East-West divide was useless by that time.
theyd have their own market. im hoping there will be some kind of mercantilism mechanic

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Since there isn't a thread up
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cringe even
have it so when it opens, a ton of [SUPER REDACTED] ships tumble out of it and starts attacking all gated systems
Without a doubt the faggiest part of this game is that the MOST FUN PART aka the early game lasts about 5 minutes until you find a random floating abandoned Onslaught and btw you have plenty of cash to maintain it because you can sell scrap found floating in the nearby research station for ten billion dollars gg Ordos lose.
>shit links up, but something fucks up as usual
The only problem is that the hypershunts, gates, and domain-era tech in general are actually one of the safest shits in the fluff. They have fail safes on top of fail safes going near infinite. That's why you can use them even if they were neglected for 2 centuries. Corrupted nanoforges are in a way a rare exception, and even that only works inefficiently rather than fucking up a entire planet in grey-goo.
The luddics and heges are really anti-AI in general, because they're techs that actually fucked up pretty badly unlike safe domain-tech.Obviously they have exceptions too like Sentinel.
Best option is that nothing happens. They try to go back towards the Domain only to find out everything is fine and the domain just didn't give a fuck about some backwater faggots when they have hundreds of planets and systems conquered.
I remember reading something that implied that, but that might have been a dream.

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Hopes? Fears?
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>Have they confirmed whether or not chinks will be in this?
No Chinese Myths included in the release. Although there was a podcast that states that they are also working on Tales of Dragon? Could be him making a mistake though...

I hoped it would look somewhat like this https://youtu.be/TZt2YBv0U3Y
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not a furfag what is wrong with this
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>damn i wish aom got a remake
>it's ai slop
not like this

>please refrain from playing the game and realizing how bad it is
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you can play 0,3 version already, its out there
the game is hard af
you NEVER have enough time to do everything and there are a lot of shit to do
i think it needs to be rebalanced to make the days last longer, although its only half of the problem, for example all new buildings and other research is done by nobles and the moment they die its gone, and it takes a while to research, but the problem is that nobles also do building management, otherwise they dont work and dont produce anything, combat, map activities like trade, negotiations, raiding and more. Theres simply not enough time and not enough nobles to do everything, its very stressful.
and yea, they also age, pretty quickly too, which would be compensated by children if i swear the majority of pregnancies didnt end in miscarriage
and coming back to days lasting longer its because half of their day is spent on dumb shit like eating drinking and praying and traveling to all these places.
Seriously? The more I hear about this game the worse it gets.
Early access game is early access and schizos are surprised by this. Nothing new.
Which it was until hooded horse picked it up and he could hire a couple extra people.

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Realistically, how do we fix this franchise? It seems like no one in the strategy player base is fully happy with it.
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This. Please CA, just remaster Med 2 with all modding restrictions lifted and you'll never need to listen to us historyfags again
Fire everyone still working for CA. Re-hire the people who left years ago, as well as the people who worked for Sega Australia.
Been going through the total wars I hadn't played yet, Shogun 2 is easily the best of its era, empire is borderline unplayable boring and napoleon is pretty much the same a little less retard
this add shits from VDM mod like diseases, events, coring, attrition and supply shit

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>2nd term
But you can ally Lespia and Wehlen at the same time.
You just need to give them Wehlen oil for free.

Alvarez lost me with the tea pot stunt, what a fucking prick! Picked funny shoe man ever since.
>he never won a war against Rumburg
git gud
Too many variables. I am willing to bet my ass that the next DLC will be Galmland with you trying to balance the knifes edge of doing your own brand of socialism while trying to doge Valg and Contanan attempts to curb your ideological independence and Arcasia trying to bribe / coup you. Basically a Dubček experiance where you attempt to not get Prague'd.
Of course, but a man can dream.

DLC-wise, the devs are going BACK in time, so this will be even before Rizia. Which means there is a good chance you will start in the century of revolutions, and your entire early game will be nothing but (guerilla) war, trying to consolidate control over your Falklands-looking ass not-Nordic country. Maybe you will get to meet Ulbricht. I mean, Ulbrik.

Midgame would be trying to piece the country back together, NEP to appease the petty booj, and building stuff. With ideological conflict coming up in the late game. Market Socialism? Goulash communism? Who knows.

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I don't care if it's just me posting in this thread now. I fucking hate democracy. I thought it'd be nice having high-level characters in charge on a rotation since ostensibly democracies have higher stat characters than kingdoms. However, the civil wars every 5 years thing is stopping me from making any progress, and if I could somehow do a decision tree to install a king at this point, I would.
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Not if you ARE Sicily. Also Rome getting baited in Sicily and get fucked from behind is literally how the second punic war went.
Playing as any Greek minor was so fucking painful because every time you start doing well Rome invades like 100 years before they did historically. It seemed like every game Rome would start snaking through the Balkans right towards you, rather than fighting Carthage or going for anywhere else in the Mediterranean.
That's kind of the problem with this game in general, Rome will always follow its historical track and never really do anything different. That means if you're playing any Greek faction, you immediately need to conquer Crete and whatever else you can get your mitts on because Rome will inevitably invade you. Meanwhile, Carthage is taking over whatever they want and Rome doesn't care.
If anything this game needs a sandbox option that disables mission trees so rome doesn't get the bajillion free claims.

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Warno? or Waryes?

Also general warno, wargame, broken arrow thread.
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>in which basically half are all using identical Soviet equipment
I feel like this is really only true of the 79th and 39th. The others are different enough that their playstyles are pretty different. Think it's unlikely though that that's gonna remain true when there will be major expansions, but I think we'll likely still have some variety with special divisions like maybe naval infantry.

Think it's being overlooked though that, as games inevitably move towards the "service" model, there becomes a kind of pressure to make a game "definitive" that is, to keep iterating on it instead of replacing it, and there's more pressure to do that in a niche community like Wargame/Warno/Steel Division. Moving on to sequels entails scrapping development on the prior game and leaving it without support which usually brings just as much ire as continuing the develop the same game ad infinitum. If you really liked maps and balance in Airland Battle or European Escalation, you gotta keep in mind that Red Dragon killed those off, it added but it also took away. It can be a safer bet for a company to just keep adding.
It's entirely possible to make a modern war game in which every playable deck isn't a near-copy or the factions aren't almost perfectly symmetrical and keep adding to that by innovating and coming up with new and novel gameplay niches. Eugen just chooses not to.
27th - BMP-1/BMP-2, BTR-80 and T-80.
39th - BMP-1/BMP-2, BTR-60 and T-80.
79th - BMP-1/BMP-2, BTR-60 and T-80.
119th - BMP-1, BTR-60 and T-80.
6th - BMP-1, BTR-60 and T-64, T-80.
7th - BMP-1, BTR-60 and T-72.
K.D.A - BTR-60, BTR-152 and T-62.
4th - BMP-1, BTR-70 and T-55.
Berliner - BTR-70, BTR-152 and T-55.
35th - BMDs. It's VDV, they don't get tanks.
Top three Soviet divisions are exact same shit, they do have some differences in what support vehicles and planes they can take but aside from obvious Unicorns like the Vikhrobus the rest feels like it's been done only to camouflage the fact they're the same shit - 27th gets a TOR, 39th and 79th get a KUB. 119th is a bit different because they trade everything else for superheavy T-80s, but even there it's mostly the same shit and they round out the collection with a BUK. Of course 27th and 39th are nominally Infantry while 79th and 119th are Tank Divisions, but you can pretty much play them as either, in a reasonable match you'll never really run out of a tab.
Yes, it sort of is expected because it's REDFOR but still, Soviets don't even have T-72s of their own. The issue however to me isn't even that there aren't unique units in divisions, there's tons of Unicorns but that's the point the divisions tend to play very similar and the Unicorns they have tend up not really changing up stuff that much. It's basically tailored to be HURR BALANCED in the most boring, symmetrical way but also at the same time entice people to buy more DLC because of single card units they want to see.
Divisions system was a mistake.
Ironically the best implementation of division system was the first time it was used, Steel Division 1 felt like its divisions were different enough, there weren’t too many of them, and hell, even Eugen themselves bothered to write proper descriptions of them in-game - the lack of those descriptions in SD2 is extremely telling how even they must have hard time trying to figure blurbs to make different divisions feel unique enough.

The system only works as long as you don’t have too good generalist divisions, every one has clear flaws and strengths, and every single division has a clear identity.
A quick bit of research:
The 1st Canadian Division was stationed in West Germany during 1989. It was part of CENTAG, but based in Lahr in southern Germany to serve as a reserve force, so if in this alternate history scenario France remained with the rest of NATO's command then it makes sense to place them with a hypothetical SOUTHAG. It's a combination of anglo and french units, so no favouritism there.
It used a mix of Leopard 1s, M113s and LAVs for basically every platform, from AD to transport to engineering vehicles. For air their entire contribution was F-18s, with Hueys and Kiowas for helis.

Gameplay-wise there isn't really much there to go on. Most of their equipment is already in the game in other NATO divs. The only thing really unique would be LAVs as infantry transport instead of just as recon vehicles. There's notably more light infantry than a normal division (including Canada's only airmobile formation) so I suppose they might do some forward deploy shit with it to justify being stuck with only basic Leo 1s for tanks but I don't think that will make it much different from the existing forward deploy divs.

Canada is a little weird because the 1st Division and its constituent brigades stationed in Germany in 1989 were an ad hoc formation with basically had no history or heritage of their own, but were made up of bits and pieces from several different regiments, each with their own reputations and legacies tracing back to WW1 but all in completely different contexts fighting in different formations. I guess they could leverage that to justify some unique infantry options but otherwise it doesn't really feel like Canada fits into the game's division system or really brings much to the game to justify a $20 DLC.

Post your City, Anon.
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Is it out? My game only updated to 66.29
you can just throw make diagonal on anything to get 100% roundness I was more asking ascetics wise, the fact that we have a race that only wants round buildings but no round homes is dumb
I don't think the make diagonal tool affects roundness.
Water and trade routes. That's it.
when I throw it over a noemal long house then right click in the center I get 100% roundness showing, might just be a .65 thing and .66 changes it?

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been awhile
is the game any different than it was at launch?
I remember the early game being massive slogs with its fake ass turn base shits
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You haven't updated your game, have you?
>Hurr, me love shit! More from the toilet, please!
I'm sorry, but Terra Invicta is supposed to have international politics. Instead, it doesn't. Strange... Almost like this is a wide as an ocean and shallow as a puddle.
It's like three different interlocking puddle-oceans.
That's the point anon. If tomorrow the US was set to invade britain it would shock everyone. But in the game it's just something that happens.
Because albania is currently a seperate country while puerto rico is a us territory

Will you finally buy it?

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>AI-generated UI
what the actual fuck lol
Nah, Demigod came from Gas Powered Games, aka the guys who made Supreme Commander. Surprisingly soulful for a failed moba.
Stardock made the Galciv series. It is not at all weird for them to publish another space 4x
Didn't Stardock make the GalCiv games? It wasn't THAT suprising, unless you lived in an real-time only bubble at the time.
Consider that at the time DRM was a big issue between EA activation limit fiacos and steam being more shit than they are currently. Their big push was a very proto GoG "yeah drm doesn't prevent piracy, pirate the game if you want, we don't care." That gave them a lot of good free publicity.
Ironic how stardock made impulse as said proto GoG platform and subsequently sold it to gamestop.

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How long do you think its going to take before its polished? IMO probably a year at least, perhaps longer if DLCs slow things down and then need to be fixed themselves

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>Reduced Daiymo and Shogun Regional Efficiency bonuses (from 10% -> 5% from Daimyo, and 20% -> 10% from Shogun Innovation).
>Reduced the Samurai Combat Bonus gained when in an Army with a Shogun (from 50% -> 20%).
owari da
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Right now I'm perfectly happy with the state of the game but I really despise the chaos mechanic. Someone else declares war on you, the only way to get them to stop is to take a city, which guarantees you'll get a random negative event in 5 turns max. Very first event I got was a barbarian warlord attacking me, which spawned eleven barbarian warlord units within my borders, if I wasn't playing as the bow hunters I would've just been fucked. Once I can mod conquest to cause zero chaos I'll revisit the game.
Use culture to lower chaos.
Chaos feels like a anti blobbing mechanic gone somewhat wrong. I don't hate it myself, I just wish the interface was better.
How does culture lower chaos? Don't think any of the culture powers lower the per turn value, is it something you unlock in a later age?

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the War Effort Patches continues....
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Why were you at war with axis anyway
I wasn't. The war became an absolute cluster fuck when the rebel imperialists joined the axis, so when I won the civil war and the commonwealth faction surrendered, it considered the French Alliance and Comintern, who had never fought any of the Commonwealth countries, to have contributed 90% of the war score against the commonwealth civil war by fighting the Axis in the balkans and attritioning in the Urals, even though the Axis still existed and wasn't part of the conference.
>He did the descisions banking on the AI being sensible instead of just using war goals to annex them and form the Imperial Federation

What were you thinking lmao
Hearts of Oak
>form the USA's faction to intervene in Peru
>can't join the Allies now
So, what, am I gonna have to launch my own parallel offensive to go after Hitler, like by invading Spain or something? It's kind of ridiculous I can form a separate, ideologically identical faction and can't merge it.

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