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Popeyes opened in New Zealand. Immediately 2 hour waiting time. Anyway, enjoy this taste of America (our food is taking over the world).

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You must find a lemonade stand that sells weaker lemonade.
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Who expects _lemonade_ to have caffeine, let alone fucktons of caffeine? And even if it says "X mg of caffeine" how the fuck would I know how much that constitutes in relation to known caffeinated drinks, like of can of Coke?
I just wish they'd get rid of the caffeine (or at least tone it down) so I could get one being FUBAR for the rest of the day. The yuzu mango is so good, but not even ambien could get me to sleep before sunrise afterwards...
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It isn't the caffeine killing you.
Coke lists how much caffeine is in it on the bottle as clear as this. What a shitty argument. When they didn't prominently show how much caffeine was in it, that was one thing, but if you don't know 389 caffeine is a fuckton of caffeine, that's like not knowing 1600 calories for a milk drink is maybe a bit much. That's a basic consumer education thing and if you can't be assed, that's on you.
>Coke lists how much caffeine is in it on the bottle as clear as this.

Who bothers reading that and who would remember if they did?

I hope Pantara Bread gets its ass sued off for murdering innocent customers.

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i just ordered 3 whoppers from burger kirg and dipped them in ranch and arby's horsey sauce and it was the best thing i have ever tasted holy shit
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Digits but they have been ramping up
I'm not seeing them on the catalogue rn to be desu w/ u

You're imagining things.
whats horsey sauce?

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What else do you pair with a peanut butter sandwich other than jelly or marshmallow cream?
pb&j has been my go to midnight snack since it's so easy, but sometimes I don't want jam.
I've tried bacon which was pretty nice, but I don't buy it all that much.
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Cream cheese
Maple Syrup
When I was a kid I liked sprinkling crushed Crunchy Nut Cornflakes on the peanut butter.

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I'll have the caviar nachos.
It's in Miami. The menu is for the VIPs. Plebs look away.
I knew there were lots of Canadians in Miami but it's a bit much for the town to start using Leaf Dollars.
can't scam rich people if you call them shrimp
>Formula 1

F1 events, live or big screen, are not for working class or below.
yeah, man, all the sophisticated consumers browse crypto.com while on vacation because a billboard told them to. I know a tourist trap predating on upper middle class midwits who have no sense of money when I see it

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I hate mexican food so fucking much it's not even funny. Can we at least be invaded by a people who know how to cook?
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Youtube him.
OP is a faggot as usual. Mexican't food is ok, but not great. No homo.
This mufugga eatin foy grass for breakfast!
>you mean you aren't salivating over cheap meat on a tortilla?!?
Whom are you quoting?

I need some suggestions how to prepare this other than sinly thlicing it and fan prying it
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wtf is that, all I can find is food from the hobbit if I google it
spam but from the Fallout games/TV show
cube then fan pry
ahh cool
Cut into thick slices and place on a sheet tray. Bake in the oven on 400 for 12m.

I've got bored of citrus soda drinks, recommend me good sodas

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Let me guess. More mayo ?
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>immediately thinks of semen
Mayo and Ketchup, 50/50
I don't get the appeal of this shit. put the sauce on the side you heathens
Retarded belgian fritkots do this kind of dumb nigger shit, some have the decency to put the sauce in a small container so you can dip it like you want.
no it's a white trash lardo thing
Real men sip their fries in tartar sauce

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What do you bring to throw on the public grill?

What sides are you bringing?

What drinks are you bringing?

What ball are you bringing?

What board games are you bringing?

I need answers let's go!
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This is actually an idea that might work, we come up with a time and a place, and either you show up or you don't. Best case scenario it's just a bunch of people grilling in a park somewhere.
50/50 this guy doesn't even close his toilet before flushing.
>How can men live like this?
Let’s do it!
I am bringing fried chicken and a red wine based dipping sauce.

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And after a good meal there’s nothing like a good cigarr
true, but pic unrelated I assume?
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I prefer smaller cigars. Not quite a cigarillo, but something that doesn't take a fucking hour to burn. Acid Blondie's are a good size.
If I've never had tobacco before, what type of product should I be looking for when I go to the shop?

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do you prefer tonkatsu or schnitzel, or something else?

IMO I prefer the thinner schnitzel BUT the ketchup-Worchester-soy sauce blend usually served with Katsu I think is great. I personally make more of a schnitzel but with a side of katsu Sause when I make pork cutlets.
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Schnitzel with mustard

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post meals and recipes that can be made very cheapy or very quickly. we are going for caloric content here not flavor.

here I'll start to give a good idea of what I'm talking about, I just invented this:
what you will need:
>hot dog (bratwurst if you're willing)
>mustard (invest in the stoneground kind if you prefer)
>oil, does not matter what kind
what you will do:
>boil the hot dog or brat in either water or beer. does not have to be good beer, could be a keystone light or something if that's all you have.
>let it sit for about 8 minutes, until it registers slightly under 160 deg F. the dogs are probably precooked so it doesn't really matter but we will finish heating them in a second.
>take the dawgs out. i don't have tongs so I usually do this with two forks.
>put some oil in a skillet, medium heat
>finish the dawgs for about 35 seconds on each side to give them some color
>lay out a tortilla, squirt with mustard, roll it up

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you should use a corn tortilla (gluten free for the real deal)
Protip: they are better with reheated corn tortillas
Also reheat your flour tortillas
And steak a day with just enough liquor to make pan sauces and other ingredients is like 1k a month.
>steak a day
calm down there Mr Rothschild
Rich people don't eat sausages wrapped in cold tortillas.
You are poor in every sense of the word.

Didn't see a thread in the catalog.
I'm making plans to go out to eat for dinner at McDonald's tonight.
What do I want to order?
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You can get steak bacon and eggs from mcdonalds tho
For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
Buy an add you queer faggot.
Assuming you're fat, you'll get more for your dollar if get two of those double cheeseburgers and two orders of fries. The combos and overpriced drinks filled with moldy ice are where they scam you.
You can't get a steak at McDonald's

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why are americ*ns obsessed with dipping everything in random sauces? nobody else in the world does it..
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An American fucked my wife.
After 30 years of being a purist, i give sauces a try. They're mostly bad, but i'm looking for something great
Based esl retard
If you don't immerse your food in sauce or whatever other pretentious way you have of referring to "combining primarily-flavor-based semisolids with core nutrition semi-solids either before, during, or after cooking", then you are a non-culture subsisting only on boiled and raw fruits and meats. You don't have an issue with sauces you have an issue with the commoditization of sauces. Of mass producing sauces separate from the meal and having the customer combine them on their plate because it's slightly more efficient and saves the restaurant a buck for every $1000 they make.

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