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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

queria saber si tienen todavia el juego de kanye quest 3030 para poder jugarlo y poder resolver el caso que quedo en el aire
non javlo ispagnol

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>no mass die off
>no 5G nanotechnology that turn you to a zombie
>no computer chip
>no Within 2 weeks the vaccinated will begin their ascension to a 5G giga consciousness
>no nothing
>still gets inorganically and massively shilled by the establishment for a meme virus
So what the fuck was the deal /x/?
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Money and loyalty test in wartime?
It was experimental gene therapy, not what people associate when you tell them it's a vaccine. They altered the language and used that to confuse people, while also obfuscating important details of what the shot actually was, at least in the propaganda
Well said. I will always be convinced that Omicron was a man made attempt to restore herd immunity though. They fucked up with the vax, but Omicron was the true vax.
fair, I agree it’s an experiment gene therapy, they got me calling it a vaccine too, just easier to say for whatever reason, I don’t mean it as a literal vaccine. They did fuck with vocabulary meanings a lot the past few years.
Technically ALL the deaths were caused by malpractice. And jewish lies.

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Make a list of things you want to acquire, not every-day stuff but nice-to-haves, and not consumable items, things which stick around.
Make sue the list is big and encompasses your genuine desires as much as is reasonable.
Purchase from the list over time but make sure it's bigger than you'll ever afford in full.
Some prioritization of items is ok, but it's best to draw quantum random numbers to map to the list of items to decide what to get next.
Then (note the past-tense, you should keep adding to the list over time, but it needs to be created prior) draw some quantum random numbers and map them to lottery tickets. Play those ticket numbers.
If you find yourself on the winning worldline buy everything on the list and keep it around as you had intended, beware of things which could make you lose everything and be responsible with the money.
This has two primary effects in play:
>the acquisition lists acts to synchronize your divergent worldlines between non-winning and winning worldlines
>the lottery win is guaranteed in 1 set of worldlines, very small percentage overall, but it's no longer a binary thing of win/lose, it's guaranteed, you're just unlikely to experience it
The result is the temporal magnetism pulls your winning self closer to the losing ones and the losing ones closer to the winning one but with the winning self existing whereas before it did not anywhere near you. Don't get "smart" about it (e.g. being an asshole) on the winning worldline and abandon the acquisition list, or it does nothing for your other selves and the winning one will still likely be overwhelmed by the temporal magnetism from the losing selves and you'll become another "lottery winner lost everything and an hero'd" statistic.
More on the idea athttps://www.quatism.com/theory.htm


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>random and unlikely events
pray tell
Massive biker gang randomly came to town. A buddy rapidly got gravely ill. And the world feels much more alive with less NPCs around.
Buying a ticket 2n8 lads
any tips?
The more you do it, the crazier it gets. You're not guaranteed a win but I don't think the original anon became a multimillionaire through a win.
Nice dubs

Buy two tickets. One Powerball Quatism ticket and one Powerball fiddle script qrng edu ticket buy both on the same day

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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.
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Here's how it works; I fire it and it shoots hundreds of bullets. Each bullet carries a fire enchantment that leaves a small fire trailing behind it. By the end of a single shot the entire map is lit on fire.
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We are all puppeted when we lose self-control. The powers arrayed against you are far greater than "da j00z." That's the scapegoat. The rest of what you say is largely true, joy and pain are the paints with which God has worked the beauty of our lives. There is more than one way to interpret a painting, more than one place view to a sculpture. Your mind is capable of changing perspectives the same way, changing your cage from hell to heaven.
I will buy a reality breaking hack from you for 5 thousand dollars.
Too much enlightenment will make you stupid.
give yourself time to breath every once and awhile and let your common sense work its magic on what you think you know.

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I know it differs from person to person, so in that case list the benefits you felt personally.
Honestly I wish I was asexual. I truly feel sex as a very earhtly primitive discusting thing that will bring you down from any elevated state.
I tried abstinence for 6 weeks and tried to forget women for that time, I was far from home so it was easier, and I really felt great. The most notable benefit is the feeling of being in control. Sexual thoughts are never wilingful for me, they come as a desire from my body, and a useless desire as sex cannot technically be a need, unlike food which brings energy to the body to function.
The second most notable benefit is having energy. When im in periods of having sex or masturbating I'm a fucking worm with no energy and no desire, doing simple tasks becomes hard.
Sex, women, the thought of desiring contact with their flesh so much, everytime i think about it I realize how fucking pathetic and even sad it is. I believe abstinence is a REQUIRMENT in order to attain an elevated spiritual state. Anyone saying otherwise (I know there are some despicable cults promoting sexual rites) is a fraud.

Is there a way to become asexual?
>What are the potential benefits of abstinence?
You will achieve longevity, energy to pursue your passions, make groundbreaking discoveries.
Achieve ovarian, uterine and breast cancer due to a lack of life-giving semen in their bodies. Die alone in their rooms surrounded by cats that will eat their corpses.

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Why did he die?

Was it related to Squidward's Suicide?
Creator of SpongeBob
he was going to expose the pedos, obviously

are you new OP?
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>was it related to squidwards suicide

Good job everybody last thread stayed for almost 5 days anyways, Welcome everybody again into our #2 edition of this shitty thread which is

Astral retardation edition

Anyways blabla bla Astral projection is when your soul leaves your body and goes to another realm yada yada.

Anyways in this general thread we discuss Lucid dreaming and Astral projection, You can ask whatever you want, Answer whoever you want and if you have any theory about an astral body that can be fucked in some realm then go ahead the space is yours.

Anyways my inquiry is:

This time i got super super close it felt insanely energetic since i used an actual hemi sync video this time rather than only myself and I actually saw a vision of a character from a show standing on the edge vividly before breaking from that and seeing a huge shadow above me but it was very dark and could only see it partially and the room was half visible. Anyways after that i tried to move my legs i felt like it tried to break but then i fucking moved my physical body.

My question is:

Did i get close ?

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Blue lotus. But to desire this from the spirit realm tells me you’re not doing it right and won’t gain that which you seek.
I just took 10mg.
That’s entirely too much. Hopefully you meant 10mcg, which is still an insane dose. Hope you don’t have anything to do tomorrow.
NEVERMIND, thinking of something else. Disregard
Man, I just had like 10 lucid dreams back to back after getting full sleep paralysis during a 3 hour nap. Mostly did exploring but there were some parts that felt like an action video game. I fucked some hot purple skinned girl in the ass and the advice from >>37831452 about focusing solely on the pleasure came in handy. The best part too was that even if I woke up, my body would still be in sleep paralysis and I'd just roll out of it and start a new I'd dream. Can anyone tell me how to AP in a lucid dream? I tried saying "I'm going to astral project" and my body got all vibrational amd tingly but I didn't know what to do from there.

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>All blonde-haired
>Described as wearing blue suits
>Height is anywhere between 6 ft to 7 ft
What do you know about pleiadians, /x/?

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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?

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if truth exists the most optimistic state of affairs, and truth being real entails optimism about one's state of affairs (for it could be otherwise), is that he incarnated as Jesus
Judt don't eat like a pig after
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>try scripting
>everything manages to go exactly how i'd written it down to the bus route i'd written arriving first and getting a text from someone about the exact topic i'd written
>last thing in script doesn't happen
creepy how i nearly got it all
Manifesting a hemispherectomy for myself.
More owls required of you're not seeing owls or wishing the kitty a good night your sp will marry chad.

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Even here NASA shills are trying to shut down debate/discussion on this topic:

Kek when AI is even calling bullshit on the fake photos.
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>radiation argument doesn't even get off the ground with me
Most don't understand how critical that particular argument truly is.
Getting through the Van Allen belt safely is the single biggest obstacle to this very day.
Saying that we sent people through it safely is simultaneously saying they achieved one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs ever in the form of protection to do so.
Something that literally no one, from any country — or even from the US itself — has been able to achieve since then.
Why? Because NASA contends that they lost the technology to do so. Along with, as mentioned, a LOT of other things specifically related to the moon landings.
Their justification for how, exactly, they achieved such a feat is itself pretty silly and amounts to "we just knew how to navigate through it quickly."
Right.... You figured it out in a pre-digital age and had a model so complete that you were able to avoid the Bremsstrahlung effect with the materials used and enter it for several hours at a time, zipping through it flawlessly on numerous occasions — then lost the ability to do so because the technology and data wasn't stored properly.... Sure.
On top of that, ALL original film footage for humanity's greatest achievement, in the single most well-funded scientific expedition ever, was all recorded over in order to save money, so people can't view it.
In the end, the radiation portion is just one facet of many, many, things that don't exactly align.

I'm of the belief that it's possible we did go, however, I don't think the evidence presented is convincing enough to prove it actually happened.

What's most interesting to me is how common it is to make an appeal to the majority/argument from authority to reaffirm a position. It's a common manipulation tactic used by people who lack confidence.

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> how did NASA lose much of the technology, photos, videos, etc
They lost the original copy of the live footage for the first mission. They still have all the sill photos, and they went back multiple times and shot tons more video.

Also the vast majority of all technology ever created has been lost. Technology is a living thing, it cannot be maintained by some crusty old documents in a box, its like comparing a fossil to a living animal.
To make a TLDR;
It's possible humans went. But the Government and NASA have been caught lying SO MANY times, on so many things, that they've ruined their own credibility.
NASA is demonstrably one of the single most dishonest and manipulative organizations to ever exist.
Sounds like you're living in a fairy tale of excuses and bullshit to avoid reality.
They lost more than just the live footage. You can look into it more if you'd like.

Nice deflection and strawman, though. Whatever cope helps you.
I'll give you an example of a similar situation:

When 'Sully' landed the plane on the Hudson River, 'someone' opened the back door and more water flooded in quicker endangering the lives of the passengers with drowning after they survived the landing. Who opened the door? Some passengers said it was Doreen Walsh the Stewardess, but she claimed 'some passenger' pushed past her and opened the door.

Air Crash investigations rely on meticulous detail and facts. They'll literally dredge up millions of plane parts from the bottom of the ocean and reassemble them in a warehouse trying to figure out the single bolt that failed, the actual cause. Then apply that to future airline safety.
Why would they suddenly be incurious about the identity of the person responsible?

So Doreen can't convince me she didn't open the door because of what is NOT said.

I can't know for sure and I can guess at their motivations. Doreen panicked and then lied to protect her job, and not make women look fucking useless in a crisis, or whatever. Meanwhile the airline and NTSB didn't want to sully Sully's good news day with the details, so even though they probably figured Doreen lied, they conspired to sweep it under the rug, and she retired.

But think of the damage. If stewardesses are panicking and opening doors without checking for water, we need to know that for air safety reasons. On the other hand if they're ineffective at preventing passengers pushing past them and opening the door, then that raises other safety issues that need to be addressed, but nobody seems to care either way.

Nobody died that day, but that's not how air crash investigations and safety works. I understandably smell a rat.

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Are you a targeted individual? How do you know if you are being gangstalked?

I don't want to sound egotistical but throughout my life I feel like I am being gangstalked. Things I've noticed

>people out in public shouting harassing keywords at me (it's usually the same recycled things)
>whenever I need to get something done people will intentionally botch it for no reason even to their own detriment and seem bizarrely happy about it
>people randomly attacking me even though I'm just minding my own business
>people from my past randomly showing up trying to be friendly but then immediately try to do something shitty after
>people keep trying to say something different happened when I know what actually happened. they keep lying and lying nonsensically and digging themselves in a hole it's almost comical

These are all just so bizarre and laughable. The first thoughts in my mind is "this must be scripted events because it's all so ridiculous"

I've had these sort of consistent experiences even in a different country are GS really that dedicated lol
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You said you were having a good wank afterwards, bro. Pics or it didn't happen.
Gang Stalker here. Ask me anything
Who is your favorite anon to gang stalk?
Do you know Maggie?

They said they knew her

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>Be me
>Fucking around with random Chinese talismans from a tao book
>Find one that’s supposed to concentrate “qi”
>Draw it on my fist
>Feel something watching me
>One two the air behind me and actually feel like I’m hitting something
>Grab spiritual entity and Osoto Gari to floor
>Take knee guard then top to armbar
>shout “SUBMIT” really loud
>suddenly I’m happier and I’m luckier
Did I do something wrong bros?
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>be faggot
>join bjj gym to hug sweaty man
>love it cause im a faggot
>also dont get punched in bjj
>love it cause im a coward
>call this fighting
>Did I do something wrong bros?
>if I treat this greentext as a factual representation of events that actually happened

201. Victory breeds hatred, for the conquered is unhappy. He who has given up both victory and defeat, he, the contented, is happy.

Treating people lovely is key to being loveable rather than unloveable. The events described in that greentext were not lovely.
>has no belief
>failed semen retention, can't meditate, refuses to try anything else out of hangups of previous failure
>copes by mass replying, frustrated and angry that others are trying things
Never going to make it.
>Honestly we should all stop replying to threads like this the moment we see they don't give the source in their initial post, but I know I could never get the masses of 4chan to follow such a rule.

>only wants the threads he likes to have engagement
is this your first day, nigger? go, be a parasite somewhere else
I'm kicking you in the spiritual nuts, nerd.

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I thought I was but if I'm not awake then I'm not sure how to wake up desu
Make me some coffee
I think I did already
Going to go all the way now and meet the angels and demons
hmmm whites are cleaning up
I better jump up stop drinking Heineken and start vacuuming my driveway...
shucking and jiving dancing coon
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i am
and it gets pretty painful but atleast i can laugh

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Happy halloween
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