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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

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A thread to discuss all things Thailand and Thailand adjacent.
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you sound like a more self-aware version of myself
You turn 35 and realize you have reached the first tier of social irrelevance. It's much easier to kick back and relax when the world also doesn't care about you anymore.

At that point you have probably encountered all the major personality types and had enough pussy to where it's no longer a mystery . You're in a state where you can't be bothered to meet new people (because you have met people like them before), and chasing hard to get pussy is a waste of time because you know it feels the same as easy pussy.

Age will do it to you. Before 35 you will be riding high on testosterone and adrenaline and dopamine since you haven't burned out yet. It will all stay new and exciting for awhile, then you will start having experiences you realize objectively suck or are lame and boring and you start avoiding those situations, narrowing your preferred range of activities into hyper-dopamine reward on demand.

Typically 30-35 you'll go hard on drugs or prostitution, and then hit the total burnout I mentioned.

35 you start to want to be "comfy" since you're sick of all the gross shit that only bothers you a little bit. You'll set up pussy delivery. Food delivery. Trinket delivery. Unless you are disciplined you will get fat, which accelerates your sense of apathy and social rejection/isolation.

It will probably happen to you. It happens to 9/10 'travel/party' guys.

After the burnout you find out who you really are under the cumbrain and stimulation addiction.
Post-burnout your creativity and desires can really flourish. It's necessary to become sick of the world first though, so none of the gross shit you were into has any mystery. You will know you aren't missing out on anything, and so it's up to you now to make something new and make something out of yourself.

It's not really a hard time line but most guys go through something like this in their 30s. It's more delayed if you didn't get to do any of it till your late 20s.

If you're feeling the first pangs of burnout it means you're entering the cycle. Try to not get fat. I don't recommend doing roids/test, you have to live with side effects for the rest of your life (could be 40+ years). If you insist then look into an anavar/test cycle and then hormone re-balancing therapy after. It will put you in a good spot fitness wise going into the burnout stage to let you be an attractive brooding figure instead of a decaying one. Unfucking your health is way harder post 35 than before.

Tl;Dr - age/maturity will do it to you. Beware the consequences of remaining idle during this time.
I think some carry toilet paper which is kind of weird. Thailand is one of the few SEA countries that isn’t big on toilet paper for some reason
absolutely excellent posts. At 33 I am imperceptibly feeling the beginning of everything you’re describing.

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Going to Austin tonight with some buddies. Any recommendations on where to go or do for one night? I know there are comedy clubs and small music shows.
Casino El Camino for a burger then just walk 6th Street and go into a place that has live music you live. Watch out though those bars let 18 year olds in and even younger when it's crowded. Really easy to end up going home with a 15 or 16 year old if you're not careful
Grim...good luck, anon
Go home
Austin is the only place in Texas worth visiting besides big bend
>Going to Austin tonight
Anon, I'm so sorry...

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I always just consult this chart. Results are 99% accurate in all cases.
Hush subhuman, humans are talking. Latvia or Romania or whatever the fuck have zero historical accomplishments of their own and can only claim relevance by proxy to actual (White) nations.
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I seem to have triggered the BRICS bots kek. How much is the rent in your mudhut, rajeesh?
Not an argument. You aren't White if you haven't conquered.
>thread about youtuber who actually went to Crimea
>all the potential for an interesting an informative thead on a destination seldom discussed
>oh...right, it's on /trv/ so we get shit like >>2655226 >>2655232

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Bún chả edition
Or, "why is there not already an active general" edition
Where my Việt Nam chads at?
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Duolingo is dog shit for Asian languages
>t. Can speak Chinese and Korean
>40-50 mil a month
Yeah I make less than that. I'm a newfag. It's still enough to live comfy here though. FUCK the US.
How are you making under $1,500 a month? Unless you’re working part time or something or don’t have a CELTA
I do have a CELTA. I work for one of the major chains and they just kinda underpay as it turns out. I took the job because I was promised lots of support as a newfag but that was basically a lie. I mostly like the job but I think I'd be better off doing it for someone else.
Yeah you should definitely look at other places. Wall Street English or places like that typically pay close to $2,000 to start and it’s fairly easy

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Nikko Bridge edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR is going to adjust the prices for the pass soon, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.

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Looks good. Are you staying near Himeji Castle or just travelling up there from Kyoto? Also, why no Osaka or Nara? They're relatively close to Kyoto.
>lol-tier: getting isekai'd by truck-kun
>low-tier: suicide in Aokigahara
>mid-tier: Go to a Yakuza headquarters and kill as many as possible before you're killed
>high-tier: strip naked and commit seppuku in the Mt. Fuji summit crater
WTF were you expecting, anon? If you want to die, then just kill yourself in a normal way.
I really don't recommend going to Kyoto or Himeji right now it's basically Bangladesh at this point totally choked with thirdies. there are so many better places to go see in Japan. stay away from the tourist traps.
>I really don't recommend going to Kyoto or Himeji right now it's basically Bangladesh at this point totally choked with thirdies.
Yeah, Kyoto is at its best during Autumn and in the rain, when theres way less tourists. Walking through those austere, dark wood temples as you hear the rain fall is peak.
Tokyo 7d (1 way to Okinawa)
Okinawa 6d (1 way to Hiroshima)
Hiroshima 3d (1 dedicated to miyajima)
Kyoto/Osaka area 5d
Does this look good or is there any changes?
Going in January for some context.
Great idea, and staying in Okinawa a long time is ideal I think. I’d stay less in Hiroshima, and for Kyoto/Osaka stay at a hotel near Osaka station and take the express train to Kyoto when visiting. It’s like 40 minutes and staying overnight in Kyoto really sucks

What's it like as a black man in India? Is it as easy as a white guy?

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This June, the lads and I are planning a trip to the Lychee and Dog Meat Festival (玉林荔枝狗肉节) in Yulin, China. Has anyone been before? What kind of dog meat dishes can we expect to find there? Any info is appreciated.
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Xiao long dong bun
There was a period for at least 30,000 years where humans and dogs have evolved together. They're different from livestock because we bread them to be companions and for protection, and not as a food product. Dogs have literally evolved to be able to understand human emotions. The fact that most western cultures consider eating a dog to be immoral is not a coincidence. Eating a dog actually goes against thousands of years of co-evolution. It's literally an inhuman act.
pig meat is also more delicious. Dog meat is pretty greasy.
iirc the made in China version was the first one then some butthurt chink changed the text to made in USA or maybe was the other way around, anyways the "food" of both countries are trash
the original was 'made in china' and it's been floating around on /pol/ for a decade. it mindbroke the wumao so some chang shooped it

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UNDERRATED - not rated or valued highly enough

This doesn't mean it has to be the greatest thing ever, simply better than it is typically considered to be.

I'll start with pic related. A few years ago I did a road trip and my gf and I at the time were going to skip it and last second I said let's chill in the area and do a day of Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, and wind caves before going to Badlands. I thought "I know Mt. Rushmore is going to suck but I figure I have to see it if I'm here."

And I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by how cool it was. The drive up was nice and the views of the portraits were great on the window road. Then when you approach the monuments it's a very grand walkway with all the state flags I liked. And the monuments up close in person are actually pretty cool, I thought I'd get the gist in a second but I did all the mini-hikes around them and seeing them in different angles was awesome.

I've heard stories of road trippers skipping this place to be hipster but I feel like it's well worth it if you're in the area. Not only that you can stay in Custer or Hot Springs and see Crazy Horse and the Wind Caves it's a quaint area. I seriously don't get the hate this place gets. It's not like the most spectacular thing and I wouldn't come here ONLY for rushmore. But if you're in SD or passing through on a road trip it seems insane to not go.
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How low is the IQ of the locals? I work with a guy from Bangladesh, and he is one of the dumbest motherfuckers I've seen. I don't know if it's just him, or if the whole country is like that.
This is absolutely spot on. This anon knows what he's talking about.
He means cooming as in picking up girls not paying for girls like a degenerate
VERY based list anon. I haven't been to all your listed countries but to the ones I have been I agree completely.

Kek Philadelphia thinks it's a big city
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So not Philly? Got it
Self hating jerseyfag please
>Kek Philadelphia thinks it's a big city
Philadelphians don't think that.
>we're the underdogs
>we embrace that
>we're a small blip on the universe doing our thing
You are lying, retarded, a troll.
The rich people of DC, San Francisco, Boston, etc. don’t live inside those cities either. They live in the suburbs. New York is the only city where rich people live in the city.
>big city

I've spent years in SEA and never even considered here. Give me everything you know.
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If you've been to Sumatra, it will give you similar vibes, but toss in the intrigue of a long jungle border between the two regional giants (Malaysia and Indonesia) that are kind of apathetic to each other. Fewer tourists than Sumatra, feels like more jungle and less open spaces, but that might've been my own experience. Amazing wildlife and trekking opportunities. People are friendly.
Orangutan brothel
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Namefag kek. Go back Dylan
Seems like your new to /trv/ newfag
Only you and the retard security guard namefag. 4chan is an anonymous board, not reddit, newfag
>t. /b/ 2006 - 16
/biz/ & /pol/ 2016 - now
/trv/ 2018 - now

What's a good business class to choose for long flights? Anyone tried the new ANA "The Room"?

I flew with ANA last year and I was actually quite disappointed. The lounge at Haneda sucked ass (too small, very few food options and none of them good), the catering on the flight was also way worse than what you'd get on Finnair or even United Polaris. I don't know why people cream themselves over this airline, I guess it's just the cute cabin crew?
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Interesting. I would like to subscribe to your blog
Finnair for Asia flights, for flights westward Lufthansa's business class sucks, if you book it by all means try to get an upgrade to first, well worth it. Singapore's business is also a solid product with great service. Cathay used to be great but I heard their quality took a nosedive post-covid.
usually people wouldn't recommend European airlines over Asian ones but I'm happy to see Finnair mentioned. their new business class is top notch (even the weird non-reclining seats) and the catering, service etc are all fantastic.
I've heard that they had to make some cuts in economy instead (eg you only get basic economy food in premium, from what I understand), but for business they're solid.
>Finnair mentioned
>Qatar was leagues ahead, QSuite is great
agreed. i didn't want to get off the plane at the end of the flight
>I NEED those houses
i have a shelf full of those. you can always tell the frequent klm flyers on the plane because they pull out the little leaflet with all their houses ticked off when they bring the trolley round
it's been a while since i've been on finnair but they used to have the best wine list of any airline i ever travelled on. a few times i arrived at my destination as drunk as a skunk from trying all the wines on the list during the flight

>here’s your 18% tip for handing me a drink
Is there anything fun to do here that doesn’t cost a fortune or that is even free for that matter? I’m sick of paying to do literally anything here.
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Natives sit around all day drinking and doing drugs. Their population collapsed from smallpox and has actually grown massively since 1900. It was practically virgin land once Europeans came to North America.
Also MUH NATIVES is retarded since I doubt natives want to get flooded by pajeets and chinks.
When I was last visiting Montreal I remember seeing all the inuits harassing people outside of train stations. Taking a bus saw a young inuit father in his early 20s completely pissed drunk right in front of his toddler, his grandparents/great aunts right next to him. There's so few natives in BC I forgot how they act. Doing hard drugs in front of their 2 year olds is acceptable to these people. Somehow this is white peoples' fault.
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>All the disparagimg comments about white Canadians (they're rude, lazy, homeless, etc...) are made by a pajeets projecting to make themselves look better by comparison

But it's true, anon.

95% of the homeless population in Canada is white. 5% native Indian.

White people are obnoxious, rude, passive aggressive (same for poojeets too), unpleasant to work with like poojeets.

The poojeet is becoming the overlord, as he's buying the franchises (Tim Hortons, Mcdonalds, Subway sandwiches), apartments, gas stations.

White Canadians get priced out of owning the homes. They can't rent apartments, since jeets only rent to jeets.

White Canadians teens can't even get jobs since the poojeet only hire other poojeets.

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when someone mentions canada, i think ""retarded gay country,,,, i actively avoid canadians abroad. don't want to catch the gay.
>if the only thing you value is a large shitty house with quick access to walmart then sure there are better places for that
people in the states live this way and think it's the peak of humanity. being an amerimutt is depressing.

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Am I the only guy who likes to travel abroad and try local McDonald's stuff? Pic related, Banana Pie in Brazil
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>because their is none, dumb dumb
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>If you've traveled you'll know that anti-consumerism is a huge thing.
OP here and no, it isn't. Last year I've been in Aachen. At the same trip where I tried local sausage/bear I went to Maastricht to try McKroket, which I found quite underwelming
It can be fun. But avoid the McArabia Chicken Sandwich, it's not good.
>This aint an American board
It is. Now go whine about America somewhere else.
mcdonalds here in malaysia has pic related
but there is a boycott of mcdonalds going on here at the moment. there have been stories of people being threatened for going into one. it's a muslim thing. i don't go to mcdonalds and i'm not a muslim, they can all do what they fucking want
>I've lived in 8 countries.
wow 8 countries eh, you are the realest of realtravellers
>If you've traveled you'll know that anti-consumerism is a huge thing.
lol no it isn't. the world is more consumerist than ever

Had to be drug-related right?

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Your dad is retarded. There's a difference between actual cartel operations and a random ahh drug dealer.
You tell the latter to fuck off. Simple as.
Three bodies have been found, never been to Mexico or Baja California but surely you have to put yourself in these situations right?

If you were literally there just to surf and didn't get cheeky and take something you weren't meant to or spoke the wrong way to someone you weren't meant to, this doesn't just happen

I am Australian and I can just tell by looking at these fellas they put themselves in harms way in the wrong country.
>or spoke the wrong way to someone you weren't meant to, this doesn't just happen

can a "puta madre" get u killed in mexico?
I shouldnt go there then lol
everyone says puta madre all the time, they'd look at you weird if you didn't say it within a few minutes of time
Oh, then maybe Mexico is made for me after all

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