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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cryptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden.

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Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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Munger edition.


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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the church is not the building, it is the people, and the people have gathered to bant
you're probably better off that way. bant is just all off topic posting and then a few posts of retards reinforcing each other's gambling addictions while pretending to be "investors" or "day traders"
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There is a change in society and a movement in the zeitgeist of America. Feel it and see the social cues
>i.e. absent boards, shuttered retail stores, and higher prices for haircuts
yeah just buy spy
and whenver it makes money
take money off the top and gamble with it
but never go below 300k
that's like your salary if you live by yourself
need ibrx to moon or i have to find a job

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What would you develop/research if you were a multi billionaire?
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Cancer research.

Or something to reduce calories in fast food. Humans will always eat whatever is tastiest, cheapest and quickest to access. So I’d try to fix the obesity epidemic in the US.
Really cheap fission reactors and then bribe the current administration to force the AEC to let me build them
Psychedelics and near death experience. For the NDE research, I imagine off-the-record experiments with death row prisoners to bring them back after inciting physical death.
an actually good space 4x game or a space co-op mmo
Artificial wombs for the price of an iPhone.

It would make roasties seethe beyond belief. A bonus would be that countries with declining birth rates and pension systems that depend on infinite population growth would be able to turn it around

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>Live a pretty good life in a country I like
>Have gf that wants to start a family
>Stable job with an okay salary (100k)
>Around half a mil in crypto in ETH/BTC
>50k ish on the stock market
>Travel often
>Good social life

Yet I'm not really happy.

I often think about wanting to have 5 mill to buy a home, break up with gf and just live a chill life with full freedom to do whatever I want.

I feel like that is never going to happen though, I'll be forced to have a family, buy a home with all my savings and settle down with insane opportunity cost loss that will forever tie me into an "okay but mediocre and average life" and it sucks.

You might think "poor guy he's complaining of a life that many would kill for" and I get you. Even knowing this fact and my position of privilege makes me feel worse.

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> break up with gf
Start there. That poor girl is waiting to start a family and you're just dicking her around.
You'll probably save more living on your own anyway.
For your 5M "make it" number, just wait for bitcoin or ethereum prices to reach your magic number I guess.
But maybe you already understand that reaching a magic number won't fix your life.
Maybe you'd benefit from talking through this with a therapist? Sort through your shit, figure out what you want out of this run, and then just go for it.
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do things you really want and like, everything you say sounds like something you don't really want to do
which I understand, I went through something similar myself and it wasn't until I moved to another city and started betting on memecoins from dextools that I felt better, just stop thinking too much about what suits you and do what you actually want
>How can I be contempt and learn to enjoy the many blessings life has already given me?
You can't.
You and me fren, we are born to suffer.

>I'll be forced to have a family
Yea, start a family, you'll be too busy to worry about these things any more :^)))

I feel OP, but I still would have an hero'd without my woman. Sometimes the woman saves you. (For herself...)
people really underestimate the power of the big fish in small pond. it really makes you feel important etc. before the internet if you were moderately good at video games and in a small city/town everyone who was into the hobby would know, on the internet you're just a random faggot. same applies to other areas

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I love the memes coming off this silly frog, it's the most fun in crypto I've had in a long while, and the community is working non-stop to make things happen

Is there anything I should be concerned about?
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It will when normal business stock is tokenized by default. Check out CoinLion, they let you auto-trade according to what other users do, and pays half the fee to the user you follow. Clever web3 version of a mutual-fund - same mechanism but you actually choose your trader.
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Andrew Kang is on board. 1B is going to happen fast.
I can't wait to dump this shit. PA sucks, Liquidity sucks, every pump gets sold off instantly and the dev anon has over 6 billion tokens still....
Have you ever seen a better chart for (((Influenzers))) to push on the medias?

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63,531 is the top. You were warned.
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>100k is the actual warning
63k what?
the top for what exactly?
I enjoy the the comfy and quiet atmosphere. Also, today I have read all comments on all threads on the page. It´s been a long time since this was possible the last time.
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I'll be nice for you this time and tell you to sell in this exact moment. I was off by around 1%, but not wrong. We're going to retest 56k. Possibly 50k. Hold on tight and sell or you'll be liquidated. Last chance to hear me, mumus, zoom out. Up 6% after more than a 24% loss is not mooning. The domed house was foretold but alas, you do not listen. After that we'll possibly go down even more, but I do agree with 100k EoY. So please don't be retarded and come with me to there together. DO NOT GET LIQUIDATED.
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I bought at 18k.

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>house comes to market
>oh I like this o-
>Pending Sale

I'm gonna be a rentoid forever
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I was expecting for runes on satoshisync to make me some money soon, but it's slowly dragging its feet. I wanted to profit to buy a house but I'm flabbergasted here. what do I do?
you want copium or hopium?
dont worry bro, there plenty of chance, lots of good things will happen after halving alts will pump, wives will fuck and whatever you dream off is possible.
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thats hopium all right.
At this point im thinking of buying some land and putting a cuckshed on it, i've seen tinyhomes as low as $15k. I wouldn't mind living in a shoebox if it's in nature desu

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1.Should I sell doge for pepe?
2.Sell pepe for doge?
3.Do absolutely nothing and hope for the best?

I am inexperienced. Please tell me whats the best option.
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Both fluctuate to hell and back when BTC moves down or up. Recently though, Doge has a history of pumping the last but dumping the most, but this has changed since BTC rose from 57k. Pepe is reaching an uncomfortable level of buying though (historical top was 0.0001) so I wouldn't put all the bags there until we begin the bullrun in BTC. Unironically swap to DOGE or buy some techcoin for stability (LINK tends to 14.8~ for example). Nice capital you got there btw.

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It was on its way to 10M and they dumped hard, what happened ? I think the dog hole schizos might have been right ...
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I think we should do a community takeover on Patrick. It's under 10k right now, so the potential upside is huge.

No, I'm not a bagholder. Well, sort of, since I bought after the rug at a slightly higher price, but I'm only down like 25 bucks.
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The last time /biz faded something (Apu) it turned out to go up 20x.

Do not let the /biz fud get to you!
What is the CA? Is it the token with squidward wearing sunglasses?
Look, you guys are smart, I’ll give you the honest truth. You’re thinking why doesn’t the team use the funds to pump this? The truth is that the people that are looking for a quick profit, you don’t matter. We laugh at you behind the scenes. We make fun of you. We see your impatience, and we minimize you. You literally don’t matter. The people that worry about the small price changes are the ones we don’t give a shit about. You’re either fearful, or you don’t believe in squid. The ones that see the potential, we love you guys. It takes nothing right now to move the market cap. It’s actually better when you scared bitches leave. We don’t like you. All of us. The ones that get it want you to leave. We will go back up. We know squid is a winner. The thing about squid is that it will make it regardless of what you do. So if you are worried it won’t happen, then go. You’re too low iq to get it. Literally every single major thing that has been pinned and talked about has happened. Literally every single thing. And we also said this would hit 100m. Was that outrageous? Sponge hit 300m. This has just as many impressions as Apu on Twitter when Apu was 50mil mcap. I’m not saying that to minimize Apu because I love Apu. Some retard earlier said memes were a baggie cope, tell that to every apu owner that held through the rug and is gonna be a millionaire. You are literally the dumbest fucking person I’ve ever talked to on here in my life. Your parents must have given up on you the first time you ever opened your mouth. That’s how dumb you are. The reasons you think memes don’t matter is because need to be able to socialize with people to understand what a fucking meme is. Bottom line is every autist in here needs to stfu and listen. I’ve been making memes for 16 years. Good memes. I know a good meme when I see one. I’ve turned $2k into 100x that already. Handsome is a fantastic meme. Handsome is reddit level meme. It can make legit money.
* The market IS going to turn. You guys think less of Jerry because he talks about degenerate shit. What you don’t realize about the guy is that he is a true oldfag. The guy is like a degenerate rainman. Except he’s actually a loyal and great guy. Like me, he’s just tired of the whiners and pussies that get scared about bullshit. We literally hate you. The guy knows his shit. He doesn’t ever say it, but he can give you some experienced insight into where this market is going. When you listen to a guy like that, you realize why you need to invest when the market is fearful. If a true bull market is ahead of us, a 100m market cap for an established project with professional memes is nothing. But the handsome meme extends well beyond squid. This project is going to tap into the subconscious of every disenfranchised man by turning the word handsome into a word for good. It will catch on with Twitter, and people will embrace it. Think of any other coin that has that kind of potential.

Bottom line is that I’m not gonna sell a single squid before 100m. If you know who I am, you know who I am. If you are cool, give it a chance and hold. If not, please sell.

Yeah so I was risk averse at 25k but became less risk averse at 60k. Explain this
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Yeah I feel you senpai. My worry is always that I buy and then the giga crash happens and I miss out buying for way less. Fell for benjamin cowen's bullshit prediction that eth goes to 400-600 dollar range also. Literally want to strangle him
Set a stop loss you dunce. I only responded because of your trips
>Explain this
your existence is nothing but reacting to stimuli put there by others, not unlike a human version of cattle. you are led by your emotions and perhaps even worse, you have repressed your emotions and thus think they don't hold you in their grip.
So you just have 350K sitting in the bank? Why?

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Let's pretend the US enters hyperinflation in the next five years. Explain how Bitcoin becomes valuable in this scenario. This is it's best supposed use case, but at the end of the day it's Internet monopoly money, a pyramid scheme, and a joke, and everyone knows that except for delusional 4chan incels.
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>There is no alternative
Yes there is. Gold is an alternative and many central banks are stockpiling it to be better positioned for what’s coming and possibly to relaunch their currencies with backing. But for regular people BTC is the better option
Saylor is a confidence man, but he is also very intelligent and well versed in history, so I do agree with a lot of what he says.
He's just a little too bullish for my taste and it comes off as an appeal to people's emotions to get them hyped for unbelievable gains.
>IDK, maybe start by looking at what's happening in countries that are experiencing high inflations, and how people there that had some bitcoin are doing, or whether people there have been trying to acquire bitcoin since.
I would love to get some data on people in Argentina with respect to BTC.
Historically most countries have experienced extreme economic turmoil every 1-2 centuries. It wasn’t the end of the world back then and it won’t be the end of the world this time either. Most things of importance like the job market will suck, and most people will be really frugal for about 10 years and then something new will rise from the ashes and then it’s back to normal
If one were somehow willing to trust an interview from a Argentinian bitcoin exchange executive by a crypto news site, https://blockworks.co/news/argentina-resisting-inflation-bitcoin-demand claims they've been seeing a flight to stablecoins, and more recently a flight to bitcoin perhaps driven by halving bull hype.
It's perhaps complicated by the new president passing burdensome crypto regulations despite his pre-election pro-bitcoin stance.
Of course, even if Argentina was collectively flocking to stablecoins (which I kinda doubt anyway), that strategy wouldn't do well in a USD collapse scenario, so that's one limit of looking at existing examples.
>some data on people in Argentina
I dont know if there is any official data but I have talked to like 20 argentinians and they all said that the underground bitcoin economy there is enormous. Hundreds of services where you transfer bitcoin and get pesos or USD delivered wherever you want it within an hour. Most people use USD to preserve value but many young people use bitcoin. In part because the banking system there is a bad joke

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>Do fixed passive yield of 10-20% for 3 months
>Exponentially accumulate free money
Why aren't you doing this instead of risking it all trading/staking/whatever over stupid shit you're gambling on?
You need good money to start with. Startin at 1K dollars, you’d need 70% growth annually for 6 years just to hit 24K. 24K in 6 years is dogshitcslow. So most losers think that crypto will be their get rich quick scheme, but they are retards who don’t know any better.

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It should have pumped just off of being an unpumped AI L1 with a unique market leading product. Meanwhile I've seen dozens of other shitcoins with worse naratives go parabolic off of no news just by virtue of being "unpumped". Even fucking Harmony ONE is doing better and that's a literal rugged, hacked, ghostchain.
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it's double the price it was four months ago
What are you talking about? It's down 40% YTD. It's literally bottom 5 YTD performers alongside FTT.
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Weak troll.

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so let me get this straight, the FED can't raise rates because the government's debt is too high therefore they have to find convoluted ways to do QE to stimulate the economy?
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Pretty much all the modern textbooks peddling the ponzi system as a good alternative to currencies that are backed by gold is the reason we are in this inescapable mess. The global reserve currency being unbacked by gold was meant to be temporary but it was probably too tempting to be able to print endless amounts of money and export inflation to the rest of the world. Fiat currencies have been tried a few times before a few hundred years ago by some european countries and it failed every time.

If you want to understand the basics, you can read on investopedia or alternatively go on youtube and search for Ray Dalio videos that explain how the financial system works. He dumbs it down so even dumb teenagers can develop basic understanding. He is a turbo autist who’s obsessed with studying monetary history going back thousands of years, so his views are grounded in reality
They don’t care about the government deficit or the stock market or the election or whatever you low iq retards think they care about. He literally says it at least 10 times every FOMC, they have a dual inflation and unemployment mandate and that’s what guides their decisions.
And yet they will end up doing neither to fix any of those problems and we will get stagflation

>b-but daddy powell dismissed concerns of stagflation
Interest rates follow nominal growth. Therefore, if economic growth is low, they naturally go down.

>turbo autists
>grounded in reality
pick one and only one, those people are rarely rational, let alone logical. to boot, dalio also is convinced china is still ascendant after almost a decade of dogshit growth

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if BTC was $500k.
In fact, i think 70k sats is very optimistic for peak bullrun.
I've held since early 2018 and realised this is not what we wanted or expected and long accepted it.
The vast majority of price action is long behind it.
This is both due to management of the token, and factors out of control for Sergey like the market itself(VCs, and the move to memes and things getting more casino like with no facade over time).
The irony here is the last part means LINK is just less relevant. We had been assuming CCIP was going to take a cut of the meme rush, but the fact is it is more casino like over time. These meme coins dont give a fuck about being on whatever chains. its literally a 1-10 weeks long event for any given token and they are done, and everyone knows this.

So now it is depending on "institutional usage". sure, we have a long established SWIFT collaboration, and it looks like there will be some enterprise adoption - however its looking so desperate with Chainlink labs now running around spending god knows how much to meet central banks and whatever to just ask the questions and such so they can try force fit Chainlink into what they may build. They really have materially very little, and at best it is still like 10 years early.

There is little point investing in anything crypto any more. its meme gambling or BTC. all the serious projects are having he same outcome as LINK - so at least it is not unique to LINK.
70k sats is about a 3x from here. if BTC tops at 140k or so, and LINK tops at that point too - about $100. However, i then doubt 70k sats will ever be broken after that.

Unlike some who basically gave up on life waiting for LINK to moon to their desired level and are now either weirdo fucking fud obsessive neckbeards, or die hard conspiracy tier weirdos who cant move on with BTC dump obsessing etc(both two sides of same coin), i did not give up on developing myself over these years - however i DID put a lot of stock into LINK performing and sadly it did not, and this influenced some of my choices.

It feels honestly good to understand the reality going forward and not have high expectations.
I also believe Chainlink labs now have to spend more aggressively as they have dressed themselves up so much - and they genuinely do have the best product, it is just sadly like all legit projects, not really relevant with the complete capitulation to memes and legit gambling now.

trying and waiting out for the financial world and central banks future systems is going to be an expensive loooong road requiring a lot of funding from token holders in a market that doesnt give a fuck about legit projects.
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>biggest losers of 2024
I'm actually more qualified to talk about this than most anons.I'm employed with a cyber-techno machinations company, I do a lot of security analyst programming type work. Open source, decentralized, APIs, partnerships, you name it. We'd be one of the first companies in line for something like Chainlink, if the decentralized smart contract space had more value over traditional data exchanges. There's a catch though, an underlying flaw more deeply embedded in the bedrock of LINK than the very code itself. The flaw is with the concept, and it's this: Companies won't actually go through the hassle of trusting their data API's through crypto.

Now I can already hear your keyboards going frantic, but hear me out. /biz/ hates banks, and traditional data providers. But actual companies, businesses, and investors do not. There's an old saying you might have heard of: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". The idea that any of our bosses would give us the go ahead if we approached them to put our companies valuable data in a smart contract on a cryptocurrency called Chainlink, that they've never heard of, we'd be laughed out at best and fired on the spot at worst. We already have API data buyers and providers we trust.

'But Chainlink is trustless!' I hear you cry, but is that really a good thing? Just listen to the sound of it. Businesses don't want to spend millions of dollars on something that is trustLESS, they want something trustFUL. 'But the reputation system!', doesn't that defeat the whole point of your coin? If companies only trust nodes with high reputation, what's the difference between trusting banks and data providers that already have reputation, but in real life not on a computer screen.

The fact is, LINK is going to share the same fate as ETH will. A lot of 'real world application' hype, with a lot of 'crypto world application' reality. Only, this billion supply coin isn't going to come close to the $1k that Etherum hit.

>Basic information
In response to the scam-mania that 2021-/biz/ was jannies have decided to go scorched earth and kill the board with over moderation.

This is an appeal to jannies to please allow at least 1 general where there are no rules and we can once again try to find mooners amongst the trash.

We accept that every project shilled in this thread is a scam, nobody should buy anything here. This is purely for research and entertainment purposes. However posting a honey-pot or other flatly malicious contract should still warrant a perma-ban.

I encourage people to post pump.fun tokens or other tokens that have been around at least for 3 weeks. 99% of projects go to zero within 3 weeks, and pump coins have hardcoded out many of the common rugs such as liquidity pools and malicious contracts. This provides a level of safety crypto for degens that crypto hasn't seen in years.

>General insights
Memecoins are likely to be a new asset class, similar to NFT's. Yes there will be a huge bubble and many people will get rekt, just part of the cycle. They are here to stay, only the strong will survive.

Highly recommend everyone reading the following threads. Memecoins are literally the best casino in the world, degen millionaires are being minted constantly.

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yea i guess
dumping hard. you may get that entry after all kek
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i wish
btw funny story jannies banned me a dozen times while i tried to post hammy at anywhere from 1-10m

40m is still early. 1b remains the target (not joking)

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So you’re telling me an ugly manlet ruled the world?

But I thought biz said you had to be tall and handsome to make it?
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And it was even more so back in 1950 when the average US male barely reached 5'7".
>im a height tard

You seemed to have missed the point manlet
kek ngmi
He was born made it.

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Finding a legit CTO is the safest play in crypto

Name some

OINK on Solana, been taking over by the dev behind Saga Aliens, doxxed

Great example

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How do i profit?

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