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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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should I just keep buying red wings? might try some georgia boots or some thorogoods for the first time.

press f to show respect
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Those heals look a little high for my taste.
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>doesn’t rear his own cows, skin, tan, treat, and cut his own leather
>doesn’t use esoteric cobbling techniques to fashion that leather into a high quality boot
the absolute state of this board
The soles on those things wear out faster than a snotty Kleenex. And that was when I was a kid in high school, not working job sites.
this is /diy/ make your own dweeb
The heels are high for a reason...it balances your weight between the ball, heel, and most importantly arch. Most boots have fuckall for arch support and dudes wonder why their feet fucking hurt.

The insides are entirely made of leather so, as you break them in, the leather forms to your feet. I have a couple of pairs, one that I literally call my slippers. They're that comfortable.

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I must be retarded. I cannot find a good guide on how to make a wall like picrel without the wood part. Specifically, a 2foot cobblestone retaining wall, utilizing mortar or cement. It won't be very load-bearing, 80% decoration 20% to create a clean terraced area.
I've looked up fieldstone, cobblestone, riverstone, and they all do psuedo-walls with fake thin rocks mortared onto wood.
Any advice, or should I just go with brick/timber/combination? Good stones are too expensive for me
Stack rocks as high as you want. Mortar is optional

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3D Printed Breakfast Edition

Last Thread: >>2787167

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

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Glass does suck for PLA, it sucked 15 years ago and it still sucks now. You can greatly improve the performance of a sheet of glass by lightly sanding it to a frosted texture. I don't know why anyone would waste their time doing that when a magnetic spring-steel PEI powder coated build plate is so cheap and just SO FUCKING GOOD.
Alternately; put an array of tiny cylinders through the relevant piece, if they are small enough they wont even be printed as holes, just solid cylinders within the interior of the print.
>tiny cylinders
and by this i mean they DO need to be hollow, or the slicer will just register them as irrelevant and ignore them. Vary their wall thickness to make more robust support, just do a test first to see how small you need to make the interior diameter. something less than 1/2 a line width should be about right.
>I don't have it, therefore no else has as well
Calm your projection. You can literally drive down to Löhne and get a quick tour of Material4Print yourself if you ask nicely. Made in Germany is their stick, so they're more than happy to show it off.
>Shit, even kingroon is a 1st level reseller
*That* is surprise to you?

And a quarter of warping. You know
>At least when it comes to bigger prints.
>Löhne and get a quick tour of Material4Print
so then pay euro overheads, euro energy costs, euro lazygirl tour guides, on top of the menial spool sealer person wage for something that is largely automated and can be done for less in china.
>*That* is surprise to you?
no, thats why i said it....
Dealing with manufacturer is usually cheaper, but larger minimum investment.
Dealing with 1st/2nd tier resellers is a good convenience/consumer protection/price point. With the exception being resellers in a different country to the manufacturer: they add too many overheads.

My point is that you feel you are getting something *worth* more than twice the price by buying german, but in general you almost certainly aren't.
Paying euro prices for chinese raw material with all the energy and labour costs added in germany ... or just paying for 'i want it NOW' convenience is your choice.
...although i do understand that euro customs can be a problem sometimes. Fortunately - for freight/customs - I live relatively close to Asia. So its a no-brainer when deciding on purchases that we dont mass produce locally.

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>ruins your afternoon
I hate these niggers like you would've believe. Impacta, plus a torch plus penetrating oil and they still take 30 minutes of smashing. Tempted to buy an oxy torch just for blasting out these fucks.
t. defeater of flathead screws
skill issue
this, impact driver makes short work of them. also, they are only installed to keep the rotor in place during assembly. you can leave them a bit loose, or remove them altogether at the first tire rotation or brake job.
that shit just strips them

just get an impact hammer and rattle the plate while tugging back and forth. you should never need anything besides a regular ph3 screwdriver to get these out.
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The Impacta is a impact driver. I've used that type before without luck, but the Impacta worked better since there wasn't 3 sources of slop on the bit. I need to get some JIS 5/16 bits for it though.
Ended up having to drill the center out then I got the last one out.
Then I tried removing the caliper bolts, and the nigger retards who changed the caliper used some weird one with differnt bolts.
THEN I tried to remove the bracket and they somehow uggaduggad it on, despite not being room from an impact hammer that I literally was able to compress the suspension with a 3 ton jack on the end of the wrench. Threads were perfect though, baffling.

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>We're going to test that!
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I have yet to buy stubbies for the same reason. I don’t know why they’re offered so widely.

The Olsa full length flex heads are the same, 6pt with those goofy grooves and the V-cut
I bought a set of cheap stubbies specifically for fucking with my air compressor, it's a vertical 60 gallon and the motor and compressor are crammed together atop it with little clearance. there are multiple bolts and fittings that require a stubby or crows foot to access. Only example I've got, but I guess I'm glad cheap options are out there compared to them being obscure and overpriced
Whenever I want to make myself mad I go watch his long nose plier video again. Jesus fucking christ if there's a vid he needs to remake it's that one. half the fucking video was testing the cutters, he didn't do a lateral pull test THE MOST IMPORTANT TEST, and the twist-force test I think was flawed

I'm going to build my own fucking pull-test rig and test the long nose pliers I own just because I'm fucking upset about it
best tool testing channel, but he needs to talk normal.
>how impatient are you? I like youtubers who talk normal, and don't do jump cuts to remove pauses and flubs
Pathetic boomer. YouTube shorts and tiktok are the future.

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But the Shitposting Must Go On edition

Previous thread drowned out by contesters: >>2785963

Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15

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>4 band cubcal quad
Sorry, 5 band 4 element (per band).
Is there any point to an Icom R8600 if I also want a 7300 and 9700?
A very expensive way to work spilts when contesting.
I guess I should have explained a little more, I'd like to receive as many bands as I can, not just the amatuer services. I also want something that's a little more oriented toward receiving than my SDS200
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What can I do with these?
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Use them for soundproofing in your rape dungeon.
if you wet it, until it's a bit damp, add some non toxic glue (paper glue works just fine), put the cartons in a vague mold form and repeatedly hit it with a hammer, it will stick together. if you let it dry, you have first class, long burning fire briquettes
alternatively you can store eggs in it.
breed cockroaches

If you light the corner and ember appears they burn slowly (no flame) and they smoke a lot. The smoke repels mosquitoes. I learned this trick from a fisherman friend.
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pour oil into them, freeze, then toss them out, instead of pic rel.

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Gonna need one soon for drivetrain work. Which ones have you got, and what would you recommend? There's some Craftsman and Kobalt ones at my nearby Lowes but I'd like a bit more input.
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Not in terms of accuracy or general reliability the head on the Husky is going to snap faster than the head on the Pittsburgh guaranteed
Wasn't talking about the calibration now was I
I know you don't read much but I never said you needed a calibrated torque wrench to work at home.
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>talk like politician
>shits all retarded
I have beam-type wrenches in 1/4", 3/8", and 1/2". The torque wrench you need depends a lot on the torques you need to apply. You can't use a 1/2" to measure light torques. Even if the label or scale shows the lighter torques it won't deflect (or "click" for that kind of wrench) on light torques. That's my only advice.

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>went to job yesterday my boss got
>supposed to re wire and pipe just the kitchen
>city says no there's permit for entire house remodel
>also city caught the owner trying to do work with no permit and shut it all down
>we're apparently the only contractors working on this job
>pulled up to vacant house and house looked abandoned
>kiddie pools full of sand
>little kid power wheels in yard
>eviction notice on door from December
>notice of unfit for human occupancy posted on door
>place is a mess
>old kitchen cabinets half destroyed
>open salami packet in draw with bite taken out of it
>bathrooms torn apart missing floor with furniture and miscellaneous household items in them still
>shoes by the door

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How often y'all smell the dirty panties in the hamper when you use the bathroom?
ive been in daughters bedrooms with undwear clearly on the floor, or at homes by myself where i have free reign to go anywhere and open anything. i never did anything degenerate. the thought alone is kinda enough.
>Get an email from a guy that wants to move from "Microsoft to Gmail"
this makes me laugh a lot harder than it should
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you fucking pussies!
>computer guy
>get orders to go to an address and fix printer issue.
>It's a house.
>I hate private home jobs.
>place looks like shit.
>knock on door.
>older woman answers.
>door opens.
>hit in the face with military grade cat shit/piss smell.
>I go in (yes I went in).
>place is a mess.
>cat shit everywhere.
>wild cat races out of the house from behind a couch once the door opens.
oh that's snookums she's shy.

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I am moving up north soon where everything is 3x as expensive. My new house has a large garage though, and I'd like to have a workshop. I just don't know what I should buy before I go to save money.
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Dust extraction is definitely good. IMO you don't need the fancy stuff, a shop vac will get 97% of the stuff, if you're just running a garage shop it's probably fine.
If you're a pro with multiple machines running constantly, get something good.
my workshop is in my basement not my garage so i'm more worried about fine particulates not getting everywhere especially when sanding. no real ventilation which is why i wanted something with HEPA exhaust but fug me do i have to spend $600 on this

i've got a shop vac (old ridgid from a yard sale that i got for $20) that i have hooked up to my miter saw/table saw etc that works fine but it's loud as shit and I wouldn't want it running for extended periods of time
Honestly, the 3M, DeWalt, and Mirka equivalents are about the same price range as Festool anyways, and getting the fancier fixed shop models can be the same or much greater price. The really big advantage they have is dual filters that alternate and bang the dust out of the one not being used regularly without pausing suction. The other is that they have a power pass-through that turns it on with the tool.

Another thing to think about is putting together an air filter to circulate the air and catch fine particulates, and you can do that with as little as a cheap box fan and filter.
Okay /wwg/ be real with me:
How realistic is it to drill a 6inch deep, 18mm diameter hole in a 2" thick piece of wood with a spade bit and without a drill press, while keeping it perpendicular?
Make yourself a little square jig and it's certainly doable, assuming your bit has a vertical edge
There are other ways to do it, the basic idea is to give yourself a square reference to get started.

For the last couple years, I've been keeping one of these with gas in it in my garage, like it's no big deal.

I'm starting to get the idea (Googling and skimming through some of the links) that's a really fucking retarded move, and I'm having trouble coming to terms with that.

I'm hoping people here can convince, me it's not that stupid or it's not even bad so I don't feel like a total fucking jackass with these mistakes like I do all the time.
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Ironically thanks to carb rules newer gas cans are pretty well sealed
Or you can store gas in old school jerry cans but they're kinda a pain in the ass
Freon is not flammable. Specify the chemical you mean.

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the jew fears flammable freon
BTW all the other shit you list is also stupid to store indoors in other than tiny quantities so I don't. There's no reason to fuel a residence fire which if smallish I'm equipped to extinguish.

Storing shit away from stuff it may threaten is extremely easy and only takes thought, just like doing hot work away from things it may ignite.
Guilty of the gas can as well but that is because of a snow blower, which I just replaced with a electric this spring. 20lb Propane is the only gas I suggest still storing if you can help it. That has 10x more uses for me now.

Old house, old 50s drywall. What would cause the paper layer to bubble and separate like that?
dead body in the wall
the moisture from the dead body
me, I've been pissing on your wall for 20 years
It looks like paint on another incompatible paint
Have seen this before while doing a job up north.
At first, we thought it may've sunlight through the window hitting the drywall over a long-period of time.
So, we ripped it up, intending to replace the drywall portion that was bubbling.
Turns out that wasn't what caused it though.
There was a dead body in the wall and the moisture caused it to bubble.

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2789553

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.

(except the guy with the 15A outlet on a 20A fuse)
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I'm kinda broke right now bros and want to know if there's anyway I could get like a few dollars in the same few hours
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>implying any crime was actually committed
Burt brings up a good point. I mean we’re just asking stupid questions here and not insinuating ang faction in world war 2 committed any crimes

Or even modern day…. Well except Israel we know they committed a ton of crimes since October of last year
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asking stupid questions is the key to opening npcs eyes. if they do any simple math, they'll quickly see the answer is greater than or equal to 110

you buffoons are like cockroaches in every way. can't you stay in your designated trashpile and leave us alone >>>/pol/

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How do you make an alcohol-powered engine? Moonshining is legal where I live so I'm curious if I could grow ny own fuel.
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>on a societal level, not an individual level
Nobody gives a fuck about your personal vocabulary, even less about made up bullshit to pretend you won an internet argument. Loser.
>you can't be a kid 20 years ago
Deep mental retardation right here.
We already have federal subsidies, for this.
>Nobody gives a fuck about your personal vocabulary,
That is literally what I just fucking said
ok, So:
>Boomer: a person born during the period between approximately 1945 and 1965
How is foster's house a boomer cartoon?

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