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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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Was it really 64-bit?
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>not really that would be the nintendo 64 with the 64 bit cpu.
People like you are why this site died.
It was as "64-bit" as the SNES was "16-bit". Which is to say, not at all.
god that teacher looks so fuckable I could kiss the screen
Aside from having decent games, in most cases 8+ bit colour is all I really care about. Jag didn't really pass the first bar so don't care. I recall it had something dodgy going on like a 64 trace bus between the tom/jerry chips that wasn't fully used (may have been another one through).
If you count the Jaguar as 64 bit, logically you must also count the Playstation 2 as at least 1024 bit, and arguably 2560 bit.

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A thread for those using their phones for retro-gaming, from emulation to ports of retro-games.
I have a Poco M4 Pro and I use Retroarch with a Bluetooth controller (one of those cheap ipega controllers) and it works fine outside of N64 emulation giving me stuttering, heard I'm better off using mupen64fz instead.
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>Semi-recent console
>The N64
Hope this is bait
>Runs better than YouTube
Anon, the official YouTube app has been running like shit for at least 10 years
>Hope this is bait
Try reading the rest of his post where he says he feels old when he realizes the N64 is nearly 30 years old and therefore isn't recent at all.
I'm in my 40s now and I don't use the shitty app. I'm using firefox because fuck ads.
what n64 emu?
I used Lemuroid, checking on the github, the core used is Mupen64Plus.

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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/retroid store

>What to know about brands
Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)
Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality.
Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)
Miyoo: One hit wonder
Game Console: Copycat popular products with lower prices, better specs, but weaker build qualities
TrimUI: Good build quality, shitty software with no good CFW alternatives

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I don't like Californians who fob off their device to be built in China to cut costs then charge a premium for it.
Build that device using burger hands or get the fuck out
Do you plan to kill all your friends today?
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Kinda surprised how well the 3D effect works on a 4.7" screen but it's real nice. Jarring though, a 3D game made up of entirely 2D sprites makes it kinda feels like those framed retro game 3D pics you see on Etsy, but in motion.

I actually have a 3D TV from when that fad was going around I'd love to try this on, but the input delay on it's too shit for actual gameplay.
I think you guys just like wasting money at this point.
das very kool~ daddy-o

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There is a $99 clone of the DE-10 Nano now, less than half what an official DE-10 Nano costs.

Will still need testing to see if it's a 1:1 replacement for an official DE-10 Nano, things such as RAM or analog timings, especially for more complex cores like the PSX, Saturn, or N64, are at most risk for having issues if it's not cloned as well, but otherwise it could severely slash the costs of building a MiSTer if it's the same performance an official board.
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Every time I hear about this the more I get interested in FPGAs. It's cool that (in principle, I imagine some work on the cores still needs to be done) we can drop it in as a replacement for most hardware before the 80s.
Is it true that the mister analog I/O board produces a dim image for VGA monitors?
The MiSTer cores in no way allow them to be drop-in replacements, they are not intended to be or designed that way.

Not that you can't do it, there are FPGA drop-in replacements for some of the Commodore64's parts, just that nothing on the MiSTer will work that way nor is designed or intended for that purpose.
honestly I hope it gets even more expensive to gatekeep losers out of my hobby
Damn Taki is starting a company to sell these? He's gonna make a fortune

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I've put probably 120 hours in this and the best I can do is a 3 credit clear. This game is so bullshit hard it's unreal
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man you must really suck dick at hard arcade games then lol
post clears
lmao have you played MS2?
SHMUP knowledge and skill are cumulative.
If you already played a hundred shmup getting a new 1cc won't be a big deal, but if you're getting started and playing something difficult for the first time it can easily take 100 hours.
Based on my experience that is not true.

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is picrel worth it?
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Just get a FPGBC kit. $100 for everything including chinkshit aliexpress flashcart (works fine), cheaper and easier than modding a GBC and you don't have to risk fucking up a real GBC
Why are there black borders on the screen?
I don't see the point of buying an anal log. Part of the charm with handhelds is their shitty low quality hardware. A chinkheld will get the job done without issues. People who absolutely need to pay a premium for this sort of thing are brainless consumers that probably buy cars new.
>Part of the charm with handhelds is their shitty low quality hardware.
Most honest Anbernic shill.
I don't own any chinkhelds but if I did I'd probably get one of those and spam about how shit it is and yet a better value than the distilled onions that is analog pocket.

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Was this good performance in 1997?
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>make some good times and regrets
>making regrets at all
skill issue
It’s a lie lol. No Saturnfag in 1997 no less went outside.
Great performance a QuickTime video you downloaded in 1997.
Runs fine unless you're playing some elaborate mod that the engine cant' handle well.

The AI is actually kinda hard in this game. Wtf, I actually have to learn how to play now instead of mashing.
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I'd disagree with this. The roster is a bit worse and some of the mini-games are janky, but that's more than made up for by better movement and combos, the cast being a lot more diverse, and the story mode being a lot more developed (cutting down on flying around the world for Dragon Balls helps a lot).
This game came out much later than I thought, considering Budokai 3 came out in 2004.
Infinite World removed beam struggles. Shit game.
has any mexican weeb modded either game to just remove the shitty mini games that ruin the pace and flow of the fight?
Mexicans love these games as they are, just look at how they've made Spanish dubs of Final Bout.

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so apparently this game exists solely because a schizo executive at Sunsoft USA decided it should be made
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The hell's in those things?
and sometimes there was a Famicom licensed game that got reskinned into some generic shit for the Western market like Chubby Cherub or Dragon Power
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Way to out yourself as a retarded tourist predditor, >>>/lgbt/ is that way my good xir.
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Pretty self explanatory really.

>battery saves in 1996
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I've been on 4chan since the 2000s and I'm almost 40. I saw this board get created. There are threads of me making this same argument from many years back I could probably pull up in archives.
I just disagree with most of you on this topic.
Inexpensive alternative to higher capacity saves on the cartridge. Added benefit of giving games that would otherwise be fine with 4kb saves the option of saving larger amounts of data, for example time trial ghosts in mario kart.

Like would you want to pay 40 extra dollars for diddy kong racing knowing the only reason it's so expensive is because they put in a high capacity chip purely for time trial ghosts?
Like buying a brand new car without windshield wipers, a pair of shoes without laces, a toilet without a seat.
it hasn't been for years. use mupen64plus.

There's nothing you can do to stop me!
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Arguing for video games as art is a loaded debate. There is significant baggage and a history of fighting related to its implications. It's not worth talking about
It objectively is art though. The only baggage is from the side that thinks art is pretentious.
and im telling you you aren't arguing if it is or isnt art. When you talk about video games as art on the internet you are unwillingly arguing that games should have no gameplay, long cutscenes, easy modes for babies, etc. Some people read you saying video games are art as you saying that retro games are fucking garbage.
>When you talk about video games as art on the internet you are unwillingly arguing that games should have no gameplay, long cutscenes,
That's just wrong though. I'm sorry you have such a narrow viewpoint that you think "art" is only the perceived visuals, and that if video games are to be "art" they must attempt to model cinema. It's simply not the case. Video games are entirely their own form of artistic expression and it's just not relegated to "you look at them". They're experiential and atmospheric in a way not at all limited to video presentation. They're closer, though not identical, to something like an escape room, or live roleplay/dinner mystery theater.

You seem to be one of those people who thinks simply adding more pixels to something or increasing the resolution makes graphics "better".
you seem to be a fucking retard and cant understand im not arguing for anything

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Previous: >>10866848

Awesome Downloads:
>OpenRCT2 - Currently the best way to play RollerCoaster Tycoon. We use the latest stable version for multiplayer unless otherwise noted:

>UCES - includes all objdata files already extracted from each scenario upon loading, and includes tracks:

>Amazing Earl stuff - adds some custom-made rides and scenery:

>Anon's devkit v0.2
- - - - - - -

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my bullshit degree in whatever told me we have been overdue for a shitty alignment map for handymen by now.
so i made one.
>it sucks
make it better faggot. also,
>color profiles add onto character limit
pure pain

hell yea
>large loop/half loop into straight inversion
>concludes into another large half loop
I always avoid this, but also prefer building banked inclines/declines. I honestly never had the money to tell which version actually exists in real life.
>just go everywhere bro
i wish lol. the only person I know that traveled literally everywhere came back, went insane, and lives in a van down by the river.
the other guy shaved his head, grew a beard, became a fag, got a job at a bank, and is eventually going to end up in jail for being a gossip about other peoples money.
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>played OG RCT for millions of hours as a kid
>started playing Open RCT2 for the first time, going through all the scenarios because I have to unlock everything
>create spinning mouse coaster after beating Forest Frontiers
>just do a bunch of three tight turns followed by one large turn in the other direction after going down two tiles
>6.03 lateral g force
>10.63 intensity (ultra-extreme)
>still get 5.5 excitement rating (high)
>too lazy to spend five hours getting the intensity down and call it a day
>coaster still a resounding success
>put a bathroom right outside of the ride exit
>vertical coaster in the server
looks like another was tricked by the chains everywhere cheat
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hey wtf it's actually my birthday
go away NSA

>10.63 intensity
great post
also watch on-ride videos on youtube, it's still a way to experience coasters

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You people like to shit on Code Veronica's and 0's stories but 3 feels even less 'canon' than those. It literally feels unnecessary. It's a good game though and I'm posting this screenshot to remind you of how fucking great the pre-rendered backgrounds in it are
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>Like the “Eileen shaving” poster in every single Silent Hill thread
I think he died
I wonder what is his opinion of Sarah Gadon
I think Code Veronica's story puts RE4 in a weird position. CV made the story go for a more personal route at the end of that game with Steve dying, Wesker alive and gives the Redfields more of a reason to get revenge in the next title, and that was swiped away immediately in a single sentence and the franchise goes into another direction entirely. To use wrestling as a reference:
CV = Starrcade 98
CV Ending = Goldberg vs. Nash. Goldberg loses his first match and title for BS reasons and Nash takes the title.
RE4 Opening = Fingerpoke of Doom that happened a week later where Nash gives the title away to Hogan
RE4 = The rest of '99 where the whole revenge storyline with Goldberg going through the entire NWO with Hogan being the final boss is scrapped and dropped shortly after for Ric Flair becoming president of WCW to heel turn on Hogan and then Hogan babyface turning on the same event (and then gets hurt delaying that later into 99 and then Goldberg is friends with him when this babyface change happens).
That's what RE4 felt like to me when it first came out. Coincidentally the only thing worth note in the modern era of both wrestling and RE are remakes and old wrestlers coming back to wrestle the celebrity of the year
Its still weird that they didn't bother to do that first. It seems even RE4's "Hookman" period in development was going to ignore that plot point.
>still looks nicer than actual cities in 2024

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Bravo Sakaguchi
FF1 and FF5 are parallels


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meds takey
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FF5 is basically the previous two games put together. That's not really a secret. It continues with the extensive narrative and ATB of 4 but brings back the job system and the crystals trope of 3. Part of the reason it feels like the black sheep of the SNES games is that it was explicitly a "back to the roots" approach while 4 and 6 were both progressing the series further to what it would later become.
Every FF game has parallels with the first game.
>to what it would later become

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