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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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>LARP as ascetic, friendless, super-disciplined hermit whose life is wholly dedicated to mathematics.
>He had a son with his landlady during his time in Nancy
>With his wife Mireille Dufour, he had three children: Johanna (born 1959), Alexander (born 1961), and Mathieu (born 1965)
>He also had one child with Justine Skalba, with whom he lived in a commune in the early 1970s

From my, chronically online 4chan anon perspective it seems like there is clearly something not right about his propaganda.

inb4: He only became monk when he was elderly creep.
No, it was said that he was ascetic, friendless, super-disciplined even when he was studying as undergraduate
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I remember that I read somewhere that during his student days, his professor asked one of his students to go out with grothendieck, because he was worried that the only grothendieck was doing was studying math in his basement.
Thinking people smarter than you always have to be some kind of aspie is a coping mechanism, anon
Yeah, blackpill here is brutal
his professor sounds like he is pretty cool

Serina Edition

Previous: >>16125002

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
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Yeah I (am pre premedschool) think that a lot of jt is memorisation, but talking to doctors and psychiatrists has made me realise that you do also need tricks, you need to know maybe less like every single disease word for word (and there are databases they can search symptoms on) and more how to navigate a conversation and ask questions ans interpret
A child would also need to learn how to communicate is what I'm saying

CAPTCHA: POTS >>16159519 #
Code black / event!
O o a a
But that's not what people in med school usually complain about, most of the time you'll hear them saying they have to study a lot and have barely any free time. But learning how to deal with people isn't something you hit the books for nor something you can do by yourself. So again it seems like if someone started early then med school would be much easier. The difficult part would be getting many hours in the hospital to train that human side, but that makes the job demanding, not school difficult.
There are lots of mnemonics to help you learn ans it can be grouped together. Also working in hospitals
A good thing to do is to remember than eventually it will all be daily stuff you'll be used to. Something that I've heard people complain about is long hospital working hours
It would be good to teach kids because they have more neuroplasticity at that age, but during the brain formation it would probably still be good to socialise them, teach other things, and make sure they get a lot of sun and fresh air :)

Those are just my opinions ans I don't study nearly enough, but I am getting the info I think. I'm also > 25 yo
It might also be cruel to do that to a child. The same thing with actors. You can't know theybwill want to do that up until the proper age - it's bad to live precariously through your offspring. It could traumatise them or leave them stunted!

Is there a scientific explanation for why these two trends were so tightly related before the early/mid 1970s and then because completely unlinked subsequently?
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Cry more commie puss.
you have poop in your butt
Theres only about 30% of additional wealth that can be transfered to the working class.
By that i mean, if the rich wnt without any profit, if all investment ceased, and if government shady projects like funding for science or paying interest on debt stopped, workers could get 30% of the wealth sent to them. Which would be like a 50% raise in real terms of their wages.
Regarding the investments, they might still get done as long as workers agree to allocate half if their raise money into investments, which they would own, but its important that they get done. Their own jobs depend on these electrical plants being built.
>America was commie before Reagan
Imagine being this brain broken. People that hate Reagan aren't commies. They just want to make America great again by tearing out all the bullshit he pushed for and returning to a time when our economy actually worked for Americans instead of Republican donors.
The real reason: skill outsourcing. Basically, computerization took many responsibilities away from workers. Before affordable computers being a skilled, reliable accountant was something much harder. Much more was done by hand. Once hardware and software innovations made many accounting skills practically obsolete, per worker productivity did "rise", but that wasn't because the accountants became more efficient. On the contrary, they became more replaceable, driving their real wages stagnant.

is picrel an accurate depiction of the ultimate fate of scyence nerds?
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Both sides are stupid. 4chan is full of antisocial takes like, "I earn $250k and deserve a tradwife even though I myself have become a sociopath over the course of my so-called self improvement."
Maybe 15yrs ago
This. Betabuxx hasn't worked for years. Govmt and simps fill that niche
respecting women 5x5 reps
believing all women 3x5 reps
having a personality that doesn't give the "ick" 4x5 reps
Just beeing urself until failure
Roping after none of the above work 1rep
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>I don't think elderly women are thinking about a new husband when their's die
Okay, some seem to think of their "mental health" first.
The birth rate has crashed in China and North Korea too leftytroon. A few months ago Kim was on North Korean TV crying and begging for their women to have more kids.

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Calabi Yau Edition.

Previous thread: >>16109209 (Dead)

>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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If I know these two quantities:
[math] \langle \alpha |\hat H| \alpha \rangle[/math]
[math] \langle \beta |\hat H| \alpha \rangle[/math]
Is it possible to calculate:
[math] \langle \beta |\hat H| \beta \rangle[/math]
? If so, how?
[math] \alpha [/math] and [math] \beta [/math] are wavefunctions and [math]\hat H[/math] is a regular Hamiltonian.
no, think about H as a matrix and these quantities as matrix elements, knowing some doesnt tell you what the others are. To a point, because if H is Hermitian then there must be some relations among the matrix elements, and knowing enough might tell you what the others are
>or is it again something we assume to be true because of the doppler shift with sound?
doppler shift works the same way for both electromagnetic and sound waves, and in fact the relativistic Doppler effect has been tested in laboratories a number of times
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great, thanks.

How do these things work? They somehow made one run along a string

The official arbiter of scientific misinformation (appointed by the government controlled by the official Party of Science), Nina Jankowicz, says that the government must crack down on misinformation like sending pictures of empty egg cartons to women. That is “meant to remind [women] that [their] fertility is waning.” And that is “gendered misinformation.”

So there you have it. Couldn’t be any more official. Science now believes women stay at the same level of fertility throughout their lives.

Science is retarded and clownishly evil. Smash science. Kill science.
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Yeah all it takes is the total eradication of your current state, then the implementation of [your] state, then the same thing again once [your] state begins misbehaving as well.
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i always thought the window for males was larger than for females, especially if you took care of yourself but i've been getting conflicting messages about it. I was planning to start getting kids around late 20's, as many as my income will alow by that point, but if i'm likely to become infertile/have retarded kids by 35 then all bets are off.
>When your """intellectual""" takes are second order /pol/ barf
If there is any failing in the West is the overabundance of these impressionable, doom-gloom idiots.
Think about it for a second anon
The female has the plumbing, and the eggs are made during birth of the women. The plumbing is rigged up and is operational by sometime in early puberty, where a ovary(egg) is spent for each mensturation. That has 2 consequences:
1. Only about 500 eggs is spent before menopause kicks in
2. The eggs age, and there is no selection mechanism to kick out less competitive eggs

Meanwhile for Sperm, you instead have a mechanism to make sperm. And there is a selection via sperm health since its technically a race.
The fittest % has a chance of winning the race, but overall reproductive health is still a factor.

This DO make the window larger, but it needs to be reality checked: The point of test tube babies IS that you get to have a selection of the ovary. The sperm race might offset a little, but its still fucked.
The process is also cumulative, meaning age of father vs age of mother. And since marrying a older man is more likely in most cultures, it is what it is.

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i was just perusing nairaland and i noticed they like the same kind of memes that /sci/ does
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I'm 35 and my test is even lower, only 190ng/dl.
wtf how is that possible? My 80 year old gramps has 3 times that.
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for the religious people here

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I'm not a biologist so I don't understand the intricacies of DNA(and I doubt the people who spam this constantly do either) but what does this mean;
That only blacks have archaic admixture or that theirs is a mystery? Because if it's just the latter that means the spammers are equal amounts of sub-human as well.
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/pol/ is always right, eventually
Shitlibs at t0: it's not happening, chud
Shitlibs at t1: it's happening, and it's a good thing, chud
Shitlibs at t2: it's too late to do anything about it, chud
/pol/ flings so much shit around eventually it will land onto something.
Technically also correct, but when it's something as big as saying africans don't act like other humans then when that is finally validated I think it's fair to say /pol/ was right.
>Can I get a non-/pol/tared answer on this?
Because of their high user rate there is inevitably a lot of bleed over into other boards. Beware you get anos on here from there pretending to be fair-minded giving you their typical confirmation bias.

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I need to know if I should switch to R? Julia? Matlab?
I'm going to do some machine learning with convex optimization, should I go full retard and try to implement my own pytorch solvers?
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What's that whore talking about? Python is the easiest shit to install across all OS. In fact these days, you just install anaconda and run Jupyter, which works out of the box. Or is she doing "data science" by writing in pythons idle?
Python/Jupyter simply for the flexibility and prevalence.

I prefer Mathematica, in all honesty. The front end features slow it down, but it's got some terrifically optimized features for handling large data sets and symbolic functions, and its ability to creature figures and animations puts Python to shame. However, if you want a legit copy of it it costs a small fortune and cracks of it are getting less and less reliable.
never used this, what's the other functionatlies?
I actually has access to it for free through my institution I think?

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What's death?
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You dishonor me faggit now kys

Prove your life
temporary non-existance between two alive states .

Hear me out: if th univers is somehow cyclical, then any state that was previously there will happen again eventually, including us sitting here having this conversation. now since i dont feel the time between the alive states because i cant feel non existance, that means when i die, i will just wake up again in my next life.

very comforting thought, IF the universe is cyclical.
the true freedom
That whatever was/is in your brain will never ever be said/communicated/done by you

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So if you mathmax you can become a swole autistic schizo who's married to Jennifer Connelly?

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What happened to them? Did they publish their proof?
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if you go through the list at cut-the-knot, it really does seem like their proof is different from all of them. The closest is #100, which has the same “waffle cone” look but #100 happens inside the triangle, and the students’ new proof happens outside the triangle. I think #100 is nicer, and I think (but don’t know) that they got the idea from looking at #100. But it does seem to be different from the things on the list.
>he didn't go to prom
social reject, enjoy your lifetime of lonely bitterness and the inevitable cringe coping mechanisms you invent to try and compensate
No it's not that I didn't go. We simply don't have that retarded "social" tradition in my country
All this is just a circular way to prove something already proven geometrically (as shown here >>16102981 ), it works as a proof but why the fuck would anyone waste their time doing this?
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>works as a proof but why the fuck would anyone waste their time doing this

I was wondering what the minimum temperature a naked human being with no shelter could survive imperpetuity and this gent thinks its 17c( 62f). This sounds a little too warm, no? I think it should be closer to like 10 degrees c( 50f). What you make of it?
Look up the Selknam people of tierra del fuego
Look like a cool(lol) people. They're tribal dress looks like it belongs in a indie dark aesthetic music video. Love it. Thanks for the mention.

Now, from a comment thread on reddit someone said that the Westerners observed that they had semi permanent fires going continuously, that certainly would have helped in such cold temps with little clothing.
My question is how low in temperature with no assistance via clothing, shelter, campfires or otherwise could a human survive continuously...maybe 17c is correct...
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Cool tribe
They kinda got genocided by some german guy

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talk maths
old >>16113803
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>Well if I prioritize measure theory I'd have to miss half of another, mandatory class
OK looks like you're missing half of another, mandatory class then.
I'm too far into my degree to do that.

I have self-studied some measure theory but it would have been nice to take the class.
What's so great about measure theory?
Especially compared to abstract algebra
If you do anything at all that uses integrals anywhere, it's essential to understand. Measure theory is the foundation for the modern theory of integration and absolutely necessary for understanding topics like probability, Fourier analysis, linear operator theory, PDE's/ODE's, Bayesian statistics (you can kind of get away with Riemann integrals for most frequentist/ML methods, but once you've involved Bayesian priors measure theory becomes basically mandatory if things aren't linear and Gaussian), convex analysis, etc.
Is it enough to self study the basics like lebesgue integration and similar basic concepts?
Or do you really need an in-depth class?

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