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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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Atheism is as much of an "ancestral faith" as Christianity or paganism. People act like atheism is a recent phenomenon but like half of my recent ancestors are atheists (the others were Calvinists or Orthodox).
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I also think MENA women are hot, at least when they aren't inbred and don't mutilate themselves with all of these plastic surgeries.
t. OP
she's not muslim she's italian
I know I'm just following with the implication that southern Italians are basically MENA
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Those are just called beliefs. Christians synonymize faith with belief because blindly believing for its own sake is Christianity, ignorance is the epitome of virtue. Atheists have reasoning beyond blind belief, so faith is irrelevant to put it pedantically. Total jewish rape of the english language desu. Your ancestral beliefs are most likely genetic

Why is Afghanistan so fragmented?
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Look at Imperial China, Perisa and A-H for example
This is true. Tribalism and being clannish and super loyal to your family is the default behavior among humans. But like you said. Alot of cultures have moved on past it. How? Why?

So many countries replaced loyalty to tribe to loyalty to the nation or a religion. It worked. Another incentive was war. War is easier to accomplish when there is a centralised authority that can organize and tax a military for conquest or defense.
Utah independent work?
Afghanistan is not a place where Lockean individualists live in homesteads but like most societies is a kin based tribalist one. Where social functions are done through clans. Where property is communalized for clans. So property can't be sold because it's the clans property. Nepotism is very high as a result of that. So you can't run a centralized state.

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Christianity is a profoundly misanthropic religion.
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Yeah if you sin without repentance you go to hell, but if you seek forgiveness and repent you don't pretty simple do you not understand this concept?
Nietzsche is cringe...
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
I agree with Nietzsche that Jews are based and master morality!
Don't you think it's a bit misanthropic that you think a guy deserves to burn in hell forever for calling his dad a poopyhead?

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Was the USSR really like this?
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Take your meds.
>It absolutely was. Zero originality.
People who lived there and published memoirs in the anticommunist west disagree with you. You could put plants and posters and lights and flags on your windowsills and in your windows and doors without issue.
>Everything looks the same because having anything unique is a sign of class difference and will have you shot.
Literal brainrot, this isnt Warhammer 40k
>The only thing allowed is which communist party leader gets painted on the side of the building
Socialist realism had lots of paintings and mosaics and murals of people who weren't Soviet officials. They were propagandized handsome people, sure, but there was a lot of diversity in the subjects and even some neat abstract art.
>You mean how thier needs were being just barely met.
Yeah from the last decade of its existence. If it was par for the course then nobody would have commented when Gorby couldnt keep food on the shelves.
>It's one of the reasons the USSR collapsed because people towards the end could barely get basic stuff like soap and toilet paper with no explanation as to why.
They had explainations, just not good ones. No explanation is good enough when you cant wash your ass
>Oh you want more then your basic needs? Wow, tell me more as you I face you against the wall.
Mass executions for trivial shit had ceased more than three decades ago by this point. Once again, this is real life, not Warhammer 40k. Stop being so effeminate.
Russian women are super hot until they hit 60 and suddenly mutate into babushkas
Okay but they still aren't Slavic
Yes they are, Western Russians are Slavic, unless you really want to split hairs and say Chechens and Kazakhstanis are somehow Russian

>But they’re a cult!

Ad hominem.

>But if they’re such a good religion more people would have converted!

Argumentum ad populum.

>The council of Nicea says the trinity is real!

Appeal to authority.

>But there was the time when they were wrong!

Poisoning the well fallacy.

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I can tell that this response was written by an llm, likely of the GPT variety. Why are JWs outsourcing evangelism to chatbots?
show, don't tell
Jehovah's Wizards (JW) and Jehovah's Witches (JW)

Care to answer these questions for this WWI recruitment poster for the British Army?
1. Fuck Banker Kikes
2. Fuck Banker Kikes
3. Fuck Banker Kikes
4. Fuck Banker Kikes
5. Fuck Banker Kikes
this, there are no longer "just" wars, it's all just banker wars these days
>COD save the king

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How would Plato react to Christianity and today's understanding of Hellenism?
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what is this schizo shit
In his work Cratylus, Plato call Zeus as Zen (Caue of Life), seeing him as the Omni-Benevolent Creator.
In his work Timaeus, Plato talks about the Demiurge as the All-Good Creator.
The conclusion of it is Zeus is the Platonic Demiurge / Christian-Gnostic Monad.

The meme pic you posted just show how Plato saw Zeus as a good celestial father that gave to Mankind the physical capabilities to express love.
What about Orthodoxy, Sufism, Gnosticism, etc?

Also, I don't see catholics having enough humbleness to call 'God the Father' as Zeus Pater.
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He would see they used his warnings against corruption as a helpful instruction manual
what is a plato

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Ever notice how Christians turn into moral relativists when it suits them?
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>You're a liar like your father, the father of lies
Why hasn't God sent Satan to Hell but has sent countless millions of humans to hell?
The answer is that the Christian god is the Jewish god who is evil and has a particular hatred for Gentiles.
Wow are you stupid.
>to hell to suffer imaginable torment for all eternity
Yeah, that's what's gonna happen if you don't repent.
>The Mosaic Law was broken by the Israelites
Many times.
>inheriting the land remains
No, the land promise was a temporal promise of the old covenant. It was a special promise to the Jewish nation to show the faithfulness of God, which is now obsolete. Christians are the royal priesthood of God, the Lord is our inheritance, the whole earth is His temple.
>the unconditional covenant
I don't know what this is supposed to mean. The old covenant was a gracious covenant, founded upon faith in the promises of God, as it was a dispensation of the covenant of grace which is founded in the sacrifice of Christ, which is the sole basis which any man could ever have to stand in God's presence. It was never by works, that is Paul's point in Galatians 3 and Romans 4, the covenant was always one of grace, through faith, in Christ.
>Yeah, that's what's gonna happen if you don't repent.
Lol, everyone that doesn't worship your dead Jew is "going to hell" okay buddy. Take your pills.
>No, the land promise was a temporal promise of the old covenant. It was a special promise to the Jewish nation to show the faithfulness of God, which is now obsolete. Christians are the royal priesthood of God, the Lord is our inheritance, the whole earth is His temple.
You're wrong anon. You're completely wrong.
You not only confuse chapters, but you don't even understand meanings lol.
How embarrassing.
>It was a special promise to the Jewish nation to show the faithfulness of God, which is now obsolete. Christians are the royal priesthood of God, the Lord is our inheritance, the whole earth is His temple.
If you read carefully, you will see that in Genesis 22:17 it says this:

"That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;"
(Genesis 22:17)

Notice what it says there. "Thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies." It's not plural, it's singular. That's referring to Christ. So all along, the promise of inheriting the land was to the Son of God, not to anyone else. They only thought it was, but they were confused.

>Christians are the royal priesthood of God, the Lord is our inheritance, the whole earth is His temple.
Yes, and it says this in 1 Peter 2:9-10 if I recall right.

>I don't know what this is supposed to mean.
It means there is nothing that can be done to break it. With regards to God's promise to the Son. People misunderstand what the covenant was about, thinking it was talking about multiple seeds or descendants of Abraham. It was only talking about one. It was only talking about Jesus Christ and no one else. God was looking forward to what would happen with the Son of God, who is the person that was in view with regards to this promise.

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>They only thought it was, but they were confused.
They only thought it was to more than one person*

The ancients did nothing wrong
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No, a trap is a passing tranny, unless it's in the context of some degenerate faggot fantasy hentai where a twink can actually pass as a woman.
I don't care about tranime.

In real life, femboys claim the trap definition, and femboys would agree that the trap form is a twink form, I think only prison gays would disagree with it since they want traps (otokonoko) to be women with a Schrödinger benis.
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You will never be a real woman
You don't have the power to change reality, you're just a dead man in a dress with a mutilated body
About 3% of the population is homosexual. Also about 3% of the population are exclusive pedophiles (people only attracted to prepubescents with little to no attraction to adults). About half of exclusive pedophiles are boy lovers. Therefore, about half of homosexuals are boy lovers, while slightly more than 3% of heterosexuals are girl lovers.
100% of homosexuals are pedophiles, that's how their disease spreads.

Why are leftoids pro-ethnostate for brown people but anti-ethnostate for white people?
Because they're anti-white.
Average white people are innocent, but all the cartoon-tier evil that fucks up this world are also white. Rhetoric that goes along the lines of:

>"13-30 families in control of the world because they looted Byzantium, profited from Slave Trade, looted India and sold drugs to China for big-time-money etc"

won't work. Tons of people spew that shit daily, and IT IS the objective truth, but it just won't register on normie's mind. So the second best thing you can do is to teach them to hate themselves and then hope that this eventually translates to the 62 cartoonish parasites who have more wealth than half the fucking world combined.

And honestly, if you're retarded enough to the point where the truth doesn't register, you kinda deserve to get mindfucked into becoming a self-hating cuck. That's the issue with Fascist bros. Their heart is in the right place, but they fail to understand that you have to cut off the Babylonian beast that consists of Jew, Angloid, Yankee, Germnigger and a few others etc.
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Memorize this quote.
Are you a /pol/tard who thinks Irish and Basque aren't white?
I don't think ethnostates are good for brown people either
however, Palestinian leadership has long since rejected the notion of ethnostates, and Zionist leadership has not. Who cares if their great-great-grandparents were chuds?

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brownest people in europe?

>everywhere else: humans arrive, megafauna goes extinct
>Africa: humans always been there, megafauna just chillin
I don't get it.
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I am genuinely curious as to why no one hasn't invented the "climate change" model of history, it can explain
>Agricultural revolution
>Rise and Fall of Rome
>The french revolution and the Napoleonic wars
>The industrial revolution
>Tired of people name dropping Bantus as if they're a substitute for Black Africans that aren't Horners. Fucks sake "Bantus" didn't even exist until around 4,000 years ago.
True, Niger Congo is a better blanket term.
>its almost like Megafauna adapted to the Ice Age all died out when the Ice Age ended
Wouldn't Megafuana adapted to the Ice age in Africa be hardest hit since the African climate today is far warmer in comparison?
You're stupid made up theory is a stupid made up illogical theory.
>Auroch survived human hunting, they did not survive domestication.
Lol, other way around you stupid fuck.
>Mammoth survived into the Neolithic.

"mammoths survived in the Yukon until about 5,700 years ago, roughly concurrent with the St. Paul population, and on the Taymyr Peninsula of Siberia until 3,900 to 4,100 years ago, roughly concurrent with the Wrangel population. The Taymyr Peninsula, with its drier habitat, may have served as a refugium for the mammoth steppe, supporting mammoths and other widespread Ice Age mammals such as wild horses (Equus sp.).[108][125] However, ancient environmental DNA in cold environments can be reworked from older sediments into younger sediments that clearly post-date extinction, raising doubt about validity of these dates."

"Most populations disappeared between 14,000 and 10,000 years ago"


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The European Bison survived in the virgin forests of Eastern Europe, which was also the last habitat of the Aurochs so I don't see why they couldn't have survived if they weren't the favorite prey of European nobility.
The fact that the last one wasn't hunted doesn't matter when they were only so few because they had been overhunted.
They adapted to human presence. Also Africa is huge as fuck and has historically had low population density.
You are an inferior human being.

You're the only person to get so many down, nice. Hell you even included the Hutu, and speaking of:

The problem with using Bantu as a good catchall because they don't have as much non-SSA DNA is as flawed as calling them all Niger-Congo. Niger-Congo is a language family, and not all people who speak a language from that family is of West and Central African descent (most Pygmies that don't speak a Sudanic language), and there are some Niger-Congo speakers who depending on where they live, can be anywhere from 10-40% non-SSA, like the Fula and Xhosa, or they have a similar percentage from Nilotic or Cushitic people.

For all of these confusing reasons, I just go by divides based on region and ethnolinguistic groups, like West Africans, Bantus, Horners, Nilotic and Omotic Africans, Sudanics, Sahelians, etc.

America bros, what to do now?
I had this dream to get the green card and be productive citizen to the (((world))) and an intellect
Its over now
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thank you man, really appreciate your motivating words, rare to find those words nowadays, Imma keep improving and trying, its not over yet
t. 21 yo
Fix your own country instead of going somewhere else and being a problem for the people of wherever you went. Economic migrants are literally cancer.
>21 years old
Yeah man, you’ve got a lot of time left. Life has only begun for you. I’m not from a third world country, but I’ve been an orphan with literally no money and now I have a great job and a wife. What you put your heart and mind into can be done. Don’t give up. With hard work and some miracles you can get there if you keep moving forward.
Good luck bro
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your story is inspiring, happy for you that you found the love of your life and you got kids
take care of them
thank you again anon for sharing the story and those nice words
just go to Europe
closer and less of a shithole, America's barely better than Morocco

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