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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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got good grades but didn't made any friends there nor ever got a job in life

Someone wants trans girls to get pregnant
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My bf said he wanted to impregnate me this morning. I think it was supposed to make me horny but it just made me sad.

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Twink on twink love ver

Previously on /r9gay/
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The thought makes me nauseous. Kill yourself. Actually genuinely kill yourself.
>Somebody else suffers more so your suffering is not valid
Incredibly ignorant shitlord opinion eat shit and die fucktard
You are a single celibate precisely because you have never tried anything. Not anything that matters, anyway.
It doesn't make you nauseous for real lole shut up nigga. Live yourself.
I have always been a bottom though. It has nothing to do with being molested.
timeline where i didn't give up all hope and actually tried to get a job and a white bf

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I finally did it, I married my silicone companion doll.
My best wishes to the newlyweds

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Would you tell your girlfriend you masturbate to traps and trannies? I know most girls hate bifags, but I want a girl who will appreciate traps with me.
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It has nothing to do with sexuality, but this depends all on whether or not he wants to take it up the butt. Basically, being into penises is not a turn off, but having personality features that I consider emasculating are. Like wanting to take it up the butt from a big burly man or wanting to get pegged and stepped on by his dom mommy girlfriend. They are equally as repulsive to me on a personal level from a sexual compatibility standpoint, my sexual preferences are masc/dominant. I kinda just see traps as cute girls with penises, and I like both cute girls and penises, so if anything if traps/femboys are your forte then that's actually a plus, it's something I understand and I don't think it detracts from how I perceive you as a manly man or whatever. Maybe I'm also spiritually fujoshi because I find homoeroticism/yaoi arousing if both the guys involved are my type. Cishet energy and no sissy stuff. You can totally be a fag without being a fag. If you don't get what I mean here, then just forgeddaboudit.
(I forgot one thing, it is a plus also if he is a bi top because that incidentally means he's receptive to anal. Also follow spazkidin3D so we can appreciate traps together!)
I hate how all these big dicked men are fat, bald, and ugly. I can't even self insert I am not any of those things. finally no OP, it is ok to not tell women you like traps or are bi. Men and women have things that they are psychologically coded to dislike. Your wife or future gf probably had sex with other men. It's ok, she can lie about it and you know she probably has been kissed or fucked by other men. But she is with you now, you have no proof, and you can live the rest of your life ok with that. Same with busting fat loads to traps or being fucked by other men. My future wife will never know
>my sexual preferences are masc/dominant
>I like cute girls
okay I now realize how this sounds, but I like both guys and gorls, and my expectations/tastes are differ between the gender, that is all

and if you're a femboy I don't consider it emasculating because in my head I just box them in with girls and trannies so it doesn't subvert my expectations in the same way it does as a masculine presenting guy wanting to get pegged
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No I get what you're saying. You're fine with a bi guy who's sexual preference is to be dominant and fuck feminine things, but not masculine yet submissive men who want to get impaled.

Funny thing is trannies are the same way. They just want a guy who doesn't want them to fuck them.
ah, that's it! You hit the nail on its head. It's true! I'm not homophobic. I don't discriminate against gays, I discriminate against bottoms. Male bottoms are truly the most oppressed group in society

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Anyone here into really fat guys? Not me in pic, btw.
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only homos, and thats because they will fuck anything
Take your pregabalin
Homos because they want someone bigger than them and because fat guys have boobs and ass and estrogen, so you could maybe pretend theyre women
I am 280 I need to lose weight and love myself again
I dated a girl that was into fat guys one time. She was great, but I ended up putting on a ton of weight lol

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>its that time of day again
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no not american
Do mmmmmmdrjrndntnt
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i dont know what that means
>the time of day where i just wanna tear my face off in frustration at my life and my brain
that's 24/7 bb
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im grateful its not 24/7 anymore
but jeez i dont wanna have this feel any more at all

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Poop is human labor, does that mean going to the bathroom is a political statement?
Browsing this board mid shit is a political statement
Eh maybe if you push it a little

For example, Islam has a certain toilet etiquette, so following it when pooping is kind of a political statement

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Are you sourdough?
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This is potentially bad. Are they at least safe drugs?
i wish i knew if you at least kept my contact or deleted it too because then you lose my number forever. maybe you just don't know how to unblock me h-haha
You blew me off without even letting me know. Ignored me for two days but yeah my bad actually, my fault. I wasnt even disappointed because it wasnt a surprise. Im not upset, i just dont get why you keep me stuck in limbo pretending to want me when you clearly dont.
It's just so sad and disappointing man. The only reason thing that went wrong was you becoming psychotic and going off the deep end. Out of nowhere. This is an actual tragedy
Dear A. I love you. There hasn't been a day I haven't thought of you. I had feelings for you as soon as we met. I know it was just an online friendship but I never felt closer to anyone as much as I did to you. I felt like I could have told you anything. You're the only girl in my life I've ever felt like this for.

I miss you like you wouldn't believe. I cherish the memories we shared together and hold them close. My heart and soul completely broke after we drifted apart. When we parted you took a piece of me with you.

Where ever you are in life, I hope you're happy. I figure by now you're married and with kids. I know both of us are older now. We're not the same people we were when we were kids.

I don't really know why I'm writing this. I know you would never be in a place like this. I guess I'm doing it more for me, I guess?

well I guess this is it I hope wherever you are in life you're happy.


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How do you walk up a mountain road with 99 curves?
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A master held out his short staff and said, "If you call this a short staff, you oppose its reality. If you do not call it a short staff, you ignore the fact. Now, what do you wish to call this?
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An ergonomically challenged wooden object of indeterminate length

a piece of wood.


one step at a time


nothing, the writing has been worn away by time and tide.
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Looking in a well a man without shadow is drawing water. Why?
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He was drawing water with his hands

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Growing up edition

Previous thread : >>77365511

>What was your childhood like? Were you a good or a bad kid?
>What about your high school years? Any embarrassing memories or phases?
>At what age did you start coming to 4chan?
>How much have you changed as a person in your life? Do you consider yourself mature for your age?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives. It's not complicated.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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holy shit kys simps
You're right I am upset that there are so many ok guys who are gonna miss out on a huge, fundamental part of the human experience because ok broads won't date a guy who's actually in their league despite being just ok themselves. And you're upset too. Because by the looks of it, most of you are ALSO miserable af with dating, specifically because you refuse to be with a guy on your level and are stuck on chasing someone unattainable. How many pump and dumps is it gonna take for you broads to realise that the way you approach dating (or interacting with men in general, for that matter) is dysfunctional af?
It is a coomer game, but it also sound so wacky that i felt the need to play it, that also why i dont want to play a full price for it
I can't imagine anybody who uses this word not being a massive douche
you are setting yourself up for failure
be less resentful

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ive been having more and more tranny thoughts lately? how do i make them go away? i dont want to be a disgusting troon.
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idk i just like cute girls and stuff and i imagine wearing cute outfits and stuff as a girl sometimes and its happened more often lately. it usually goes away after i jerk off tho so i think its just agp.
Cut yourself off from anything anime related, especially things like moe stuff that's usually the root of it, do not use any kind of anime girl pfp or reactionary, doing this for 2 months should get rid of the sources and rid of tranny thoughts
>it's just a fetish
yeah just less PORN
maybe a little less self-inserting as anime girls idk
if you're (almost) completely normal as a guy then you have no reason to become a tranny
these are actually good pieces of advice. thanks.
Transitioning won't change the way you or anyone else in the world sees you. We all know that changing sex is impossible.

Dysphoria is real and deep pain, but you will find more inner peace within yourself and in society if you are just a quirky person than if you are trying to force people to think about you in a certain way. People don't like to be forced to do things and are more willing to see you for yourself if you're carefree and fruity than if you are forcing them a whole backstory on how to see you.

For those who transition, having to justify your identity every time you speak to a new person is miserable, and annoying to them too because it means every first interaction becomes a trauma dump.

You can be yourself as yourself, being a man doesn't mean you can't be cute. Also, watch less porn and go outside more.

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2 femboys, each one sucking one of my balls and one femcel licking and kissing my anus

I am living like a king
I don't really like you OP
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>I don't really like you OP

A Sigma doesn't lose sleep to a beta's opinion
And then he woke up

>I like you guranon, even if you're nuttier than your mom's butthole

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