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3 replies omitted. Click here to view.
that scene ruined that mariah carey song for me.
Based Poseyposter.
Safe for work Adriana Chechik
Her work in Christopher Guest's movies was genius.

Also Blade Trinity lol.
Would park it in her posey.

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learn some english you pajeet bug
Wery wery good saar
Snyder can't write a screenplay from scratch. He still understands what's cool and visually interesting, but his idea of a screenplay is 50% boring slog that's difficult to watch, then 50% cool action scenes.
How do you go from Sucker Punch to Watchmen, or whatever?

Snacks Cider is extremely unpredictable.
Sucker Punch was after Watchmen.

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Did he actually die in the end and the rest is just a dream? The original twist is ruins the whole movie for me. This shouldve been a Total Recall type kino.
more like the gaymmmhh

How do people get this fat
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>No you dont. Weight loss is CICO and can be done just by not eating as much or eating more filling, less calorie dense foods like salad.
You are a fucking retard, skinny fats are just as unhealthy as the fattest landwhale they just think they're not. You muscle, it's also why so many people get fat again even if they do lose weight counting their calories and suffering on salad. Muscle and building it keeps the weight off, nothing else matters.
It’s an addiction

Everyone knows how to lose weight and everyone has a good general idea of what food is good or bad for you. So why is 1/3 of the population obese and another 1/3 overweight? The same reason why alcoholics keep drinking alcohol even though they know it’s bad for them
How are people supposed to take advice from this clearly unhealthy ass doctor seriously?
A 2l bottle of coke is like 800 calories. Its not expensive to become that fat on junk food.
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history will show that I'm in the right

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I fear this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
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>man smokes
>deserves to have his ribs broken, torso smashed and organs turned to goo
Smoking kills, it says so right on the carton
that bucket is brilliant because that’s literally what happens at the beginning of saw 4
This desu, saw is such a shitty pseudo intellectual series its fitting that the nigger who keeps spamming it is a redditor
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Women moment kek
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Were there bears on the titanic though?
If Rose had just stayed in that lifeboat that Cal put her in instead of jumping back into the ship like a goddamn retard, then Jack could have just focused on saving himself. He would have had a much higher chance of surviving and maybe finding Rose again later.
She killed him.
all the more reason to both be on the raft, two people can create more body heat
i'm almost certain cameron knew that tbe logic in this movie made no sense. it's a filter for retarded women
don't question women chud

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Legs that are long Edition
previous thread -> >>198852082
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Male masturbation is rather clean and straight forward so I guess that would not bother me
Even scarier.
>that's The Fly II
I'm so glad that poor dog isn't real.
Was this film trying to get both the rape fetish and the femdom fetish audiences at once?

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What is the most underrated kdrama according to /tv/?

For me it's Cruel City. Great cast and a compelling storyline.

Vincenzo is nice in it, but I dunno why the FL or second ML were never in any big roles after it.
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Isn't miso onions
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kimbap, it's rice veggies and whatever else rolled up in kim
kim = seaweed
bap = rice
Don Jr likes that

didn't care for uncanny counter, in fact I disliked it
never bothered with ocn after that

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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

History of the Russian-Sino Border Conflict Edition

QOTD -- Pick a wife: Slav or WASP?

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>page 10
How can you forget Bullitt
No Uwe Boll?
Boll is kino. Stop parroting opinions you heard from ecelebs.
sarcastic reply

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Unironically the worst thing he's done to a child and it was just him being retarded
Blanket your being ignorant
He just wanted to show the bby but he was either too aitistic to show it normally or too weak to hold it upright
He's been dead for 15 years, and you are still obsessed with one thing that happened in 2002. You are a mentally ill faggot. The people who claim to dislike MJ are more obsessed with him than his actual fans.
most scandals today are boring he-said she-said dirt from decades ago (aka Me Too). but this one >>198863528 was good

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You shouldn't swear.
Sorry shill, I'm still not going to pay for Amazon® Prime™ Video© for the conveniently affordable price of $139/yr or $14.99/mo (that's less than a cup of coffee a day!).
I don't care that it grants me access to some of the hottest shows on television along with my favorite movies, all just a click away. Don't even try to tell me about the plethora of other incredible benefits you enjoy with your Prime™ membership when shopping through Amazon's® world-renowned online store, faggot.
what is kino about this I don't get it

I am surprised people don't talk about it more. It's very interesting to hear all the different life moments people would choose. I don't really get the hate for choosing Splash Mountain though. It wouldn't be my #1 choice, but going to Cedar Point with my family when I was 6 is definitely one of my top memories. Not every choice needs to be some pretentious moment.

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this was crap outside of the Godzilla effects
looked like crap and written like crap
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Minus is 100% tranime slop and you know it.
Masculine heroes are a thing of the past in Japan, like in America, but for different reasons. Japan's reason is that housewives wanna coom.
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nipponese masculinity will die with takeshi
Its not a film for Transformers fans, maybe you'd be better off watching Godzilla x Kong?
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>y-y-you just like Shin Godzilla because you like Evangelion, annofag!
Nope. Shin's just great. Hate Anno. Hate Evangelion. Simple as.
Oh how the tables have fucking turned.

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>Has 10/10 good looks.
>Can act and actually has charisma.
>Is still just a B their actor even with his 15+ year career.

Funny enough in Fall Guy he's actually a mock Tom Cruise superstar. Oh the irony.
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He has no charisma
he was great in godzilla playing young Shia LaBeouf for example amirite
He got oiled up by an anal dropping
>>Can act and actually has charisma.
You must be trolling, he's a awful actor and is such a boring presence on screen. His long boring story line in Godzilla is a perfect example. If he's Bond it'll be the same dead eyed tough guy "acting" he's been forcing since Kick Ass.
When Bryan Cranston died and I realized that Aaron was the actual main character, my investment in the human drama in that movie dropped through the floor.

/tv/ has a thing for antiheroes, but among the early 2000s shows, I only see The Sopranos and The Wire mentioned

The more recent mid shows like BCS, BB, and SoA are all praised, while The Shield seems forgotten. Newfags or is the old unwritten rule of /tv/ "no The Shield threads" still in place?

I guess we'll never see a show with an all-white corrupt team storming non-white neighborhoods and the headman getting away with it in the end with a cozy deal again
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>old fart talks to people that aren't even there
What's crackin' Joe? Did they give you your ice cream yet?
I'm surprised you bussin zoomers even know who the president is. btw since you're on /tv/ I was quoting both Star Trek TNG and The Godfather, both very good piece of media from well before your time.
>Strictly 9-5, never overtime
>Drives an old classic, proud of it
>Avoids the spotlight, makes a few jokes every now and then
>Sees a crime happen. It involves a dangerous gang ''I did not see anything''. ''That's above my pay grade'''
>Magically becomes captain, salary increases and goodbye streets, now comfy desk job
>Sets up a corruption scheme with his vending machine company and profits from everyone
>Difficult times, demoted. Still, never overtime, strictly 9-5, 1hour lunchbreak (sushi)

I agree
>i solely talk in media quotes
You're maybe one step above a tiktok addict.
I don't know what tiktok has to do with this. Isn't that the Vine ripoff that only young girls use?

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