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How.... largely indistinguishable from background characters they look.
They're making them all part of the Photon Power Labs, so that means we should get Yumi as a character too? Kind of odd we haven't seen him yet.
We do.

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Zeonic just released the final update on volume 2, making the collection complete. Uploaded the PDFs on MediaFire because his site is prone to getting DMCA'd and random server crashes:
Volume 1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/a4d0bczax5rot50/
Volume 2: https://www.mediafire.com/file/944ag1uohlssi5h/

Also, please, please, PLEASE, no bullshit arguments about "canon". You know exactly who you are.
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> It ultimately does send messages that fighting is okay when the "good guys" do it.
I mean, yeah.

To claim to be pacifist, but to not have any actual power doesn't mean that you're a peace lover. It means that you're fucking harmless and irrelevant. It echoes back to the stuff Kira and Lacus loves saying to each other with their whole: "Neither strength alone, nor will alone" shtick.

I'm not gonna argue about whether this is an objectively correct way of thinking or not, but I'm just saying that SEED's interpretation of Pacifism probably comes from this mindset.
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>hardcore Gundam fan
Everyone laugh at this.
>Kira's solution at the end is to keep fighting to restore peace whenever conflicts break out
The violent conflict between Naturals and Coordinators is taken as a fact of life in the CE, to which our protagonists only serve to intervene when things turn specially bad.
It's especially rich that Kira "suffers" about not being able to protect anything, when nobody considers whether (murderous insurgents aside) people's grievances might be justified, or how a common path could be constructed by our main cast. The writing only stays at "extremists bad, protagonists good".

When there are montage cuts to civilian life on Earth, it's usually people protesting against Coordinators or suffering the consequences of war (the ones before Break the World are specifically intended to portray normality before catastrophe). Even PLANT has people riled up after the nuking attempt. Contrast that to Orb, where the commoners are only seen in scenes of average civilian life. Them criticizing their circumstances, much less their leadership, just doesn't exist there.
>Yes, secondary material talked about a Freedom Hijacking incident.
>At some point the SF was stolen by belligerents, but the situation was resolved and the SF was reacquired by Compass.
Sounds pointless

We are currently in Golden Week for GBO2 for console. A good time to enhance any of your favorite MS with bonus hanger and banners which grant you extra mechanic tokens and mod kits.

The new MS for the week is one handmade by Scirocco which is part of the Valpurgis Plan and is has the power of the Curse of Gryps which ended Scirocco's life, Over.on has arrived as the next 4-star MS.

On stream we are in the 1st Anniversary Celebration pre-event with special step ups and an MS request campaign event. The new 4-star MS is Perfect Gundam Perfect Gundam [TB] with Zeta Gundam 3A Type as the next MS.

GBO days will also arrive for the usual first week of the month.

Previous thread:

Follow Tenda on twitter

GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

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His emotions run high but he knows in his heart of hearts that if I hadn't secured the base bomb we would not have one
are you having a stroke? hmm? little stroky stroky from losing the match over harebrained basebombing like the last 50 times???
>be support
>rest of team gets wiped early
>survive till they respawn, soloing two generals and the stealth raid in the meantime
>finally die
>realize the team absolutely refuses to stay together
>at no point during the match was there a chance where you could respawn at any point that WASN'T crawling with enemies other than the base
>still get top score in everything sans diversions at the end
it's like I proved I'm better than all of them and the team decided to play like shit to spite me
Failure to ready results in same penalty as leaving a match then
The fact that my mere existence causes an anon such butthurt is a bit intoxicating

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Other than Crossfire and Zeonic Front, what other Gundam games focus more on the simulation aspect? Non-answers like Bonds of the Battlefield doesn't count, as that will never leave the arcades.
Mobile Suit Gundam Version 1.0 and Version 2.0 are cockpit simulators.

>There are two versions of the PSX game: the vanilla release and Version 2.0. I actually prefer the latter, but it plays different to an extent and it's admittedly (I hate using this term) jankier than the original. The original is a straight arcade cockpit shooter, you have a number of targets per stage but sometimes you will have re-spawning enemies. You have a total shoot down count the game keeps track of and after a certain threshold you level up, so your attack power and HP gets better. Completing stages quickly also contributes toward this. You have a lock-on, manual aiming, locked in strafing, a vernier jump that only works on ground stages and as I previously mentioned you must pay attention to your speed when accelerating or reversing (you can also brake suddenly which you will need to do). The beam rifle, beam sabre, vulcan and bazooka all have specific strengths and juggling them will earn you a great score, but I recommend starting out with just the beam rifle (the beam sabre is only effective when an enemy is directly in front of you, but it's powerful). Space stages take place in a giant 3D 'spherical' field, and you do have to pay attention to your altimeter in order to know where you're looking. Similarly, understanding the radar is key because it switches between long range and short range distances, and uses colours to indicate if an enemy is above or below you (blue for enemies blue, red for lock-on, yellow/orange for enemies above IIRC). The music is cool too.
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>Non-answers like Bonds of the Battlefield doesn't count, as that will never leave the arcades.

are you dumb
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>are you dumb
since that's JP only, I actually had no idea this port even existed
I think I've played these but they lean quite heavily towards just being arcade games. Guess that's just a simple fault of older consoles. The lack of mobile suit selection (you can only use the grandpa) hurts too.
There is a mode in which you play as Char's Zaku II, Gelgoog and Ziong in 2.0.
Saw a video of it. Impressed that they all have different cockpits.

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>Previous thread:

Previous campaigns:https://snip.dssr.ch/?13bb17497ee9288d#4sosfvz6HTqLrdA2A9RGqooWW7AgCsNoZg7tfR28dfQS

Password is gas4llspacen0ids to access page.

(Near) complete unit and character assets from Gihrens Greed: Menace of Axis V
[For those that wish to make their own creations with the potential for them to be added as mercenary blueprints to the current game OR for their own personal uses.]

Character set: https://mega.nz/folder/YSVzWbRB#iLhOMXSbzS_jBq3WGP6NxQ

Unit set: https://mega.nz/folder/EeNBQZTC#hg26dftks0YrIhTW25zL1Q
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I always wonder how Aeno rebel GM would look like?
This is only one look ok with using GIMP colorize.
Is any tips on how to use GIMP color exchange.
Think you could make a Dreissen with Hi-Nu wings?

"Exile." It was gods command when her mother had passed, and it was the same one he would call upon her to obey yet again in her failed quest to find Luse De Guille...the one who had given her mother the truth of god, and the life she now has. Having been terrified of the sinful emotions lurking within her father, and now having lost the last known follower of Christ she could confide in...a life in service to spreading gods word is all she had left to fall back on. Packing a small bag and cloaking herself with a robe, Genine vanishes from the town of Terrace without a trace...

>Garpen: She's gone? The girl could not have just-
>Karlitov: You made an attempt, son. Its more than anyone else would have done. Time to get movin.

Stroking his mustache in disappointment, Garpen climbs back into one of the departing Magella tanks, while Karlitov looks out to the rising smoke in the horizon.

>Karlitov: Gettin to old for all this...

Meanwhile, a group of men in tattered robes stand before a burning mass grave, all of them chanting in unison at the "justice" at hand.

>Zeon Officer: S-stop! I already told you everything I know!! P-put me in a prison camp, but don't-
>Luse: The pain will only be temporary in this world. The pain awaiting you in the next world will last for eons...but one day, god will forgive you for your accursed existence. When all sinners have been cleansed, perhaps you and the others who have been saved today will be allowed to return. Until then...

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What went so wrong?
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>Piles of unsold plamo
This is pretty much a throwback to twenty years ago of SEED Destiny plamo piling up

The difference is most of those were NGs that sold for like 300 yen at the checkout at grocery stores. These are HGs and FMs, and the kits are really large too. The HG Mailes Kenbu is like the size of the HGUC Sazabi
What do you mean? I hate on Kyoukai Senki all the time because it makes your dick smaller.
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Anime was unbelievably uninteresting

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So seeing how Armored Core 6 and the Front Mission remasters went what do you think the future looks like for /m/ games? Is more mecha even viable within the current video game industry?
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honestly past and current year are quite the treat
we getting GB4
Musashi is awesome and ww release
Laynos 2 in English
FM2 for non-moon readers even in questionable quality is better than nothing.
Few indies here and there. EDF 6 even if a bit tangent.
Honestly I personally do not complain. On contrary I almost don't see actual shovelware which I thought will start popping up with AC6
>mech designer
I meant the AC customization tool, but having so many known designers working on the game is another thing that improves the game. there aren't many AC models, but they have their own style and this contributes to the worldbuilding because the models actually look like they were developed by different corporations
even without shovelware, the genre suffers from chronic low budget
>On contrary I almost don't see actual shovelware which I thought will start popping up with AC6
I want to believe that people are still on wait and see period. For example, Soulslike clone only just popped off in 2014, years after the first Dark Souls came out and became this big hit. These things take time, but then again who knows.
>even without shovelware, the genre suffers from chronic low budget
well, what can you do.
we can't exactly turn back time. It'll stay as niche, and it's fine honestly.
I just wish low budget meant making more with less not trying to make something half-assed
ac6 wasn't that huge of a hit to spawn clones, it mostly sold okayish due modern From fame.
At best maybe one game will try to mimic, but technically DxM already did that and we all know how that went
It's fine game on it's own right still, but clearly nothing to write home about
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Is this just me being bad or an intrinsic problem with the latency of the game? I've been eating any charged/heavy shots like this. I don't like elden ring/dark souls pvp for this reason.

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I finally managed to get this piece of shit game working on an emulator after six months with no advice other than "switch the rendering" (which did nothing, until today where a fresh download of PCSX seemed to fix the issue. Holy fuck this game is awful. I can forgive the clunky controls, but it's next to impossible when every enemy both out ranges you and out damages you. I couldn't the first mission because there's no indication as to when the enemy tanks see you, where they spawn or what their patrol patterns are. All the sensors seem next to useless, and the squad controls are confusing as hell. When the "boss fight" started, my Zaku I team mate one-shot it, ending the mission before I could even really start to fight it. Is this how the game is supposed to work? Is my copy fucked? If so, there some setting in PCSX that makes this game run properly? I can't believe this game was this hard, and I remember breezing through the first few missions with little to no difficulty.
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Tell yourself that.
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just another anon
just tried it on the latest nightly
picrel, it's the same jank i loved years ago
>getting taken out by literally fodder like type 61 tanks

lol, lmao even
>exposing your back to the enemy
>complaining about range when you're using MGs while the zooks are available
>thinking a milsim will just give you the locations of your enemies
>trying to use radar when there are minovsky, or using sonar while there's stationary targets
>not playing the tutorial or figuring out the route planner
>refusing to play the tutorial to know that one-shots ARE an intended mechanic when you get behind the enemy
You know what? You deserve every duel and zetarager thread.

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Lost Stories 2nd anni on 5/17.

Previous thread: >>22553086
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And who besides her, fag? The principality presupposes the presence of a prince or princess at the head, even formally, but...

From the point of view of the average British citizen:
- Schneizel smashed Pendragon and fired Freya at the imperial troops at Fuji
- Cornelia almost died during the Black Rebellion and then did something unclear and eventually became a commander of recent and potential enemies, the Black Knights
- Although Karin survived, according to the manga "OZ", she lost her memory and was still that bitch before

This is about the canon ones, since nothing is really known about Callis and his family.

So the “pure and innocent” Princess Nannali, who suffered from physical and mental wounds throughout her life, was able to mourn the Demon Emperor even after he humiliated her and was going to kill her, has an excellent “alibi” for ascending to the Throne as a symbol of a renewed nation .
>And who besides her, fag?
Schneizel. This is specifically stated in this excerpt and in Re;surrection. Nunnally herself says she has no power at the start of Re;surrection.

>But he blew up Pendragon
No, Nunnally did, she had her finger on the button the entire time. It is explicitly stated Nunnally has no power because she used FLEIJA.
Cornelia has a lesser position than she is qualified in the Black Knights because Schneizel already has a high UFN position and some don't want to give the Britannian Imperial family too much power.

This isn't a place where you can pass off fanon as fact. We actually are pretty well informed here on /m/
>No, Nunnally did
Go rewatch the series, stupid. Nunnally began pressing Freya's button after destroying Pendragon and "negotiating" with Lelouch.
Pretty clearly shows Nunnally pressing the button to blow Pendragon in the Re; manga
It looks fun.

Anyway we just need to wait 6 more days for the verdict.

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Previous Thread: >>22608160

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

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Holy shit, you're fucking retarded. Characters can be straight or at least not officially gay and still get scenes like pic related to entice the fujos and encourage shipping because that shit makes money, that's what fujoBAIT fanservice is.

There's always people who ship characters that aren't officially together (doesn't even have to be same sex pairings, there's lots of straight ships too), and the shows' staff fully understands that, which is why they intentionally make scenes like this. Many fujos are content with just getting moments between the characters that have mildly homoerotic undertones, even if they know their OTPs will never become canon. The staff is basically throwing them a bone.

It's also important to note that Banjo probably scores points among female fans both for the romantic moments inviolving his girlfriends and also for the fujobait relationship and scenes he shares with Sento.
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>That Sento x Banjo was part of the show
But it was, it was a ship (which isn't the same thing as an actual canon couple) deliberately created and pushed by the staff.
Finished kamen rider X, it’s a really fun show from start to finish and had just the right amount of episodes, not too long but not very short either. Up next A-MA-ZOOOOOOOOOOOON
God her thigh is just pouring out
>I do not need it anymore popular.
This. As nice as it sounds, once normalfags (and kike suits from megacrops) get aware of it then it's all over.
As bad as Reiwa is, it is nothing compared to the absolute travesty it could still become

Random question, but is there any amount of /m/ related fiction that originated in Europe? If so, is it any good?
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Ask a stupid question get called a fucking newfag.
unironical millennial brainrot
>unironical millennial brainrot
Take your buzzwords back to twitter.
if only you could show us how to speak without using buzzwords >>22613522
Sci-fi space opera novels.

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Sequel announcement any day now, am I right?
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but Hobby Japan is its own publisher differently from Newtype (i found a high card novel in a newtype issue) who is published by Kadokawa Shoten.
But we will see, there might be a demand and publish it later on.
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first time to sold out is the tea mug, understandable it's very cool
The mug is still available on mail order on marui web shop, like the rest of the pop up shop merch but you'd need a proxy
It will sell like shit
The pervy mug is a great piece of merch in general.

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How do your limbs even fit inside this thing? How would you redesign this to allow an anatomically correct human to wear it?
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I always assumed they transform rather than squeeze into the armor
The real Tekkamen do transform, but that one is a powersuit with a regular human inside.
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The same way Stane wore the Iron Monger suit in Iron Man 1
Kinda bummed these jobbed so hard.
The entire point is that they're cheap replicas and the best you could hope for even with top of the line tech. I can't think of a single series where artificial or mass produced suits like that didn't job.

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Inheritor edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

>XV website

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Akatsuki did a good job today, let's give her a cheese steak
She looks so impalable.
cute bunny apron
Can we also give her her favorite snacks
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When was the last time something so small, so simple and so seemingly insignificant brought you such joy, such happiness and such feelings of love.

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"運命か・・・" Edition
>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>the link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly xenia link
>pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3
>models for all the gen 1 parts

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Celtic spear on youtube, he uploads 4th and 5th gen pvp stuff if that's what you want.
Yes, yes... everything according to keikaku...
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Shut up
Can I emulate any preAC6 title just fine if my machine has an i5 9600k and a 2060 super? The framerate would be capped at 60 fps correct?
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