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Previous thread: >>18105596

NEW Luca Turin reviews on Substack: https://lucaturin.substack.com/

Informative Videos for newfags to Perfume General
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for newfags
W2C bottles

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No you are a newfag, it’s just a blatant fact after what you said about EN. Anyone who has been a smellywater collector knows that it had its time and place - however you’re clearly a fetus, so you didn’t live through that time. To say that frag sucks is actually insane, it completely revolutionized cheapie fragrances and proved that you can get a fragrance of niche quality for a 1/3rd of the price of designers that are far worse. You’re just a larping newfag
>encre noire revolutionized fragrances
>misquoting what I said to try and make it sound worse because it’s objectively true
I accept your concession, you didn’t live through the peak of cheapie frags and now you’ve been relegated to buying Arab clones. I’d be mad too honestly.
Whether you get compliments or not depends on the wearer and if they're hot. If you're hot, you will get compliments for anything due to the halo effect and vice versa. Don't wear fragrances for women and compliments.
hey buddy, i don’t know how to break this to you, but brut came out in 1968 and it’s $3. and it also smells a lot better than encre noire, but the bar was already on the floor in that regard.

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Hygiene/skincare General #8 post your sunscreen edition
Previous >>18080800

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf

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You can put sunblock around your eyes, just don't get it in your eyes or it might sting.
Since you are already wearing sunscreen you could add retinol or a prescription retinoid like tretinoin pretty easily, just adds an extra 30 second step at night before you apply moisturizer.
Do you really need to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours like they recommend, or is this just a meme from Big SunScreen to get us to buy more product? This is assuming you aren't outside working up a sweat or swimming. Just normal day to day driving and walking around.
Does tret age you more long term or is /fit/ just retarded?
I thought there was a reason for tret to be prescription only while retinoids were not.
>cicaplast baume is great but i would try something lighter and oil free
any recommendations? thanks

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i go to my zoomoid buddys house sometimes and he watches these shitty youtube commentary zoomies and they all have le ironic moustaches and mullets often as well
mostly just genetics, i'm in a similar position and my dad was the same as yours. we just have to wait to see how our genetics play out.

the one thing I can recommend is to eat and drink as best you can cause that helps with growth.
>Zoomers try and bring back everything from the past 60 years because they are incapable of independent thought and innovation.
Not to play devils advocate for zoomies but hasn't everything been done already? What are they going to do, do some modernized spin on baroque 17th century clothing? Cell shaded steampunk borderlands fits?
>Then they promptly abandon whatever style they try because they look like shit and can't figure out that simply aping whatever someone else wears doesn't mean they'll look good.
Accurate, you should dress based on your personal tastes/interests because at least then you'll have some kind of foundation to work on without looking like you're following a trend or dressing for a costume party
No millenials are and trying to look like sleezy 70s porn producers mixed with australian white trash
He's so gross

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27 years old. Ideally I’d want to attract younger women. How should I dress to accomplish this goal?

I am a computer engineer that has a sizable amount of savings and income. Most of my clothes don’t fit me or look really poor as they were purchased ages ago at Walmart.
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Bro I cope too but look at him coming through the doorframe. He's not shirt.
Yeah by like 3 years this guy sounds weird lmao
I wish
>25+ is when women start getting serious and want you to be stable, have your life in order, money, etc.
I'm 41 and have none of that so my life is essentially over. The only relief is most women these days seem to be in the same position. My old boss was living with her parents still at 31.
Yea as a man you're expected to have everything at 40

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Sleep Tight edition

Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."

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Considering I have two San Shartin and one poodor sounds right,I'm a shitter enthusiast.
I took an Omega pocket watch from 1920 for a revision since it had issues running (it only ran if you kept it at certain angles) and they told me that the watch is in very bad conditions and that more than a revision it would be a restoration and that it will cost me around €600/700, and they told me to only do it if the watch has sentimental value. I accepted anyway but they also told me that they're not even sure if they can do it and they have taken my watch while they check if it's actually fixable.
I want to know if they asked me too much, i had no idea it was in such a bad shape, the last revision was anywhere around 10-20 years ago (but they told me that the last guy who serviced the watch did a bad job)
This is a very reputable family owned watchmaking shop, been in business since 1900 and only has good reviews mostly stating that the owners are honest. So, is the price asked reasonable? I should have asked for more opinions but I really trusted the guy at the shop
based horological coprophiliac
>revision instead of repair
What are they revising?
I thought they would only need to oil it up and maybe replace a spring or something. Took it for a revision or a repair or whatever but was charged this amount and want to know if it's fair

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Fitting through narrow gaps edition
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doing it right
are you girls idiots or what? just use that ozempic thing all the actual pretty high fashion models use.
just be broke and you'll get skinny fast. I am a male who does not want to be skinny but is 17.2 bmi
I’m unironically trying to get prescribed that for pcos symptoms kek
make xs s again

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is full Rick gay in 2024?
Always has been
i feel like if you have love handles wearing rick you missed the point
Yes wearing all black is super gay. Wearing all black with a bit of white is just as gay.
Yes and most of these rappers are secretly gay too

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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

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fiebings mink oil liquid, right?
your pure mink oil has silicone in it buddy
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Not that one. It's the mink oil paste. You'll notice my boots weren't actually dried out to begin with because I keep the well conditioned. They were just banged up from a hunting trip I just got back from.
So the stitching is sloppy and inconsistent? Stitchdown is trash. It’s the simplest and cheapest construction method even when it’s done by “hand”.
Stichdown looks great, and it also doesn't look like a kid played with their mashed potatoes with their fork on the welt.
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I have two pairs of Mexican ones for beaters. It's too bad they couldn't have gone the way of RW. I like their basic silhouette.

Post your living spaces and let others rate. Where do you guys find artwork? Would you be embarrassed if a girl came over?
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well its not my fault crazy people do crazy things that have led to this.
Kinda, though with man-children it's the lack of sex that does it.
You're clearly just rich.
Patriotism is bad because we're globalists. It's also bad because then you may come to think the state should serve the people when it's supposed to be people serving the state.
i think the fact that there's a computer and a bunch of gaming shit is what makes it a larp more than anything else. atleast have it in a different room. there's nothing MORE distracting/autism triggering than an internet-connected computer where you can get mired into flame wars or looking at people you don't like.

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>long hair and clean shave
does not get better than this

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If a woman sends you this picture of herself, is she trying to flirt with you?
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Hot and based
What is it with all these trannie threads on board?
Yes. I have a friend who missed these hints. (S)he's not sending selfies to people she doesn't like.
That's a fat tranny

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as a male, what the fuck am I supposed to wear if i just something to store my phone, wallet and hand cream.

why do you look retarded as a male no matter what bag/purse you get while they just work for women?
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Keys will scratch your wallet.
the wallet is to protect cards and bills
its purpose is to be scratched instead of those
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I mostly carry a pouch since I tend to lose my things (very forgetful), I just place my phone, wallet and earbuds in here. I do not carry hand creams since I do not give smooth handjobs with your velvet silky hands for your boyfriend
do you carry it in your hand just like that? isnt it stupid not having both your hands free?
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Thx to Anon >18102057
I dress up like i wanted and i think it looks pretty good on me :D
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"Actually" neck yourself you deranged faggot.
Wait you know what? scratch that. Do what you will, your life has no value whatsoever anyway.
Manly frame, you dont pass trannie
Most girls have dirty and untidy rooms at least until they have an entire apartment to themselves.
>boypucci flowers in the attic
>your life has no value whatsoever anyway.
arrogant judgment to make about yourself or anyone else

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>tfw turning 30 in a month but people still think you're around 19
feels fucking AMAZING
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At 18 you see 30 as old. When you hit 30, you still feel really young. Nothing really changes. I remember being 34, having some drinks, online, music, and yes, still going to the club. I felt the same as I did at 24.

Now 43, age really only starts to impact you at around 40. Th original "midlife crisis" of 40, was/is correct. But do I now feel "old" so to speak? Not really. I'm just in a panic 50 will soon be here. Then 70. And being really old and death. It's not that I feel old; just that I am aware of what is coming.

And for me, I look young too. Around 28. In theory, this sounds good. In reality, women that age, finding out my age, are not interested. And women my age, they can often look super old and they don't want to be seen with a guy who looks way younger than them. So you're stuck in no mans land.

My only solution (cope) is to lie. I pretend I am 30, but this is just for hook ups. Long term, I have no answer, and are single. And as above, I feel kinda young, I know my future is going to be some single 60 year old dude with no kids.

So I just live for now. I have forgot about tomorrow, because it is destroying today.
You have to decide what you value. Statistically, there are women who aren't bothered by your appearance, especially if you have decent attainment in career/financials. If you value having kids, you just have to be upfront and aggressively seek the one who doesn't care and isn't bothered by however young you supposedly look so you can make it happen before you're too old to be a good parent.
What? Jerry Seinfeld, a famous stand-up comedian who frequently goes on late night talk shows and dates literal models and world-class gymnasts? Elaine Benez, who has worked for many years as a reader at a powerful publishing agency and is considered by almost everyone beautiful and intelligent, who once turned a gay man straight, however briefly? Cosmo Kramer, who has worked as an underwear model, and had such raw animal magnetism he almost stopped an acolyte nun from taking her vows? No, the point is not that they are losers, far from it. The point is that they are selfish, charismatic, ill-behaved 30-somethings who disagreed that one must settle down and begin to die, independent-minded people who bucked societal convention in favor of enjoying their lives how they saw fit.
George Costanza is not a loser because he is short, or overweight, or bald. He pulls attractive women and has had very good jobs. He is a loser because he cannot handle societal pressure to conform. He is a loser because he thinks constantly of what others think of hime. He is a loser because he is ashamed of himself and his parents. He is a loser because he decides to get married, and is upset when his friend, his idol, refuses to follow him into the conventional world.
I still like him though, great character, great actor, great fits.
>fucks like 15+ 9/10+ women most of which are canonically from wealthy families over the course of the show
>works for the yankees after shit talking the team owner to his face
>god tier fashion
Wait I thought hair theory had to do with baldness aging you

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