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>finally have free time to play vidya for the first time in almost a year
>no idea what I want to play
I dont even play *games* anymore. I just play text based adventures in ai
if you're into roguelites try noita nuclear throne or risk of rain 2
>Instead of just picking something, go whine on /vee/ and do nothing
It has gotten too easy to be gaming-adjacent. Watch people play games on discord, watch people play games on twitch, watch people post gaming opinions on 4chan

it requires strength to force yourself to play shit these days cause there's so many ways to get the gaming experience without the bullshit part about playing yourself online
i wanted to try noita but i just can't really get into it, even tho it calls me because i'm into dungeon exploring but i think the game looks pretty "deep" with mechanics, am i dumb?

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Fight Fight Fight
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>under 6f delay
What? I thought everyone on PC played on 0-2 extra delay? I play on 1 because it's closer to offline
no no, i mean i'm currently at 1f delay, i need to crank it to 6f delay
I like to play Phonon because she is really cute.
We need more Phonon players

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have you all played this yet? Its out in early access
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>an option to turn off ray tracing
>wasn't an option before
>devs forced raytracing on
are they retarded or something? is this game made by retards?
Sorry I meant antialiasing not ray tracing
Ray tracing is tied to how high your light related settings are.
I honestly wish you could bump the raytracing higher. It looks worse than the super-early days of the minecraft PTGI shader. So fuzzy.
This shit is 20€ dawg, or 9€ equivalent converted to Ukranian
>you're a scientist instead
Gordon is also just a scientist

>Helldivers 2 now unavailable in countries which PSN is also unavailable


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I hope that fucking frost spiders will eat them all.
RIP Marathon then
>If I was the devs I'd be suing Sony right now
for what you retard? it was required day 1 and it's sony's game
what are gamers supposed to do?
write a strongly worded letter?
as if that thing worked out for fuckin UN
You're a PT aren't you?

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Honestly? I have more respect for Fallout 4 than New Vegas.
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why should i say anything if ruzzians like you do not have brain capacity to read it LOL
The show, normies and casuals flood in to suck it off because it’s the hot thing and shills go into overdrive
You are fucking joking. The perk system is one of the worst parts of fallout 4. You literally have to spend 50 levels just unlocking the actual gameplay and the shit skills did in the first game before you can invest in "build" related shit. Starfield has the exact same system and is one of many reasons it's so trash.
It's because the PS3 didn't have enough disk space, retard. They even had to cut some dialogue from already-released base game so the DLCs would fit.
Sorry I don't understand esl people.

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When all hope is lost, when the world seems too cruel to be hospitable, what girl keeps you going? What woman keeps you moving ahead regardless of all obstacles?
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waifu making mysterious measurements with your ruler
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Towa really does have great hair. One of her bonding events in Cold Steel 2 involves Towa's friend messing around with it with ribbons and whatnot while Rean watches in bemusement.
Lawful Good, but several more notches towards "Good". That said Towa isn't afraid to go against the law to do what's right, like in Cold Steel 4 where the Erebonian government are the bad guys.
Maybe Neutral Good is more appropriate, especially that she ends up joining an international aid organisation that goes beyond country borders. Either way Towa doesn't have an evil bone in her body.
Towa gets along with just about anybody, just look at Reverie's massive list of party members which run the alignment gauntlet. She also works as a political diplomat too on occasion.
Yes, certainly. But nobody dies in Trails lmao.
Waifuy Dreams
Sounds like a lovely dream
The dream...... is over.....
Riding into the sunset with waifu
You can't really see Towa in the pic because she's so smol, but I promise she's in the other sidecar

Did he deserve his fate?
>saves his sister
>ends the world in the process
He was too based for the world
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fpbp, we should all aspire to be so committed to a cause.
The filthy shades started it
No one did. That's the point.
>sends literal babies to the front line
Shitterlord deserved it

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What happened to Dead or Alive?
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1. Literally 5000 DLCs totalling $10k
2. They realized gachas make them far more money than normal games could ever make them, for a fraction of the cost
>Why do you think DOA's own gacha is literally the only thing that's keeping the franchise alive?
Because nobody plays FCG trash in the current year.
Tom Lee happened
Same for the holds, it's a good anti-mashing tool. But it's also super satisfying to commit to a read and see you were right.

>tekken bot
One reason I played all 3D fighters except Tekken has always been its fucking garbage community.
What I don't like about those hypocrites is how they refuse to admit that the knowledge check part is just too huge because of how many fucking moves one character has. Until then, you will NOT block a variety of 100+ different moves from ONE character that can all hit anywhere from high, mid to low.
Which is why they all unironically have a fucking bot spamming one button beating their asses at high level ranks.
fighting games have never been alive on PC smashfag

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Soulcalibur bread
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God, Natsu is such a failure.
gib 0-1
Yeah, I don't really like her design either. Bright red clothes and orange hair make even less sense for a ninja than most of Taki's outfits. At least Taki has black hair and usually weaps dark blue or dark purple bodysuits what would allow her to blend into the night, presumably. And even when she wears red, it's a darker shade than Natsu's.
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For me its Taki

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What's this name again?
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Why did he do it?
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>Shulk literally wastes my time with a 10 minute speech about how "I'm not gonna kill you because you're not such a bad guy, I'm sorry we inconvenienced you, let's be friends :^)". It's already insulting enough that Egil makes it clear that he would gladly keep trying to genocide the homs, but Shulk is like "haha that's okay, it doesn't matter how many die, I'll just keep stopping you and then not killing you. No, putting you in jail would be mean too, I'll just let bygones be bygones". There isn't any discussion of punishment or corrective action. Like this retard is gonna let a genocidal murder just walk around and do what he wants, because even locking him up in a prison is mean spirited or something.
Shulk is trying to communicate to Egil that he's not the sort of guy Egil clearly thinks he is. Shulk doesn't fully understand yet why Egil believes Shulk to only be a pawn of Zanza who's there to end him, nor does he understand what sort of threat Zanza presents to Egil (and others), but in that moment he's trying his best to de-escalate the conflict between mechon and homs, by convincing Egil of his forgiving and sympathetic nature. Shulk had spent the majority of the game so far on a vengeful rampage of his own, and now this nerdy kid is met with an enemy who clearly was doing the same, and is trying to be better for both their sakes. It's not simply a matter of the game trying to manipulate you into thinking that a person committing genocide was cool, actually, but an important point of characterisation for both the protagonist and the supposed main antagonist of the plot so far.
>This doesn't happen.
When they encounter Xord for the first time. I recall the monado just not working. it could hurt Metal Face way back at Colony 9, but I suppose they needed some drama so now the monado has magic impotency here. They never do explain why he's magically immune to it when Metal Face got a piece of him lobbed off.

>Golly I wonder what could Dickson the disciple of Zanza who admits to deceiving Shulk and co have been waiting for.
I guess Zanza just wanted Egil to kill all the homs? I thought they were his biofuel? Golly, that makes him look even more stupid.
Because incompetent writers.
The monado could not hurt metal face initially. How are you confusing the colony 9 raid with prison island.
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>Providing evidence that you could have linked to PSN 5 times over and instead beat your head against a wall to no avail.

You don't deserve a refund
I view setting up a Sony account as rape
If you played for more than two hours and didn't even read the terms of service because heckin' /v/ wants you to go to war over Helldivers 2, you got your money's worth. Steam should absolutely deny you a refund.
so its a nothingburger
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yeah, i could. but you know what? i dont want to, and i'm not going to. what do you think about that? you fucking bootlicker?

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he jumped the shark this time
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>It's like the characters from PONG decided to get together and play a game of golf!
Sides in orbit every time
Just a shame he didn't manage the rewards of his success well and has to put fat shameful personal shilling ads at the start of his vids now
How I Met Your Mother was only really ruined in season 9 and the finale. But since they were dead set on that ending it should've ended halfway through.

I hate he did that stupid mobile game episode because now everytime someone post fake bait like this, I have to check if it's bait or not
Ross's game dungeon doesn't have seasons but it's still consistently good after going on for a decade.

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the fertile blossom
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That's true and it's why link-1s are kind of a disaster of design space. Rock of the Vanquisher feels like the only decently designed one (Though Charlemagne basically being a Charles errata is pretty funny) just because it can't be used as link material itself. Even really innocuous sounding stuff like Linkuriboh ends up being crazy just by virtue of being generic. It was pretty good before Snake Eyes even, you could use it to put shit like GUB or Dotscaper or Nerval into the graveyard and Almiraj is much the same. Even archetype locked link-1s are pretty stupid in most cases. But now S:P has come along and we have to have an earnest conversation about either banning her or Link Spider.
>Even archetype locked link-1s are pretty stupid in most cases.
have you seen latest link 1 they made?
dark infant and the marincess link-1s are fine because they're just bandaids that make their decks playable
Free GY dump is stupid and only get stronger with time, archetype link 1 are gimped for a good reason.
>Even really innocuous sounding stuff like Linkuriboh ends up being crazy just by virtue of being generic
The entire Snake-Eyes deck feels like it was designed around abusing Linkuriboh. Wouldn't be the first time Konami took a shit card and built a deck around it.
>Skull Servant
>Thunder Dragon
>Hungry Burger
>Skull Guardian
>Trident Dragion
Still waiting on Anima to get busted. Konami has been hellbent on preventing that from happening

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I fuckin love this game
You guys fuckin love this game?
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worms is always the highlight of every GDQ
>3d worms
You miiiiissed!

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JRPGs are fucking bad because they are too shallow both in a tactical sense (As in the combat itself is too simple) and a strategic sense, builds are too similiar to each other and resource management is non-existent
Add how little character movesets tend to diverge from "Attack, Elemental Attack, Useless debuff, Hit Harder buff, Heal", especially in the early-to-mid game where all the fun strats are still locked off, and you get why standards for the genre are so low
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Okay, you're some sort of legitimate schizophrenic ala that Mother 3 lunatic. Enjoy your thread.
So is tranime, but we're not talking about that.
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not to the extant that western video games in general are infected and you'd have to be blind to deny this simple fact
"nerd" hobby tranny infestation tier list, speedrunning is UNQUESTIONABLY #1, programming is #2, video games in general is #3, anime is #4
cope and seethe and dilate all you want, it's simply the truth
you are one to say when you weeb niggers love to play as the cross dressing faggot Cloud.... you want to do culture war shit I will rape you weeb just try me.
of course you'd love to fuck a man in the ass since you're a flaming homosexual, like all wrpg enjoyers

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Is he right that Doom is an action RPG?
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He is washed and scraping the barrel for content. I really don't care what words they used to describe Doom 30 years ago.
what's your favorite wolfendoom?
Stu is in his late 40s at least you mongoloid.
Also a Christian game.

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>comic implies everyone policing anti-censorship discussions are dumbasses
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Feels like they're losing the plot, seeing how they inadvertently turned both sides against Israel (and enlisting in general)
>the left is based
wtf ??? i thought they were a bunch of anti fun faggots
They are anti-fun faggots, that's what they use the violence for
true, smart means you are useful, but not attractive to them.

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no u

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Could an Amazing Digital Circus game be feasibly made and what would you want it to be like to make it enjoyable?
>Point n Click
>64 Style platformer
>ps1 style turnbased RPG
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suck my balls first
>Think the Fudge sounds like when they do the fat guy voice on Oneyplays
>No that's stupid, he's clearly supposed to be the Great Mighty Poo from Conker
>Voiced By: Lyle Rath
That "down I go" had to be an OP reference too. I am NOT crazy.
guess it isnt a known fact
it is a known fact but i don't work for free like (You) do, i don't follow your orders nigger
But Murder Drones is better

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