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German officials have offered to give away the former holiday home of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propagandist, for free, after struggling for decades to find a buyer for it.

Stefan Evers, the finance senator for the state of Berlin, announced on Thursday that he was ready to give the dilapidated estate to “anyone” who wants to take it.

The 17-hectare estate and villa is currently owned by the state of Berlin and has troubled officials for years because of the astronomical costs of its upkeep – not to mention its dark history.

“I offer to anyone who would like to take over the site, to take it over as a gift from the state of Berlin,” Mr Evers said in the Berlin House of Representatives this week.

Goebbels, a member of Hitler’s inner circle, had the house built in 1936 and used it for affairs with various actresses.

After the fall of the Nazi regime it was briefly used by the Allies as a military hospital before passing into the hands of the Soviets, who turned it into a youth camp.

Since 2000, the estate, roughly 10 miles north of Berlin, has been uninhabited and the villa, enclosed by dense woodland behind Lake Bogensee, has fallen into disrepair. Many of the windows are boarded up or broken, and parts of the facade are missing.

Mr Evers said he was looking for proposals that would do justice to the site’s historical significance, such as being taken over by the federal government or the neighbouring state of Brandenberg, where it is located.

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>if you don't comply with that shit you can literally go to jail for violating "monument protection law" or some shit
you forget the part that they will have to dig me and my friends out of a castle
which I now have
and have remodeled it to include modern surprises
you mean by jews
No they didn’t. Kill yourself faggot.
If i had few mln euro to spend on renovation, i would gladly take it. But i would also have to build a wall all around it, so some people wouldn't be entering my property only to see former Goebbels house.
Why not level the property and put up a monument to the victims of war propaganda or something like that? or that would be too close to home?

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Why do White boomers love this nigger so much?
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>A classic jewish attempt at division, left vs right, old vs young
Being popular doesn't make something good. And his popularity was due to the general public's ignorance of how the economy works.
You have to understand that Americans don't really hate the Jews - the opposite - they envy them and want to become them.
Internalize the above and you will understand everything about your country.
Reagan was unfathomable based and presided over one of the most prosperous periods in us history.
t. Graduated high school is 86.
Thatcher want bad either. UK wouldnt be swiming in curry if she was in power now
>Red Ronnie McRegan.
Because he was an actor. No other reason at all. A few weeks ago someone did a really decent write up on him only they shit on him from the right rather than the left, I mean I know that the jews left/right doesn't really mean much to us on here but you know what I mean. I wonder if I can find that post?

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Is the justice system in america too harsh on african americans? This child is getting 17 YEARS!
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Is there a picture of him?
Because all I see is a future scientist or perhaps an engineer
no he should be executed because doing a drive by goes against being in a civilized nation
Ridiculous, how can a minor be charged as an adult? Doesn't make any sense. Why aren't the parents being charged as well?
keep it
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Introduce a problem (influx of third world brown subhumans into White founded nations) to implement a solution (totalitarian security measures).
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Nothing ever happens
It's not whites against whites, it's everyone against whites and each other, we need white homogenous countries again and this wouldn't happen but they will do anything to keep their diverse weaponised society, kikes gonna kike.
For what purpose? There is no such thing as a plan without a goal.
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We will do it againer. All my enemies are within this country


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The Star of David should be rotated 30 degrees.
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poor nazis. they obviously have severe OCD: they felt the need to line up the tops of their swastikas exactly as high as the person who hung up that picture could reach.
He did it
that poorly done swastika. its like the runt of the litter dying from starvation.
the can is long gone, into a recycling bin despite it nonrecyclables. however since its a jew and they dont wash their hands, its hands are red.
stopped clock.
they're incapable of doing manual labor competently in any shape or form.
you are 100% right. anyone going to do damage is going to rip out the walls or set off a chemical weapon. where's the pigs blood? where are the smears of graveyard mud? people who truly hate the jews KNOW the jews and their culture and how to hit them hard in their taboos. Ive seen better swastikas done by dogs and indians having a shit off in the street.

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This is just sick, this woman needed help because her life was in danger but instead of helping people just sat back and recorded the situation. A society that doesn't protect its own women is a doomed society.
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notice the pure disgust on those white womens faces literally jesturing for their men to push the stinky shit colored invaders off their shores into the the cold embrace of the sea
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It's the healthy fresh air in the. They can work sixteen hours a day and still smile for you anon.

It's a public service thing I'm doing for charity since it's Saturday night. Cultural exchange evening. Turn that frown upside down, Mr.

My my, such long legs!
Because you're getting into stupid situations; letting your kids get raped by men, looking cute in areas where the poor and mentally ill men AND women (women stalk too) stalk you like animals (I'm not saying don't dress up cute, but dress up cute AWAY from the weirdos) and stop trusting men so fucking much. Men are living an existence around their dick LITERALLY in the anatomical sense; expect nothing of males until they prove themselves worthy and stop fucking and birthing them. All your whiny bitch problems disappear overnight ez

This message is for women though
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picrel, actual exchange I screencapped the other day between some random rational dude and a feminist

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Regardless of what you human jerk off's think, the fact is my government is in single digit approval ratings. It's gonna take a fucking nuke false flag on American soil in order to get a even a small fraction of Americans to go along with ****MUH DRAFT****
Anti-western faggots are on this board making all these posts about how the goyim are gonna go and accept a draft. When the particular goyims who've always gone and fight are the same America first freedom loving traditionalists who are now completely against the military industrial complex. I chuckle at you low-iQ dicking sucking retard pussy punk bitches who honestly believe you're going to see total American death.
***Screenshot this****

>America will collapse into total civil fucking war and revolution before we fight another bullshit war. Leftist goyim cattle have turned against ZOG, America first patriots have turned against ZOG, the whole world is turning against ZOG.


************RESIST THE DRAFT**************

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>Oy vey
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A Roman Catholic wrote the idiotic antisemitism bill. Hope this helps, though the Vatican-paid shills will drown out this little detail here.
I love to see him and nick fight to death and prize for winning is also death.
Isnt GTA a video game? Do these people know video games are not real? Much like minecraft.

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine requested a waiver from the Council of Europe for (formal) suspension of several human/civil rights - https://archive.today/O20yg
>Zelensky: 'Kiev is negotiating with the US for it's support for the next 10 years - https://archive.today/uAMXX

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You're not here to argue, you're here to shill every single fucking day. I know the lira is dogshit but you can find better ways to make money.
I have an IQ of 109 (clinically tested). Go watch a video of Kangal Vs Gray wolf. I've seen a video of a single kangal protect a herd of sheep from THREE gray wolf. All the wolves were killed by Kangal.
Flatties are the best because you put your head to their chest and hear their heart beat.
Boиcтинy вocкpece!
>conscripts literal convicts who march on his capital

Well, /pol/?
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Bad weather, famine, wild beasts, exposure, infrastructure collapse
Do women know who represents over 95% of the workforce in those fields?
boom headshot

Apparently they do sort of exist.
Although the information is kind of lacking.
They register as charities and rely on donations.
Their businesses seem to be organic farming and tourism, but it's really mostly just donations.
Tbh, women would probably perceive reality a lot better if men weren't holding their hands all the time.
Let the bitch wander around and get bit.
That is true, men over-protect them because we care about fucking them. If that wasn't a thing, she'd so be royally screwed on her own. As the Survivor Experiment clearly showed.

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Vaccinated people are possessed right now. You can try it on your own but let me warn you, the sadness is crushing. They do not feel God anymore. It seems progressive with each infection/ sickness. I wish I was joking rn. I contacted my gran who was devoted Christian all her life. Last time she ((supposedly)) was in the church was for me, she blessed candles for me with priest HALF YEAR AGO. Not like her at all.
She even tried to postpone this church visit as long as she could.
Today after talking with her, looks like she lied. I don’t think she ever been ther desu.
She took 2x Pfizer in 2021. Myocarditis and heart attack almost instantly, weeks after the shots. Different person now.
She survived. She’s actually young ((about 60)). Everything changed since 2021. Not the same personality. Mad and pissed all the time. Aggressive. She today told me after like ~10 mins of conversation

She screamed. I never experienced this before. I am still shaking. She didn’t remembered Holy Rosary she gave me years before. I am scared. She is possessed. Her voice is changing while speaking to me, she is very mean suddenly and only talks about TV shows, even when I mention that brainwashing she doubles down and scream about TV. Fucking scary shit
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what do you mean? tv is posessing people?
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Saint Peter was the first bishop of Rome appointed by Jesus Christ. Saint Peter wrote books in the Bible and was bishop of Rome for 35 years before he died in Vatican city. All Catholic clergy are ordained in succession from saint Peter. You have to be Catholic to be Christian
Bless you and amen.
No you absolutely do not. Catholicism is extra steps and essentially works-based righteousness which isn't going too save you. Only Jesus can save your soul. Works do not. I cannot tell you how many ex catholics I talk to every week that are glad to have eyes to see through all of that now.
Wdyw jan
>You have to be Catholic to be Christian

The Bible repeatedly states that to be saved, one must believe, have faith, be born again. These are the phrases used. Never is it said that one must belong to a particular church.

Yes, yes, I know Matthew 16:18. But even if you want to believe that Peter was the first pope and this verse refers to the Roman Catholic Church, nowhere does Christ or Paul or Peter say that you must join a church to be saved. Read the verses below. There are many others. These should be the most clear. I also recommend reading chapters 5 and 6 of Romans.

Ephesians 2:8-9
>For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.

Acts 10:43
>To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.

John 6:47
>Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

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4th Industrial Revolution Distributism

"3D printers and a house"

The failures of socialism and capitalism have been made obvious in the 20th and 21st century respectively. Socialism failed to achieve a classless society, and instead resulted in some of the most oppressive regimes in human history. Capitalism failed to spread prosperity to the working classes and resulted in the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few plutocrats. Both systems centralized control, decimated the environment, collapsed birthrates, and robbed individuals of agency. In the interests of freedom, dignity, prosperity, the environment, and stability, a better system is needed.
Socialism and neoliberal capitalism both formed as reactions to the industrial revolution, and any solution going forward will likewise need to cater to the needs of the times. Socialism attempted to solve the massive inequality between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat by empowering the state to seize the means of production. Neoliberal capitalism simply assumed the free market would solve society's ills. Neither of these solutions worked, but what to replace them with? Fascism resulted in a totalitarian nightmare, and anarchy in practice has only lasted a few months at best. Distributism, the idea of decentralizing the means of production, was proposed as a solution in the 20th century. However, distributism has never been tried and with good reason; classical distributism suggests going back to an agrarian lifestyle and artisanal goods. No one will willingly give up the comforts of industrial society.
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>to extract natural rubber from dandelion root
You can also use it to get rubber from Guayule.
>soda lye
This is something of a challenge in its own right...
nvm, you're on an interesting path.
Caprylic acid still seems pointlessly complex, but I'm not interested in 3d printing. . might be able to reclaim the tin from solder though
Those precious few here looking to actually improve instead of seethe appreciate you anon. I did take the time to read it. Forgive my prior comment as I didn't expect any substance here. You brought up the family unit, as many here know that was one of many vectors of attack by humanities enemy. How would you begin to turn back the tide of the judaic influences in our culture? Many young men and woman are very anti natal and with the degree of degeneracy they are exposed to idk how to stop our decline. Well, I do know how, yet /pol/ is still very confused on the answer. Please elaborate on your thoughts about beginning to implement your ideology.
>You can also use it to get rubber from Guayule.
I'd read about this one, but I can't find any place that sells seeds or seedlings. And very little literature on how long it takes to grow... am I looking at waiting several years to get anything out of it? With dandelion, the biggest challenge is figuring out a mechanical harvesting process... thinking a potato harvester would work well. Sugar beet lifters work on a totally different principle which would be useless. Shooting for 100+ pounds per year. Investigating how I can wrangle sulfur for vulcanization.

If I could afford land with mineral rights, a small natural gas well might be the best bet. Scrub sulfur out of that, plus a bonus of natural gas. But there's a place less than 100 miles from here that's extracting sulfates from some dried up spring, and at commercial scale, so who knows.
Centralization doesn’t work; therefore, we need a centralization to fix it. — The Post.
Can you actually hear yourself, or does your authoritarian answer drown out your ability to hear?

If centralization is the problem, then fix what centralizes, not what is at the center, or you simply replace one center for another.

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What did she mean by this?

Is USA supposed to be a vassal state?
She is part of the Israel lobby. John Mearsheimer wrote a very interesting book on that. I am still wondering how this guy is still in charge at the University of Chicago.

Anti Russian, anti Muslim, anti Serbian. NAZI
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the eternal serboid
where do you think leftists learned it from? all these infiltrators in the west are slavshit kikes
an old georgian lady once told me the swastika was akshually 4 cyrillic letter Г’s arranged in a pattern, and they stood for the russian spellings of hitler, goering, goebbels, and hess. she was dead serious about it.
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good, death to commies and vatniks
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You just know

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▶Day: 801 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>A russian soldier of the 70th Division shot his command, currently he is hiding somewhere in the Aleksandrovka area
>Russia bombed Belgorod, again
>Russia declared Zelenskyy a wanted man
>British Foreign Secretary Cameron began negotiations in Kyiv on a 100-year partnership with Ukraine
>Ukraine has the right to hit the russian territory with UK weapons; Also, UK will allocate £3 billion of military aid to Ukraine every year, - Foreign Minister Cameron
>Russia’s Gazprom Group Reports First Net Loss in 24 Years
>Macron doesn't rule out sending troops to Ukraine if Russia breaks front lines - Le Monde
>The first peace summit will be held on June 15-16 in Bürgenstock in Switzerland, - Zelenskyy. 160 countries invited, including members of the G7, G20 and BRICS (Russia not invited).
> In Oryol and Kursk oblasts in Russia there are problems with electricity due to an attack by UAVs; drones also attacked the Afip Refinery in the Krasnodar Territory
>Ukraine received Western weapons from some partners with permission to strike on Russian territory - Latvian FM

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joining the reserves is optional after the conscript does their year in some bumfuck nowhere base. that's why the russians mobik'd up 300k reservists and not ten million, because 300k is about as many as they had
Wow he tried so hard.
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right so there is no point to bring it up.
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>A russian soldier of the 70th Division shot his command, currently he is hiding somewhere in the Aleksandrovka area
Dibs on cops beating down SMO "heroes" somewhere like Orsk or Belgorod https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novocherkassk_massacre

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is it gay if i get a cat
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only if you have enough land to safely let your cat outside. People that torture cats by forcing them indoors their whole lives are psychopaths.
That's why I got a bear
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kots are based, this guy is in a food coma because he just ate
that poor cat :(
kek, based

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Is it true that Jews use the blood of Christian children in their Passover Seder rituals?
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How does a typical Jewish family go about acquiring the necessary blood?
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109 countries can't be all wrong.
Christian tourism is quite popular, especially near Passover, since Easter is often scheduled near it. The typical family can go and buy a measure of blood from the local religious supplies store.
I see, but there must be Jews in the business of acquiring the blood to sell to retailers. Are the Christian tourists generally abducted and killed or just somehow hoodwinked out of some of their blood but left alive?
The tradition of circumcision ended with Christ.
Christians (some call Catholic) don't do that anymore as part of their religion.
Baptism puts a mark on your soul. So no need for a mark on your body.

white bros...

I'm not watching it

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