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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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if you must
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Just man up and wear cat ears to matches
Wouldnt that hurt light transmission?
the budget really ran out huh...
Giddy is a manlet cuck that watches Basketballs pipe down his sister
giddy isn't real you fucking retard

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New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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Cog shits on lpvos. Prisms are the future
>Prisms are the future
Kek their time was the GWOT, practically nobody makes prisms anymore
well its not optimal but it would still work because acogs have a giant field of view.
but obviously a dude with an eotech is going to have a better time in cqb than someone running an acog.
lpvo sucks in 1x because of parallax and the typically dim reticle illumination will cuck you outdoors
This, point shooting from the shoulder and smacking a target at 25 yards is satisfying as fuck especially with a high powered bolt action
>lpvo sucks in 1x because of parallax
I don't know which one you use, but I don't have this problem with my Vudu 1-6x.
>the typically dim reticle illumination will cuck you outdoors
You have an etched reticle, you don't need nuclear brightness

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New 'toss just dropped
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>over 50 minute video
Hell nah
That explains a bit. So, what, he wants to hate-fuck Putin?
gay fat alcoholic redditor
Ever since he had to make shit up to make the Armata look bad, i just stopped watching him.
He already had became insufferable enough when the war started and all he talked about was UkraineUkraineUkraine!

I miss the old videos where he talked about dumb and obscured stories from WW1 and WW2.
What did he make up? Because the Russians aren't even using it

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When will this be real?
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black rambo has one
Godspeed, ever since I saw the slaught o matic from 2077 I fell in love with the concept of a cheap disposable gun that people can buy for some extra insurance. It's an absolute piece of shit but I used it as much as possible because it charmed the hell out of me.
>buy gun from vending machine right outside
>be able to protect yourself from common bandits during commutes
>buy another gun or two at work to reload
>defend your shitty apartment during the night

>rumors of riots
>order bulk pack, delivered in two days with Amazon Prime
>have a gun or five under each window
>rioters end up avoiding your middle class suburban neighborhood because they find out everyone is armed to fuck
>the korean convenience stores are even more armed with proper guns
>they end up looting a few more Targets and fucking off

And the best part if you actually do end up using your plastic gun you aren't going to cry a single tear when the cops take it for evidence, I'd keep a dozen in my house just for that big upside.
so now instead of one point of failure i have two. great idea.
The cyberpunk reality we live in is more of a "no guns allowed" type. I don't think we'll see Hi Points in vending machines ever.
Defeatist mentality means you've lost before you ever stepped into the ring. Progress is made every day, every step backwards is answered with good people fighting their way forward again. In the last 20 years, more than half the states in the country have enacted laws allowing constitutional (permitless) carry. Only 5 states are left that don't permit open-carry, one of which (CA) actually makes exceptions for "rural areas."
NYSRPA v. Bruen
>The Court ruled that states are allowed to enforce "shall-issue" permitting, where applicants for concealed carry permits must satisfy certain objective criteria, such as passing a background check, but that "may-issue" systems that use "arbitrary" evaluations of need made by local authorities are unconstitutional.
That is good, good shit right there. You haven't lost until you stop fighting. If you think we're on the tail-end of a losing battle, you're stuck on the wrong headlines. We're right in the thick of it, and every push by anti-gunners is just fuel for the fire.

Go buy a gun and remind yourself that you're an American. Arming yourself is a god-given right, not granted by the law, but defended by law.
>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

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I'll start:
M55 from Killzone
Some day I'll engineer one.
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Mine would be a SKUL GUN from DX/Diamond Age but I have yet to see a good illustration of one. The Cruelty Squad one is like the size of a grapefruit and requires most of your brain to be scooped out. Which based and funny as it is it kinda defeats the purpose of having a dome derringer.
I want Rick's 'Deterrent' from Rick and Morty
A 30mm autocannon round that can defeat the armor of any modern Main Battle Tank.
Autoloading 60mm Braced Hip Fire Recoiless Rifle with a 5 round magazine.
30th century btw

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Posted weeks ago about how autoshotties were the way to go for anti-drone warfare, completely validated. The BTS-12 is now in service in Ukraine, presumably issued to a couple soldiers per squad alongside a main rifle.
Some things to consider:
>8.1 lbs, about battle rifle weight
>5 or 10 round box magazines
>bullpup, meaning longer (18") barrel for tighter shot pattern while remaining APC friendly
>semi-auto, no recoil dampening mechanism, significant training required for accurate follow-up shots
However, another line of thinking goes that something like the AA12 as a squad support weapon would work better:
>expanded ammunition capacity, 20 or 32 round drums
>full auto with highly effective recoil dampening system, able to put more accurate lead on target faster and with less training
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Correct, the ukie poster can not rationalize thoughts outside of the conflict other than "I don't like shotguns because they're not EW"
Obviously if they had better EW they wouldn't need shotguns but they keep getting blown up so it's not a bad idea to supplement some shortcomings with something else. "Yeah well they should get better EW" isn't a counter argument to anything I said. The shortcomings of having a personal shotgun outweigh getting blown the fuck up and it's not a debate.

I (a civilian) do not have EW capabilities at all so a 12 gauge is what I'm going with.
>The shortcomings of having a personal shotgun outweigh getting blown the fuck up and it's not a debate.
you aren't going to intercept (m)any drones with shotguns. you won't be able to train people to the degree of skill required and they won't be able to maintain the level of attentiveness required to make the system work. you may as well give them a magic charm some kid made out of macaroni, it's going to save as many lives.
I know YOU don't know anything about shooting at moving targets, but go to a skeet range tomorrow and watch how dogshit people are at hitting bright orange discs at close range, flying predictable paths and with 100% knowledge of their launch location, path, speed and timing.
better yet, go rent a shotgun and let us know how many hits you get at a sports clay course on your first try. because you don't get a second try with an FPV bearing down on you.
it's a retarded idea, and you can speculate about
>oh, I'll just burden the squad with a guy that has an effective range of 35 yards and only has birdshot in the gun.
while you clearly don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
Ok but think about it this way you are apart of an artillery team and you won’t do much while guys are loading shells etc
If these shotguns are effective against drones it wouldn’t hurt to have a shotgun that can spit 10 rounds pretty fast in a package that doesn’t take up much room in a truck your not loosing much . A bulpup with better parts and a longer barrel would be ideal but for 200$ it could be worse . For front line troops it’s not worth it but United States troops would bring mossbergs with them just to break doors and a bulpup can fit in a small bag and if you don’t need it anymore toss it , totally expendable piece of a equipment.

Again these shotguns are a expendable object if they break after 500 rounds you get another. I doubt they will run out of 200$ shotguns and if it stops one artillery piece from getting wiped out I guess it’s worth it .
BTS-12 looks like the Malyuk but the AA-12 is American so it actually might work in the field. Or you could buy a KelTec for each squad
You are literally advocating cope sticks.

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The significance of this development is massive, signals Vietnam, historically in the chinese/russian sphere as far as weapons, is moving towards NATO standard weaponry

How mad are the chinese and russians going to be over this?

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The US and Great Britain in 1812 with the US importing and also the US and Japan before WW2 with the US exporting
Not even close, before ww2 japan wasn’t even in the top 10 export markets for the us, rando european countries like the netherlands and switzerland were larger trading partners
Vietnam, like all these little Asian "countries" in the Pacific isn’t actually that opposed to China. They’d prefer it if China was less aggressive about maritime claims — but it’s just a preference. What these corrupt peasant shitholes care about is getting into whatever money there is to get into, and they’ll play both sides, be everyone’s partners, as long as they can benifit and not have to take too much a side. Fuck them, just let these corrupt peasant shitholes stew in their shit; if they really want to keep those waters then they can fight for them — which they won’t because that would entail risk and the government elites are just there for corruption.
The fact that retards itt making shit up on trading influence on geopolitics does nothing to change the fact the chinese are all over the elites in vietnam no different than any other southeast asian country to include the philippines and especially singapore
South Korea like all Asian peasant hellholes are thoroughly corrupt barely sovereign countries. So the people can be anti-China all they want but when it comes time for the government to assert this supposed anti-China policy — there’s fuck all. So the US is out doing Freedom of Navigation Operations to counter China and SK is nowhere to be seen. The most anti-China country on Earth can’t send a ship to sail through international waters now and then. That’s the reality, and the U.S. is being used as usual.

What is the best destroyer class in the world? Are any of those fancy boutique euro destroyers any good or is the arleigh Burke class still the best
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The fact that the EASR only requires 9 RMA's to equal the performance of the SPY-1D (while also being less power hungry and more efficient because GAN AESA) and the array slated to go on the Flight III burkes is 37 RMAs is pretty insane. The upgrade from PESA alone is pretty big but the raw power these systems put out is huge. The older IIA burkes can get a slightly smaller 27 RMA version that is still massively more powerful than the SPY-1D.
Yup, SPY-6 is unironically the biggest upgrade to our navy in decades.
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Explain why this isn't the best destroyer without using the word chink or implessive.

"stop jacking off to drawings of imaginary women" edition
Previous thread: >>61530713
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Those workout shorts make my pp the big pp.
Electric sheep
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Same desu. Literal caveman noises
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I want to impregnate AA12!

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>people casually trying to sell sks and mosin nagants for $1000+
No one is buying these right? Let these boomer fudds die and their assets get liquidated, bitchass scalpers
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We need to go back
Teens that just turned 18 want to larp as le epik a nazi or soviet soldier so there will always be a market for those retards.
The problem is mosins are in effect the Miatas of guns. For the longest time they were the go to recommendation for your first forray into the hobby despite some deficiencies just because of how cheap they were. Well we've reached a point where Miatas and mosins aren't that cheap anymore and there are better options for the price but people continue to reflexively recommend them from interia alone

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A thread on recent Russian vehicle losses at Vuhledar
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>Still exploding into toilet paper.
War, war never changes.
... holy shit, it's the footwraps, isn't it?
some of the canopys are kind of neat
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>soon to be childless babushka after every puccian man is burned to ash in donetsk.
>or turned into gutter oil by changs
also, ai niggers will be executed first
The German thing has always been overblown and genetics prove that

Is there a definitive answer about the IHPS being any good? When Oxide tested it, it looked like any +P 9mm round would give you a TBI rather than poke a hole in your head, compared to an Ops Core or ECH? Is it just some fancy new bullshit the army just had to have like UCP or is it actually good?
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New version? Is there any visual difference or just a new sticker?
Future is rifle rated helmets
Right now they're just meant for handgun rounds and (predominately) frag
It’s overall much better than the older ACH. Not having to struggle with putting on a baseplate since it’s already on there for you and being noticeably lighter is a plus. I feel like they’ve tried to balance between how much it covers and comparability with electronic ear pro and it ends up at weird middle where it can barely fit a Walker’s Razor if you take off the cushioning but still being large and goofy looking like pic related. Still think we should’ve all been given high cuts like the Marines
That's the thing I think people seem to argue from with a position of zero experience, the earpro thing. I always see suggestions for people to use earpro under things like the IHPS or ACH but that is nigh impossible and I have a super low profile setup with AMPs and the special made IHPS arms and that doesn't work at all. I'd much rather lose an inch of protection if it means my helmet isn't miserable to use for more than a few minutes at a time.
its supposed to block shrapnel
and ideally cover most of the back of your neck, since thats where the human off switch is

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Is the future of the MBT basically an up-armored SPAA that only occasionally engages in vehicle-on-vehicle combat and infantry support?
I don't see how tanks are still a viable cost effective weapon of war in a nearly 100% transparent battlefield.
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I don't think you got my point, anon. I'm asserting that ATGMs, mines, and AT weapons have always been able to mission-kill tanks. Even as armor improved to make the old antitank weapons no longer lethal, they remained in service because they could still disable or destroy important components and neutralize the tanks even if they could no longer destroy them.

Personally, what I've found more revealing from the Russo-Ukrainian war is how poor situational awareness and bad safety practices (leaving hatches open, for example) has made tanks vulnerable to destruction from weapons they might otherwise shrug off.
make mine clearing moree mobile
abrams is obsolete
abrams x will be obsolete too
no one understands the gap
Then what would be your suggestions? What does the next gen tank must have, I'm sure we can agree on a few things?

>must have anti drone package like EW to jam those cheap ass RPG/grenade drones + hard kill 30mm chaingun for drones and various other threats
>must have multiple use APS
>must have a crewless turret for maximum crew survivability
>must be lighter than challenger/abrams as I read they can't cross every bridge because they are too heavy + gets stuck easier
>must have recon drones for more tactical awareness

Up to debate but I think it's needed

>auto loader and the 4th crewman will be dedicated drone/recon operator + more eyes to look out for enemies
>ai support from operating 30mm chaingun to spot for various silouettes that might look like enemy tank/infantry movement, popping smoke right after APS has been activated

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Oops forgot pic

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