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should I get rid of the glasses? It helps hide my massive dark under eye bags
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35 here.
Glasses are OK (keep in mind I come from a corporate environment I'm probably not cool in 20 yo standards of cool).

What I'd do is use some product to clear your skin a bit, its pretty oily. Additionally either iron your T or replace it, that things incredibly wrinkled.
Get different glasses like >>31195991
suggested. If you're in a city, go to a Warby Parker or something. They will help you pick out something that looks good.

Besides that, you look fine, man. Try smiling and looking less schootery. Fold your laundry when it comes out of the dryer. Skin stuff will clear up with time, so dw about that.

But, man, this appearance stuff will only take you so far. You have to start acting like the person you want to be if you want to get treated like the person you want to be. Good looking as you are (and you're pretty good looking) you're still going to push people away if you're giving them the thousand-yard stare like this. If you're in college, join a club. If not, wait till college and reinvent yourself as more outgoing and friendly.
From what I know the procedure today is really good, with little chance for any of that. Additionally, it should not fuck back up unless you actively do shit that mess it up like staring at the sun or looking at screens too much.
Life is short, you are going to need glasses once you become middle aged anyways, so might as well enjoy your youth without em.
>youre still going to push people away if youre giving them the thousand-yard stare like this
This is great advice, but its just my resting face. How am I supposed to change that? Keep a grin on all the time? People comment on how sketchy I look all the time and I can tell I make people uncomfortable. fucking sucks and its destroying my life
>shocked that tiktok haircut makes him look unapproachable

if you're so worried about your effeminate facial structure, maybe you should get a man's haircut as i mentioned above

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/bkoclee1
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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obtusely autistic scenario
>met a girl online around 5~ years ago
>live in two different countries
>we talked pretty regularly
>would get drunk together and commiserate
>talked for about a year
>just kind of stopped one day
>shortly after I ended up finding a different account of hers on a different site under a different name
>it happened by complete chance and because I'm autistic and remembered what her pet looked like
>fast forward 4 years
>I'm going to her country near her city for an unrelated reason
>she popped into my head again
>checked that same account from earlier for the first time in years
>found out she's been heavy into eating disorder stuff and is basically still as depressed as we were back then
>I am the polar opposite; physically, financially, socially, mentally better than I've ever been

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Same, although on Bumble I've started running out of matches so I've gotten a little less judicious
I jokingly did, and we ended up doing a video call, and ultimately she agreed to drive up to meet me for dinner. Her initial reluctance was because she was in another city today and it would be over an hour drive to come here. She was going to make the drive back tomorrow anyways, but decided to do so today so she could see me.

The date actually went well. I'm almost 34, and she's a 25 year old latina. We got along and talked well and even made out a little once I walked her to the car. She seemed into it and interested in seeing me again tomorrow.

Only thing is she turned out to be one of those insufferable types that turns everything into some major social issue. She hates all rich people because she thinks they all got money by basically being evil bastards. We were going to see a movie after dinner. I suggested Fall Guy, but she said she didn't want to give the producers of the movie money because people like Ryan Gosling already have enough money. We were going to see Abigail instead, but that wasn't showing, so we just decided to call it a night. She kept bringing up environmental issues, and how eating meat is bad for the environment. How she was once a vegetarian, but only recently resumed eating meat for the sake of her health because she was getting too skinny, etc, etc.

I mean I'm not a right wing person by any means. I come from a very left wing family in fact, but I find this kind of extreme idealism annoying. However, she was hot and liked me. Plus she's also relatively young. So there is there any hope as me as a man potentially making her views less extreme/retarded? I mean I don't want to think about how watching a comedy action movie makes me an asshole because it's giving money to certain people. Or how I'm potentially an evil person because I make a six figure salary. I explained even my dad came from humble origins in latin america and ended up making a successful career here as senior executive.
She had an otherwise lighthearted demeanor and didn't seem to mind to much when I pushed back on some of her views. Plus I like that she said she doesn't like social media or have a presence there. She lives with her parents and they basically want her to stay with them until she gets married. She's more of a homebody type which I like, so I don't know. Will see how it goes tomorrow if we meet.
Are you supposed to text back quickly? I want to respond ASAP, but I feel like it comes off as too needy. I've been matching this girl's energy by texting back a couple hours later, usually in an hour or two. Unless I'm just laying in bed I'll respond within 5 minutes.

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Women, would you rather date a very good looking and fit femboy or a mediocre looking pudgy masculine guy?
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i think he looks pretty male, more androgynous than anything
They’re very good looking and fit according to this hypothetical
either or it doesn’t matter
Like always, if depends on the guy.
If is op: no
Idk, compare him with most mainstream male characters and I don't think people who are somehow unfamiliar with him would think he's a guy.

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Holy fuck, how do I even cope with these scores?
maybe you should realize some dumb test on the internet isn't properly assessing your attributes
I looked it up— did you pay for that test?

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You're so smart but you couldn't tell me why Hillary lost in 2016
nah i just feel like i'd be remiss if i didn't at least try to help you sound like less of a weirdass puritan roman history enjoyer
I'm sure only you know the answer. Mmm-hmm
you should hurt people

i'm trying to move on with other guys but i don't vibe with any as well as i did with him. maybe your situation is similar.

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I feel that I am starting to slip down the incel path basically and want to avoid that. How do I actively stop such a mindset from affecting me though? At its most base level, I feel the incels might be right. If they say something like "You know most women are basically drowning in dating options and relationship options right?" It sounds insanely true to me because I basically see it everyday. I am 30 and it truly seems like nothing in my life will change unless I change it. A woman isn't going to fall into my lap. A man might basically fall into a womans lap though. Her part is to just say yes or no. It is lines of thinking like that which really hurt my anti-inceldom argument to myself.

The bottom line in how I feel is that I can't even attempt to get in a relationship while most women get to just passively experience them and passively build these types of skills needed. Without me doing something desperate / retarded like walking up and autistically spazzing on people with conversation, I don't see my life changing if I were to do nothing. It would seem that opportunities in this realm of things don't just fall into a mans lap. If I actively do nothing, my relationship status will never change.

Maybe I am wrong though. Maybe most women aren't really crawling with dating opportunities. I don't know what is the actual true. The amount of women I know who are in my type of situation(no relationship ever) is 0. However, I know many dudes in my boat. Not saying women like this don't exist but it truly seems to be very few women who don't have a relationship ever.
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There's no new advice under the sun, and if you've been around for a hot minute, /adv/ isn't that big.

Like half the OPs are all the same handful of people reposting their same weekly thread about how they wanna fuck Asian prostitutes, or some 29 year old who wants to fuck 16 year olds across an age gap where that's legal who wants to have the same age of consent argument for the 30th time, or another "I feel like le surpreme gentlemen was right, how could he have turned things around?", or another "I can't socialize in the middle of nowhere - why don't you move - I'm poor - why don't you become less poor - I'm stupid" thread.

It shouldn't be that surprising that the people replying are also basically the same people most of the time and that therefore most of the threads are basically infinite loops of each other, always and forever. Pretty much if the thread isn't some weird esoteric oddly specific question that 4 people, tops are gonna reply to, you're just doing the argumentative equivalent of watching reruns hanging out on /adv/
sucks being diet r9k I guess
>The same thing applies to dating, if you were born attractive, you will have an infinitely easier time dating than if you weren't. How is that hard to grasp?
No one said otherwise. Why does it have to be easy though? You don't need easy, you just need possible.
And as the abundance of guys who are equally or more unattractive to you and still have a woman shows, it is definitely possible.
>you're mental
Now on this we can agree, that poster is peak mental illness.
>How am I supposed to learn how to be charming when I'm uncharming by default and have no one to teach me anything in person?
So? No one taught me either and I still learned. Do you have no initiative?
It's true people often learn by copying what's around them, but if no one is actually around you you can still learn. This might be cliched advice here, but you could always look up Charisma on Command on youtube. Has pretty good breakdowns using examples from tv and movies.
>b-but those are fictional characters!
I know someone will cope with this but may I remind you in advance that those fictional characters still had their lines written by a real person. Meaning it's clearly possible to come up with this stuff as a real person too, because someone already did.
>Do you have no initiative?
Do you not realize the sort of people you're talking to? These guys would rather read up on how futile their existence is, rather than spending that same energy accomplishing something.

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>can't make big decisions (i literally just can't)
>get paralyzed by analysis
>easily annoyed
>easily startled
>try to rationalize everything
>anxious, always on alert
meds or meditation/going outside more

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I went on a walk around this large park on a nice sunny day. I tried to smile at people and most of them avoided eye contact with me. One man just stared at me and didn't return the smile, so I stopped smiling.
I tried to say hi to a woman because she was saying hi to others on the path. She frowned and looked to the other side when I passed her.
I came upon a family with a small child, who took one look at me and started running away. he fell and scraped his hands on the gravel. I didn't know what to say so I just walked past. A young blonde woman walked past, looked scared and started walking very fast when I looked at her.
Everyone else were couples, and looked like they wanted to be left alone.

What am I to make of this? How do I process people acting like this in a more positive way? I went home and cried.
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Sounds like you need a cool job that will impress dumb or self obsessed women. Tall fat and broad? Get into cars. Sales, dealing, rentals, whatever big guys always do good at that shit for some reason. I think that it's because if a big guy likes a car, it must be good, because their bodies cant fit into shit good a lot. Plus a confident big guy can get 7s on tap. You'll have a line up at your door if you play your cards right. They'll be blowin up your phone, all day and night. Work on charisma and get cool barber haircut and use a lot of gel and use too much cologne. Almost only every wear dress shirts and slacks from the big and tall store. Guys in car sales especially like to go out and drink and get wings and steaks. From your fellow coworkers you will learn from each other to be one uppers, brazen loud over confident assholes. Car salesmen especially are master manipulators. Hot women love problematic men. They never stay with them forever, almost always end in divorce, but you will have lots of girlfriends over the years. Until you settle for some smoker leather skin named Jen in your late 50s.
I'm the same way, bro. There is a novel by Martin Amis called Success, in which one of the characters experiences the same thing we do and he just can't figure it out. But things change for him. I don't remember the details, but I remember it resonating with me and being delighted to learn I'm not the only one who experiences this.
This is a great idea, would impress ladies, and give me more swagger for sure. I just don't think I could get hired or have any success as I am a stone cold autist. honestly the poor social skills and confidence I have is probably the reason people react to me this way. maybe they can tell from my body language
that might resonate with me too, ill check it out, thanks.

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>TL:DR Girlfriend doesn't want children but I want to get married and start a family

Sometimes when you love a person, you go along with their desires instead of your own; that's what happened in my case. My girlfriend said she wanted no children and to live a 'child-free lifestyle,' but today I realized that I'm turning 30 in two months and this is not what I want for myself. The empty consumerism to fill the void, the idea of a child replacing pets, and the feeling that working hard for my employer seems to be my only reason to exist... Because I have no other accomplishment than making my employer richer, I make money but I have nothing to spend it except vain material things that far from making me feel accomplished make me feel even emptier. This is not the case of my girlfriend, she grew up in a poor household with 5 more silbings and till today she buys dolls and expensive handbags she promised to herself that she would buy when she grew up, but I'm not like her. I had a happy childhood and as an adult I'm ready for the next step; a family and children.

We have been together for nearly 4 years already, but I can't keep wasting my youth like this anymore. She was my second girlfriend ever, and I'm grateful because she loved me when I thought I couldn't love myself after the first girl dumped me. But being childless isn't for me. I had a closeted homosexual friend that married because his family and social circle expected that from him. It was more of a chore or a duty for him, he ended up divorcing after a couple of years and never had children with his ex wife, but that's not the case here.

Is it selfish to want a family and children? It's an instinctive desire. I love my girlfriend, but I also want a loving household. Maybe we can talk this out and read a compromise. I don't want to force her into anything, but I don't want to give up the relationship just like that without fighting for the love we have for each other.
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We only had one serious conversation about it, around a year into the relationship. She made it clear that she didn't want children, and I simply said, 'it's fine.' At that time, I was around 25/26 years old, and becoming a parent wasn't a priority for me. Moreover, I was severely depressed due to the COVID quarantine, and I wasn't in the best emotional state. However, as time passed, I grew out of those thoughts and insecurities. Life progresses through stages, and now, I want to start a family. I notice a new grey hair in the mirror every now and then—I'm aging. I do love her, truly, but I also love myself, and I believe I deserve to be happy. I want her to be part of my happiness. I won't force her, but I'm not ready to give up on her without trying to talk this through.
Unironically, How?
Bring her on outings your well-off family friends with toddlers so she can see how they live.
It's completely normal to want what you want. You basically need to tell her exactly what you wrote here. it won't be fruitful without open dialogue unless you want to spend the rest of your life childless and pretending. Maybe she'll come around when you explain how important it is to you, maybe she won't and that's that.
It’s normal to want a family, anon, but it’s equally as normal for women to be understandably afraid of the commitment that is pregnancy and birth— which is also just the beginning. She also understandably probably really enjoys her freedom at the moment if she grew up with 5 siblings— question: was she the oldest? Middle? Youngest? I grew up with 5 siblings and also took a bit longer to warm up to the idea of having a family only because mine was so hellish and I just wasn’t ready. Do you know that she for sure never wants children, or is she just enjoying her 30s and will eventually warm up to it?

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This has been going on for weeks. Groups of 7-8 of them boys and girls somehow enter into the building around midnight and go screaming through the halls on multiple floors while people are sleeping and kicking on the doors of apartments for fun.

Building manager has been alerted by 15+ people and cops have been called but cops unsurprisingly said that since they "aren't harming anyone" nothing can do done and told the manager to install cameras on top of the building or something.

What would you do? I pay 3k rent for this shithole.
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Actually solid advice if its just a minor thing, even if its just pushing a potplant over you'd have grounds for a police report.

They are also pulling on the fire alarm for fun
which city
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get a bigass mean dog and keep him chained outside your front door
I'm so so sorry

I'm ashamed of my fwb but i can't stop fucking her. Shes a little chubby gawk gawk goblin in the sheets but actually hanging out shes fucking embarassing to be around, she does all these gestures that make her look retarded... Flapping her hands when shes happy... Curling her fists into her chest... She always also has a vacant fucking look like her head is always empty... That derpy ass head comes up with and does the sexiest shit that keeps me coming back... She acts like a horny animal when shes aroused... And lets me freely grope her whenever.

How do i get over it and just enjoy the ride? Or do i break things off?
so you likes fuckin retards
She will grow up and eventually, so will you. The woman she will eventually become is the reward for sticking by her through her awkward years. Remember that you are also your worst self at this moment. She is choosing to stay by your side as well. The reward for leaving is not having to feel embarrassed about the girl you’re with. You probably can’t have both. If you don’t commit to her, someone else will. Just pray they are kind to her.
You should make an effort to communicate these things to her while still respecting her feelings
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I had a derpy fwb for a while a number of years back. It worked out well because she lived far enough away that I never had to interact with her if I didn't want to. The usual routine would just be to shack up at my place on a Saturday or something, get some food, passively watch anime, and fuck all day. Neither of us really had any feelings so when we stopped doing it there was no pain or frustration. That's what a good fwb relationship is like. You just use each other to take a day and indulge all of your shitty impulses and then move on.

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So like I'm delivering door dash and I'm standing outside the building with a pizza in my hand. I see someone outside with their air pods in just standing around.

I go up to ask them if they're Kevin, the name of the customer. Then the dude said no to me in the most offended way possible. He reacted like as if I had just killed his grandmother. With a nasty look on his face.

Like how dare you ask me if I'm the person you're looking for.

So like what was this dude's deal?
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And if you are the same person then you have the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.
I know Kevin. He dresses real fly.
What song is that?
For a white guy?
Wonder what the responses here would be if it was a Jason instead of Kevin

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How do I stop feeling regret that I lost my virginity to a tranny rather than a real woman?
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>i'm straight
my brother you fucked a nigga with a dick and balls in the ass
gay as fuck
Some may have that policy, but others will ask
You aren’t straight. Sorry
If you didn't creampie a woman, you are still a virgin in my eyes no matter how many women you fucked wearing a condom
as someone who also lost my virginity to a tranny, i feel you
i just pray it leaves my mind when i get a real gf

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How do you pull off the bad ass + sweet persona?
you can't be badass and sweet that's a contradiction

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> you will never hold girl in op pics hand as she releases a turd and assist her in whiping her ass and then gently lather her dirty butthole in rose petal bath water

I want to kms
No more than the first knuckle.
>you will never abandon op pic inside the great barrier reef and swim upwards watching her frightened and confused face as you leave her one last time

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