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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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Canada basically allowed a shitton of pajeets from the villages, and online white hillbillies and rednecks have formed echo-chambers in websites such as reddit, even on instagram. These white groups are mostly formed of white men, aged 20-50 in rural areas within Canada.

However, the big secret is many of these white men are abusing the international female indian students aged 18-21, behind closed doors. As landlords, many of these disgusting white men are forcing these indian girls to have sex with them or threatening to report them and have them deported.

One example is this disgusting 41 year old men has been using this 19 year old Indian girl who just came to Canada a month ago.

All this is pure evil
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multiculturalism has existed since time immemorial and developed the greatest cosmopolitan societies such as Rome, Babylon, Memphis, and Constantinople
it's interracialism that is the problem. And the fact that nobody cares about the robustness of their nation because it is run by demonic imperialist pedophile billionaires
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No one's really fucking pajeetas. You'll see tradies with filipino chicks quite often though.
If you are not an older white guy who already have white children I think you should try and avoid dating Indian girls,, there are nice white girls if you stay away from looking for them at places like clubs and bars, tell your white friends you are looking for a girlfriend and they might have cousin that's your type. If you must racemix, Latino are already part-white and they are Christian. If you must get an asian, flips are Christian too and probably already have white genes in them.
You can't see her nepals in that pic, you liar.

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Unless the person reading this has been actively homeless for over two years, then It's me. I'm schizoid as hell. The only reason I can use this board is because of disassociation that they're all people, and that I don't have to have an identity. If I had to have a name, I would immediately lose interest.
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also here's another sample of my pure schizophrenic power
Based toroid bro. This is still far less retarded then the eternal flat earth Estonian faggot, it's actually impressive.
The guy that posted and would say "alone that is" and use "and/or" was my favorite schizo because you could easily identify his posts through different threads.
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me but i don't know if i am actually coming back voluntarily or not. i think i might be an npc with no free will. i'm like an llm that keeps getting its memory wiped so i forget that i am being ragebaited. my ability to process emotion is dampened by meds so i can't even feel despair. i am like one of those people who can't feel pain so they just injure themselves repeatedly on accident.

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Good, housing prices are too fucking high and need to collapse. A crack house shouldn't cost more than a car
Crashing the economy is a good excuse to not have sex
This. They already knew there was a bubble. Now they are finding a scapegoat
i'll believe it when i see it
>implying the pic is real and not op's nonsense

how much prison time should he get? he’s facing 30 years maximum for giving his teacher the beatdown for taking his nintendo switch. for the record he’s special needs
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why should he be punished for protecting his private property? please explain, botch boy.
Has anyone considered the fact that he may be a good boy who didndu nuffin?
They're all special needs, total nigger death penalty
90 days/Low Security county jail.5 years probation. Mandatory counseling in and after jail. Evaluate his "special needs status. Is he retarded or just lazy & uneducated?
all niggers are special needs.


>development revealed after 16-year-old boy radicalized online shot dead by police after stabbing a man in WA

>Australian helicopter forced to take evasive action after Chinese fighter detonates flares

>Amid reports Jewish students in Sydney ‘afraid to go to class’ minister urged to condemn university encampments

>The fork in Queensland’s path to treaty gets wider all the way to election day

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Bruh I'll have you know I am a pussy destroyer kek.
yet each wallet and exchange which deals with monero has it listed even if it's highest all time is well behind it. (694.03 AUD January 2018)
>She was also pashing another woman in the bar too. She was gagging for it and now some unlucky bastard is gonna get crucified. The details don't fit. Maybe cops will find no evidence of spiking or sexual assault and the whole sordid affair will get memoryholed.

no major news story shows up in the papers for no reason. The reason the US Senator got his gay sex vid leaked for example is because he publicly said "Free Palestine" so Mossad dropped his shit.
Lmao if it were like that she would have gone schizo instead of turboslut.

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Previous >>467268416>>467268625

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Qassam Brigades just released footage of sniping a Zionist soldier at the Netzarim corridor in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood of Gaza City.
>An informed official told Reuters: Qatar and America are exerting “maximum pressure” on #Israel and #Hamas to continue negotiations
>Urgent: An armed clash between resistance fighters and occupation forces in the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilya.
>Urgent CNN, according to an informed source: The Biden administration's halting of an ammunition shipment to #Israel has nothing to do with the potential military operation in Rafah

▶THREAD THEMEhttps://youtu.be/Zf3BvhjWTKg

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death to pissrael
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all eyes on rafah
I don't know but I really wish it was real. I don't think it would be that hard to target one of these faggot monarchs. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of soldiers / police who hate the monarchy. All it would take is one to say the convoy will be head this way at this hour. Broken down car on the side of the highway and boom. But in all honesty Saudis don't really care about the region.
How many people must we assassinate merely for the truest world to thrive and organically solve anything in the gooddest ways possible!?

I remember when 4chan wasn’t under attack and could solve anything.


So many peoples want the world to be a good fun place!
GUYS QUICK does anyone have that cartoon of the rabbi pushing Africa through a funnel into Europe?

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I guess that's one way to deal with hitting the wall.
Is it just that these "personalities" are all already suicidal, or does living on social media make them want to anhero?
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murdered and the note was written by the killer.
proof: she's a woman, she's a tiktoker. if she wanted people to know why she anhero'd she would've made a vapid cunt video about it.

open and shut, anons.
I think it's finally, at long, long last, more than we're just living in some end times

I think we just might finally be living in THE end times, and hopefully the human race is at an end

And what would be even better than that, is if somehow ALL BIOLOGICAL LIFE ITSELF were finally and mercifully coming to an end at too long last

But for now, hopefully the eternally hopeless and purely malignant female human species is finally coming to an end
That photo looks like AI.
you are ai
>The social media creator was found by the friend hanging by a scarf in her Brooklyn apartment as several cans of White Claw, a vial of white powder and an apparent suicide note were scattered nearby, the sources said.
That's not how women kill themselves. Especially not an attention whore tiktoker.

Netanyahu just showed his hand.

These genocidal kikes are actually going to push 2 million gazans into Egypt, where they will be shipped to Canada and Europe.

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show me your war face /pol/
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Is life really that bad for men at middle-age?
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Life is great in middle age if you weren't a fuck up for the first half of your life. The hardest part for me in middle age is grinding for another 15 years until retirement.
I'm a 34 year old NEET. Been a shut in since leaving college. I have no past or future. Will probably off myself soon.
Why is it always married men who say "muh living beautiful wife." At least boomers had enough guts to make I hate my wife jokes which were half truths. All my parents are honest enough to say they don't look good anymore. But millenial husbands always have to say muh loving beautiful wife
Life is not great if you're working. You working right now. You have no idea what great is lol.
Why would the body fall apart. There are literal 30 year old world class athletes like Ronaldo.

This man asks for your ID.

>White = Der Führer (take over the thread)
>Green = High ranking Nazi Reich official (Pass)
>Blue = Waffen SS (Pass)
>Yellow = Wehrmacht (Pass)
>Purple = Allied soldier of the Reich (pass)
>Orange = Enemy soldier (arrest on sight)
>Red = Communist (Arrest on sight)
>Black = Nigger (Arrest on sight)
>Brown = Juden (Arrest on sight)
>Pink = Homosexual (Arrest on sight)
>Grey = Troon (Arrest on sight)


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Lead on
Oh my mistake Obergruppenführer. I misread grey for green.
I trust everything is in order?
Allied soldier of the Reich sent to the western front
I'm gonna surrender to the Americans and go start a construction business
H-here you go sir.

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They saved western civilization
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and sending interracial homosexual pornography to minors on twitter
that time?
pepperidge farm recalls
What do you mean? It's great
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Omega cringe
From what
Everyone from gamergate should have been executed for crimes against the internet

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>US to International Criminal Court: Target Israel and we’ll target you.

What kind of Mob mentality is this where the US is threatening Lawyers and Judges in Western countries which are deliberating on Genocide. How low will the US go for Israel?
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Your logic is missing. They have to enforce it if the perpetuators arrive on their soil/jurisdiction. Or if they have assets of the perpetuators in their country.
They’re lucky we’re not dealing with them the Mossad way: assassination. Dirty gentiles think they can tell Jews what to do. This isn’t 1940 you fucking Nazis. We won’t be constrained.
So you admit they can't enforce it poojeet. Noted.
They can enforce it in their country. They have assets a business dealings all over the world. Do you really think Bibi would release a video complaining about it if it was powerless? This would restrict the Israeli government officials to only countries that are not signatories to ICC.
What country is the ICC? How many of them would collapse economically if they dared enforce the ruling. Hint all of them poojeeta

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Previous: >>467287966

▶Day: 803 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>A russian soldier of the 70th Division shot his command, currently he is hiding somewhere in the Aleksandrovka area
>Russia bombed Belgorod, again
>Russia declared Zelenskyy a wanted man
>British Foreign Secretary Cameron began negotiations in Kyiv on a 100-year partnership with Ukraine
>Ukraine has the right to hit the russian territory with UK weapons; Also, UK will allocate £3 billion of military aid to Ukraine every year, - Foreign Minister Cameron
>Russia’s Gazprom Group Reports First Net Loss in 24 Years
>Macron doesn't rule out sending troops to Ukraine if Russia breaks front lines - Le Monde
>The first peace summit will be held on June 15-16 in Bürgenstock in Switzerland, - Zelenskyy. 160 countries invited, including members of the G7, G20 and BRICS (Russia not invited).
> In Oryol and Kursk oblasts in Russia there are problems with electricity due to an attack by UAVs; drones also attacked the Afip Refinery in the Krasnodar Territory
>Ukraine received Western weapons from some partners with permission to strike on Russian territory - Latvian FM

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An anti-tank mine + a russian BMP-1 = a spectacular explosion.

: 58th Motorized Brigade


>>467313667 spooky, maybe
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Today, we celebrate Ukraine's Infantry Day—the day of strong, motivated, and unbreakable warriors.

We honor the daily heroism and bravery of Ukrainian infantrymen. You are a solid foundation for our defense.

Ukraine will win

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DO IT, FAGGOT! The meme is real!
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Just for comparison, my 200k town at the danube
all I see in India is a culture that was helped by everyone who discovered them and left them the fuck alone with a new world of luxury they couldnt look after or appreciate. We shouldn't have given the bastards 1 inch of rail, they'd be in the fucken stone age if it wasnt for what was given to them.
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forgot pic
You weren't kidding.

Check the canvas roofing over the stall on the right. Then read the words they've used on signage... Metropolis.... Supreme... Style ??? These cunts are deluded, its a shanty town shithole selling bottled water and various trays & buckets i assume they use for taking a posh shit they want to take elsewhere for disposable or to stick their faces in? They are as fucking subhuman as niggers

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>Dont enoy anything in life
>whaaaat? You got a car?? Ride the bus with the junkies and immigrants.
>whaaat? You bought a cup of coffee??? Find used coffee grounds in a dumpster and suck on it.

All with a smug face only a cheap boomer can pull off.

He got everything thrown at him, while you have to suffer your whole life to have a fraction of what he got in 5 years back in the day.

Do any of you guys actually follow his “wisdom”?
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If I can save 100$ a month.
That’s 1200$ a year.

My car broke down, and the repair is 2000$
So after a year, I’m -800$

Let’s say I save 500$ a month. And most people can’t do that.
Then I have to give up every fun activity.

That’s 6000$ a year.
6000$ in exchange of me having a miserable time.

And during that year, I had to fix my car as mentioned.
That’s 2k.

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Yea buddy. His message isn't just the rice and beans shit that you shit posters post here. It's about not falling for the credit card and high interest loan trap. I don't save as much as I should, and I do go out to dinner. But I've been listening to Ramsey with my wife for over a decade and yea we went from nothing to millionaires by just not being retarded. No student loans, no car payments, no credit card debt, and 2% interest loan on our million dollar house that's mostly paid off.

Shit works. Give it a try, truly listen, and don't fall for the headlines.
>what are you hooked to non-existent bullshit kike money that will bury you even deeper in insoluble debt to the same kikes who will take everything you owe in reciprocation of said debt?
You need to build decent credit so when the time comes, you can get a nice huge personal or business loan, take the money, convert to gold or something, and then leave the country to a non-extradition country with your loot. Just like that, you've robbed the kikes and they can't do shit to you.
You should invest, but putting 100$ in a fund or whatever a month isn’t investing.
You need to put serious money to create serious money.
Buying stocks etc is good if you buy for a lot of money.
Not with shitty amounts.

You can work hard, but you need to work hard on something that makes serious money.
Not on a degree that gives you enough to stay just ahead of inflation for a couple of years before you go down a class.

But most people can’t do that. Everyone can’t make lots of money. Normal people never really invest. They thing they do, but they don’t.
There are only two ways anyone ever becomes wealthy:

1: Being born to one of the pedophile families
2: Committing massive amounts of crime and getting away with it

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Suggested reading:
Suggested listening: https://youtube.com/watch?v=0tDoa7HjBBc

1 John 4:16 - And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them

>SNP leader John Swinney promises action on economy and jobs
>What do the next four years really look like under Sadiq Khan? Mayor's plans to fight crime in lawless London with PCSOs who can't arrest, add more EV charging points despite a tiny fraction of locals owning an eco-car... and bring WrestleMania to capital
>UK farmers issue urgent warning after being hit by worst crisis in nearly 200 years
>More than 100 Oxford academics back Pro-Palestinian camps,
>Moscow says British military facilities could be targeted after Cameron’s remarks

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Hoots mon
Hoots the noo
Every single one of them is like this though it's insane.
Fuck sake

>You're a nonce cunt
>You're a nonce cunt
>Don't you start
>Don't you start
>Baz's got the chat logs
>Baz's got the chat logs
>Taxi's comin'
>Taxi's comin'
Why are namefags so pro homo?
Half of them are mentally ill, the poor, the scum, the chavs. They have gay sex because they're outside society because they're not good enough to be in society, so they revel in their own filth and take what little human contact they can get regardless of how filthy it or the person it comes from is. The other half are posh, they think gayness is dressing nice and being witty at dinner parties.

In reality it's neither of those things, it's [redacted] and [redacted] so those gay fucking queers over at [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] and then the horse [redacted].

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Solve the incel epidemic in 5 words or fewer
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>Solve the incel epidemic in 5 words or fewer
Incels Organize to fund Sexbots.
This anon gets it
>And you're still a virgin.

That isn't an insult either female
Bring the slampigs, I’m not afraid.

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