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does anyone ever make up a scenario like getting married to a loving husband and living a quiet life and then accidentally think about him dying or something and then start crying? I miss him..
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maybe he wouldnt if you turned your trip off..
I do this all the time, I have very affectionate conversations with my imaginary gf it all has to go to shit eventually anyway because she doesn't even fucking exist
yeah I like to think of me and my imaginary bf going on an airplane ride together and seeing the coast then I jokingly complain about how hes heavy as he lays on me to rest back in the hotel while I run my fingers through his hair
I imagine scenarios when my friends who ghosted or left me get in a relationship with me and then by my own fault something happens and I’m all alone
Luckily I’m already all alone so it doesn’t hit too hard cause that’s just the actual reality rather than an imagined tragedy. However the contrast between the imagined joy of a relationship with the people I love or loved and the reality of utter misery is quite intense.
I've had this happen a good bit
When I was young I'd imagine what would happen if my parents died early and I was forced into foster care and it would make me cry
Now as an adult I fantasize what might happen if my partner suddenly died and it makes me cry

I think this is relatively normal. Our imagination puts us in spots we aren't certain we'd be able to handle to prepare ourselves and make a plan for the off chance it does in fact happen. This of course can be painful.

pls provide:
>your letter
>how you would react if your partner sent you their blood in a jar as a valentine's gift
how big is the jar/ how much of it is filled?
id be upset because it's not usable unless it was properly refrigerated. Id prefer we both cut ourselves a bit and drink each others blood
straight mtf
literally this >>35681906
not OP but i am unfamiliar with blood shit. if i drink blood left out of the fridge for too long do i invent new diseases for myself or something?

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Happy enough to dance
That's me during the week. On weekends I go nuts
hey delta, how's your foreskin
you need to get gang raped up the arse by a large pack of rabid pakis

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Trans girls, how would you feel if your bf had far-right political views? He is okay with trans girls, ofc and he genuinely loves you, but he will not change his deeply held beliefs.
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No, because I’ve met lots of cool ones who are based and are just aryan women.
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>it's the JEWS the JEWS did this it's the JEEEEE-*BANG*
>being based
>being AGP or HSTS
You can only pick one.
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Why is it always bang? Can't we at least burn a Nazi with a napalm for once?

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>when youre a freakishly tall tranny and your legs are supposed to be one of your best features as a result but it also means theyre a pain to keep hairless and you have a higher chance of getting ingrowns just because there is more skin and therefore more hairs
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Nuh uh

hair removal creams leave behind the hair beneath the skin, which can still be seen. Epilation is a fantastic idea, I highly recommend my favorite form of epilation: waxing
why would i care that much about my crotch when im a perma virgin anyway? and i have an epilator im good
epilators offer a kind of pain that even a masochist bitch like me can't enjoy. But whatever, it's your problem, I guess.
And you worry about your crotch because the chasers you sext with online because you can't get a gf are going to care.
i dont post my genitals on the basket weaving forum

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Qott: bros what’s your favorite Drake song?

Previous: >>35673357
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good point i guess. if i can ignore everyone else’s problems why not my own right?
insecurity and anxiety
i have to common sense to hide my breasts at least
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Do you think your coworkers will be unsupportive for some reason or do you just fear your ability to pass?
>i have to common sense to hide my breasts at least
binder or a sports bra when it’s cold enough to wear more layers

lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit

qott: would you date an elf, even if you knew she'd live much longer than you?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35656015
discord: https://discord.gg/hrbygddw
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>sex board
you're gross
Why r u mocking me ):

You are sinful too yknow. More sinful than me
i would beat up a kid for some little caesars right now
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its just funny that you've made a generalization about the music industry that hasn't been seen since boomers found out who marilyn manson is.
wait until you find out about harry potter and magic the gathering.
Funny you mention harry potter. My caretaker back then said it was satantic too. But she also said avatar the last airbender is satantic because of the intro. I dont agree with the last one, i think its nitpicking on her part.

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>mfw lived a life completely lacking of experiences, friendship and love
>now at my lowest and most depressed trying to troon at 25 years old and pick up the pieces
Please God let this work and not just be a postponement of my anhero
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do you have multiple personality disorder or is it just schizophrenic ESL?
be glad you are starting at 25 and not 33

i wish i could have started by 24 like i planned but my family collapsed and i spent my 20s in terrible poverty at the edge of homelessness and no healthcare and then got an autoimmune disease that took my life from me; but even despite being bedridden and crippled (and currently especially sick) - im the happiest ive ever been; i found ultimate love thru this board and im truly making the most i can out if my life; i feel like more and more is still within my reach i just have to keep trying

don't ever give up until there is truly zero hope- remember you can always make it farther than you think

be your best self; whatever that brings you to

>inb4 h8
>i suggest NAC, Cerebrolysin, NSI-189, MDMA, and Ketamine
actually gonna take a note for sometime in the near future. You done me a service.

ADHD (mental), BPD not schizophrenic
i trooned at 25
it worked out, things are okay
you'll be fine so long as you don't buy into the brainworm shit
typically if you're on here, a complete weeb introvert, and trooning at 25, you're probably gonna turn out fine
something about the combination works
probably because we dont receive nearly the same level of sun damage as our peers, and we're probably all starting off from the position of "that weak faggy kid that everyone assumed was gay"
but maybe im just projecting
>Late transitioners

I'm 33, I was dirt poor during my whole 20s and only started making decent enough money at around 28, by then I felt like it was way too late, but now five years later I intend on finally going through with it. I have to send some tests before I get my HRT but everything seems to be going smoothly

I kept myself healthy and in twink mode, long haired and all, making sure you don't end up looking like a hairy blob is key. But I wish I could have transitioned at 25.

i have done my first year in uni and the boys there are really horny. i'm a 5'2 twinky boy and i have had many very close calls with boys, meaning i have almost been done in my twinky boihole.
i have been able to resist it so far but only with great effort. i am a huge boykisser and guys have noticed that.
i have sucked cock though so i dunno if that counts......
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>being insulted and treated as nothing more than a hole
Do you realize how hot that sounds? I don't care about the emotional mushy stuff I know that no top will ever remain satisfied with a twink for long since you know? we age and they have needs for nubile flesh
dude maybe you forgot, but you're on the LGBT board, and calling LGBT people defective is not cool. go back to your normie place, and project your straight opinion out there. no one gives a fuck about the societal programming you went through
>societal programming
if only, this is how we are built and me liking to be used by men isn't blinding me from this fact. why is it so hard to accept that we are taking the female role here?
>It's an "opinion" that exists in most cultures today and in the past, it's practically biological to assume the weaker/younger man will be the one getting his holes used.
why is this so hotttt
even with starting hrt too, i just want men to use my hole, good god

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Why do clocky twinkhons in the age range 22-32 seem so much happier and more confident than youngshit passoids in the age range 15-21?
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mogs me
kek thank you
Most men probably want kids
My dude, we are only like 6.5 years away from the American whites declaring a war of existence that will result in white ivf state babies. The human race will survive just fine
Teenagers be sad

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passoids, at which point in your transition did you switch to cocaine?
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idk i have no experience so i couldnt say that precisely
undiagnosed autism then
you've never seen a man or a woman outside and found their appearance irresistible?
yes but i couldnt tell you which i like _more_ since there are very hot ppl of both genders
Never smoked weed, started coke at 18, 25 now and doing great

simple as
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i hope u can get 1 soon anon
yea i do this but hell usually give me tissues so i can clean it faster since it gets gross quickly especially inhair
Fuck no
I am not going to degrade myself, sex is inherently degrading as a bottom
t. androphilic tranny
cumming in mouth is usually more enjoyable
Yeah you'd think so, but uh, no
It usually derails lmao

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>RCGP hosts conversion therapy events but pretends it didn't want to
>Cass report filled with recommendations for "exploratory therapy"
>RCGP then drops new guidance telling GP's to no longer do shared care with trans patients or even basic things like bloodwork.
>Now RCGP announces an event and it's absolutely crawling with conversion therapists and "exploratory therapy" sellers. Included multiple panels on trans healthcare and Cass.
The NHS is very clearly an openly organising itself to make conversion therapy the default treatment for gender dysphoria. Oh I'm sorry I mean "Gender Related Destress" because they never want to use GD anymore, for totally normal reasons.
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You don't need to dress it up in anti trans stuff, you kan just say you hate liberty and personal freedom
Thanks for the (You)s
Your life must be utterly pathetic if this is what you spend your time doing anon. I pity you.
Fucking michael biggs, that he can use getting caught being sexually abusive to trans people to actually become a fucking expert on us despite having no relevant qualifications is such a vile indictment of the way the medical establishment treats us, makes me wanna throw up.
It's insane how we're viewed as so much less than human that people like him are STILL given power over us, rather than disgraced and thrown out. We're seeing a return to the 80's where creeps like him, Zucker and Blanchard had free rein to mess with us however they see fit because that's more comforting to cis people than letting people transition.

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As an 18 year old tranny dropout with no friends and no relationships and no social skills and autism.

How fucked am I? I have kinda gotten over the tranny stuff, I girlmode, but as for the other stuff, how fucked am I?
if you can't get a job it's over. you'll rot away alone. try to get a job.

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What effects of HRT did you discover to be honscience? Any surprising effects?
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People shrink when they get older all the time, it's plausible. But over like a year of estrogen? doubt
acne strengthens only for a while, not for years, and it's because of the same reason it happens with isotretinoin - estrogen atrophies sebaceous glands which causes rapid decay of acne bacteria and subsequently inflammatory responses
as for puberty, acne is due to androgens, strengthened by high IGF-1 (IGF-1 deficiency protects against acne and giving these patients IGF-1 causes acne; there's no acne without androgens as women with complete androgen insensitivity show too, and "normoandrogenic" women with acne respond to antiandrogens)
If you look like a man you’re a man. Sorry dude
you talk about other people's inner essence but your posts make you out to be a blackhearted and cruel moid
>i just got fatter
exclusively in female places you retard

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