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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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Was it really 64-bit?
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>don't bits equate to RAM size?
Based on what I could tell from random sites/tech pdfs (unfortunately some of them contain errors, ex. they mix up bits and bytes), it's a somewhat convoluted formula. Also, only the internal bus was 8-bit, the data bus was 16-bit (inherited from the MOS 6502, which Ricoh shamelessly stole and modified, in order to avoid licensing fees). The docs mentioned that NESs CPU/PPU could actually access up to 8 kilobytes (64 kilobits) each; however, massive memory prices kept pools low (hence 16 kilobits/2 kilobytes for RAM/VRAM). Same thing happened to the next generation: the Genesis could theoretically access max 256 kilobytes (68k was a hybrid 16/32-bit CPU), but actual memory pools were way lower (except for arcade boards like the System 16B, where bill of materials cost wasn't that important).
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The first 64-bit console was the N64.

Are you insinuating the SNES didn't have a 16-bit cpu?
It doesn't. The data bus is only 8-bit.
Doesn't matter. The 386SX only had a 16-bit bus but it's still a 32-bit CPU.

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Nevermind the games, did people read that shit back in the day? How the fuck did Billy get several tv series, games and books out of it?
Never played the game but I'm halfway through the TV series
It's shit
Take Tek and Die
it was just too high iq for me
Because he was still a fairly big name at the time.
Don't forget, he had the show TJ Hooker for quite a few years which it self was popular, on top of the Star Trek movies. Also wrote a handful of Star Trek books.

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What were the best GBC exclusives? As in, not a dual GB/GBC game, or something that's more or less a port (like SMB DX). Wario Land 3? The Oracles games?

While I loved (and still love) the console, it feels like the most popular games at the time were titles which were simply "enhanced" for the GBC, like Link's Awakening DX or Pokémon G/S, and that a lot of the heavy hitter handheld titles for the GB line were either released during the lifespan of the original GameBoy or didn't come until the GBA.
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Retarded but if your copy of Pokemon Crystal was bought by your mom or dad 20+ years ago, I guess it is both retarded and fine, it retains some sentimental value.
Quest: Brian's Journey is a pretty fun little RPG for the Gameboy color to check out, too
No, it's a better box than any authentic one you'd find online. Just don't be a dick and sell it as CIB if you ever get rid of it. Advertise it as a repro box and don't sell it for anything higher than $10 above loose cart price.
If you have somewhere to display it, I guess, but then it seems kinda against the point to display a knockoff. I have a ton of legit boxes, eventually I just put them all in storage bins because trying to display them took up way too much space in my gameroom.
>It's 100% reptilian executives telling people they don't want backwards compatibility because they don't want people to be able to keep playing their games on new systems instead of buying remakes
Every person with any sense thinks that's a good feature to have.
The only exception is when it makes hardware more expensive, then it's a tradeoff.

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Why did they shoot themselves in the foot by treating you like a drooling retard for these games? We could have had some actually cool shit.

Are there any other examples of companies with such a profound loss of confidence in both themselves and their consumers?
Fuck me. The development for these games should have been folded into eachother instead of coming out with 2 half baked games.
What a shame.
Twilight Princess is nearly impossible to go back to for me. Holy shit man. Its ugly. Links model looks fucked. And there is so much non-gameplay, the obnoxious intros, and it takes for fucking ever to get to a dungeon. I dont even count the forest temple as a dungeon because of how little there is going on. The game starts at the goron mines. I actively avoid money and treasure chests in this game so I dont have to deal with another annoying pop up
Windwaker's intro is absolutely agonizing. I like sailing and I think the game looks great. But then the dungeons are braindead. The triforce hunt was fun.

Ironically the biggest flaw in these gamecube zeldas is the total lack of courage on the part of the development team.
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>i mean, he makes some good points though
No, he doesn't.
>zelda 1 has plenty of one off solutions
No, it doesn't, and this misses the actual point made which is that there are few mechanics that you're REQUIRED to discover and learn about before progressing through the first 3 dungeons. You have to get your sword and figure out how to use it, you have to discover that walking into a locked door while keys>=1 uses up the key to open the door, and that's about it. You have to use bombs to beat Dodongo, but you don't actually have to beat dodongo to access anything else in the game and bombs are a routine item that are used everywhere (including as a useful weapon in combat).

If Ocarina were ACTUALLY designed like the original Legend of Zelda, the game would have much more combat. Combat would form the bulk of the gameplay. The intro would still be slower than on NES because the game is more complex, but it wouldn't be relegated to just another side activity most of the time. After learning basic combat skills you'd then be able clear several real dungeons and explore many more without any further need to learn more mechanics to get past various roadblocks and gates. All those early-game dungeons would have optional, discover-able mechanics that would be required later on but for now would just enable shortcuts or access to some optional loot. The mechanics would be orthogonal. Instead of implementing a unique gimmick for nearly every dungeon, old mechanics would be used in various ways throughout the game.

This is important because the original's design gives the player the chance to discover mechanics on their own and to experiment with them for fun in the midst of an otherwise consistently challenging game (varied combat).

Neither keys nor bombs are used like traditional keys in the first Zelda game.
Ocarina isn't as bad as TP and WW but it's definitely not like the original on NES. Ocarina is closer to ALTTP structurally but ALTTP retains the routine combat that Ocarina largely abandons.
>You keep responding but you haven't said one thing of substance
I have, nobody has responded to it, because you can't even keep the topic of the discussion in your head. You apparently don't even remember you originally tried to claim Ocarina and LoZ are "similar than I realize." Sorry for calling you retarded over this, but it's a very stupid thing to say.

You don't seem to understand what it means to be a fundamental mechanic.
You don't seem to understand the implications of being able to progress through large portions of the game without being required to discover new mechanics every step of the way.
You don't seem to understand the implications of routine combat.

I'm not even saying Ocarina is a bad game. In fact I think it is a very good game (if overrated in many quarters). It's definitely a much LARGER and more complex game than the original NES Zelda. But it's in all that size and complexity that the game's design veers far away from principles in the original, even if a handful of concepts and ideas remain.
>double posting these redditspaced pooperpained essays a day after getting BTFO
embarassing, you are super mad dude
it's a good post OP

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What is THE gamer's right of passage if you had to choose ONE?
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See >>10911406
what's wrong with him taking on a challenge like that? you may give yourself a chance to step out of your comfort zone and try games and genres you wouldn't normally be into.
I think I'm missing some context here. you guys are calling the 10904215/10904365 poster a zoomer because the list was not compiled by himself but is rather some kind of a scavenger hunt challenge created by an eceleb, right?
I don't think there's any rhyme or reason to it. Just zoomers calling other anons zoomers.
Let us know how it goes

Stop giving attention to shitposters, there is nothing to understand but shitposting

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Genuinely one of the worst games on the system, I thought quake 64 and doom 64 were bad but this easily takes the cake.
Horrible levels, looks like ass, plays like shit, and despite being only 2-3 hours long somehow manages to drag on way too much.

Foul game for foul people and I have no idea why anyone would play this over the vastly superior PC version.

Seeing how shit this turned out I can only imagine how awful Unreal would have been on the system.
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>I thought doom 64 was bad

Opinion rejected
Just booted up the N64 campaign on the remake, deliberately used the controller. Quality of life improvements are nice, but it's still the same game and still great to play. Now leave this place.
Console fps weren't playable until Halo CE came out.

Playing one before Halo CE today is an exercise in frustration.
>response to UT
>released one month apart
>id software is the fastest developer on the planet
Q3 is literally an attempt at executing Carmacks Quakeworld E-games vision and they brought that forward with Quake Live rankings and shit...
The longevity of the games was based in modding and multiplayer, so that's what they emphasized. Ironically, Q3 was the mod mod friendly of all the Quakes, yet also had some of the fewest because people mostly just cared for multiplayer and there wasn't any significant SP "campaign" base to jump off.

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Was Vagrant Story really the best looking PSX game?
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John would just have a meltdown over being called ugly or about Harry Potter
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No. That was C-12 Final Resistance.
Damn that is some good lighting.
I mean religion can get pretty dopey and corrupt.
Have you seen the vatican?

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Chubby Cherub for the Nintendo Entertainment System
Ugh, this fucking game. The music gives me PTSD attacks when I hear it.

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(If this thread was posted before i finished it, I'm sorry, my phone has some problems)
I wanted to ask you a few things about leaks and past situations that I don't understand about EarthBound 64.
- First, why wasn't the game leaked in 2018/20 with the gigaleak? We have demos from a lot of N64 games, except for Mother 3, not a single content
- Had the Gigaleak a size of 1 or more Terabytes, and they only showed us a portion of that content? I heard it so somewhere and I don't know how to verify it
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Or we'll be perfectly content, like how us Castlevania fans were when the Dreamcast game leaked.
>unless one of them is really unacceptable
That's not a thing. When the internet really began to get popular, it was nothing but shota x teenager yaoi and incest in Fandoms. Anyone trying to say "problematic ships" exist when we are literally talking about people who aren't real are just fucktards who need to acclimate to internet culture or piss off.
The leaks are incomplete, the guy didn't download everything. You have to understand there was an immense amount of data and there simply wasn't enough time. Guy left some of the juiciest stuff behind because he didn't even care, including the stuff that might've had Mother 64 (DD dumps)

>japan normally wasn't as gung ho about archiving stuff like the west was.
This is stupid as fuck to say when the Gigaleaks already prove Nintendo saved basically everything. They literally saved emails. what is wrong with you.

I wouldn't call him a normie but yes this is pretty much why there's a bunch of stuff missing

What you really mean is no one really knows quite how large Nintendo's archive is

>t. anon with insider information
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It's not fair, Mother bros...
>jannoid going full damage control to protect his precious eunuchs once again
What are you freaks really afraid of?

I knew somethings afoot when I saw them posting gay porn of their fursonas in their private Discord and their circlejerk sessions included both Near/Byuu and NekoEd, and to no suprize for anybody at this point - hardcore autism regarding Sonic lore & fanon was a given as their background origins.

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Fantastic game.
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Yes, if you liked that game also check out Startopia
KeeperFX finished recently, what did we think of it?

Are there any mods that fix it's most egregious bugs yet?
Dungeon Tycoon
https://plantmonster.net/startopia/startopia.html if there are you'll find them here. The custom missions are very good as well.
KeeperFX is fucking phenomenal, be sure to play through all the map packs they got there, endless sea of fun content

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Thinking about how the SNES, Genesis, and N64 had certain chips in the cartridges / RAM cartridges to beef up the graphics of certain games, and now I'm wondering: Why didn't any of the portable consoles (GB, GBC, GBA) do anything similar?

The closest I can think of are the GBA video carts having special 64MB cartridges for the GBA video carts they were doing, which isn't really the same thing. Same with those rotating/rumble carts they had for a few games.

Did they just figure that people knew portable games weren't gonna look as good as consoles so they didn't even bother, or what?
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Power consumption was the issue, especially without rechargable batteries.
>worthless zoomer trash obsesses over alternative history
why do these hollow husks fixate on this nonsense so much
s'funny how out of the two sides they circled the one where the pins don't go anywhere.

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>incredibly poorly balanced
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its mostly still up because 2 retards lost sight of the original question a long time ago, but kept arguing about irrelevant bullshit and petty semantics for ~100 posts.
>irrelevant bullshit
So the VF series
>t. tekken whiner
>in a game with automated defence
lmao even
just don't press any buttons nigga
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>Quake on their Voodoo Graphics cards in 1996
Wasn't GLQuake 1997?

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Why didn't they just use the controller pak for this?
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I feel like over the years the way Stop 'n' Swap was going to work has got so corrupted even RARE themselves aren't sure what's going on. I have to believe they were trying to use a CART_REMOVED interrupt to stop the game, wait for the cart to be inserted, check the ID and either resume or jump to Tooie_Special_Initialise() if it's the sequel cart. But then big N said "oh by the by, retail N64s are not going to have hot swap safe cart slots."
The thing about relying on RAM contents being preserved between power cycles makes no fucking sense. It's RDRAM, that shit's corrupt in milliseconds, forget long enough to swap a cart. And it's fundamental to all consoles, computers and microcontrollers that power on is when RAM gets trashed by the hardware. The idea that there was ever ANY N64 model that somehow preserved RAM on boot makes so little fucking sense it HAS to be someone confusing dynamically reloading a debug ROM on their dev kit with swapping carts.
I always wondered if SEGA saved any money with that crazy lock on thing. They got to save a few bucks by re-using the GFX ROMs from S3, and the FRAM, but apart from that the entire game engine is loaded from the &K part and the music and stuff. Like someone at SEGA had to point out that the R&D and manufacturing of a batshit cart like that was more expensive than simply releasing a double sized ROM cart with S3&K. It had to have been a marketing decision to say "people will bitch if they are buying half the game, then the whole game later, invent some bullshit way it seems like they aren't."
>Interestingly, the magic number 0xC908C52F, when shifted right by 2, gives the ASCII string "2B1K". The orderly presence of the letters B and K suggests that this is not a coincidence, but the meaning of the numbers 2 and 1 are unclear.
2 Banjo's 1 Kazooie?
That's just specious reasoning by a 3rd party. The game code had functions to read and write specific memory and if those values exist then stuff happens. Woo. Guess how video games work? It doesn't explain how it was supposed to operate between boots because you can't know and the only explanation we have is from the notoriously unreliable RARE employees. Seriously they must've been micro-dosing daily because none of the shit they say makes any sense and yet somehow they made some of the best games ever to grace a home console.

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>add extra 'X' and 'Y' buttons
>add a backlight
>add an actual sound chip
There, now it's perfect.
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How does it feel being utterly wrong?
you tell me
Did you just fucking assume that they don't identify as she/her?!
>No one argues when Woolly Mammoths will be considered Cretaceous animals.

Because Cretaceous isn't a fucking relative word ya numb nutz.

Neither is Golden Age.

The problem is video game communities never locked onto a word like Golden Age outside of places like 4chan - and 4chan is full of dumb fucks - so the word we got was... RETRO.... which... you might not also just means old shit. Thus, it's a fucking problem to have a relative age adjective that is easily conflated with a fucking time period pronoun.

And it's boomer ass brains who caused this problem. Complaining about zoomers is even worse... this shit is like Boomers complaining about fucking participation trophies at the generation of kids received them from... the BOOMERS themselves who handed them out.

Fuckin clean your own fucking yard or deal with your problems. Bitching at kids to get off your lawn because you accidentally named the sidewalk a lawn isn't their problem, it's ours.
Stop using pronouns dumbass, I have two braincells and can handle only a specific noun name and a bonk formed verb. Don't identify me as a second person ambiguous identifier!!!!
Fuck, I'm gonna go cry and shit my diapers like a "reel man"™ .

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