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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

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Anyone know where I can buy this fucking chips? I was starting to think I imagined them until I found this pic after digging
Did I make these up?
Try voodoo chips.
It's not the same

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hello guys!

college is done for the summer and i want some weird obscure vidya to try out
what are some weird ass games no ones heard of? recommend me your best!
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Leon kills Sayaka (duh) but the twist is that Sayaka intended to kill Leon first, Mondo kills Chihiro, Hifumi kills Taka then Celestia kills Hifumi, Sakura commits suicide and Aoi tries to use this to kill everyone including herself (lol), Mukuro Ikusaba was the dead Junko from before the first case, Junko is the mastermind and the outside world has gone to shit.
Play Mr Driller Drill Land (the dog is babby mode if you need it)
PS: then two cops will read this post and shoot eachother.
That's not even close to obscure but it is "weird ass" and I do recommend it

also Hylics
Hello from s4s

Get into wierd rhythm game like me. Not mainstream ones but the Japanese arcade ones like sound voltex or beatmania iidx.

Captcha: TNT0
Deadly Creatures for the Wii.
LSD Dream Emulator

I'm looking for a decent USB microphone to buy for my PC. Do you guys have any recommendations?
this should be asked over in
Either an AT2020 USB or a Blue Yeti.
fifine k667, 15bux, works fine

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How do you change the default settings on mkvs? Sometimes they have english dubs as the default instead of the original JP and having to change it every time is a pain. I'd rather just change them all at once.
the setting is in your media player, not in the mkv itself.
obviously you need to specify which media player you're using

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Went back to kissanime com ru for the first time in a while and found that they could now detect ublock origin, making all videos hidden until the adblock was disabled. Disabling adblock to see how bad the site could be unleashed a torrent of garbage. Kissanime's the most decent site I've used and I don't want to lose it over ublock. Any adblockers known that haven't been identified by them?
Ublock is pretty much the best there is, so unless you're willing to test whatever adblockers you can find I'd suggest just switching to an alternative like aniwave[dot]to (latest 9anime mirror) if you're unwilling to torrent.
if you're too retarded to figure out torrents just use xdcc

How is this?
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It's cool to see Saya no Uta in 2024 but I don't recommend eating raw meat
Average at most.
pretty good

I remember seeing during the last year a video essay that I think was about a videogame, or videogames in general, that had a 5 to 10 minute section about Ian Curtis' biopic Control. I am almost sure the video has nothing to do with the videogame named "Control" from 2019, it's just a semantic coincidence. The video was made most likely by a video game essayist like Jacob Geller, Noah Caldwell-Gervais, etc.

Does it ring a bell?

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I'm trying to find a music video which I remember like this
>it was from the 2000s
>I think it was done with CGI
>it was about some small people shaped things (like image related) with no face nor features
>they were in some garden of some type
>suddenly, a swarm of insects seem to attack them for no reason
>every one of them seem to fall "dead by the attack"
>last one falls, and gets up a bit later
>they seem to start "smiling" and transform into the insects who attacked them
I'm not sure, but I suspect it was some moby song, I remember watching it on MTV long ago
maybe it wasn't even from moby (I browsed a lot of moby music videos)

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is there any general source for pirating kindle unlimited books that aren't on libgen?

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requesting manga, manhwa, anime that are pure teeth clenching ball quaking testosterone
something like the 79th chapter of fight class 3 and its buildup
preferably no magic or magical powers, fantasy like berserk is fine
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already watched but its one of my favs
good rec
ashita no joe
hajime no ippo
Fist of the North Star
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>ashita no joe
watching now
>hajime no ippo
have seen already
its very good but not intense enough for what im looking for
i need that BALL QUAKING testosterone enhancers
>Fist of the North Star
havent seen, plan to maybe in the future

Violence Jack. It was the biggest inspiration for Berserk.
Avoid the anime though, it's really cheap and shitty.
Delinquent manga does this well. If you were to read only one, read Crows.

Can someone remove the explicit sticker in the bottom left?
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And the same for this one, thanks.
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Something where someone, likely the protagonist, believes in very out there things like other worlds, supernatural stuff or that they are special or something without proof or evidence at first but what they believe is true or close to it.
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DanDaDan ?
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Paranoia agent
Samurai Flamenco
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Big O!
Uzumaki, Kirie's bf.

Hey /wsr/, I'm currently looking for scans of this Tamagotchi doujin called Tamatomo Friends, and I'm going to need your help.

So, here's the problem, there seems to be no full scans for this doujin anywhere on the internet that I can find. The only pages that got scans were for the first few pages on an online store, and all listings for the doujin have been sold out. Still isn't stopping me from searching for this doujin, though!

I really hope this doujin can be fully scanned and posted online so that it can never be lost to the sands of time, because it looks promising from the few pages I have seen.
Anyways, care to help me on my quest?
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Well, I figured that 4chan would help me out since they’re by far the easiest to get in contact with and that some of their users actually cooperate very well with each other to do good deeds every now and then. Besides, the search might be far easier if people worked together!
Found the artist pixiv:

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Good to know that we're making progress!
Here's some info I was able to gather:
This doujin was a C85 and was sold in an event for the selling of doujinshi in December 2013.
This is all that I was able to gather though.

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ages ago there was a youtube video. It was a OC audio story on a small youtube channel, about a knight who went on to save his princess from a dragon. But the female dragon naturally overpowered him and forced him to become her tampon, audio descriptions and sound effects were very NSFW. Has anyone else seen this fuck old video?

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