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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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When did Muslims fight pagan Rome? Do Muslims we wuz about defeating Rome?
Muslims can't even destroy one of the tiniest countries in the ME.
it always was pagan
worshiping three gods is pagan
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Why are you Guys too retarded to understand the Trinity Like yes i Know even in your"Holy book" the Trinity is understood wrong but cant you Guys use your brain a bit?Or did the inbreeding of Generations hurt you Guys so much ?
I'm not talking about terminology or language
Allah is literally Shaitan, regardless of his name.

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Why Nicean Christianity prevailed over Aruanism?
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Niceans had the support of the roman state but Arians had the support of retarded Germans. Ironic how christcuckery had to rely on the pagan institutions to spread it's drivel
I still have a hard time believing that two entire tribes converted to (buzzword) church, especially when the only proof of this is one guy saying he was arian and a Bible translation that is extremely hard to find any critique on whether it's a proper or corrupted translation. It's just as likely they were all retrospectively called "arians" in the records because they didn't submit to emperor child diddler IV
Arian Emperors died and Nicean ones continued to exist after Valens, they enforced their idea of Orthodoxy and eventually Arianism was destroyed in Illyria and the East
Well we clearly see it in the case of the Lombards, Visigoths, Vandals, and Ostrogoths. Nothing even remotely strange or unusual with (albeit extremely shallow) mass conversions following a tribe’s leader.
>albeit extremely shallow
That's what I'm saying. If it's so shallow, then why think that most people at the time would articulate a difference in their faith between arianism and nicean, beyond political tribalism, or even care to?

>Well Anon, you had better take your leave, you can hardly expect me to paint Mademoiselle Tilly in the nude with you standing there leering at us.
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I keep trying to look up that Alfred Steven ONLY painted prostitutes. Compared to other artists who would use prostitutes for nude/risque art studies this one seems a bit strange considering the fashion. The one in the back with the lacy see through clothes is clearly a prostitute but the other two women aren't dressed provocatively. Especially the woman in mourning garb. If you could be so kind as to find a source that all three women in this portrait were prostitutes Id appreciate it!
If one of them is a prostitute, aren’t the odds of society women posing with a prostitute quite low?
As if Belle Epoque women having the best aesthetic was not enough
It's not 100% but it was rife. Belle Epoque women (in Paris specifically) were extremely horny and before reliable contraception (and STD projection) for most upper class women the safest way to have sex was to have sex with another woman. It even reached London, as in 1887 Helen Carte found that about 2/3rds of the ladies chorus in her husband's opera company had carnal knowledge of each other.

Pic rel is of Liane de Pougy, an infamous bisexual courtesan.
>Safest way for women to have sex was to be a lesbian
makes sense. Even if you got married your husband was probably seeing prostitutes would probably give your their stds.

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How are feast days not considered gluttony?
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Thou shalt not have fun
based jesus
There is actually no law against gluttony in the bible, there are a few verses in the whole book that vaguely say that you should not over indulge in food. But it is not by any means a capital sin. And even those verses are not against feasting in celebrations or joyful days. They only condemn being a habitual glutton.
>t. john muttshart
>Romans 14:5One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
>Galatians 4: 8~11 Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods. But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage? Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.
>Colossians 2:16~18 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,

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There must be some kind of god because the alternative is the law of physics being inherent properties of the universe. But since they re laws, algorithms, they re not chaotic, but orderly. The problem is that chaos cannot create order. Order cannot be present by itself for eternity, it has to have been ordered.

Atheists claim there is a program without a programmer. This where their reasoning breaks. There cannot be a program without a programmer because order cannot be spawned by chaos.

you could argue then that god itself was also spawned by chaos then depsite being very orderly since to order the universe he must be intelligent, but here is the kicker : god is a supernatural explanation. Without supernatural, you re claiming, in the framework of a natural world, that order can be spawned from chaos, which is completely contrary to everything we can observe. The only way to justify order spawned from chaos is a supernatural explanation. Therefore some God must have create the universe.
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There never was chaos. Chaos is just when people are looking at something that they can’t understand
I didn't say it did. I'm saying a single cell is an unfathomable complex thing, which it is. I don't listen to any YouTube preachers, I just think going from inert material to human consciousness is not so simply explained by Darwinism as most people would think. I think there's plenty of reason to think about, at least consider, intelligent design. I'm agnostic FYI.
Like, the claim that in the beginning out of literally nothing came something, and then on this particular planet out of inert material came human consciousness is no more an exceptionally wild claim as a creator. I'm pretty much 50/50 on the claims, but to proclaim the scientific explanation, which is less than 100 years old, is the be all and end all, is at best naive.
>It's too complex for me therefore magic???
The brainlet can't comprehend that his argument about the complexity of a cell actually plays into how these systems evolve over time

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Tired of the regular "Anti-wehraboo" arguments
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Turrets are arguably a disadvantage as the easiest way to disable a tank is by hitting the turret and a really mobile turretless tank can change its line of sight almost as fast as any turret.
It's all relative.
>the easiest way to disable a tank is by hitting the turret
And the easiest way to disable an assault gun is hitting a track
>inb4 it's dug in the ground
Then it can be flanked easily.
Wildly inaccurate on all counts
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>blows up tanks at a 4:1 ratio
>loses hundreds of square kilometers, several strategically vital resource deposits, and all of their satellite states
>refuses to elaborate, captured in Minsk, marched through Moscow, leaves
Yeah, they killed 4 enemy tanks when they engaged them in tank-to-tank combat in an open field without getting ambushed, taken out by bombers, or breaking down thanks to over engineering and weight.

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From a historical and theological standpoint? I believe in Apostolic Succession but I’m not sure which Church is “The Church”.
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>There absolutely were traditions passed down from the time of Moses, from Abraham, from the patriarchs.
So you think the Pharisees also had extrabiblical inspired teachings, huh? Tell me again how what you're saying is different from them right now?

"And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
(2 Timothy 4:4)

"That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;"
(Ephesians 4:14)

Also Peter in 2 Peter said this:

"For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

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>dude look at this one dude who could have been wrong
>that means you're all wrong LMAO

uh, where in any of the Gospels does it specify the exact age at which Jesus died?

See, you're attacking oral tradition and extrabiblical content. But you actually rely on these same things for your idea that Jesus was 33 when he died.

John 8 57

Then the Jews said to him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?”

Meanwhile, Irenaeus was literally quoting scripture when he made his error. His interperitation of scripture led him into error.

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Wrong once again my friend,

"And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli,"
(Luke 3:23)

You don't need oral tradition to know this.
>you think the Pharisees also had extrabiblical inspired teachings

You keep trying to put words in my mouth, and in such a hostile manner.

Why would stories of the flood passed down from Shem to his sons necessarily be inspired? Something can be true and useful without being inspired.

>2 Timothy 4:4

If you check the context of the previous chapter it's clear Paul is talking about the end times.

>For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

Isn't Peter warning them about people like Simon Magus here? Who never knew Christ during his ministry but rather pretend to have sucession from him in the way his apostles actually do? Who pretend to share in the authority of the apostles, but are really usurpers and charlatans? That's what he mentions at the very beginning of the next chapter.

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>Luke 3:23

This is at the beginning of his ministry, there is absolutely no information on how old Jesus was when he died in the bible.

Sorry, but you rely on extrabiblical sources for your timeline. Hate to break it to you, but this wasn't a problem for any of the early Church Fathers. It's only a problem for sola scriptura heretics.

>You don't need oral tradition to know this.

But I guess you need US Naval Observatory data to date the supernaturally occuring darkening of the sun on Good Friday.

That's basically the same thing as the bible.

>Loves nature
>Hates technology and what its doing to humanity and the world
>Claims to be blowing up people for the good of the world
>Blows up random people at colleges and attempts to blow up passenger jets

Why didn't he just actually go after people actively harming the planet like oil companies, plastic manufacturers, mining and logging companies etc. Sounds like he was justifying his hatred of people under the guise of environmental protection.
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>Blames women for trannies seething
>Faggot pedo manosphere takes 'women want to be treated like children because the fatherless thots I jerk off to infantilize themselves!'
>When a woman asks to be treated like an adult you seethe and complain about retarded tranny leftoid vidya politics.

Again anon, go move to the countries where there's no women's rights. Who knows? Maybe you'll like it there.
abortion is evil
you are evil if you commit abortion
>rapes 12 year old girls
>murders and tortures innocent people in cold blood
>enslaves and exploits every man, woman, child, and recourse he can get his hand on
No one says anything, he's a good man who dindu nuffin and all those atrocities were justified!

>woman he doesn't know gets basic reproductive rights

Kill yourself.
it's retarded tranny slang don't worry about it.
>t.ranny lover moid

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Stalin was more aryan than hitler
>According to Wikipedia
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>conflating dominant expressive genes and recessive expressive genes to "Aryan phenotypes" and "Jewish phenotypes"

Fake and gay propaganda. Even if Stalin was a non-Jew, he was a freemason and he was going to be hanged in Moscow's Red Square.

I still like the Vikings even though they murdered all of these innocent people including muh ancestors from Germany and Britain
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>The archetype of a violent savage who slaughters and plunders others is seen as a pretty unequivocal evil in norse society
I'm not sure what you mean by this, as it was integral to their way of life. 3 year cycles of raiding by sea was how the Koryos tradition developed among the North Germanics, likely since the bronze age or before this was the case as well. And we know there were various mutations of this tradition among them even to the end of the Viking Age, with berserkers (often resented by broader society apparently) and úlfheðnar who were seemingly quite revered. But to be a Viking meant to go on this three year cycles at sea, trading or raiding or anything often with the maternal uncle as in the broader Germanic tradition.

What you're saying is akin to saying ancient Greeks resented piracy and raids by warriors. Well, yes obviously they resented it. There were clear punishments by law to those who were defeated. Piracy and raiding was still entirely normalized within their society up until a certain point. Herodotus speaks of it, Plato was literally enslaved at one point. It's also implied piracy is quite ancient to them in cultural works, such as Odysseus outright stating he will recoup his losses via piracy and raiding near the end of the Odyssey.
There were roughly 6 posts in between yours and mine so I highly doubt that you read Gregory's ten books, Avitus and Remigius's letters, Procopius's works, AND Spencer and Wood's books in that time.
>6 posts
Six minutes, fuck me.
priacy was normalized insofar as it refers to looting and theft. As for violence, I once again go back to harbarthsljoth. Thor, through Odin, speaks directly to those vikings who engage in violence and condemns their actions. Thor, of course, as Odin points out, is the god of the people. Archaeological findings confirm this. Thor, as the voice of the norse people, speaks on the subject of the "might makes right" mentality, which he rejects.
Societies are inherently multiplicitious because they are populations composed of individuals so it's obvious that any society is going to end up having both cultures of banditry, often with very codified institutions, and also cultures of disliking banditry. Given that the vast majority of Scandinavians, and Germanics as a whole, weren't involved in piracy or traveling violence however it's also obvious that piracy wasn't "integral to their way of life".

The people that own these things are also pushing climate change on normal people. What are the implications?
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Who is promising this? Who is the arbiter?
if you take all the carbon you can find that's trapped underground and burn it, it alters the atmospheric composition and thereby heats up the planet
According to?
I endorse this proposal. burying Klaus alive will reduce carbon emissions.
You do realize the humanity threads still need to follow the 25 year rule right?

Why did brothels go from ubiquitous to totally illegal? Could it be they paid an important role in society?
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It's not really a belief, it's more of a fact that different colors are worth preserving, and the means of doing that is segregations.
you mean how black culture discourages men to be present and active fathers?
Since we're talking about blacks.

Often racism and the legacy of slavery gets blamed for the poor performance of blacks in America. But no matter what country you find blacks in, like France, or other countries in Western Europe where there was never any history of African slavery -- blacks always have the worst social outcomes.

So explain how blacks are the same every country they're in. But it's not biological.
I mean imo Im not sure how much of it is genetic and how much of it is social. I'm not dismissing the idea of the former being true, that black people are genetically predisposed to chaotic, antisocial lifestyles.

But at the same time I have also met blacks who are calm, articulate, talented, and are hardworking members of society. The issue is that it's the exception and not the rule. And the rule for these exceptional blacks is they never "act black". They tend to take on more Caucasian or rather... universal patterns of speech and behavior.

Which is where culture comes in. Lets say you are born with your complete 'white' mentality, behaviors, and speech patterns but you wake up looking black and living in a black centric area with black peers. The second the other blacks see you not speaking in thick ebonics and dressing/acting 'hood' they will see you as a race traitor and will single you out, harass you, and potentially even kill you.

It feels like blacks have the capabilities of being a successful race, but are oftentimes oppressed by their own people.
Your complaints are a product of desegregation policy. To be upwardly mobile, socially as a member of the black community is to leave the black community and join a white community in America. So much black effort to climb socially is to just move into white communities, instead of establishing their own upper class communities.

African countries have a black upper class so it can be done. But it's not going to really happen in America as long as blacks can just more easily join the white upper class.

British? French? German? Portuguese? Spanish? Italian? Russian? Japanese? Ottoman? American? Belgian? Dutch?
japanese and ottoman were not comparable

colonial brutality is a solely european phenomenon

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Why do people think Islam is some sort of macho tough guy religion?
Our prophet wasn't some super chad. He was a gentle and sensitive man who expressed his emotions readily and he was introverted and modest. And he said that good manners was one of the most important parts of Islam.
He helped out with the housework of his wives and cooked and cleaned for them as well.
He never hit children or said a rude word to anyone.
He even spared the entirety of the Mecca when he conquered it bloodlessly.
And no just because he fought others who were trying to kill him and his people doesn't mean he was some sort of evil alpha male type.
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According to what i know they didn't.
Don't forget Muhammad crossdressed by wearing Aishas dress


Anyways, I'm 90% sure these 'Muslims' are just shit posters. /his/ tards are retards but not retarded enough to be muslim

So this is beautiful huh? Of course she should've been married in your eyes but this is okay right?
>started getting periods at the age of 8 months
this old hag had 4 years to get pregnant before she had her baby.
>Muslim claiming the moral high ground even though most Islamic countries treat their own brethren as slaves when they feel like it
I'm sure Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, all of north Africa and the various stans are paradise compared to China or the west
>Islamic countries
There's no such thing.
There are no more islamic countries only countries with a majority muslim population.
It's obvious from how they only care about nationalism instead of religion.

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