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/xs/ is a place to discuss all types of extreme sports and similar physical activities, which include (but are not limited to) skydiving, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, climbing, rafting, bungee-jumping, parkour, BMX & mountain biking, airsoft, paintball, etc.

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Weekly Debate Post: Skiing vs. Snowboarding!
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if you aren’t entering flow state on skis you’re simply not going fast enough. it usually starts between 50 and 60 mph
if you live in new england check your privilege then buy an indy pass and enjoy the best bang-for-buck skiing experience on the planet, in your own backyard at that
It only my second season snowboarding and I want to practice and improve so I can actually enjoy different resorts beyond their green and blue trails trails later on.
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How do I cope with this season being over? Editing videos can only last so long until there is nothing left to edit and the gym is so boring. I want to go back!
iktf i've been thinking about going to mount hood or something

Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
What are your favorite non-dominant side moves and why?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

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Okay what if he bear hugs you instead of going under your arms
Nothing. That's why it's banned from the rules, it solves judo
>letting yourself get bear hugged
You deserve to get thrown for having your arms down at your side
Weird how Judo existed for over 100 years with legal leg attacks but somehow was not dominated by spear tackles even though it “solves judo”.

You realize bjj fags only do blast doubles all day because they’re bad at every other element of standup grappling, right?
You have to do some esoteric grip bs in judo. That's why in wrestling bear hug from behind is the most dominant position.

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>5'8 man vs 5'8 woman
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In that vid a girl is beating a healthy adult male tho
So your ancestor was the guy who legalized this?
>ricebug chink
>healthy adult man
kek. also women dont actually see through their eyes they only have an imaginary third person view of themselves like a video game, which is why they are athletically inferior. they are not at the reigns of their corporeal form, nature is, and everyone knows nature is a girl. and man was put on this Earth to rape nature.
T. Plays bibeogaymes all day
>Hurrrr let me tell you about what is alpha

Sit down

I legit forgot this board even exist, they don't even show a single banner or anything

anyway thought on this nigga?
are his long vid worth the time?
Literally who?
Sarcastic member berry storytelling is ok at first, but the bit gets stale quick. Especially when there's an entire market of cunts doing it in the comedy/mma retarded crossover world.

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Grappling causes skin infections
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I bet they let people go into the bathroom with no shoes
You have to wear flipflops outside of the mat as you go through the actual gym and lobby to the locker and toilets heh
You also have to clean it up the tatame from time to time . Use a broom then alcohol. I used to clean it up the tatame for free with a friend of mine before the class.
weak genetic
need to be culled from the gene pool
>broom and alcohol
So has your dumb ass never heard of a mop?

/HEMA/ General - Power of God and Anime Edition 3

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zueF4Mu2uM
Back to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNs
Martin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QlbKfX84k

>Where can I find these treatises?

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>open hemaratings.com
>longsword has a troon specific division (underrepresented genders)
>no other weapon has such section
I blame ttrpgslop and other nerd media. When will they be cancelled on Tiwtter for putting women and trannies appart?
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Need to make a gambeson soon just for ren faire purposes and I already bought some prequilted cloth. Does pic related pattern look okay? All the ones on youtube have these elaborate patterns that I don't have time to download or buy. I do have a tape measure though. Will this work okay enough?

My girlfriend's brother told me that USA HEMA is a bunch of trannies and fags anyway. I just want to get into it so I can feel like the equivalent of a level 1 D&D fighter one day.
>open HEMA general
>nonstop discussion about trannies
It's easily the most obnoxious aspect of HEMA that you can't discuss bluntly in mainstream HEMA settings so it makes sense that anons would take the opportunity to vent.
Seems pretty ok, but then it depends on what's your purpose. Has it to be historically accurate (and if so, for what century)? Do you need more protection, more mobility, or a compromise of the two?

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Do you think the rising average age of female gymnasts has effected the expected skill level?
Are people expecting higher skilled but less physically demanding performances now? Or has the change in training resulted in the peak performance for women reaching a later age?
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Yes they're not as good now. Girls have to peak for the olympics right at 16 otherwise they will miss: Either they compete too old, lose to 16 year olds and 14 year old chinese with fake documents. Or they are too young in olympics year, ineligible because their government won't lie about their age for them.
nah olivia dune is perfect as she is presently
At least when it comes to some of the events, like rhythmic, there's quite a few 20+ year olds that take the Olympics and the world championships.
Both Russians in rythmic in 2016 and 2020 were 20+, for example.
And Sanne won the balance beam at 26 years old, and Jade won the 2020 at 20.

Overall the winners are getting older too it would seem.
she's a fake blonde with doodoo eyes just like my mother
all I know is russian gym and balet coach is swimming in underage pussy.

How do make finger skatign EXTREME
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I laughed at every post gg.
Im glad to know your having fun. 4chan is about fun!
Shove the finger board up your ass and set your house on fire. Now THAT's extreme

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Is this an extreme sport? WHat are some unusual sports i can get into besides skateboarding?
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I don't know about extreme but it's fun. Extremely dorky to most people though.

Camping/hiking/kayaking. Survival stuff. Primitive hunting

Old thread: >>191222
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Whatever trannie
That guy makes my skin crawl.
Does Patrick O'Dell still do these? I haven't watched them in a long time.
In your experience, how many sessions do you need to break in a new trucks pivot cup?

I'm 2-3 sessions in, an it still sticks to a side when I step off the board. Tried to use lubricant, but it only works for like half a session.
Do you ride really tight? They're going to be more prone to doing that if you skate tight trucks.
Some trucks also do that more often like Ventures and Thunders.

If you ride super tight changing to a harder bushing so you can back the nut off a bit while still having the same "tight" feeling while turning may help. But in general if the above criteria are accurate to your setup then it may just be a thing for you.
I ride it pretty lose I think, sometimes even get wheelbites. That's why I'm confused about this.

It's just strange because my trucks feels tight when pushing around with one foot, but feels pretty loose when stepping on it with two legs.

I thought that's maybe because of the new pivot cups.

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Roller blading and roller skating general
>Don't do crack, just roller skate edition
Discuss tricks, gear, hobbies, and anything else relating to rolling. Derby and hockey fans are welcome to join as well.
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Just now I impulsively purchased a pair of inline skates online and made an appointment of beginner lesson thanks to this thread. I'll post pics later (in two weeks). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o38XqVhmBY
Wanted to switch to flat but accidentally bought much softer wheels. Would it be a really bad idea to put them on the outside and switch my harder wheels to the middle?
No that'll be pretty fun when the outside wheels wear a little. Look up what rocker is on inline skates. It's what people like rollerhockey players use for being maneuverable.

Did you watch that video because it's a little girl?
so if I left the softer ones in the middle would it eventually become slightly anti-rocker, or would the difference in hardness mean all the wheels would wear down at roughly the same pace since the middle ones don't wear as fast?
No. The school I booked with is the one that runs this youtube channel.

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/xs/! What is best in life?
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Nearly off the board with almost a month with no reply & your faggot ass basically necros this shit. Kys.
This thread will never die and there’s nothing you can do about it
He Is Risen

To the top of the catalog
420 blaze it
Late Cinco de Mayo celebrations hermanos

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~~Crack edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.

>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).

Here are some useful resources for sizing:

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I've made an attempt to revive the /out/ climbing thread:

If anyone has outdoor climbing stories, questions, or curiosity, please give it a bump. /out/ is much faster than /xs/ and the thread will likely get bumped off the board if it doesn't attract interest.
>fucked up the link
it's always something

>Also climbing outside is retarded so yeah
the worst part is that you typed this unironically. you are subhuman.
>Also climbing outside is retarded so yeah
So this is where we're at already...
the amount of bait in this thread is worrying.
there is no reason to chase grades unless you want to do competitions. go outside.

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is dancing an extreme sport?
Only break dancing and lion dancing.

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