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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Ok so you ate something funky and now you are getting the sweats.
What you have to do is go to the bathroom and do a few squats. You'll get a little relief, use it to wash your face, neck and chest with cold water. Now go back to squatting, this might take a while, usually up to 10 minutes. Stay squatted with your feet flat on the ground until your body starts digesting again. If the sweating comes back, squat up and down a couple times, wash your upper body and go back down again. In 10 minutes you should be good to go.
My personal success rate is 3 times out of 3 so far.

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Does coffee cause global warming?
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>a very narrow bracket of survivability
life on earth has survived everything thats ever been thrown at it
>we can very much manouver outselves out of that bracket.
theres no evidence whatsoever for that, theres endless evidence for the exact opposite
>life on earth has survived everything thats ever been thrown at it
so far.
There exist a class of people who spare no effort to see people something other than happy. Apart from being indifferent, they make it their business to see that others do not experience any joy.
>Does coffee cause global warming?
The industry of production and distribution of coffee does, yes.
>caffeine addicts getting triggered by this thread because they can't imagine how they could survive without their drug addiction
why are caffeine addicts so mentally weak?

Are sub 115 IQs simply unable to have a sound argument or discussion *without* committing some basic logical fallacies?
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Because committing logical fallacies implies the capability of focusing on a single logical statement and arguing for / against it.

Low IQ people don't even argue, they just say dumb shit for the sake of saying dumb shit, despite the dumb shit being unrelated to the original statement at all.

Case in point:
etc im tired of quoting
this whole thread basically
Notice how you failed to make anything resembling a logical argument in your post, let alone a valid syllogism, thereby demonstrating the 5 posts of mine you referenced as being fully correct and justified.
Notice that I was making a statement about you, not arguing a point. Learn to have a conversation, autist.
No, everyone has biases and is prone to committing fallacies in thought because humans are neither truth seeking machines or purely logos entities. Emotions can and will cloud judgement of anyone. You can see evidence of that by observing the fart huffers on /sci/ screeching in iq threads because the number is big which means they have the authority to act like dipshits. That is as stupid as humans come.
Notice that I was making a statement about you, not arguing a point. Learn to have a conversation, autist.

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Engine inspection day edition

previous: >>16158571
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I've come around to the idea of settling the moon before Mars.
Settlement of another world has never been done and there inevitably are an immense number of failure modes which are not immediately lethal, but would slowly kill the Mars crew over months while we wait for the transfer window and for supplies to arrive from Earth. That would be even worse than a catastrophic instant death failure and is mostly avioidable on the Moon.
That's why Elon's plan is to make the first Martians live with absurd kiloton scale supply surpluses while they bootstrap ISRU.
Oops, got my times wrong and it's actually in a little over two hours now.
I hope it happens, but point is I was opposed to Artemis but now I think it's a positive. It gets NASA working on things which will be directly transferrable to Mars, and the Moon is more viable from an Earth economics persective since it's easier to get to LEO from the surface of the Moon than from the surface of Earth

Bad news sneed oil bros, it turns out that sneed oils are extremely unhealthy and all the 'science' that blamed heart disease on animal fats was completely fake and was made up to fraudulently cast blame for the damage sneed oils do on animal fats
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Just eat whole foods instead of industrially refined slop.
>were it not for the US buying so many drugs
The bigger problem is the US schizophrenic approach to drugs.
If we didn't have Prohibition or the War on Drugs, we would have had peaceful Italian Wineries and peaceful Colombian Coca farmers selling goods.
Didn't you read the news?! Raw milk has le heckin bird flu!!!!
You need to be drinking ultra pasteurized milk! Make raw milk illegal!
Cows aren't birds and neither am I. Checkmate, globalists.
its funny because its true

you couldn't have accomplished what they did
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still a good post full of valuable information tho
>assault women in public bathrooms
>get battery charge
Finally! The jugs in my room will be worth a fortune in a very near future. Neet investor wins again.
thank you fren

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i'm so sick of this grotesque shit, autistic people wouldn't tolerate this going into their eyes as often as happens here. same with those screaming blood faces on /biz/
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>i'm so sick of this grotesque shit, autistic people wouldn't tolerate this going into their eyes as often as happens here. same with those screaming blood faces on /biz/
WTF is this "soi jack" anti science spam?
>cartoon pics trigger me and make me cry
grow up
You didnt have to bump this

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Its now official

Affected vaxxxxies to possibly be paid millions in pharma gibes if their court cases wrap up before they die


>AstraZeneca admits for first time its Covid vaccine CAN cause rare side effect in tense legal fight with victims of 'defective' jab
>AstraZeneca has admitted in court for the first time that its Covid jab can cause a deadly blood clotting side effect.
>Lawyers representing the claimants believe some of the cases could be worth up to £20m in compensation.
>Cambridge-based AstraZeneca, which is contesting the claims, acknowledged in a legal document submitted to the High Court in February that its vaccine 'can cause TTS'.
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I took pfizer like a real American patriot supporting American company, not some UK Cambridge shitty vaccine so I'm safe.
>its official
is it really, though?
Did you also get all 9 of the boosters they recommended?
Good news
lmao that vaxxxies will never get to enjoy their money, it will all be recovered by the government in the form of taxes, the first portion in the form income tax when the claim is paid out and the remainder when the death tax is paid shortly thereafter

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>$6.1 billion for art students
>$0 for science students
how does /sci/ react to this?
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>liberal arts women
Define woman. Dont you mean men?
art is more important anyway.
good call by brandon as usual.
its kinda funny that every year now they have been forgiving loans for people who went to scam schools.
and its pretty much the only lians they are forgiving.
i wonder if this loan firgiveness for scam schools us not also a scam itself.
like who the fuck is going to scam schools?
i would like to remind everyone that the difference between a b.a. and a b.s. is having two years of a language.
Good things can't happen to other people at the expense and burden of far more people. Where do you think that $6.1 billion will come from? Thin air?

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Polaris have revealed their new suits! they're the same as the old suits but with shoulders

Previous >>16158571
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It doesn't really matter, since we'll probably end up reusing whichever thread is slower.
have to balance them so they hit bumplimit at the same time
or just bump the threads between them so they drop to page 10 next to eachother
>live in six hours
why bro

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I'm not a biologist so I don't understand the intricacies of DNA(and I doubt the people who spam this constantly do either) but what does this mean;
That only blacks have archaic admixture or that theirs is a mystery? Because if it's just the latter that means the spammers are equal amounts of sub-human as well.
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Wait, so you're saying the interbreeding that the South Africans didn't partake of is what made North Africans, Asians, Europeans, and Americans not literal retards?

Damn, too bad the super smart mystery Homo didn't stick around, earth would have moonbases right now. Wonder why it died out, too small and weak or something? Glad we at least got some of its genes in most of the planet, too bad it missed a spot.
I really wish people would stop saying this. Arabs did not replace the origonal people anywhere. The north africans today ate literally mostly unmixed north africans. The arabs placed themselves at the top of society and obviously married some north africans. They did the same in spain and Egypt and syria. They are culturally arab. Not genetically.
Wouldn't that just give everybody the same traits and make everyone more related since we would share ancestry? Sounds good to me lol. Paraguay did that by the way.
>That only blacks have archaic admixture or that theirs is a mystery?
American "blacks" only left Africa by slave trade at furthest 500 years ago, 150 years at most recent.
There was no Homo Habilis or even Homo Erectus around to fuck 150 years ago or even 500 years ago. Your premise is incredibly silly.

They're just as Subsaharan African, except their 25%ish percent mixture with Europeans from frequent slave rapes by masters (Y chromosome results say they're 35% european, but mitochondrial tests say 8%, ergo European fathers African mothers) and the last 50 years of mixed couple marriages.

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After spending billions on research, soience has discovered that men are different from women
the times has fallen on hard times
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transwomen = men
so they're saying they've revealed differences between men and trannies(men), therefore troons should compete with women and not with other men.
The issue isn't whether or not men and tranny faggot men have equal physical capability on average, it's whether or not tranny faggot men and biological men have equal physical capability [spoiler: they dont]

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why is it that we can literally invent and conjure up a definition for square root of a negative number (something that eluded us for a millennia) but cannot define division by zero? Imagine how many problems in both math and physics could be solved if we could find a definition to division by zero.
not a math boy but doesnt ring theory or some shit allow for division by zero

What are people's opinions on Columbia University and how it became completely free of Jews which is something the redneck hicks who call themselves antisemitic could have done in their southern trump loving colleges but they didn't. Instead a university in Jew York pressured by liberals was the first to clear itself of Jews.
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David Kipping who teaches there has been under pressure by students for hosting a jew on his podcast, the podcast was recorded right before all the violence erupted on campus but the podcast was posted like yesterday or something, made a brief statement on the matter but didnt really take a side and was vague. is it fair to target him? i think its a little unfair to expect him to pick a side or whatever
Aptly named image, why does anyone take this buffoon seriously?
Why are they targeting the cool astrophysicist, target kikes I don't care, leave him alone.
Kipping is a kike
Investors that went broke short selling stock in his company.

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