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/po/ - Papercraft & Origami

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Welcome to /po/! We specialize in origami, papercraft, and everything that’s relevant to paper engineering. This board is also an great library of relevant PDF books and instructions, one of the best resource of its kind on the internet.

Questions and discussions of papercraft and origami are welcome. Threads for topics covered by paper engineering in general are also welcome, such as kirigami, bookbinding, printing technology, sticker making, gift boxes, greeting cards, and more.

Requesting is permitted, even encouraged if it’s a good request; fulfilled requests strengthens this board’s role as a repository of books and instructions. However do try to keep requests in relevant threads, if you can.

/po/ is a slow board! Do not needlessly bump threads.
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FAQs about origami

Where do I begin with origami and how can I find easy models?

Try browsing the board for guides, or other online resources listed below, for models you like and practice folding them.

A great way to begin at origami is to participate in the Let’s Fold Together threads >>>/po/lft - open up the PDF file and find a model you like, work on it, and discuss or post results.


What paper should I use?

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In remembrance of the last paper planes thread, which just so happened to be one of the oldest boards on 4chan that passed away quite recently, this thread will serve as its successor. Hopefully this thread won't be prematurely bumped into oblivion like the last one did.

Anyways, this thread could serve as a sort of "Paper Planes General". Feel free to post your designs, .pdf files, and folding instructions. Anything goes as long as it flies or at least looks like its supposed to.
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does anyone have a pdf of a boeing 767 or 757?
This site may be of interest to you: www.citycraft-papermodels.com
There's a bunch of free airliner model PDFs, including the 757, but some of them don't have assembly instructions so be advised. The guy did make assembly instructions for a 767 model on his youtube channel but I can't find a link to it anywhere.
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Here's another website for very tiny-scale paper model vehicles. Most don't have instructions, but the templates themselves should be pretty straightforward to assemble.


Seems like they made a follow-up website with a giant folder of all of their models, but it's been abandoned since 2020 and the download link doesn't work anymore, unfortunately.
Stop it you're killing the pendulum clock thread
That thread is only on page 5. It still has a while before it gets bumped off. Besides that, who cares when it gets bumped off? Good riddance.

Greetings to all members of Papercraft & Origami. I'm seeking advice on the most effective method for precisely cutting a square from a large sheet of paper. Additionally, I'm interested in suggestions for adding color to my plain white sheet through painting techniques. Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance :)

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Pizza Cube
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"zabawa" lol
How long will this thread last?
What happened jan 20th?
Wow nice pizza cube anon
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3 pizzas, anon?

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ey rabbi
So, and you put it in /po/ for what reason?
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Maybe it was one of these

My stuff

Say nice things about it
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Holy shit it's amazing
I have no idea what any of these models are my guy, I wish I knew because I want them
nice job unironically
Really like the Black Rock Shooter
The character is black rock shooter
Ye i found it awhile ago, hosting ito n my Mega

Password is : "mypapercraft.net" fir the rar


Found this online. Looks creepy..

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Please share
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CNY 2024 and Dinosaurs Premium??

Dunno what I have to trade, I'll see if I can find something
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Let's see. I have a library of links to help fold Satoshi Kamiya's Alduin

I also have some photodiagrams for some of Chen Xiao's models:
- Dragon Knight
- Hydralisk
For CNY 2024 and/or Dinosaurs Premium, if ur interested
None of that stuff is worth either of those two books.
I'm not searching for either of them. I already own the physical books.

Welcome, this is a SHARING thread, where you request and share single diagrams (preferably). And I would like to encourage sharing this mockingbird.
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Thx yo thatsit. Ya know
Do ya think???? Yeah, it does, but are you fucking blind? Didn't you see it posted already above your shitty post? Hell no, not for someone as ignorant and blind as you.
Not for a long while, I hope.
This one's in better quality.
Just thought you'd appreciate it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's the same quality, duh!

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From the Edo, Meiji or Taisho periods. Here my own attempts at paper models from over 200 years ago.
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These are called Tatebanko in Japanese,
honestly pretty fucking cute that people actually use this board, i was just expecting porn and shitposts but this is wholesome and impressive AF
Janitors are pretty good about cleaning up shitposts here
We mostly get dumb people from /pol/ misposting here
love the japan culture in art.
Has anyone got any more of these? Specifically very old ones like OP

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>be me
>"im a neet but ill never be a 4chat kinda neet"
>sometimes browse boards
>origami hyperfix hits
>oh fuck yeah they have an papercraft board
add word 'easy' to your search
Anon you can always start from basic geometric shapes before moving up the polygon.
op, try this
or this
or this

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The threads that have torrents are gone, but I am still seeding.
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i should also mention that i mislabeled the papercraft torrent as "origami" when both torrents are only papercraft and a mecha papercraft torrent i need to find
Papercraft collection 2.part6.rar is missing from the 1st torrent
OP here, just mirrored this on my seedbox.
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Is there any good origami book collection torrent that is still alive?
I lost everything because I dropped my external hard drive.
I tried to look for old torrents and links which I've downloaded before. But they are all dead.
There's the 8-part 20 Origami Books Collection. But it's kinda meh. There are also Tanteidan torrents, mostly dead.
Seems dead now, sadly. Anyone mirroring it?

I'm making an effigy of a McDonald's nightmare golem
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this is fucking great op
As a European, I don't get it, what does this moon-like figure represent? Racism or something?
>OP post was on 2021
Oh God

Yeah basically.
Around 15 years ago somebody was making racist music with a TTS program, and used the moon-headed mascot for an old McDonald's advertising campaign for the videos because he happened to be popular for memes on YTMND at the time. For whatever reason, the association stuck.

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>always liked origami as a kid
>like every other kid i guess
>recently decided to get back into it
>started working through a book
>using printer paper because i don't have origami paper
>got to about halfway through the intermediate models
>having a ton of fun
>one night i accidentally leave one of them out on the kitchen table
>wake up next day
>mom rips up the origami
>starts yelling at me
>says she knows i've been "wasting" paper with this shit
>calls me a retard and tells me to stop right away
>all joy is sucked out of it
>haven't felt the need to make another one

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Figure out your basic living situation before focusing on niche worthless hobbies you fucking retard
i was a father once. my kid wasted tons of paper drawing and coloring doodles, including my signed rx paper (im a doctor). i used to yell at him for wasting those.

after the divorce, he went off with its mother. now he's a videogame artist and 3d modeller.

i regret yelling at him so much. i wish i could waste some more paper with him just once
wow you are fucking gay
yelling at him done him some good
Hey at least you're a doctor lol

I grew up in the 90s/00s and small arts and crafts were common but even then the fact that I was folding paper in school bc I was bored was bad like I was bored, that's bad. Your mom feels insulted in a way or like you should spend your time better. People will always criticize though even if you are like learning to code

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Do you guys only fold paper cranes and glue Warhammer figures? I've never seen a bookbinding thread here.

Printed and bound House of Leaves. Split it into 2 volumes because I was afraid to work with so many pages at once. Covered with paper-backed vinyl (black) and linen fabric (red), which will probably collect a ton of dust pretty soon.
Couldn't decide how to put the titles on. Should have made a debossed rectangle with a paper label glued inside. But I hoped that hot ink transfer would work. So I made the covers first, then printed the title on ink transfer paper, and found out that pressing a hot iron to the cloth-covered board warps the board due to heat expansion. Tried on small swatches first (picrel). This method won't work.

As I understand it, my current options to put the title are limited to
>linocut transfer
>screening (sponging the ink through a trafaret)
>just print a paper label and glue it on top
Don't have any hot stamping tools to work with foil, nor the desire to purchase these materials.
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>Got to join in a book binding workshop yesterday at the local library.
How did you find out about them? I'd like to join one. So far I've only done perfect binds (just gluing), I tried proper stitching earlier and it's not as hard as I thought.
Pretty based. How much does this hobby cost to start?

You guys are alright here. I am from /pol/ due to a mistyped web link.
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I do some moreso out of utility than as an art. I get pdfs of stuff I'm interested in that would otherwise be hard to find as an actual book (mostly /x/ shit) and make them into these softcovers with a flap. The design I stick with is based on this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJY4SJipiIo (there's actually three, this is the first one in the series.) Simple, cheap, and functional, just the way I like it. Bonus is you can use the flap as a bookmark.

Depends what you want to do. You can go crazy with expensive materials and tools if you really want to. But just getting started all you really need is paper, thread, a needle and a sharp knife. Of course there are more specialized tools that make things easier, but the bare essentials are pretty cheap as far as hobbies go.
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For reference here's all the stuff I use to make these>>619908

Pic 1: Needles and Thread (it is linen thread which is different from your regular sewing thread and may or may not be harder to find depending where you live), beeswax for the thread (not necessary, but cheap and good to use), scissors for cutting thread, an awl, the Bone Folder, Knife.
Pic 2: Glue (I got a nice bottle of from a real bookbinding supplier online, but there are cheaper alternatives even though this isn't particularly expensive), brush for glue, printer paper, construction paper for the cover, some cheap leather (I think it's suede technically?) for the spine support
Pic 3: My homemade book press, really all you need is something heavy and something flat to press the pages under. I put this together for convenience that way I can move stuff around easier in my workspace.

Also not pictured is a $50 used laser printer I got off ebay with free shipping.

I probably spent a little over $100 total on all my equipment, but most of that was the printer and like I said not everything I bought was absolutely necessary if you're just getting started. If you're just making journals and stuff with blank pages anyway, or if you have access to free printing (student or through work somehow) you won't even need a printer.
Where does everyone get their supplies and tools here? For tools, I usually go for Talas but they're pretty expensive.

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