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/gd/ - Graphic Design

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This is a place to discuss topics about visual or graphic design. Requests for photoshopping or free work go on /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests or /r/ - Adult Requests as appropriate.

#/gd/ @ irc.rizon.net
#4chan-gd @ irc.freenode.net

>What literature should I read to get into graphic design?
The sidebar on the /gd/ wiki has plenty of book reccomendations.

>What programs do I need to get started?
Adobe Illustrator
Corel Draw

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>Can somebody photoshop X? Can somebody make me a logo?
All requests for photoshopping belong on /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests or /r/ - Adult Requests. /gd/ doesn't take requests or do free or even paid work sometimes. However, if you're new at something, asking "HOW can I X?" rather than "CAN YOU make X?" will give you better results.

>Can I post some of my work for critique?
There is usally a critique/What-Are-You-Working-On thread, and that is where work for critique go.

>Can somebody find [font]?
also check out your local torrent site or the font-share thread.
Remember to share and not just take. Also remember that using liscensed fonts in commercial works is a bad idea.

>Where can I find inspiration?

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I made an animated illustration about the Devil. What do you think?
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>AI trash wah wah wah
Who cares if it makes money?

A lot of phonk music thumbnails use this style
Lol, you guys are done for...
looks fun lol
AI slop, kys
>AI slop
kys you fucking hack

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Then you should know that at the current year of 2023 graphic design is pretty much dead. I was a professional gd for almost 10 years working in both studios and on my own and I can't really find a job anymore. It's not even because of AI to be honest, its because of how the industry works and how bad the corporate environment has become.

There's still web design, 3D and VFX/motion design(primarily 3D too) and if you want something similar or easy to transition then chose one of those but I'm not sure for how long they will be relevant themselves because of the AI which is basically a final nail in the coffin of gd. Of course there are and will be exceptions and maybe you will get lucky to find some obscure local business that needs you, but if you are young and looking for a career in the future you should stop consider becoming a graphic designer. This profession is dead.
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cant find any bridges cuz search gui is so badly designed
Fuck you mods, and your mother, for deleting my reply!
It's a waste of time posting on this website now. Place has more mods than Reddit.
I'm taking a graphic arts degree and I am seriously just thinking of dropping out. I am not learning anything useful and I think it's a waste of time. I'm on my 1st year and yeah, I'm not sure it's gonna work out.
what are your lessons and assignments about so far? its not uncommon for ignorant kids not to realize what they are being offered, especially in education for creative shit

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Not sure if this belongs here but since it's regarding photo manipulation (which counts as graphic design) I might as well try.
So I like this genre of edits of women called "Natural/Modular Body Magic", which basically means that they look like they either had their heads magically removed or that they never had any at all but they can live just fine without them (like dullahans), but many of them are pretty shit so I wanted to make some good ones of my own, the problem is that there are no good tutorials online on how to make them, so I was wondering if you guys could guide me on how to make them.
Pic related is more or less what I want to achieve, something that looks relatively natural and organic, rather than just a quick and sloppy MS paint job.
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pretty cool stuff man
lol i came here from ifunny just to laugh at you
Why would you admit to using that shithole??
try buying and taking photos of manikins in the same position as the photos you are editing that way you have some sort of reference. i do think the flat neck looks better then a rounded knob. idk how you woud do the texture on the skin to be honest
you absolute retard

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Last thread: >>441761
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Black flag
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More pics like these please.
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Redesign It. From Scratch
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I tried to make it as a periodic table element
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Made one with a smaller atomic number as well. Not sure which I like better.
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fixed the retarded shading on the leaves
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really like this one

graphic design gems

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Make some shitty cover art?
>Make some shitty cover art!

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this guy's good
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...n-no u...
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Request and share non-free typefaces and identification of typeface samples.

> Previous thread


> Older threads

archived <dot> moe/gd/search/subject/Font%20Share/

> Font identification

Before you request, do your due diligence by running your font sample through a font identifier;

whatfontis <dot> com

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Hey /gd/, anyone knows what typeface/font this is?

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Does anyone here happen to know how to make custom font from scratch? Do I need some highly specific software or can this be achieved with Affinity Designer, for example?
Good evening gents, looking for picrel.
I could swear that I had seen something very similar to this before but I'm not sure.
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Skolar PE and Skolar Sans PE, full family, not a ripped version.
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Anyone got the Berthold Black family or at least something close to it.

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form an artistic viewpoint
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See if you can help me out since I’m pretty much desperate at this point. I’m trying to finish a lewd comic book, just erotic stuff and a couple of explicit scenes, but it’s not the main point of the story. I kinda want to play around with AI images to get inspiration with poses but I’ve tried a few apps and none of them allow explicit content. Is there any tool that allows explicit prompts and shows naked dudes/girls? Don’t really care if it’s free or not
You're right, there's never been any job in the history of using language where someone paid a specialist to put strings of words together in a way that suited a particular purpose, because they themselves can do that just as easily.

People who commission art and design work usually can't even begin to articulate what they want even with the full attention of live artists and other professionals in multiple meetings held for the express purpose of figuring out WTF they want from their vague and retarded ramblings.

If anything g, that's one of the most valuable aspects of AI: you can type in that asshole's exact words to prove that his explanations and visions are stupid and that it's not the fault of the artist trying to work with him when stuff made to his exact orders makes no fucking sense and looks like shit. I would have killed to have that ability back when I did this kind of meeting all the time, "Here, Mr. "JUST GIVE ME_________", type that shit into the computer that can ONLY do what you tell it to and see what you get".

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Early 2000s webdesign
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4Chan.net btw
wait what the fuck? how is the domain both not squatted and also not bought?
also who would even be taking screenshots of 4chan in 2003? that's the kind of thing i'd expect someone to only have kept track of if they recorded their screen for a portion of the day like in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNmzXqcNeaA
Found the screen on the web but remember taking also screens in 2005, and accedently hitting >>>/d/ instead of h in the fucking html frame
How does one even make a site like that? I've started programming a while ago but I'm nowhere near knowledgeable on things, the positioning, the image, the curves and all.
It all looks so fun and elegant and also impossible to make.
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does anyone have any style guides for making these? some forums would have a ton that were all completely different in tone from other forums but they all looked like they were made by one guy. is it just because they're so simple or what?

hi guys
i need photoshoop help
i need to edit away th backgrouds in my hand drawn mazes and make the the blackspaces uniform and straight do you have any tips or links to help an poor old fagg
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When creating the mask, be aware that everything that is black will become transparent, and everything that is white will become visible, so, open the mask using Alt + Click and press Ctrl + I to invert the mask's colors;

Always test, live by workarounds.
ok its more complex than i thought, sorry fancy guy.

damn this guy photoshops better than me.
though really i think what op need is very high res scans with minor color/exposure/curve corrections.
this will clean it up and preserve the hand drawn quality and wont lead to pixelly artifacts. quality in quality out, op/
Why do we need this instruction twice?

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I'm fucking around with some UV maps and need painting advice. The only real tool at my disposal is Gimp, but I have some photoshop experience.

I want to clean up the blood, make multiple skin variants, and paint on some goggles/remove the collar. How would you guys go about this? Thank youuu
I guess I could do a color overlay and avoid areas like the teeth and eyes using layering
>how you would you go about it?
I would use gimp
For the face I would use the clone/copy whatever it's called tool, the one where you hold the key in one area and it transfers it to another.For the hands and feet I would do that on another layer with a spot from the chest and burn/dodge as appropriate.
>clean up the blood
clone tool
>make multiple skin variants
duplicate layer and fuck around with color menu
>paint on some goggles
>new layer, either a lot of paintbrush and eraser or draw a path and fill, then experiment with layer modes and opacity
>remove the collar
clone tool

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Can I talk about video editing here? I really want to talk about it but I don't know what board really suits it, people at /tv/ just aren't interested at all

Nowadays, the only thing Premiere has over Davinci right now is the AI shit and communication with After, which is very useful, but Davinci is so good, is Premiere only so hegemonic because it's adobe?
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Fusion is a 1000x better at compositing, AE is 20% better than Fusion at doing motion graphics.
Learning Resolve + Fusion is the better time investment unless you want to be an Adobe slave forever. Resolve and Fusion are bound to surpass AE and Pr in every way (already the case for Pr, literally abandonware at this point)

source: I actually use my brain
>is a professional editor
>doesn't know how to use professional editing software
>tfw don't know how to extract mp4s from mkvs so I end up using Shotcut for all my webm memes because I don't want to put more effort into a 5 sec joke than I have to
I've always pirated Premiere. I'm too good at it to swap to DaVinci without it being not only painful but money loss. I really wish I had a free year and a half to get as good in it as I am with Premiere.

Also, is there a torrent for the most recent Premiere with all the TTS and AI modules? It took a while for the TTS modules to show up and the only thing stopping me to pay for a subscription is my despise for Adobe as a corporation

Is'nt Resolve opensource? Shit, I'm not paying them either

I can afford it, but you'll catch me dead on a curb before giving money to such a filthy corporation

As far as I know, proper coloring, proper audio engineering and instant multicamera. It can cut a day or two from a workweek, but I don't care because I'm never tasked nor paid to do it more than the basics. If they can do cutting I'm buying tomorrow, no matter how much hypocrisy it will show, I'd rather have more money and get a week's work done in a single day, I'll even charge extra for the "coloring" and "audio engineering"
Low IQ too stupid to use other programs.
Thinking a hobby grade editor has a chance against Resolve.
We understand that you are decent with adobe pr ae. But seething because of a superior program BTFOs what you use. Adobe hasn't made any improvements since 2016. But that's a you problem not being able to switch.

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