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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

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217 replies and 22 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Shame it takes cheese tactics but I've never been able to stop Rome as any of the Greek states
The thing is, this tactic works in basically all Paradox games. The simple setup is thus: A semi-large stack, but still relatively small stack compared to your enemies, camped out on a river, or in the mountains (in this case, mountains AND a river...), or some other highly-defensible position. You need them to be large enough not to get wiped out immediately at the onset of battle, but small enough that they're too tempting of a target for the AI to ignore. The AI will then march at your stack with EVERYTHING, because Paradox has never coded a game where the AI didn't blob. You wait until the enemy's movement becomes imminent (locked-in), and then you send in your armies in adjacent provinces to merge with the stack being attacked. All of your armies then get the defensible terrain bonus. It's pretty much my go-to for winning against bigger enemies.

Historically, generals at the head of armies would look up at their enemies sitting on a mountain and go "nah", or just starve them out. But since when have these games been historical
Ironically hoi4's supply system would actually fix this. Use distance to capitol along with some culture friendliness to determine military supply capacity. Roads would help supplies move but ships would be far more effective.
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Now that the development of the game is over and considering the content is on the thin side I have been considering installing Invictus.
How pozzed is it?
I hear they inserted a shitload of bizarre mission trees, but is otherwise okay.

I'm playing vanilla, so I dunno. Rome is cancer in vanilla, so I hope that mod neuters it a bit.
>Rome conquered village in the middle of buttfuck no where
>that new province delivers a 5k-10k stack in every new war
Yeah nah. I can see why people say kill Rome immediately or your game is over. They shit out an absurd number of troops.
>I fucking hate democracy
Same, brother, same.

Post your City, Anon.
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Gravedigger vs cannibal death battle.
Slaves don't go into proper graves, so don't build a mass grave.
can it really be called cannibalism if you are eating a different specie
Do catapults in an army help with besieging enemy cities? Or are they only for field battles?
Tooltip doesn't say much
Field battles only.

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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Yes, and if that is your only take from reading the entire chain then you've completely missed the point of it.

Yes a 'Just don't get hurt' approach as an absolute imperative to the exclusion of all else would be insane since such rigid optimisation is not necessary to play the damn game. Yes the game makes a number of jokes warning against being a slave to meta, calling such things grubby grumblings and angry noises that have lost the big picture. Ogre retard above is one example, since they profess that ogres are OP, cats are bad to the point of being a misplay (lol) and that they use ogres to kill things with opening salvos and tank return fire with their HP pools. Whilst ogres are good at their niche, they are one tool in the tool box, and when presented with other tools to incorporate, they reject them. HP commendation stacker above is the second retard, for not having bigger rosters and other reasons already mentioned (and funnily enough is the actual audience that the Less People = More Oxygen article is mocking).
tl;dr you're a retard.
Nta, but what's your tldr strategy
Would you rather an ogre tank shots with hp or a platemail gal with armor? I think there's next to no good outfits whatsoever for any race besides gals and peasants (ss doesn't have shit) to diversify your squad. You may argue that a pyroman ogre with a shield is better, but gals have better stats and TU.
I'd put one camo dagger+silent pistol catgirl, one platemail/heavily armored squaddie, and a couple of gym suit cattleprods if its a VIP transport. That's for an early-mid game ofc. All of that fits into an aircar nicely.
>Whilst ogres are good at their niche
When one's "niche" is bigger than the niches of multiple races put together, there's a balance issue.
He's already explained his strategy in the thread
>always walk in front of unseen enemies with high TU high reaction units, if those stats are incidentally not high enough and your unit dies to reaction fire as a consequence then reload lol
>always probe visible enemy units so you can reliably shoot them without triggering reactions, if you fail to meet the necessary damage output to secure your surroundings and someone gets killed because of bad defensive reaction fire rolls then reload lol
>seethe and avatarfag at anyone that points out high HP high armor units are easymode for "being a slave to meta"
Apprently having 10 times as much EHP compared to other races and being almost impossible to kill or permakill, and knowing how to position and sweep the map safely, are mutually exclusive. I didn't know the reactions stat was necessary to end each turn behind full cover or out of sight range.

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>want to start new game
>spend 30 minutes trying to generate a map that isn't either straight up broken or nonsensical
Definitely something that's going to have to be improved in the sequel.
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>a Barbarian Beastmaster
And even when you snipe the fucker, the Unholds all decide to target your bros instead
Miners have a high chance of rolling bad traits and get pretty poor fat.
They can be good for fat-neutral builds though.
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>"consult the chart"
>thief and militia have a bigger number
Having more health and fatigue is not all that useful if you minroll resolve, have no stars and fucking suck. Thus a shitty or mid farmer can be particularly meh because his lack of resolve can drag morale down and the background needs 2-3 stars in both matk and mdef to be competitive for a frontliner role. When this does happen they are great but without it they're often very mediocre in actual usefulness
Butcher, brawler, militia, manhunter don't have as drastic stats advantages compared to baseline civilian but have a full spread of bonuses here and there and cannot get ranged stars so you're more likely to get something useful for a frontliner
Militia and manhunter can roll like a bad professional combat background so they are the best hire for PM period alongside thieves
Brawler and militia are combat background and have good events where they drill new non-combat hires, brawler also has another one of his events where he gives stats to another man
Thief can roll absurdly high on def and has great ini for further stats and speed so if you get a thief with good melee stars and none in def you won't even feel it unless he minrolls a 5. Otherwise they can tank and can still hit someone unlike p*ddlar
You're overvaluing certain stats too much. Resolve can be easily patched early through nachzehrer trophies, later through Arena grinding + Hexe trophies, while int (which is incredibly overrated as a stat) can be patched through hyena pelts.
Low-roll bros on peasant militia are a lot less important, since you're going to be churning through them anyway. Low-mid tier farmers and lumberjacks have a higher stat potential which makes grinding out for 2 star matk/mdef rolls worth it.
Backgrounds like Militia, Brawlers, Butchers look great since they have a lot of small stat boosts, but when you compare the stats that matter, they're less impressive. Like, it's nice in theory that a brawler can't roll ratk stars, but it doesn't really matter since you can just replace him with another 500+ gold bro. It's something that only really matters for hedge knights, since you can't really go around hiring 5+ hedge knights just to look for a good roll.
Training events are nice, but are really just further reason to not stack your loadout with brawlers and militia, since they don't even benefit from it. The unique brawler one isn't even worth considering since it'll give you a grand total of 4 stats once, with a low chance of proccing. Instead of brawlers, i'd recommend lumberjacks, since they have the same matk potential, while getting far better health and fat.
Manhunters are good, as are Thieves, no arguments there. Butchers are... better than daytalers, at the very least. No real reason to buy them over Manhunters beyond like day 40.
Generally the starting minstrel makes for a decent bannerman. Failing that, you can get a retired solder through a webknecht contract event.
>make a Lindwurm shield
>2 (two) mdef over a kite shield
i might actually be mad enough to mod this

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Should I buy the Astral Planes DLC for Stellaris? Is it worth it?
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welcome to /vst/
How many days should I wait to buy the dlc? How long does paradox usually take to fix their day 1 bugs?
I hate habitats
I just played until 2400 for the first time in a couple of years, and I regret everything. There's a habitat in literally every ai system. Everything is habitats, and it's worse because every habitat has 2000 garrison strength because the ai adores unyielding. I don't want to jump on the banning habitats bandwagon, but it makes the game so annoying
3 weeks should be fine.
As a tall pacifist player, habitats are the only thing letting me compete with wide empires.

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Keep the leaks coming.
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imagine coping this badly holy kek
enjoy your dead fucking mod that can only release shit nobody asked for like Brazil, and even that is just an integrated submod.
Old France lead was banned years ago and then they scrapped everything and started over pretty much from scratch (some people still remain but with updated writing) with nu-Burgundy (the one replacing Himmler Burgundy) being deleted. In fairness the current France leaks look interesting but you'll have to forgive me if I'm not holding out much hope over the third or fourth iteration of it managing to cross the finish line without being deleted.
Old France design wasn't that good desu it had shit like Sidos forming a Latin Union with Iberia and moving the capital to Andorra before collapsing into a gorillion tags.
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Sure sounds more fun than the fucking nothing we have now and the fucking nothing we'll have two years from now when the current France design is declared to be le bad and started over from scratch.
No wonder Einstein got purged, that tranny was fucking retarded

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Why is it that when I play a medium distance away from a major, so that I'm not able to hamstring them early, they always turbo blob to the point I know it's going to be torture later on.

Also general EU4 thread, post your maps!
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>I just got wiped out despite having
Post the battle and country details so I can tell you where you went wrong
Has the AI always developed their provinces this much? Around the 1450's I've took most of Naples leaving it with 4 provinces, the average dev was around 10.
100 years later I fully annexed them and a coalition which also includes France and Spain formed. I then notice that the average province dev of the remaining Naples provinces I took was around 30.
How do they do it while also spending mana on ideas and techs?
Personally don't see the problem with save scumming if you're learning the game and you're correcting fixable fuckups. Restarting from checkpoints is how video games work 90% of the time. Save scumming to avoid bad random events is scummy though yeah.
>be me
>Play with the Aztecs
>Use cheat to modernize and colonize and have naval force
>somehow it came to Asia
>Like a good weeb, he conquered Kyoto and dissolved the shogunate and the daimon became independent.
>Improve my relations with my daimon neighbors and engage my native king with the daughter of a yellowskin daimon
>Start colonizing the Philippine islands for my expansion throughout Asia
>Take advantage of the fact that China is a time bomb that is in constant civil wars and invasions by nomads
>Conquer an entire coastal state and main commercial port of China
>Gain rights to remove the mandate of heaven from the current emperor
>Oh boy
>China being Chinese finds itself in more conflicts with neighbors and internal problems
>Seize the opportunity and declare war for the mandate of heaven
>The Aztecs are the new masters of China and probably Asia
I savescum because i achievement run and its less annoying than dealing with the rng im dealt.

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Why didn't any non-real time strategy game succed in being a competitive one?
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it's actually an Advance Wars ripoff by the devs of Starbound, called Wargroove. it's addition to the AW turn based battles is SupCom style commander units that can be killed as an alternative win condition, but also their CO powers affect their local area instead of the whole battlefield. its pretty neat and had some potential but not much was done with it and now the sequel is out and it's more of the same eh
So it's a AoE2:DS clone then?
tmy initial joke was how the NintendoDS port of AoE2 was an entirely different game that's basicly a medieval AW(2)
It would suck
Every TBS is full of gimmicks and shortcuts, so much that experienced players always have to challenge themselves on each play to not use those exploits. Also, I have yet to see one that's balanced and doesn't have at least one OP faction.
Man, I loved playing AW:Days of Ruin

What's a game I can play on my android?

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If EU5 is railroaded enough, Brussels will become a French node, then a Spanish node.
You're assuming this is like EU4 where trade is a zero-sum game and the ultimate goal is to monopolize as much trade power as possible in your node. I'm sure there will still be a benefit to controlling the market capital but being in a larger market like London should also be a benefit to Brabant/Flanders/Holland/etc.
>rebel against the english
The Marcher Lord's were English. The best option is unironically playing as the Prince of Wales and hoping the English king doesn't have an heir which leaves you under local Welsh magnates until he does and fomenting rebellion through them.
These are all speculation from various map-makers based on the so far released Tinto Talk maps.
I want this game to be good so fucking bad, but I just know I'm setting myself up for massive disappointment. The fact the chuds on the Paradox Forums and the trannies in Discord are actually liking the Development Diaries is just another sign this game is going to be shit. Is the Golden Age of Paradox over? Am I going to have to wait again for some Indieshit company to rise up over a decade and make an actually good game? I'm getting old, I can't wait that long.

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Realistically, how do we fix this franchise? It seems like no one in the strategy player base is fully happy with it.
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>The way it should be fixed is that the campaign should be real time with pause.
>They need to emphasize logistics and tactics more in the campaign.
hegemony gold
Don't forget the turn-over, lack of documentation on engine workings, and diversity hires. The current devs of Total Warhammer can't implement features present from older Total War 3 Engine/Warscape games because they admitted they don't know how anymore.
>can't implement features present from older Total War 3 Engine/Warscape games because they admitted they don't know how anymore

personally I don't believe this, code is still code and even if they never had precise documentation on how it works, it's absolutely doable figure how they programmed the engine.
You're assuming a high level of both competence to parse poorly documented old cold, and the passion to care enough to do so.
Actually that retarded matched combat is implemented since Empire, if you want to be nitpicky since MTW 2 which had some finisher animations in which both involved models were invincible. But Mtw 2 still had mass combat, and you can even disable the matched animations so that four guys can stab one to death, which happens with matched animations as well.

No other game actively insults the player for trying to play 50% of factions the way this piece of shit did.

Everything from units, economy and abilities were hilariously skewed in the "good" guys favor.
There's nothing to offset the imbalance either.
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You are supposed to play the second game + the Edain Mod..
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have you not seen the movies? like the good guys cut throught 100 people in 1 sec. they were probebly aming at makeing "true to the movies".
From this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Axyl7rXNK9o
"Dwarves Escape From Goblins ''The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey'' (2012)"
as you can see the gray man and the 12 dwarves kill like 100+ goblins.

they are just potraying the movies accurate, with the
>hilariously skewed in the "good" guys favor

it is always like this. movies to game are usally bad. and games to movies are also offten bad. the ying yang of the entertainment industry
Maybe, but it doesn't really matter in campaigns which are fucking great.
Sequel has big mods work in constant development. Age of the Ring is it's own thing, but feels like sequel. Edain mod has base building from first game. They are better for multiplayer/skirmish, especially since campaign is worse in bfme2. Although Age of the Ring has fun campaign too and I think Edain may have something too, but I barely played that mod and it was long time ago.

Also it will never not be weird for me that they merged Gondor and Rohan into a single faction in bfme2. What a weird design decision.
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In that case the solution is usually for the "bad factions" to have hilariously cheap units to mass produce
The game is solely made for the single player experience for a casual gamer who liked the movies

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Will this be good.
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I didnt make this thread before any time before 1 hour ago. I just am curious i didn't play the beta and wanted to know if it's gonna be good.
>wasted resources on '''roguelike mode```
>brought to you by the team that ruined shipbreaker by shoving communist manifestos in your face with every update
no, it's not even doa, it's an abortion
>ruined shipbreaker by shoving communist manifestos in your face with every update
Nurse! He's skipping his meds!
>workers rights bad
you are retarded
I wanted it to be, but probably not.

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I am looking for minimalist strategy games. So, tight focus and streamlined without bloat mechanically or even graphically, though cool graphics are also fine, especially if they cleave to minimalist aesthetics while still being engaging. I will list some I have played

>Cursed Kingdom- Itch.io gamejam game about managing a plague. Very short but fun.
>Death Crown- Tower defense RTS where you order your guys down lanes and use towers to fight off the other guy's lanes. Really nice aesthetics.
>Desolation Tycoon- post-apocalyptic trading/caravan sim where you build up riches and armed forces to make a profit until you retire or die. Surprising amount of worldbuilding for such a simple game, but meta-progression takes forever
>High Strategy: Urukon- Minimalist GSG that filters me every time I try to play it and I can't tell if it is skill issue or the game is bad, would like to see what other people think of it. It has a sequel that I have not played so I can't say if it's good.
>Immortal Defense- Another tower defense strategy game with a schizo kino plot.
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Line War. Pure essence of real time strategy game.
The Great War Of Prefectures is as minimalist, while still being enjoyable, as it gets.
Mahjong Soul.
It's Riichi Mahjong with catgirls.
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Slay is super fun

I tried Urukon but couldn't understand how to play it. It's confusing as fuck
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I finished Urukon once couple of years ago. Should probably play it more with other factions at some point. It was reasonably fun and felt rewarding, but the game also highly favors either trading or plundering resources instead of making them yourself, it favors playing wide instead of playing tall. By what I recall it was reflected in win conditions of harder factions too, some of them get gold just for managing to hold onto their immediate surroundings and exist.

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Relic finally fixed their engine edition

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It adds so much context to know this is the same person
Wrong. What point are you trying make anyway?
>yes I am a phonefag
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Nope but enjoy having only a few other autists to play with, not everyone is doing everything possible to win just to have fun with the experience. Players online are about as robotic as the AI itself in terms of strategy unless its someone new to the game in which case they just lose quickly until they embrace the meta autism like the rest or like most people end up leaving the game for better ones.
There it is, the score the only thing that matters to the autist. Might as well not even have a game just make it abstract numbers to see who is the best just cut out the middleman.

This is why RTS died, why no one gives a shit about Company of Heroes 3 since its shit in every other way.
you didn't understand the point.
you don't have to be perfect to win. you have to make smarter decisions. Low APM but better management won against high AP but worse management. "le gookclick" is cope.
uh oh anon - you got btfo. upset that coh3 is being appreciated for the good game that it is?

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