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How much do you pay for jeans?

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big feet edition

prev. >>18083952
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I'm pretty Princess-and-the-pea, but good to know that works, too, thanks!
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What are sneakers made in US, EU, Japan? I recently learned of these nippon sneakers and might buy a pair
why? they just look like chucks just buy chucks if you buy those people will think you are too poor to buy even $30 chucks and you will have spent like 4X the money to look poor
makes no sense bro
heres my wide sizing shoes pasta

>new balance (only the $200 flagship made in usa models)
>some sketchers
>some vans (online only)
>some hiking shoes like altras, keens, etc
>running shoes
>orthodic dadshoes meant for morbidly obese people. the biggest company making them is headquartered next door to the doctor from my 600lb life.
chucks retail for 65 and chuck 70s for 75.
shoes like pottery/moonstar is significantly higher quality. the canvas is much thicker. the vulcanization is much better. the tape doesn't delaminate from the upper like on chucks. they will age better, last longer, and you will get more wears out of them. for the tiny price difference its a no brainer. chuck taylor sells a similar quality shoe called converse addict. it costs more than shoes like pottery.
>but it looks somewhat similar
>with none of the substance behind it
pure poorfaggery. its like renting rims.

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Please start dressing like an actual adult.
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Damn, that's a nice jacket.
>dress like an adult
>wears a polo like a faggot who is too insecure to wear a proper button up shirt because he can't wean off of t-shirts
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People make fun of me when I do that—they think I am a child attempting to look like an adult. Young I may be, I am still of age. Yet this does not dissuade anyone from making fun of me for dressing nicely rather than wearing a hoodie with shorts like the rest of my peers.
Those wiggers and niggers can go fuck themselves. You just do the right thing. Even they will respect you more (begrudgingly) if you stick to your guns rather than cucking out.
He's right retard. Your outfits are garbage

>you do skincare? Lol that’s kinda gay dude
How do you respond without sounding mad? Pic not related
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actually I look way worse in the mirror than in photos or to other people
I have to avoid looking too long or I'll start wanting to shave my head, grow/shave a beard, etc.
everything starts to look wrong and gay after about 15 seconds
Use moisteriser everyday, especially after shaving.
>t-takes one to know one!
>sucks his dick
Did you guys know Cillian Murphy is 5’7? I was surprised.
Narcissism is literally named after a dude you dumbass

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as a male how do i make long hair not look like shit? i want to not look like a hobo or a tranny
Get layers put into you hair + Stop using shampoo and product that weighs down hair
long hair looks best being swept into a dustpan off your bathroom floor
only plebs have short hair.
>uhhh can't get my hair in the way of the physical labor I do every day, all those excel tables don't make themselves
>the state and my boss NEED to know about all the money at all times
>nooo not my wagie jobie
>need to have short hair to form sex packs with my peers to shag other unattractive people once we're all drunk enough to lower our expectations to the bare minimum
>can't waste time, time is money after all, with keeping my long hair tidy and good looking
>ah it's tuesday again, time for my barbar appointment to keep the pleb cut looking really plebian!!!

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Previous thread: >>18105596

NEW Luca Turin reviews on Substack: https://lucaturin.substack.com/

Informative Videos for newfags to Perfume General
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for newfags
W2C bottles

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you really need to try the Chanel Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme. It is just better than the Homme Sport.
no its not
SOTD Bleu de Chanel, including armpit application
that whole line is so mid, it just smells like "beige". maybe the edition blanche is okay
learning that pierre bourdon actually did joop homme along the same time he did cool water has me interested in owning a bottle which i could never have imagined would ever have happened before. i think i have autism.

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I have to know what you look like in order to give you tailored advice. Otherwise it's as simple as "buy the same clothes that he is wearing in the photo"
Be based
date rape first year college girls

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do i look like peter griffin
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Looking good bro, but invest in a pair of dress shoes. Will change your life.
i dont really have any occasions for which id be wearing dress shoes, though
That’s a good tip. Thanks anon. I had a nice belt given to me that was too long. I just cut it. But wish I would’ve known that a tailor probably could’ve fixed it.
spasibo, gonna cop the pants

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Rate my fit real quick
Got a date in an hour
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Would look better without the chav/drug dealer bag, wear a blazer of some kind instead to keep your stuff in, generally only feral children wear those bags.
not bad but you would look better with lower bf%
never smile, it's been scientifically proven that smiling makes men look less sexually attractive.
>never smile, it's been scientifically proven that smiling makes men look less sexually attractive.
just looked it up, i'll never fake smile again
I would take off the bag, it fucks up your shirt. Maybe I'd also add a watch/bracelet. Overall it's very good, have fun at your date
ditch the bag and remove the red tag on your shirt bro and you'll be good

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Blue Dial Edition

Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."

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Nice, metal and glass look good together. The lugs are sexy too.
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It's a good looking saucer. The bracelet is solid too.
I have a vintage Accutron and an electric Timex.
The Accutron eats through batteries in 6-ish months and you need an isolating ring around the battery or else it will short the movement. The movements were designed for a type of battery that's not really produced anymore. It's not a big issue since you can just wrap some adhesive tape to the side of the battery, but still, if you take it to watchmakers who don't know about it, they might conclude it doesn't work at all when really they just shorted it. Otherwise, they are pretty sound movements and were very accurate for the time. The smooth seconds sweep is nice too. Main issue can be waterproofing due to the caseback "crown" not always being completely safe.
The Timex also eats through batteries faster than your typical quartz. The way it works is, it sends magnetic impulses to regulate a balance wheel and also powers the geartrain. It has the same sort of geartrain you'd find in a regular mechanical watch except for the mainspring. That means you get a battery that drains quickly AND the inaccuracy of a cheaper mechanical watch. but hey, they were real cheap at the time. And now they're still have as wacky relics of a weirdly experimental age in watchmaking.
I also like the art deco dial.
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It's why I got it. Gotta thank George Clooney (Mr. Omiga ambassador) for introducing me to it. "Up in the air" I think the movie was called. I had just gotten the Mido and saw this other watch with this metallic ring going around connecting the hour markers and I thought "Damn, this looks like my watch." And so I looked it up and saw it for the beauty it was.

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What kind of tie best fits a linen suit? I recently bought a mint green suit and I want to figure this out. I don't usually wear linen but I wanted something comfortable for the summer. I have a bunch of silk ties in dark colors, I don't know if they fit well.
knitted ties would suit the optic imo
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Just avoid ties that are shiny. The more texture the better imo. I like shantung silk ties like pic rel
Pic of suit? Mint green sounds perfect for linen in the spring/summer

Previous >>18086713


Quick guide to prep: www.mreero.com/journal/how-to-dress-like-a-prep
Gentleman's Gazzete info on /TIP/: pastebin.com/QrNDDG60
The Preppy Handbook: issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph

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Can you elaborate why or are you just a contrarian faggot?
If you look at their Italian collars, the dimensions and roll are easily on par with classic BB, Kamakura, JPress, and Oconell's.
what do you call this kind of sweater
Looks like a take on a cricket sweater
Yeah, in my limited experience with S&M my complaint would be more about very thin material than the collar. They at least make their clothes look the part.
i dont know if this is /tip/ but its a vibe alright

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can I get an id on this hat?
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Also needing an ID on a cap - had something like this face on the front, said “WRLD WIDE” on the side I think. Brand sound familiar?
Уcтaвнaя кeпкa пaттepнa BCP-93 "Бapвихa"
Эт BCP-98 "Флopa", a нe "Дyбoк"/TЦКO/Бyтaн ПMP
Tкaнь - бeлaя paзнoвиднocть пaттepнa ПB КГБ CCCP, caмa кeпкa - oчeвиднaя кoммepция, кaких пo ceй дeнь нaвaлoм нa pынкaх PФии
Пaттepнa M88 нe cyщecтвyeт
Пo cнapяжeнию и нeзaблюpeнным лицaм - бoльшe пoхoжe нa тeppopиcтoв УHA-УHCO(чтo мaлoвepoятнo, ибo тe чacтo иcпoльзoвaли кoкapды и дyдaeвcкyю cимвoликy) или yчeния тaмoжни PФ, ибo тeми пpимeнялcя кaк BCP-93 тaк и "Cиний BCP-84 Бyтaн"
Пpиeзжaй кo мнe, мoгy хoть peдкyю гopнyю вapиaцию пoдapить, нo c тeбя пивкo

мимo мecтный OП вaших нeфoлк-кop тpeдoв и дoлбoeб c /k/ пo coвмecтитeльcтвy
VSR 93 in Russia according to websites like Avito seems to be quite cheap and common, it's just that it's understandably rarer in the west, i could probably buy through a proxy service but that would end of costing more than the uniform itself, probably warehouses full of uniforms i would imagine.
He's an "Odalist" now
I notice that a lot of Scandis cope because they don't want to be Germanic and they also don't want to embrace the IE steppe heritage. They really live this indigenous isolationist tradition when coastal Germanics are pretty much the same ethnically and culturally everywhere in Europe and when the main ancestors of those people only arrived pretty late on the scene in Scandinavia and Western Europe as conquerors from the East closely related to Baltic people and some adjacent Slavic or Slavicized groups.

tl;dr Varg wants to be an Odalist because the actual Germanic/Nordic religion doesn't fit his narrative and lifestyle.

Why do pigtails mog all other hairstyles for women?
Its not the pigtails. Its that pigtails only look good on really young looking girls. And young looking girls mog all other women.

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