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post em
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>do vpns actually protect you from letting anyone see your internet/download history
VPNs are REQUIRED to keep logs to operate. "we don't keep logs" is "we don't keep ENOUGH logs to IMMEDIATELY identify you" as soon as they hand over those logs to whatever agency, they go to the next stop of the ip and get the logs from there, they trace the path of the packets from your ip to the ISP to the VPN and anything else between.
If you're downloading old shit, probably not going to be anything happening due to how much money/manpower it would take to go after every single instance of cp download, if you're uploading new content that isn't in the database of the 14 eyes or whatever it's called now, then they start investigating to go after you.
This is one of the reasons that, if a torrent has a DHT hash, using that instead of trackers.
Also auto-updating blocklists and encrypted traffic.
Its not a sure-fire way to keep from getting into trouble, (and seed box in a different country is) but its sure better than just yolo-ing it.
so vpn or using deep web doesn’t make much difference? it’s best just not to ever touch it?
When the chudapocalypse happens they won't need to prove anything.
Israel is literally doing it now in Gaza, according to them they are using AI to determine bombing positions based on the info they have on Gaza residents. Of course they are just bombing the shit out of everything but are using that data and whatever algorithms to justify it.
They'll just say chuds= pedos and terrorists and they'll start droning away
I once had a friend join my mc server and I tracked his IP on this site and it came back with nothing but ladyboy / shemale porn and I can't look him in the eye anymore since then. Especially since he makes jokes occasionally about going to Thailand and whatever.

Is Dragonheart any good? Worth watching?
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It's an alright fairy tale but the casting and the production values are atrocious. It's not even the actors' fault, they're good, but miscast.
The ending makes me cry to this day anon. Draco is Mufasa but cooler.
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Loved it as a kid but not sure how it held up.
I also enjoyed the second one.
If movies are your thing, definitely. If you like the LOTR novels or Warhammer Fantasy, you will gag at how shallow and stupid it is. What should have been armored knights, magic users and dragons Fuck Yeah! the movie, was instead a kindergarten tier moral lesson on not being a bad ruler. There are only two dragons in the whole movie and one gets killed in the opening sequence. And the other dragon says they were the last two of their kind. (That's a 90's plug for environmentalism by the way. OMG, think about extinction! Stop developing the world.) The most grating thing about the movie is it could have been so much better. We could have been treated to many dragons and armies fighting for control of the kingdom. Instead we get a total brat of a villain who is heir to the throne, a sad but wise dragon and a heroic knight who is serving the heir to the throne before trying to overthrow him. The last dragon gave his life force to save the heir earl on, I guess before these guys realized he would grow up to be super evil and that decision comes back to haunt them bigly. But see what I just did there? I made the story sound interesting for a minute. The story is not interesting. It's packed with a ton of feel good bullshit you should have stopped needing to be reminded of around 5 years of age. I could have sworn this was at least a PG if not a PG 13. Can't we have some more mature moral lessons in our fantasies? Not have everything be so black and white with no grey area? I'm surprised they allowed the dragon to breathe fire at all with how wimpy the morals are. "Like, when you are ruling a Kingdom, it's important not to treat your Peasants like shit, M'Kay?" Who the fuck needs this lesson by the time they are watching this movie? When I buy a ticket for a movie that promises dragons being involved, I don't want to see them be a pitiful stand in for the loss of interesting specimen in real life.
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>I can go three days without sleep
>I can go three weeks!
How do you respond without sounding mad?

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What is your favorite HOUSE episode
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kek this was based. Truly a different time
>The one with the Dwarf chick ("wanna go for a spin")
>"Are you high?"
>"Higher than you."
well now you have to give a name
he is humiliated at every occasion

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Superman first look
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James gunn attacks again.
Embarrassed at lack of red undies. Look at him.

Shit tier superman.

>The script leaks sound credible
By what metric?
James Goon
>Superman got a turtleneck
LMAO. What's the deal with DC and their latest iterations of the character having them? They did it with Battinson too

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What's the chance Rian was making a shitpost on purpose?
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>What's the chance Rian was making a shitpost on purpose?

The only question is was he actively trying to harm Disney, or did he believe he could literally shit on every Star Wars character and convention and have the audience still eat it up as normal.
0%. Rian believed every scene and directorial choice was kino.
100%, except he called it subversion of expectations. The movie is very heavy handed in how it does the opposite of what the classic Star Wars movies did, like making the not-Emperor a jobber or having Luke throw the light saber away in a dismissive almost comical manner. It's full of moments like this.
The third movie was originally given to Colin Trevorrow, but Disney panicked after seeing his bugnuts movie The Book of Henry and brought JJ back.
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He also did this little gay jab before the movie came out, which was aactually a gigantic declaration of intentions.

Gosling bros...we stand no chance against capeshit
>fall guy
I do this too. It's like...we're the same.

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I don't believe it... thermoptic camouflage...
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External memory where the physical body will be superfluous.
Is the sequel any good? I never saw it.
Watch it
cool, my theater is showing it tomorrow for a new restoration or something
Hell yes!. Get ready for plenty of philosophy and existential horror.

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>NOOOOO don’t pump me full of girly hormones and give me big juicy implants! I don’t wanna be a submissive girl noooooo!
What would you do if this was you?
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kill myself, but don't stop after one failed attempt that like that guy
This is the future of Chuds
All MAGAs should be turned into slutty bottoms.
the book is kino because she falls in love with him and he fucks her passionately

Has "anti woke" Hollywood collapsed already?
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Paul outright says you don't have to get circumcised and thinking you do is wrong.
Yeah, are you?
Lenin wasn't jewish.
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Nu Disney is really weak compared to old Disney. I mean, if you read about how they tried to stop Ferngully from being made they were brutal back in the day. They just let John Boyega get away with slandering them as racist. Might as well bring back Gina Carano for a Mandolorian reboot or spinoff.
Neither are 10 of the top 10 richest men in the world. Chuddies don't care.

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Will tv/film welcome Drake back now that his music career is over?
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Drake would end all of this right now if he just took a picture surrounded by 20 nude 18 year olds holding a big sign that says "nigga" 50 times in a row
why does all of kendricks shit sound like stuff you should be snapplausing after? people unironically listen to this goofy midget crack his voice and speedrun slam poetry??
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Millie Bobby Brown basically said she used him to further her career. Drake is innocent
Thats straight as fuck. Jamaicans arent on that fag shit and you should be ashamed of eating cock.
lol a based redditor

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>Well well... poopin. Out for shit, in the moonlight?

Fuck this asshole
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What am I looking at here?

ds9 = b5 but gay
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For fucks sake theyre actually more generic and awful than the OTHER featureless bald albino alien design they decided were klingons.
i love tos
i love tng
i love ds9, my favorite
i like ent
i even like lower decks
you just gotta find the right shit

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1) Why did he say "West Africa". Like if you'd spent months in Benin or Liberia or whatever you'd just say that.

2) That "real coffee" remark was weird. African coffee is great.
Id pour some hot folgers into my asshole and proceed to push it out into her awaiting gapped asshole
I fucking hate americans
Was watching the goosebumps tv series for the first time. Every episode with siblings is portrayed with them fucking hating each other for no fucking reason to the point where they look like sociopaths trying to get each other killed. No wonder american families are so fucking disfunctional, imagine growing up believing thats the norm.
Imagine having some hot coffee with your cute little sister.

>start passionately making out
>tear off her clothes
>suck on her cute little nipples
>kiss her smooth tummy
>lick her pussy until she can't stand it anymore
>full penetrative sexual intercourse with your hot underage teen little sister while she moans "ohhh big brother yes" and digs her nails into your back

Nice cup of Folgers
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Tales from the Basement edition
>Looks like the last thread will DECAY off the CATALOG... or should I say, to the CATACOMBS! AHAHAHA
prev: >>198888348
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It's zogslop.
Oh, it's clearly an anti-Christian conspiracy.

Or maybe the people doing horror movies is in Christian countries and they draw from what they know and their Christian audiences are familiar with.

Kinda based for religious horror
Why did Jason stop lurking IN the Camp and go killing people in the nearby areas anyways.
I swear ever since the 3rd or 4th it's just him killing people with cabins near Crystal Lake, not the actual camp grounds themselves
Indonesia & Malaysia don't have Islamic horror movies. They mostly have the same shit as all other Asian countries; ghost, spirits, entities, etc. Oddly enough, Indonesia does have Christian horror movies, even though they're only 10% of the population.

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It really is a devilman/violence jack rip off isn't it?
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Varg is larper.
he took the assassin role real serious I think
I'm 31. I only read the first few manga issues but he definitely does some chopping in those.
I read it because it was the inspiration for the best weapon class.
these threads are the worst on /tv/

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