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Running out of ideas/Cinco De Mayo Edition. Also I feel like I contribute enough that I need to be a namefag soon.

Previous: >>143488983
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4 more days until these threads are pruned from this place forever. Might as well savor these last 4 days by shitposting threads until May 10th when they finally give the last update.
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Bejita is beneath literally all of them
Only because Superman was being nice to the immigrant. He was bloodlusted here.
Is that why Goku has never beaten him?
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Americuck writers are too busy sticking their heads up their own asses and making everything as pandering and cringe as possible. Thus turning off their entire fanbase, which is the real reason why no one wants to read comics anymore.
no they need to dodge it when it's fired to scale to it not before, that's called sun dodging

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So did Pratt end up being a good cast choice for Garfield?
The answer is always no but there's nothing we can do about it.
I watched a camrip and no, he sucks. Like with Mario it's his normal voice and Pratt-isms.
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I would say that the period/years that I watched the channel the most was during the 90s until 2004.
1997 to 2003
Late 90s, 96-99.

Kevin, in order to continue the Tennyson bloodline you must fuck my cousin
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Theres a scene in Alien Force that pretty much confirms Kevin and Gwen are fucking during it.
who is benio?
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Don't have favorites but of the top of my mind.
OS: Heatblast or diamondhead (basic I know)
AF: Goop
UA: Amphibian
OV: Gravattack

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>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Requesting Jinx from Arcane dressed as a vault dweller.
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Requesting Teela and Frosta in Suki and Toph's respective roles.
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Requesting a beach bikini pinup of Rosa from Rosebuds wearing the red rose bikini from the bottom references.
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Requesting Annie Harris going through a vacation make over like her daughter Kimberly wearing something like the right image.

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>Slade can't, since he's too straight, like all of his fans. So he trained his daughter to do this.
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>how many times has he been raped?
He's been Bruce Wayne's "ward" for years.
The story itself was ass though. They had all the opportunity to go over her fears of abandonment, the deaths of her brothel family, her mom, or her adopted family, the hate/fear/guilt she has for Wade, literally anything that's actually personal to herself as a character.
Rose is a permavirgin.
>No way he didn’t pay off several people not to mention the fact the kid was beat bloody.
DitF explicitely states that Bruce mess with the crime scene and lies to the Ethiopian(?) cops who lead the investigation. Nothing happen when Bruce get back to America and Bruce mention people aren't even aware that the second Robin died, as he intends it. That social worker was totaly justified, and in any other franchise he would be the underdog hero. But everything in Batman revolve around Bruce being a hero (informed attribute). So Cass, Bruce and the writer frame that guy as an antagonist who make Bruce sad. That's just how Batman comics works. Stories by and for american autistic manchildren.
Let her meet Hal Jordan, age is not a problem for him

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I like her design but I saw someone said that Psylocke is a “pinup” character who doesn’t has much going on as a character outside of aesthetics. Could someone recommend me some x-men runs in which she shines as a character?
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She's essentially dead as a character.

I know that sounds dramatic but splitting her back into British Betsy and Japanese kwannon removed what was special about her. So now you have a shitty boring lesbian who had two ongoings during Krakoa and one event and they all sucked ass and sold like dogshit. And then you have Kwannon trying to be the ersatz character for Japanese Betsy and failing miserably, being a big nothing.

It's miserable and it only happened because of the fucking C.B. Cebulski scandal. killing a character over that.
Yea you can definitely tell that they tried to have their cake and eat it with this one but didn’t realize that you can’t put the genie back into the bottle.

With Betsy, they try to ignore the ninja aspect and go full Captain Britain lore with her but given that that’s been her thing for almost 30 years, you can’t just throw it away completely. There’s zero nuance to it and it’s blunt as fuck to the point that you can tell easily that they’re trying to sweep it all under the rug. And as a result, she’s just become so boring as a character.

With Kwannon, they clearly want to still have the Psylocke people love but it’s just a visual lie given that she lacks the dynamic and personality that Betsy had brought.

So in the end you end up with not one but two hollow characters where you used to have one full one
She was a far better character when she was a supporting character for Brian. Making her into an x-men was a mistake and just an excuse for Claremont to insert his fetish (he should have made Kitty black instead)
Ok this needs some serious updates.
At the very least the incredibly fun Hellions from the Krakoa era should be there asap
>With Betsy, they try to ignore the ninja aspect and go full Captain Britain lore with her but given that that’s been her thing for almost 30 years, you can’t just throw it away completely. There’s zero nuance to it and it’s blunt as fuck to the point that you can tell easily that they’re trying to sweep it all under the rug.
This is my main gripe with it. The Captain Britain we have doesn't talk or act or behave like Betsy. Not the one we have followed for the last 40 years or so. She has been so thoroughly scrubbed of all her questionable character traits, her tragedy and her guilt that she's just a generic lesbian fairytale princess. She's nothing. Less than nothing. Just an execuse for Tini Howard to write some awful sword&sorcery-light X-Man books.
Go back to bed Tini.

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I hope Jax becomes the villain. Not in a "He's such a mean bully" way, but in a legitimately villainous way. I think it'd be interesting if shit hits the fan and he becomes the actual mustache twirling sadistic big bad of this story. Especially since Goose already said that Caine isn't meant to be evil, just well meaning but inept.
Anyone else here feel me on this?
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It quashes speculation.
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i miss him
Caine and a Bubble
So it's just going to be a shitty soap opera with no actual plot, got it.
Imagine clown girl prefering a fictional line of code in form of a strayan scalie over you. Jax cant get any lower.

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Back with a double update!
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you're not right in that assumption, and Duane is suddenly afraid because he realized that Sette's been controlling him in a way that he hadn't realized or examined (including without orders, like how Duane knew to give back the beadman amulet)
much obliged
Anon, that line of thinking existed as far back as ancient Greece, if not further.
Honestly, yeah. The amount of shit talking people get for the Duane x Sette ship is unreal. Love is love and they love each other, the heck else do you want? I feel bad for the author if she was getting called a pedo. Find it hard to believe honestly.
I'm pretty sure that comment was a half serious joke about Sette being biologically asexual and actually a goddess. I have no idea what you mean by that poisoning line.
It's going to turn out to be way more complex then simple mind control. I think it's going to be very "Duane was never bade to do something he did not already want to do" sorta deal.
I see your game, glass

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...Captain Marvel's origin story!
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I feel like Captain Marvel concept has the potential for mixing fantasy with superhero element really well.
>star of David on train
No Billy! This is going to end like The Boy In The stripped pajamas.
Just like the cowboy who quips at the villian. It always was normal to quip. We just got over exposure through the Marvel movies!
It's just that the humor got shittier.
That's true, but most Golden Age stories came out of the pulp hero tradition, which tended to place more emphasis on action than humor. But the more Golden Age Captain Marvel stories you read, the more obvious it becomes that it got its DNA from early cartoon shorts instead.

Who would win in a fight?
No prep time
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>anything you post doesn't count because
See >>143507758
Yes it is.
You can now start coping and seething.
Holy shit it is canon
Damn, I stand corrected anon. Thanks for the link

Sorry for calling you a retard, faggot
And while we're at it, both Green Lantern/Silver Surfer and DC vs Marvel (and its sequels too, by proxy) are canon to both universes as well
Fantastic Four/Superman was also referenced in handbooks of both companies, and involves access from DC vs Marvel, tho I can't find the exact pages right now.

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Post em. Pic related from: https://youtu.be/Lr2oJH_Mh9w?si=cM0cREZr2COB6q_5
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What happen desu?
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under construction

we won't get superhero movies like this anymore will we? I blame Avengers
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but nothing about TDK is pretentious. it isn't even ashamed of being a superhero. none of the black leather shit X-Men pulled. It gives Batman his typical suit with gadgets and infinite bat-money.
Everytime anyone opens their mouth they sound pretentious
>the size of a tangerine
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what the fuck are you talking about
>he thinks "you either die as a hero or live long enough as a villain" is pretentious
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And we won't ever get superior pieces of art like this ever again either because of all the snyder flops. Shame.

Anyone like PAW Patrol?
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Right now
Oh, it's Ultimate Rescue Marshall again? Are there going to be new toys, hmm?
Why do you think that? It's not UR Marshall
Really really bad episodes. I'm glad we got to see that Rescue Wheels episode before this to make me slightly less down on this crappy season
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I thought this was a screencap of the new ep.

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