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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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Sci-Fi with magic isn't represented enough in CYOAs. No, superheroes don't count.
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>forced femc
It's shit anyway so don't bother.
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...I'm pretty sure I've taped up my webcam, how did you get this?
>This Anon used transparent tape
This green one has slow brains

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Just finished it as a Half-Oger technologist. Fucking incredible. Best rpg I've played in a long time.
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I don't see a problem with literally any of this.
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this is a really bad version of the image. here's a better res.
>this is what chapocels actually believe
This game is designed to mirror the atmosphere and style of the turn of the 19th century. All of these references make complete sense, especially since they were taken for inspiration. The idea behind Donn Throgg is also clearly a satirical reference to the fact that unions, which started off as noble endeavors, became co-opted by bad actors later, and is clearly foreshadowing the fall of Throgg's "activism" into a totalitarian regime in the future.

This game was intended for 18+ year olds, who would be familiar with at least some of these references.
Kek, does anyone have a reaction image of their meltdown?

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>hello, future-man who's wearing cloths I've never seen before in my life, I have an indian accent for some reason despite living in the bombed out hellscape of the United States over a century after the apocalypse!

Behold, a game that many gamers hold to be the best RPG of all time.
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"Poor worldbuilding" is such an empty criticism made by people who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about, if you want to start talking about canned responses.
>funny brown man talk funny
>global south is fallen billions must get AIDS
i've went into specifics already, which you refuse to address because of laziness. how exactly would an indian accent be found in someone raised in the post-apocalyptic setting of california? people should be speaking some mix of spanish and english if you want to get real. it's just things thrown together without thought, which is poor worldbuilding.
i love how you keep awkwardly trying to make this racial. is that the only reason you defend it, because it's "racist" to criticize nonsensical linguistic depictions? you tards can't even talk about nationality and human speech without seeing bogeymen.
Oh, I'm not calling you racist. I'm calling you a nigger.

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I still don’t get it — what’s so bad about self-inserting into a protagonist. Isn’t that the main thrill of RPG genre?
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that guy doesn't actually have any personality at all. he doesn't even know what the word means.
Muh farog isn't absurdly funny in it's incompetence like FATAL. It's boring. It's Lidl brand DnD and association with varg or whatever name he goes by this week is the only interesting aspect of it.
But how would you have felt if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
Like a champ, but then again I always do
FATAL is truly absurdly hilarious, but Myfarog is both badly written, with hilariously over-zealous Nord-boo lore bias. It's almost masturbatory in how it's written.

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is trails of cold steel good? im thinkin bout downloading 3
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Says a lot about the sad state of the video game industry that no other modern franchise has a fandom as enthusiastic as Trails'.
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All it says is that the average 4chan poster is a shitposting retard.
Tales can't keep a general
This only happened because the board had like 0 moderation at the time. It was inevitable that someone would realize that and it just happened to be the Reanfags.

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Discuss vidya that allow you to roleplay as an evil character! From SMT to Fallout there isn't really that many games with real evil choices, stuff like Mass Effect just has you being a dick but it never changes the outcome of the overall game. Shephard still saves the galaxy. I find it really interesting when playing an evil character puts us as the player in the villain's shoes.

SMT IV/Apocalypse (picrel)
Soul Nomad
Devil Survivor Overclocked
Fallout New Vegas
Caligula Effect Overdose
Growlanser II/IV
Langrisser II/IV
FE: Three Houses
Steambot Chronicles
Beat Blades Haruka

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>It also has the pc being seriously wronged at the beginning, so a lot of your evil can look like vindication.
That easilly slides into heroism but edgy. Commiting genocide on the local goblin population is heroic purely based on "they are dicks and smell bad" just like murdering a dragon to take away his gold is justified on "big dumb lizard eats cows".
that would've been cool but what's there is still pretty good for me considering the endgame of apocalypse is the main attraction. Also there are choices you can make that range from being a dick to not bothering to help people which does get referenced later on.
That's just your preference, I would rather be a vile backstabbing cunt than the generic hero. But there is always room for nuance on both sides and when I say "evil" I don't mean vile with no nuance either.
The thing is, compelling villain more often than not will "act good" anyway. He is going to fight other bad guys (they are on his turf), avert disasters (shit sucking doesn't benefit him) and so on. There are games where play as a mafia member: you are still one of the "less bad ones" or like in saints row entire thing is played for laughs.
It's not like that in MotB at least. Active vindictiveness is just a really good evil drive in a CRPG, it makes sense with the kind of things a CRPG can set up for you to do in a way that for example a drive for conquest and domination doesn't, because you're not going to suddenly be playing a 4X game where you begin your evil world conquest. Vindictiveness mostly means you go around killing people that fucked with you, which is perfect for a CRPG.
But is that really even "evil"? It's a basic revenge story. Hell, there are a plenty of RPG where your motivation is fucking with people that wronged you. Fallout 2 with the enclave or both baldurs gates. Seeking retribution is hardly a clearly evil act.

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I've recently played through this and I'm wondering if I should get Joyful and play it as well
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Why not? I think they’d be happier with each other, and Lisa would probably still be alive.
Brad would sooner kill himself than ever fuck Lisa again.
You can’t tell me that a small part of Brad didn’t like it and wanted more.

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Zoomer here. Can anyone around during the golden age of RTwP explain the appeal? I'm not trying to incite a flame war, I genuinely want to know what I'm missing. Also, don't be a reductionist retard and say "durrr, there is none."
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For me, the greatest strength for it is being a hybrid and allowing variety in gameplay.

Dragon Age: Origins can be played in real time or with pausing to make more precise actions, either in 3rd person perspective or top-down view, and doing all this seamlessly. Tired of micromanaging? Configure AI tactics. Feel like being more hands on? Choose characters who are more efficient with direct control.
Real answer BG1 was going to be a online game the engine was use for SP
>golden age of RTwP explain the appeal?
It was to appeal to a wider audience and was just a shit back then as it is now. People liked the game despite them being RTwP not because of it. Even when they were released it would have been a better choice to have either gone full action or full turn based.
turn based is objectively better

these games are still great and worth playing
>Real answer BG1 was going to be a online game the engine was use for SP
That, and everyone knew diablo was coming for years (thanks old blizzard super long development cycle) and started designing games to compete with it while it was still in development.

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I wish there was actual BG3 game like previous two, not this gay slop that got shat out
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I don't know, I haven't played BG3. Mind you, blackwashing Faerun is retarded, but seething over a single black guy is equally so.
BG3 is a masterpiece, one of the best RPGs ever made.
There is already a series of games called Baldurs Gate that has nothing to do with bg1 or bg2. Just like NVN games had all the fuck to do with each other. It's a name of a place, that's it. And unlike Baldurs gate 2 this one actualy takes place there
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>There is already a series of games called Baldurs Gate that has nothing to do with bg1 or bg2
Yeah, a spin-off series that had nothing to do with it, it was just milking the name.
>Just like NVN games had all the fuck to do with each other
Same principle. NWN2 had nothing to do with NWN1, was just milking the name because it was popular. Just like NWN1 was re-using the name from the early 90s game.
>It's a name of a place, that's it
Look at your own picrel, they used the font from the BG1 logo because they're using the name for marketing and branding purposes.
>And unlike Baldurs gate 2 this one actualy takes place there
BG2 was named BG2 because it was a direct continuation of the plot and characters from BG1, not because it takes place in the city of Baldur's Gate.

Every day, this board astounds me with its density.
>BG2 was named BG2 because it was a direct continuation of the plot and characters from BG1, not because it takes place in the city of Baldur's Gate.
Then they picked some really dumb name, didn't they? It's like if they called Fallout "California".

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This is essentially the REAL Gothic 3.
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>haven't uncovered the full plot with the brother yet
>I'm around the right level to begin exploring Vardhal
The brother plot is already over long ago at that point. If you want to know more about it, you should explore the sewers of Archolos once your uncle disappears. But seeing your expectations, let me tell you: it will disappoint you.
>already over long ago at that point
Wait, what? But Marvin is still bitching about finding his brother, even after I just killed the minecrawler queen.
I'm not sure if I'm getting you. You're telling me you're about to go to Varhal which is the point of no return that leads to the final chapter and the end of the game. You discover the truth about Jorn in chapter 4 IIRC. And can discover more about it in chapter 5 after the uncle disappears. But this last part is optional, so you have to explore if you want to discover it
>You're about to go to Vardhal
On my own...At least, I got to the crypt by myself, slaughtering my way in, killed the cursed troll, skeleton shadowbeast, and skeleton mage, unlocked the teleport. My next aim is to penetrate Vardhal....Or can I not get to it until I get to the required quest for it?
>Or can I not get to it until I get to the required quest for it?

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people who hate fedex quests should just play adventure games instead
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>which involves skill usage
Mmmmm, no, it really doesn't. Zero skills are required to achieve it. Meanwhile, for thieves guild quests, stealth is required.
Sloppaquest bros... it's our fucking decade
Ah, but you said involve skills, not require. Although the first thieves guild doesn't require skill either.
The real debate is:

Kill Quests vs Fetch Quests
For me it's fetch quests. Any chump can kill, real gamers can bring it back

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Why didn't anyone tell me this game wasn't just a silly meme and that it's actually really good?

Even the parts that get meme'd on the most make perfect sense in hindsight.
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Kill yourself, schizo-kun. You are the second worst poster on the board and everything you post is incoherent retarded shit.
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Are you familiar with the plot of Sonic 06?
>It's No Use!
>Why didn't anyone tell me this game wasn't just a silly meme and that it's actually really good?
Because its not good at all.
>It also felt to me like Sony and SE were both trying very hard to bury the last gen versions
MS kinda avoided that confusion thanks to their smart delivery system but yeah, I think that's a bit of it being cross gen and a bit of SE trying to release every game they had in a shippable state all in one year. The game isn't heavily optimised at all, it's clear they pushed it out the door as early as they could but also trying to overlap with their autumn/winter release window which was packed full of games.
They released a few patches in the first month but they were to change things like the wrong textures loading in and fixing lighting (series S/X had this disabled for example), like it took them 5 months to patch in DLSS.
Square-Enix really didn't wanna overspend on this game at all.

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>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now and have all of the achievements
>Find out, after 600 hours, that there's a fucking locker in the arena with all of the drops from the fights you've been in
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The south underrail cell was only ineffective because of the traitor.
The fuck you need money for if you're drowning in items anyway?
I always wind up doing the tin can questline and then murdering all of them.
>I know you're a psi demi-god hauling approximately enough explosives to level half the station, and your efforts alone have put the Protectorate on the map in South Underrail
>But we're going to have a problem if you don't kneel and address me as your superior
oh yeah, they catch the spy on their own too
if you go tin cans that is
>there's way too much farming for materials. its absurd i have fucking 32 guns i need to sell and merchants arbitrarily throttle you on what you can sell them
That's because you have a hoarder's mentality. You don't have to pick up every single item, absorbing everything like a locust.

Did you learn nothing from Al Fabet?

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ITT we post shit games some people pretend to like just for the sake of being contrarians.
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>people pretend to like just for the sake of being contrarians
this makes zero sense unless it's taken as projection
I think it's the fact that Gnomes are a very clear stand-in for Jews.

Or maybe that Orcs are blacks.
Looks like we've got an Orcish Gnome on our hands, boys.
No, Ogres are blacks (this is why gnomes want to cross-breed them with humans). Orcs are irish or slavs or italians or some other violent drunks.
Shattered Lands is good and OP is a faggot.

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