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How does anon like to take his baguette?
(no cram post, pls)
As it, with butter, cream cheese, like a sandwich?
I got ahold of some genuine Normandy butter one time and ate a big hunk of a baguette with it. It was absolutely delicious.
Good butter and good ham is my preference, but some nice compound butter is usually good too.
jambon beurre
also good with like salami or pepperoni
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With brie, and butter. I eat four of these damn things every day.

>He doesn't salt his watermelons
this shit is unironically a life changer
Wait until you find out about li hing mui
Tomatoes, too. If you eat raw tomatoes and you aren't salting them, you're leaving flavor on the table, baby.
I thought everyone did this?
My grandmother was nice enough to introduce me to the salted melon when I was a child. Eventually I moved to Texas and discovered pic related, which is potentially even better.

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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee adjacent topics

Merchant fildžan and cezve edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and dazed, commit any warcrimes while caffeinated?

Previous thread: >>20436878
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It's not difficult at all, they're doing it on purpose to piss you off individually, they're going out of their way to annoy YOU, Scott.
Where's a good place to buy coffee beans so I can try roasting them myself?
I recently tried some arabic coffee and I loved how it tasted. I have had turkish coffee before, but just the coffee and cardamom was all I needed. It was one of the most enjoyable cups I had had in a long time. It left me thinking I might have to get one of the basic Turkish coffee making apparatuses they use, but then I remembered that this stuff is unfiltered.

What is the verdict on unfiltered coffee these days? Years ago I ended up grabbing a Hario V60 because it sounded like at the time people were pretty convinced you should stick to paper filtered coffee if you drank coffee daily. Is it still like that? I would be drinking Arabic coffee daily so I'm worried about if having the unfiltered coffee might be introducing some negative stuff into my diet.
If you're truly concerned you can always filter the coffee through whatever filtering apparatus you've got. See >>20464333
Yeah I was thinking of just continuing to use my Hario V60 afterward as a filter, or just one of my Aeropress paper filters since they are way cheaper.

Does anyone have recommendations for a Turkish/Arabic coffee maker if I were to get one? Both an electric and standard one as I am curious if the price difference would justify going for an electric one.

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People will really do anything to diet other than portion control. Just eat less. You're supposed to feel hungry sometimes.
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Enjoy your homeopathy. RIP.
>Farmers are going to do everything in their power to protect their cash crops. They HAVE to fund bullshit "studies" framing meat/fat as the "true" evil.
i need some of that good copium that you're on.

you're getting colon cancer by the time you're 50. just accept it.
Yeah kinda. That's your body letting you know you need to drink something. The people who say you need to drink before you get thirsty don't realize that doing that might just be flushing electrolytes out of your system. It wouldn't make sense for your body to tell you that you need to drink something if you've already become dehydrated.
>The people who say you need to drink before you get thirsty don't realize that doing that might just be flushing electrolytes out of your system.
that only becomes a concern when you're drinking gallons/day. also given that the average american overloads on sodium, this wouldn't hurt. a good rule of thumb is take your body weight in pounds and drink that in oz of water; most people do not come close at all to that. becomes worse when you drink diuretics like soda and coffee.
A good rule of thumb is to just drink when you're thirsty. Your body evolved to tell you when it needs fluids. If someone has soup and salad for lunch they're going to need to drink less water than someone who had a sandwich and chips. So setting a rule like this isn't really that useful because there are too many factors to take into account. Your body takes these things into account by telling you when to drink something. If your pee is clear and you're not thirsty there's probably no point in continuing to drink more fluid out of fear of dehydration.

It's like telling someone if they feel hungry that they're already starving. That's not really how it works.

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Are Italians the angriest people on the planet?

>be cousin
>in naples for job shit
>stopped at local restaurant for authentic (((pie)))
>waiter comes back with spaghetti
>clearly did not order
>tries to tell waiter
>waiter goes to kitchen and chef comes out
>mad as hell
>swearing at him in pasta language
>literally picks him up by arm and drags out
>does the hand thing with spitting
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Ziti, for example, are very, very long and are typically broken for cooking. In America, all ziti are sold cut down already but not so in Italy.
Here's a short video. About 30 seconds in, the cook starts breaking ziti.
We also break other pasta often, like spaghetti. I really don't understand where you people get the idea that it makes us upset when people break pasta when it's done literally every day in Italy.
Andre the Giant was a French guy.
worked for an Italian guy once and he was indeed angry as fuck
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>where's my fucking wine
Yes they are angry because they share the same DNA with indians

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What the fuck do you think you'll miss? A physically demanding job that pays peanuts? Go ahead and apply, you have nothing to lose
>hey anon wanna smoke a blunt with me?
>no lets build a sandcastle instead

honestly based
that was me, quit and went to the Electrical trade
This is oddly reminding me the time i worked retail
>wanted to get out of the industry but had no skills
>closed tonight opens tommorow
>short staff every night
>no social life
>wish i could go back to school
>closing staff didnt do shit
>knows the store is failing
>customers walked in 5 mins before closing
>spends time off drinking
>wants to date a cashier. doesnt want the drama
>can you come in on your day off
>too busy to eat
>scratches on arms

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good on ya

The cheese is melted
thats way too much fuckin shit
He absolutely has lost it
For the first time the fucker might be on to something, except why the fuck make it this tall?
I think it's an old people thing my dad does this shit as well. he refuses to eat a double smash burger but his hamburgers are just a giant meatball on a bun
I assert that there's no easier food to fuck up than the hamburger.

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Will you continue to line their pockets or google “how to make a hamburger?”
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You forgot
>doordash account $15
>delivery charge + upcharge $15
>tip the immigrant so he doesn’t spit in your food $15
>tip the wagies so they don’t spit in you food $15
1lb of ground beef is like 6 dollars here in cali. not even going to read all that
Wtf is with those prices? Does mommy still do all your shopping so you don't know how much stuff costs?
Still what? Going once or twice a year to get a limited item as a treat is perfectly fine. Get your head out your ass.
Yes it’s fine, but to have FOMO over it? Retarded.

lol Sprite version of Coke Spiced dropped and it's getting trashed for tasting like cough medicine also.
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that's bizarre
sounds like your palate is a bit fucked
I liked spiced a lot actually but I also eat straight cloves and other spices so I don't know.
>ackshully it's good hur dur
lol be less obvious
I feel genuine contempt from people that don't have leathery dishpit hands from working in the kitchen
people still drink this shit? Sprite just tastes flat with a chemical aftertaste now
most sodas do now actually, I had to switch to drinking water since everything tastes so damn vile these days

The food at Disney looks really good.
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Need energy for a day at the park !
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Still would

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If it was a roti wrap it would make sense as that's basically a sandwich, but curry and rice is sauce and little grains, in addition to the mess it would just take so much time.
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They say you can't really judge cultural differences because Theres no tangible objective way to do so without relying subconsciously on your own culture as a reference, but this is just objectively disgusting behavior.
And who says India isn't #1 at anything?
It must be some culture thing. My indian grocery's bagger dips his hand in a tiny cup of what looks like soup between each customer
>do Hindoos really eat with their hands like that?
I think it's more of a regional or lower caste thing but it's definitely not a meme. Plenty of people say the food tastes better when you eat it with your hands and I can agree with that somewhat but yes it'll get messy. I wasn't raised asian but I think chopsticks are superior to a fork, eating food is more enjoyable.
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Actual subhuman behavior.
How can you look at these animals and compare them to a cultured white person who can use 14 different types of forks, spoons and knives and come to the conclusion that they're "one race, the human race"?

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does anyone else acid reflux when they eat? I have a pretty healthy diet and cook a lot and suddenly I started having symptoms 4 months ago. mostly I just burp a lot. doctors want to dismiss it and just prescribe meds like PPIs. I've tried various elimination diets but nothing seems to tame the burps. I wanna eat tomato sauce again guys
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I've been getting it a lot recently but I think it's because I drink too much
Have you been tested for h pylori yet? You could also try changing your toothpaste, mine was giving me lots of digestive trouble but it took a long time to consider it (I’m slowly reintroducing foods now, beef bros I’m back)
How much booze do you drink?
A youtuber I watch was vomiting several times a day for years and they eventually figured out he had parasitic worms (schistosomiasis).
Have you been hanging out in dirty water?

I assume beer caused my acid reflux but I think Tums are helpful in taming it as of recent. I am similar to you where I burp constantly throughout the day, even by a sip of water. The other day I ate a few slices of bacon and it flared up my acid reflux terribly so I would suggest you stay away from bacon. My burps are extremely loud and you could hear it from down the street. You can try probiotics, I plan to try that too. You can also try a pepper medley because it's good for digestion apparently.

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You must find a lemonade stand that sells weaker lemonade.
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And I'm free to sue your shitty company for criminal negligence.

What's worse is they replaced the regular non-caffeinated lemonade dispensers with these charged lemonade ones and moved the regular non-caffine lemonade next to the tea/coffee station when it should've been the opposite. They should've introduced the charged lemonade by presenting it next to the coffee, not by replacing the existing normal lemonade dispensers next to the soda.

Even the employees didn't realize how much caffeine was in there considering they were offering it to children.
>Catmella, could you please close the door?
I don't want suing I want criminal prosecution, civil law was a mistake
If you want to defend liberty maybe you should be more concerned about your government abusing the legal system to bury political opponents than people being held to account for poisoning others
Americans can go buy a gun in a walmart but are worried about lemonade with too much caffeine lmao you're country is a fucking joke.

>*tastes like paraffin*
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I did as thus,
>frozen ginger chunks (the ass end of my frozen roots i didn't grate bc i dont want to shave my fingertips off) then the rest of the glass filled with ice. maybe 3 shots of scotch and a 7.5oz can of club soda, filling the glass to the top
never had a conversation that didnt start and end with "fuck you" huh?
could you taste the ginger?
I'm not usually a Jameson drinker but I enjoyed the stout cask edition a while back, very nice for the money

Corr got an absolute whopper from chippy
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You too bud, i'm native in my own cuntry
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All the Janny’s are gooks now as well.
moot only picked .org because they're almost always cheaper a .com TLD
>It’s owned by a nip
CIA asset living in Paris

>lol this site and culture i'm obsessed with has fuck all to do with the US
You people are delusional. lol
>calling others delusional when he calls gookmoot a "CIA asset"

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