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Welcome to the Lego General, the worst place on the net for any and all LEGO discussion!
Please note that any new thread that uses promotional imagery or leaks for the OP image is a corposhill spam thread and should be avoided at all costs.

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Zelda set reveal in august. Full 2025 theme reveal in November.
they gave him the mcu lines on his costume lol
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How much will the minifig cost?
source- I made it up.
If LEGO made this level goyslop I would never buy from them again

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Previous Thread: >>10946823

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog
>http://www.goodsmile.info/en/products/category/figma (no longer updated)

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

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Dunno about that, but these are cheap as fuck to since they only have to produce those extremely simple clothes and there’s no extra engineering character outfits and complex designs into figma. They sell decently, so it’s not failing but it’s pretty uninspiring. I’d be more interested in wardrobe items than more of these full body releases with a single item of clothing.
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I at least want them to keep excessive softgoods use away from existing IPs. I skipped the Kaguya figma because they looked so bad.
Like those cuffs remind me of the shit I used to glue together in elementary school during crafts.
You might be able to custom one pretty easily, you'd just need a base 1/12 fantasy looking girl and then get a 1/12 red hood for her. Anyone have any suggestions for characters anon could use?
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Embrace mecha musume
figma eris might be good. She doesnt have a frolly dress but I ghink the shorts could still work, I'm just talking what I'd personally be alright with. Of you want the full dress thats understandable. Her hair might get in the way of a soft goods cloak a bit though. Could always use a different figma head

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What happy meal toy or unreleased TF would you like to see redone today?

>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread

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The problem is that among those that have seen them, the Japanese G1/Beast Wars stuff isn't terribly well-regarded. Most of the positivity just revolves around a handful of designs like Deathsaurus or the novelty of Big Convoy or whatever. The UT (and to a lesser extent RID/Car Robots) has a bigger footprint for obvious reasons but it's appreciated in similar terms.

I think the original Marvel comics are fairly well-known. IDW was always a fucking mess, though.
>among those that have seen them, the Japanese G1/Beast Wars stuff isn't terribly well-regarded.
Eh, maybe in the 90s/early-2000s, when TF fans were shocked and appalled that the shows they never watched were apparently nothing like the headcanons they built up in their heads and online cliques - but not so much today. When people do watch these shows, it feels like they praise stuff like SGMF, Victory, BWII, and Car Robots to the high heavens because they're actually taking them for what they are (beats me why they praise BWII instead of Neo, which's IMO way better in every conceivable way, but I digress).
I'd even argue that the UT is barely recognized, honestly; maybe someone will vaguely recognize Armada or Cybertron as "the thing that existed right before they were kids and saw the 1st movie", but that's it. I blame TF fans sticking so closely to the terrible dubs for the shows' poor staying power, but that's kinda another topic entirely.
As for the comics, I feel like if you told the average TF fan "hey, the franchise had an entire well-regarded comic that was published by Marvel" then their heads would explode. At most it's like they're vaguely aware IDW/Dreamwave existed, but don't know a single thing about them.

See, I feel like if you told the average TMNT fan
>"Yo, u know your fave franchise that has strong Japanese inspiration? Yeah they made 10 anime, 2 OVAs, and countless manga about it which you can watch in decent fansubs in full on YT RIGHT NOW"
they would go ballistic and make that their entire personality for half a decade, regardless of what the shows are actually like. You tell that to a TF fan and they'd go https://youtu.be/4kEO7VjKRB8
And if a capeshit fan felt they had a great comic run that was never properly adapted, then THEY would DEFINITELY make sure everyone knew about it: look at lit. any Marvel capefan. And if there's one thing I'm sure we can agree on, western TF basically is just capeshit with a different coat of paint.
The animes got railroaded into being considered crappy by boomers running the fandom in the 2000's. There was a lot of mystique around them in the 90's when the only way to get them was VHS copies and, if you were lucky, early P2P pirating, but even then subs and translations were hard to come by. When it got easier in the 2000's, The American side of the fandom that were able to see them kept telling people they were not good and were not worth checking out. Meanwhile these same old fans kept hyping up the G1 Marvel comic as the best thing ever.
20 years later the G1 Marvel comic barely gets attention from new fans because, surprise, most people's attention to this franchise starts with aesthetics and the G1 comic is boring at best and ugly at worst visually for most of it, along with dated writing. The animes, especially the BW ones, had to get proper fansubs outside the TF community because a select few fans convinced everyone it wasn't worth checking them out as anything but a curio. had the fandom done a better job of preserving them, we'd probably see more people aware of them.
Omega Prime is only a HasLab because of Ultra Magnus. Optimus on his own would be a Commander class, so bundling Magnus with him for retail would be a total no-go. And Magnus would never sell on his own (he'd basically a commander in his own right), meaning Hasbro would likely never greenlight producing him, so the only way we'd reasonably get the full combined Omega Prime is if it got the special HasLab consideration.
That's their official answer, but I think it's bull; God Magnus is big but extremely hollow, even on the Haslab. I think they totally could've made him work at Leader price if they wanted. Hasbro generally seems to undervalue Car Robots as a whole though, judging by the mainline releases...

I'm in my early 20s and read the Marvel comic for the first time last year, I think you're bein a bit harsh personally. US's definitely got bad art at the start but really gets nice later (esp when Jose Delbo becomes a regular), and I think the polished-but-still-old-comic look of the book by then has its own charm; plus UK looked good from basically the start.
Writingwise I get where you're coming from, US definitely suffered from many of the human stories and Bob getting overwhelmed by the cast additions, but at the same time he had a lotta ambition I think; dude murdered the entire cast and had the main villain toy usurped by some literal who, leaving the main protag as some literal who pacifist medic, as early as Issue #5, and now Ratchet n Shockwave are considered popular fan-favorites. It certainly wasn't thanks to their nonexistent roles in Sunbow, I'll tell you that. His Cybertron story with Blaster was great, and many of his human stories did stick the landing imo, like with Skids, and the pulpy silliness of some issues also have their charm. It's just harder to appreciate them when they're surrounded by many otherwise-bleh stories.
I think most people today would appreciate UK most, it's got the most modern-style writing and Furman juggled cast additions way better, but it also has some dumb filler in the early years, and the publishing order frequently got outta sync.
I feel a condensed reading order of US+UK would do a great deal in getting new fans to appreciate it, but it seems that doesn't really exist online besides fans saying "just read everything in order lol". I wanna make one myself, where do u guys think I should post such a thing?

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Sounds like someone is so pumped full of nigger semen it's backed up your ass all the way to come out your mouth
I really wanted those blanks. Is it over?
Americans can't do anything right.
I doubt the one that's now full owner would be scrapping them when the tooling is probably being made right now. They are probably the highest preorders Boss Fight has had in years.
I don't think me saying "all your sculpts are ugly as shit and don't appeal to me at all, make something more idealized please" is me wearing a mask. It's literally me telling them my issue with their toys and how to fix it.

All of their beliefs or extremism or reasoning behind why they make dumb decisions is irrelevant to me. I don't give a shit who is working there or what they believe. I can see the final products with my own two eyes and tell them what I want. Refuse to give it to me? I go elsewhere.

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-Target exclusives The Rival and Cassandra Cain Batgirl in stores and shipping now
-Punchline and Joker 2 pack delayed
-Ambush Bug, repaint Mr Freeze and Booster Gold (Future's End) delayed
-Plastic Man BAF wave and Ghosts of Krypton Page Punchers delayed

Previous: >>10972407
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If its that heavily sculpted one you might be able to get thrown a bone from the Mattel guy by having a redo on the generic teen buck I guess. But maybe not
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We've got another dog shit suit boys
That better be fake
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I'm sorry anon
Oh well, another 10 years of garbage movies.

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How many african children could have been saved with the money you wasted on useless plastic?
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skill issue dayo
oh no...

None, because even if I didn't buy toys, I wouldn't have wasted it on African children.
Probably still less than if we just sacrificed a single billionaire every couple of years for them

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Look how they massacred my boy
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>could have made toys of any of the dozens of animated characters who never got figures
>instead get worse versions of shit from 2008
I can't wait for warden to come back so CHUG can go back to being mostly g1 instead of this garbage
There was a company that tried doing some of the show-only characters, and it bombed horribly. In any case, just buy Wasp next year. He only had a toy of his Waspinator body.
Bait used to be believable
>On paper, that seems like it'd be extremely cheap and easy to do.
Even straight reissues would be much more expensive compared to today's moulds as they've been cutting costs for years now. Making modified versions to add articulation would be even more expensive.
>the new one will crumble into dust in 10 years because some genius decided to make half of it in clear plastic
The vulnerability of clear plastic is massively overblown.
t. been collecting since 2005, have hundreds of Transformers and I've only ever had one clear component break (on an Energon Snow Cat which was purchased loose). I've never had a clear figure that I opened from new break on me, neither figures like Micron Legend Crystal Convoy and the 2007 clear protoforms nor my beloved Animate Swindle who's been transformed maybe a hundred times.
Really? Animated Swindle is one I heard can be found with cracked parts in packaging.

I mean when company's would make a big flagship toy and just sell it normally. Or make an entire line of big fuck-off vehicles for 1/18 (ie. 21st Century Toys ww2 planes & tanks). I know of inflation and financial reasons but i still feel that company's can make something big and not sell it as some "crowd-fund 400% overpriced coonsoom slop" deal
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A tomahawk would be awesome, id even put together a proper flight team to man it. Joy toy has some stuff at a decent price, im thinking of checking them out. Oh, you may want to look at dollar stores for the final faction series. Theyve got a dune buggy type deal that you can get for $2.50. Oh yeah, whats that krieger looking guy at bottom left?
Maybe Atlantis will re-release the Aurora 1/16 Hiller Hornet. The only one I know that I can purchase is $250.
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Acid Rain's Laurel mech and they've made like a dozen variants so far. They even made yellow construction ones.
Left is the first one. Right is like the 5th or 4th which is a paratroopers version that comes with a parachute (don't even think about seeing if it'll work).

Pretty cool clunky mechs.
>Because their shit is super overpriced
Yes, Subby, we know, you're a poorfag. You don't need to remind us every five seconds.
The issue is, 1/12 isn't really viable for big vehicles, and 1/18 isn't viable without them. At 1/12 most vehicles are just too bloody big to be released at retail without MASSIVE concessions to quality/detail. Meanwhile, 1/18 figures are by themselves pretty mediocre next to their 1/12 counterparts by simple virtue of being too small to fit decent detail or articulation in. And without good figures to put in them, nobody's gonna buy the vehicles regardless of how good they are. Also even at 1/18, vehicles are massive space-hogs, and especially nowadays that the housing market is being fucked to death it's less practical to have a big setup for that kind of display. And without vehicles, most 1/18 figures are just patently inferior to their larger brethren.
That's changing a bit as of late- the Halo 1/18 stuff from Jazwares is IIRC pretty decent and JoyToy's 40K stuff is pretty much carrying the scale by itself- but the combination of 1/12 just being better to work with for the figures themselves and huge toys just not being viable thanks to the socio-economic hellscape we live in now has definitely done damage to the viability of such products.
I will say the crowdfunded stuff we've been getting for 1/12 vehicles has been pretty good; I don't have one myself but a friend of mine has the Classified HISS Tank and that thing is worth every penny it went for. Huge, lots of details and features, full interior, several figures and accessories etc.

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>The "leaks" are bullshit
Also Super7
>TMNT 2003 will have double jointed elbows and knees
Things that make you go hmm
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Yeah but Super7's standard is "dogshit" so it's a surprised
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Tell that to diamond select
Robo don't know is a fucking faggot.
Starts at 28:00 if anyone wants to hear it

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>all those anons who kept things in their private warehouse for 3 to 4 years are finally going to get their shit cancelled

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>all we've done?
not ship your shit?
I think 1 year is fine for loyalty discounts, not so much for "store credit".
Also even if it turns out to be a good decision for everyone indirectly because it makes managing easier for them or whatever and we all benefit from that, I don't quite how they word it as a plain positive change when it's straight up a downgrade for the customer.
Go back to bbts, retard American
It's unreasonable for a store to ever steal your money by taking away "store credit". I expect store credit to be forever until I want to spend it, for however many years it takes, which I guess is why I would never buy off hlj
BBTS has a 90 day limit. HLJ has a 180 day limit. BBTS will auto-ship your stuff AND charge you taxes on it after 90 days. HLJ is tax free.

Nothing stopping you from ordering something within that year and restarting the whole timer. Though if you keep doing it they'll probably ban you.

It's not stealing. You agreed to buy an item and pay for it. When you change your mind at the last second you are sticking them with extra stock that is harder to sell. That's why most shops don't let you cancel and get store credit. They'll just force you to ship your stuff and if you refuse to pay they'll ban you after refunding you.

You are literally being unreasonable.

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>"If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!"



The guide:
Part 1 (Quick Start)

Part 2 (Deeper Dive)

And a handy guide to other types of plamo: http://www.mediafire.com/view/1vf1aw7v91pz5pa/Airfix%20Model%20World%20Specia%20(Scale%20Modelling%20Step-By-Step).pdf

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Any thoughts on what your ideal modeling/painting setup would look like?
I was thinking of building an outdoor shed, mainly for woodworking stuff, but I thought I might include a setup for scale modeling. Kinda coming up with a wishlist, so I can scale it against my other /diy/ stuff
big metal shelf/shelves to store backlog in plain view. i think hiding it away in a closet makes it easy to ignore, if they're right there they act as a constant reminder of what you still need to get done
build an exclusive cuckshed for your painting needs, I have a workshop for woodworking stuff but there's too much dust so my "painting shed" is separate.
>your ideal modeling/painting setup
a dedicated room.
It would be better/easier to dedicate a room in your house for the purpose, since it would be climate-controlled and you wouldn't be as much at the mercy of the elements. Besides the comfort, it would also make it easier to access running water since you would just need to take a few steps to your bathroom/kitchen. And access to power would also be significantly less of a hassle since the room would already have lighting and outlets set up.
>tfw a speck of sawdust gets in your beautiful candy coat and you have to redo it all over again

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Recent announcements and updates
>Robot Toys (Metagate) Legends Bumblebee and Cheetor
>Lucky Cat Legends Nemesis and SG BB Prime
>Magnificent Mecha MPM SG BB Prime
>Rising Force Legends Menasor
>Iron Factory Orion Pax (white)
>Mechanic toys Legends Broadside
>Jingong (Metagate) MPM Drift KO
>Cyber Era MPM Drift OSKO
>Bingotoys Windblade and Shockwave
>Unique Toys Abominus and Springer
>Planet X Trypticon
>Iron Factory Ultra Magnus
>XTB Ultra Magnus.

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Every 3P combiner is just an action figure with other vehicles stapled on. I don't get why Menasor gets whined about when Devastators and Liokaisers do the same
Bruticus is the one that changes between "this can fly" and "strong on land" feeling by changing limb position.
>Scramble CITY
>Military vehicles
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Nothing beyond the initial announcement. But to be fair IF has like three years of backlog at this point. Also its a shame that the add on parts aren't integrated into the transformation. They should steal from Animated and have the exhausts form nunchucks and sword handles.
>I want an MP Motormaster/Optimus Dekatora with working lights so bad now.
Yes. Vehicles used by a species that lives in a city.

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Previous thread: >>10965519

>Rage Toys/Fury Toys/Furay Planet/Whatever NotMikey up for pre-order now!
>Target Haulathon event currently going on with online drops from April 12th to May 10
>Turtles of Grayskull pre-orders are up for next waves!
>Playmates Mutant Mayhem mix & match wave and other figures shown
>Super7 SDCC Exclusive Chef Mikey shown
>Playmates reveals their "original sketch" dumpy Turtles
>Diamond Select TMNT toon minimates Pack 3 (Party Wagon) up for pre-order
>Playmates 2k3 re-releases hitting some stores
>Fury Toys Samurai Animals NotDonnie, NotSplinter, & bonus accessory pack are shipping now!

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/

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I can't get into mechs that just look like a dude wearing armor. Even mechs that look like a party dude wearing armor, apparently.
funny, that's my favorite kind. I remember realizing as a kid that a suit of armor looks like the coolest kind of robot
what kind do you prefer? Exosquad kinda stuff?
Bulky clunky walking tanks are my poison, Mechwarrior and Warhammer type stuff. Metal Gear Rex rather than Sahelanthropus, to put it another way.
Just don't take his shell off? Unless you mean the front plastron. I get that, it's a bit jarring, but all the turtles had pecs under their plastrons.
So weird and charming I love it.
I was afraid id miss out but ill have one this week. If i could find just a tag of krang id be happy but no dice yet.

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Previous Thread: >>10953976

Other mecha toy discussion is also more than welcome!

Upcoming regular retail releases:
-Aegis Gundam ver. A.N.I.M.E. (May 25th)
-Guel's Dilanza ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jun. 2024)
-Buster Gundam ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jul. 2024)
-Quattro's Rick Dias ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jul. 2024)
-Rick Dias ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Aug. 2024)
-IB-07: SOL 644/Ayre (Sep. 2024)
-RMS-106 Hi-Zack ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Sep. 2024)

Current open Tamashii Web exclusive preorders:
►Order Deadline TBA

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Yeah IDK the instructions even mention it and I cracked the ball joint trying to get the Sutherland’s arm in, no idea what the deal is but I don’t recommend going for it. Still haven’t picked up a replacement copy.
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If Roze is piloting it in the first episodes I'll buy it, otherwise I'll wait for his KMF
Did anon get his Strike Freedom yet?
Find out on the 21st.
Lol, lmao
As the other anon said, next episode will be some time after the 21st after ami makes an inquiry

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>open a figure fresh out of the box

>huff the plastic fumes
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It's the rubber they used for his coat. Like >>10979764 said, you can air it out and he'll get better after awhile, but will start to stink again if you box him back up. You could also put him in a bag with some fabric softener sheets or an open box of baking soda and that will help as well. Figma Casca had the same issue, but her small rubber shoulder-cloak fucking reeked.
Smells like WD-40.
This fucker was the best smelling figure I ever got. I grew up with Mossman and Stinkor, and their smell didn't last as long as this fucker did. It was like new car, but a thousand times better.
I hope we eventually get him in Black Series
No paint

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