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Edizione bannati dalla vita, sfigato
63 replies and 14 images omitted. Click here to view.
io disegnerò un soiagiacco sulla scheda per i meme, e posterò sul filo con tempostampino.
Io ho convinto tre persone a votare Vannacci
Attento che ti multano se ti scoprono a fare le foto

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Vi svegliate in un letto d'ospedale e vi sentite strani. I medici entrano e iniziano a spiegarvi la vostra situazione. A causa di un errore nelle cartelle cliniche, invece di un normale intervento di routine, vi hanno sottoposto a un'estesa chirurgia plastica, creando una sorta di ibrido umano-ratto. Vi dicono che, a causa del vostro aspetto grottesco, dovrete vivere per il resto della vostra vita nelle fogne dell'ospedale, mangiando la pipì e la cacca, gli aghi e i pannolini usati, senza poterne mai più uscire. Poi vi afferrano e vi gettano nello scarico.

Quale sarebbe la vostra reazione?

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He has a terrible condition called being a 3roubi, discard anything he says
لمادا السموغ
i mean how many of you guys are here, i'm really starting to lose track
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Idk man
I'm the one posting OP usually, you won't see med dead with a namefag (unless to troll a certain person i'm not gonna name)

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It is like a nation of pushy salesmen
We (north americans) are all worthless so we have to inflate our value somehow.
You’re dealing with cheap retail people
I know you're not really Japanese but the whole Japanese culture is based of being fake polite and insincere
Isn't north America just Canada and USA?

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Frosty Beers Edition

Previous: >>196919797
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Not to a dame. Not mentally. Their entire existence is based around their appearance.
are you a hardboiled 50s detective lol
>. as does everybody else.
Why do you feel comfortable speaking for everybody
NOT approaching women is what destroys them
All you're doing is validating them and their notion that they are highly desired
because most people mind their own business

hilo jahy
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Que fácil la tienen los trolos
Cuánto cuesta una casa para normís en sus países
Quiero salirme de este país judío se está poniendo bien caro
Mohammed Twin Towers

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"Lest we forget" edition
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schizo ramblings
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loved this bit as a bairn
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mad how he went straight for her golfball
Been depressed more than half my life.
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maybe they're poseurs for attention and you do have depression
how's it going la?

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Кyчкoјeбoвa cпepмићoзa издaњe
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>yпдeјтyјeм и yпгpeјдyјeм дeбиaн (тpикcи)
>инcтaлиpa ми нaјнoвијe вepзијe пaкeтa oд кoјих ми вaјн зaвиcи
>cјeбe ми нeштo вeзaнo зa oпeнгл y вaјнy
>cкopo нeдeљy дaнa нe мoгy дa игpaм мopoвинд

Кoјy гнy/линyкc диcтpибyцијy дa инcтaлиpaм, a дa нијe cpaњe? Apч јe јoш гopи, cтaбилни дeбијaн јe иcyвишe мaтop, зa џeнтy ми тpeбa пoлa дaнa caмo дa инcтaлиpaм фaјepфoкc, нзм кaквa јe фeдopa или oпeнcyc штo ce тичe пaкeтa. Гикc ми дeлyјe тoп јoш јe пpaвљeн y лиcпy aли нзм, 1.0 вepзијa јe изaшлa пpe мoждa гoдинy-двe, нзм дa ли јe дoвoљнo cтaбилнo дa ce кopиcти кao cвaкoднeвни дpaјв. A yбyнyтy/минт/мaнџapo и cличнa cpaњa paдијe нe бих из пpинципa.
retardinho, jel ti realno igras morovin preko vajna?
Пpeкo чeгa дa игpaм aкo нe кopиcтим виндoвc?
igras ga nativno sa openmw netreba ti vajn

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Hej Alexander,

Det är på Sverigetrådens begäran som jag tar kontakt med dig här. Du har vid 05-05-2024 gjort upprepade DMCA-anmälningar på diverse bilder som laddats upp vilket från vår sida tolkas som att du anser dig äga upphovsrättsligt skydd för bilderna. Dessvärre visar vår granskning att flera av de ifrågasatta bilderna är skapade av användare i Sverigetråden, något som innebär att du inte kan hävda immaterialrättsligt skydd för dessa.

För närvarande har vi inte för avsikt att driva denna fråga vidare. Vi uppmanar dig i stället att avstå från att DMCA-anmäla bilderna framöver. Hoppas vi är ense och att konflikten kan sluta här, Alexander.

Mvh, Alexander Barbish.
286 replies and 47 images omitted. Click here to view.
Din mamma verkade uppskatta mig igår natt
>dkn kommer aldrig att ha en vän som Paimon
min fru är Jean
vill se dig gravid
Din twinkhål smakar jordgubb
Min fru är Beidou

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Nyymi lapsena harjoittelemassa tulevaisuuttansa varten -painos
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Ne on kaikki pedarihuiveja
viekku <3
Mulla on tollanen pride
mä käytän vaan tota prideä
ylpeys käy lankeemuksen edellä sen vaan sanon

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>*invents potato*
Hyperbased Peru
Lima balls

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edycja pupy bulmy
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no to po collei każdy kremik i lek i w końcu coś zadziała, nie ma tak że "woe is me nic się nie da zrobić" bo tak skóra nie powinna być chyba że masz chorobę rzadką na trądzik czy coś
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>no to po collei każdy kremik i lek i w końcu coś zadziała
no właśnie nie działa
izotek to taka bomba atomowa wśród leków przeciwtrądzikowych: jeśli on nie pomaga to to żadne leki i antybiotyki na 99% nie pomogą i przyczyna trądziku jest znacznie inna
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eurowizja w sobote

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Do you use beard or no beard.
What kind of beard?
No beard. I rather look like a dork than a soiboi

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44 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
i have reading problems, then i guess yung sherman
Worded it wrong sorry
it was worded fine i just skipped the from the part

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Why are British people evil? I wish I was allowed to transition as a minor
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What's this blatant transphobia? I'm literally shaking rn!!!!!!
>So you're admitting that parents back then were less ready and quick to take their children to receive treatment for gender dysphoria, meaning that any parent who did bring their child to receive treatment for gender dysphoria likely had a child who had been presenting with symptoms of gender dysphoria for more than just a few weeks, so the idea that back then there were a lot of children who were diagnosed with gender dysphoria only for it to disipate within 6 months even though the diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria require "persistent" i.e. long lasting symptoms , is unsubstantiated.
No, what I meant was specifically things like religious families and less tolerant families in general. If it is today somewhat more socially accepted, parents will be less likely to be afraid of helping their children, since they are afraid, for example, that their children will have difficult lives, never be tolerated, etc.
> So you have no reason to ignore the results showing that 90% of children diagnosed with gender dyshoria grow out of it by the time they're adults.
The most recent WPATH does say that early transitioning has benefits:
page 69-72
Here is research on the outcomes of teenagers starting HRT
And here is research stating that it is consistent (newer research)
>Gender affirming care means affirming that the child has the clinical condition that they have self diagnosed themself
I disagree with this, it does not mean that a child literally diagnoses themselves with this condition. A psychiatrist diagnoses, not a the patient, based on symptoms according to guidelines and the DSM or the ICD (depending on the country)
> because it is harming their psychological development by encouraging them to aspire to try to be something they are not and never will be rather than learning to grow up and be comfortable in their body .
This sounds like just your opinion I'm afraid
>need new drugs
They don't, what antiandrogens and antiestrogens do, is 'disable' estrogen and androgen (estradiol and testosterone, etc.) receptors in specific cells, which means that they behave as if they have no testosterone or estrogen at all.
The androgen/testosterone count doesn't change.
Lol you're kidding
>The ideal situation would be providing full HRT, either estradiol or testosterone, after a rigorous diagnosis
I agree with this, but rigorous diagnosis seems a little vague
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what if they chooped their dick or cut their tits?

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