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The /mu/ Wiki:

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>Drake is not a name that you gon see on no sex offender list
If the Shaggy defense is the best he and his lawyer can come up with then it's totally over
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P Drizzy
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actually laughed out loud when i heard that line. sounds like a joke
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Not having receipts has not and never will be a big no no lmfao. Drake gonna be catching these pedo punchlines forever.
>bro he could never be a pedophile he’s the most popular person in music in the UK. He’s friends with the royal family ffs

Drake using the White Wizard defense.

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ummmm nmixx already went
Sounds typically like the cringe zoomer shit Yunjin would say

This dissing battle or whatever the fuck you call it is one of the cringiest music-related fads i've ever seen. No wonder that hip hop fans are the laughing stock of the music community
>one of the cringiest music-related fads
I remember a few years ago literal youtubers like ricegum and jake paul were topping the charts with their diss tracks. I would say this contrived feud is less embarassing than that one
no one will ever make me care about negroes (or wegroes (white negroes)) fighting no matter how much the social universe is pushing it.

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I just want a Vandenberg so bad bros
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A normal SG is hideous
Making it headless turns it into ugly but tolerable
>circumcised guitar to match your mutilated cock
You missed on this one blud my conk is all natural

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The End? Edition. Looks like Drake is done, the beef might continue though depending on Kendrick if he wants to nail in the coffin.
Here's a list of all the diss tracks in order:

>Drake ft. J Cole - First Person Shooter
>Future, Metro Boomin', Kendrick Lamar - Like That
>Big Sean - The Whole Time (freestyle)
>Future, Metro Boomin', The Weekend - All To Myself
>Future, Metro Boomin', A$ap Rocky - Show of Hands
>J Cole - 7 Minute Drill

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We're listening to Drake from a decade ago right now actually. https://youtu.be/H2HC8IedMXU?si=S35m72pf2qpJIY8q
>delete the genius
>theyre trying to spin it as 70 years now and not 17
Uhh kennybros?
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You don't have to stop posting but tell me the truth how many of the drake stans posting (if it's not just one dude samefagging) are trolling?
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No pretense. I genuinely enjoy the music. I learned a couple of the tracks, read the band member's books. I'm a musician myself, and it feels like there are zero Beefheart fans in the wild.
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>I would love to start a band centered around some of the features of the Magic band, like the use of polyrhythms, abstract poetry, weird time signatures, just the raw DIY experimentation and everything.
Literally me. I'm 18 so I still have time, but I feel like there's absolutely no one on the same frequency as I am. Maybe it's because I live in europe, so it's not really a milestone band like in the US. Although i heard that Europeans liked Beefheart way better than the Americans when they toured.
I'm a musician as well. Own Safe As Milk, Mirror Man, TMR, Spotlight Kid, Clear Spot and Ice Cream for Crow in CDs
Do you go to college? Assuming you live a city with enough people I'm sure you can find other people who want to make the same kind of music. I'm 21 (American) and I'm thinking of posting on my universities reddit (I know..) to find people to play music with. good luck anon
STFU Nicofag. KYS.
Check out the original version of Bat Chain Puller. It's up there with TMR, though it is much more chilled out.

Can't go to college cause my family can't support me financially. Applied to an art school once. They liked my art but I did not like the other students and the whole program.

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>All you had to do to get the top RYM songs ranking of all time is take 5 minutes to find a shitty stock sample beat and then scream a made up conspiracy theory about a rapper you hate running a pedo abuse ring
This is actually hysterical, you are seeing the end of RYM and any credibility (if they had any) in real time. They played their fanboy circlejerk way too hard, where they could get away with TPAB to some degree but not this. It is going to age so bad and everyone is going to look back years from now and see the site as a joke
This man killed RYM more then he did the rapper he was trying to go after.
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Reading some of the reviews there, and I'm seeing the same "chilling" and "scary" used for it. Are these niggas serious? Because Kendrick dropped his voice a little bit, suddenly it's horrorcore for these cucks.
>>exclude: artist location Japan
If you wait a bit the ratings correct themselves over time
ah yes this is definitely the greatest song of all time, yep
I think they need to make a filter to exclude artists at this point. If I could get a chart with Kendrick, Jpegmafia and Fishmans filtered out I think we can finally get a fairly objective ranking

eurovision.tv or the eurovision youtube channel

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Sweet Little Sixteen
She's got the grown-up blues
Tight dresses and lipstick
She sportin' high heeled shoes
Oh, but tomorrow morning
She'll have to change her trend
And be sweet sixteen
And back in class again
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13% of the population, 56% of all sex crimes
he's long dead and the people old enough to be fans in his heyday are also probably dead
rock "music" is an expression of s*xual perversion, so no surprise

My ding a ling was a red flag.

>(((Bruce Golding)))

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oo yea
Oh wait, wrong band
The bleeding was a better record. Production of Tombs of the mutilated was subpar compared to barnes last record. Vile couldn't couldn't compete to the bleeding.

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A Sea of Distance edition.

Det Som Engang Var: >>121738604
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Been going through Blind guardian discograpy
OK trust fund babby
>lyrics that rhyme vs those that don't
which do you prefer
Chopin Ballades and Etudes. Obtained Enslavement.
Lyrics that rhyme seem like they have more effort put into them

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>all these rumors about her and drake when she was underage
>doesn’t deny them

Drake bros?
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>Weird how there isn't a single child, teen, or woman coming forward huh?
Rape doesn't exist unless the victim admits it publicly? Alright I'm going to bend you over and sodomize you, and when I'm done, you'll go tell the world what happened, right?
>Alright I'm going to bend you over and sodomize you, and when I'm done, you'll go tell the world what happened, right?
Yes, I would. You would be a monster and deserved to be put behind bars. I certainly wouldn't make a song about you chanting that you're a freaky ass boy for raping me.
>Why were there no victims or accusers of Weinstein or Epstein for years?
Why can't you answer my question? Why are you deflecting?
>She ONLY plays teenagers. Guess why, genius.
Because that's how the movie and music industry work. You're a kid and then you're an adult, there's no transitional phase. She's not gonna play some mid-twenties slut and then keep her teenage roles.
Though as Princess Elodie in the movie Damsel her role seems to be her age.
>A young woman's marriage to a charming prince turns into a fierce fight for survival when she's offered up as a sacrifice to a fire-breathing dragon.
Is it an underage marriage?
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She did that years ago you redditrannies.

Lamar beats women
He hates his own son
He defended r Kelly
He collaborated with multiple criminals and sex offenders
He’s only listened by left wing terminally online backpacking dorks

Drake won

Cope, seethe and dilate
>Alright I'm going to bend you over and sodomize you
all while calling me a pervert

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post weekly 3x3 or whatever
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kys troon
are you really mentally handicapped or just pretending
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Need to make a new one, but its realistically no that different.

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