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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

Post your Hondas
Talk about Hondas
Put loud exhausts on Hondas
Reply to every troll about Hondas

Need help identifying a chassis?

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They grow up so fast /hg/
Based K20C engine
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I need to pull a few dents and try a buff and polish. I definitely have a 10 foot paint job
Aged black paint can look real rough close up
i have a chevy that has 322K that's doing just fine. The miles may scare you but cars don't make it that far on just oil changes. Someone took great care of that car to make it that far. It's probably in better shape than the ones with 180K miles on them.

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Stop replying to the nobike.

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Like having a heavy rucksack if she behaves, fucking annoying to the point it makes me consider highsiding if she squirms.
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I was going to get a small one like that too, but then I remembered my bike is already ugly so now I think I'm just going to get >>27634863
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half size screens are genuinely worse than shorties, they create insane buffeting on your helmet and neck and are generally miserable. You won't find one tall enough for a naked bike unless you're super short
Can't I just, hunch a little?
yeah if you want to suffer with back pain. If you want wind protection get a touring bike

>haha what if we made the 5th gen corvette the single best one except we're gonna make it butt fucking ugly for no reason
seriously what the fuck was their problem? every other gen before and since has looked beautiful and cars in general looked quite good in the 90s, they really just went and fucked this one up for the kek of it
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You are incorrect about the proportions. Same basic chassis, numbnuts.
> The AMG GT had the same proportions to the Viper (FTFY).
Guess where the basics for the AMG GT came from, bet DaimlerChrysler could tell you..

The raised front arch (and thus downward bonnet line), came from it's influence, picrel.
The raised front arch on the viper woulda went well if it didn't have the huge oblong vent that makes it look like 2 slabs slapped together. The car has a very goofy profile. They should've went full corvette mode and made it a wedge from the beginning. 50s and 60s engineers knew how to design stuff when they'd have curves flow the length of the car and taper to the rear.
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Am I the only one who thinks the C5 looks a little similar to the old BMW 850?
You're thinking of the C6 retard.

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>replace all of my halogen with LED
>every bulb is bright as fuck, even the 0.1w is burning my eyes
How come nobody sells low end lower lumen LED bulbs? i wasted money on this shit.
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I simply will not join the bright light niggers
I will keep my standard globe 1980s semi sealed glass beams forever
kelvin is the temperature of the LEDs, anon is learning about lumens and candela
>How come nobody sells low end lower lumen LED bulbs?
Most of the cheap LEDs arent that bright. Its doubtful if they are any brighter than halogens
The LED was a mistake of an invention we should've stuck with incandescent and halogen for indicators and general lighting, fluorescent for efficient lighting, and HID (metal halide, mercury vapour, high pressure sodium, etc) for area lighting.
LEDs are great, the problem is when jews decided to make them non-replaceable instead of creating standardized bulbs

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Post your 4x4

Pavement Princesses and Mall Crawlers allowed. Blog posting encouraged. AWD ≠ 4WD. Do you have a solid front axle, or are you an IFS larper?
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they don't flex that much also I'm just gonna make some more clearance
my trash can is looking pretty epic with the last 2 days worth of empties in it, god I love this country
also I made a tool from wire crimpers that restores the beaded edge on intercooler tubing after you cut it, works fucking amazing
pic rel made a clean ass bead after cutting that tube
>scratch build
>has to modify the firewall because shit doesn't fit.
I stand by my "doesn't have experience or knowledge to plan a build from the beginning to end" comment.
And you should probably get off the meth.
The jeep was designed to have exhaust run down the driver side, the passenger side has no room for the exhaust
Also I kept the stock trans crossmember mounting instead of moving it forward because I wanted to continue to use stock drive shafts, that way if I break one on a really far trip I can source one locally
The entire point of the build is reliability, easy repairability and efficiency
I’m going 3 link long arm anyway so the upper link isn’t needed and people on the VW diesel forums said firewall clearance will require hammering for XJs so I was expecting it
I could have moved the trans crossmember forward 2 inches and the exhaust would have fit better but I refuse because I really wanna have stock drive shafts, I plan on driving to Alaska and all over Canada with this truck so I want parts to be as available as possible
Stock radiator, off the shelf prebent hoses, as many commonly available off the shelf components as possible so that if anything does break I won’t be fucked

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>tfw you'll be driving shitboxes for the rest of your life
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New cars come with tampon dispensers and nail clippers.
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After reading about the massive datacollection and complete disregard for privacy of new cars( https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/categories/cars/ ) I never want to be near a new vehicle again. Maybe if I can somehow physically disable it's ability to communicate.
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Instead of buying new cars, I would rather afford a house.
So my goal is to become a shitbox enthusiast just like the restaurant Youtubers who review fast food places only.
I sure as fuck hope so. had to put on the summer tires on my sister's cuckover, what an absolute pain in the asshole. wheels weigh like 25 kg each for no reason and there's no way to keep it on the hub without killing your back. did the same job on my shitbox immediately afterwards and it was all so easy. lubed that fucker up with fluid film so it will last another decade at least. fuck modern cars.

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Advice me winter tires. R16 205/60.
Should I try stabbed?
I now have Bridgestone Bizzak r16 205/60 without stabs, bot it worn out.
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Maybe - I'm just going off what Pekkapiirkajokka told me at the convention?
Here in Russia like 70% of passenger cars are using subbed tires in winter.
Stubs aren't good in really cold weather, it's good when you have sub zero temperatures (not in freedom units ofc).
I guess there's more smooth black ice when the temperature's hovering right around the freezing point?
Because if the weather stays really cold for long, there's just going to be snow and rough ice, and stubs/studs don't really do much on that, from what I understand.
Even then they do a lot more than tires that don't.
>Of course it's illegal year round, I'm talking about winter.
I guess non finns dont understand that everyone in finland has 2 set of tires and its mandatory to change with season. Are there actually some retards who think that studded tires are used in summer.

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I don't care if it's slow this car is awesome and I seem to be the only one that thinks so.
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>I seem to be the only one that thinks so.
Quite a few zoomers are obsessed with volvos, especially 240s/740s. It suits their more feminine personalities compared to more traditional automotive subcultures
S60 and v70 aren't older, that would be 140 240 740 940
I love my 240
based and Fringpilled
Idk, i got my Lolvo S70 2.5 tdi after MB C200 Kompressor.

Phenomenal ecobarge for its size, practical (passanger seat folds foward) and rusts veeery slowly (important around here). Indestructeble as well.

But on other hand, i aint no zoomie but i feel my youth was gone from the moment i got it (in late 20s). Eventho its chipped and pulls like a train.
europes hellcat

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>whole brand built on off-roading and being rugged
>only 10% of customers take vehicles off mall pavement
>always has the worst reliability short of super cars
That is their secret?
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"offroading" has to be one of the gayest and lowest IQ activities to have ever existed.
In no fucking world is a Volkswagen more reliable than a Toyota.
Said the faggot who will never see the majesty of nature and then run it over.
That's only based when doing it on a hardtail MTB

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It's over
>76 second demonstration
>10:39 long video
>opens with generic looking guy talking into webcam
Fuck off. KYS.
casting one part is building a car?
Nobody with any common sense would ever buy a car that was made in China.
yeah but that leaves plenty of people, like all tesla customers.
I only drive vehicles made with Chinese parts if a 75iq nigger on a union wage assembled it.

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I could buy one tomorrow should I do it
>t. 30 yo boomer
>t. would get in black
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If you want to do that more than a couple of times before blowing the engine or drivetrain components with a void warranty its cheaper to buy a bmw M car or a doge charger
The wrx manual gearbox is great in traffic, the low 1st gear means you can doddle along with traffic at 5mph
The wrx isn't a performance vehicle, and there really isn't any point trying to make it into one. It's just an awd econosedan with a manual, and it's best to think of it that way.
>subaru engine reliability

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what fucking magic is this
>Cuts someone off
>Slams on his brakes when they honk
>They honk again so he pulls out a gun
>Brake checks again for no reason
>Immediately starts shooting as soon as the guy goes around him
>Scares himself in the process of shooting up his own car
>Guy coincidentally threw a slushie at him at the exact same moment he started shooting so he spun a yarn about how he thought he was getting shot at
If I remember right, this guy got off, too. Truly the most scholarly black of all time.
really? just shorts?
red lights on the scooter

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Should I get one, /o/? Tomorrow I'm going to the Skoda dealer and hopefully he'll make me an offer I can't refuse, but the only thing that people seem to hate about it is the infotainment system and how shitty it is. Other say that the situation has been remedied and it's not as buggy as it was in the beginning.

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okay i could excuse the furry shit but this is too far. i finally unsubbed
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Is that tacticalGF?
The problem was never about RCR being an obvious furfag, the problem is that he's possibly the lamest dweeb to ever grace the car community or the furry community.
He's the type to have gotten bullied for his lunch money once in the seventh grade and he made it his entire personality.
written like a true RCR video's script.
whole video with a tranny


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