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/a/ told me today was World Penguin Day. I didn't bother to look it up to see if it was true but let's just post pengers anyway.
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Rock star

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ITT white animals
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Huh. Why is there no english article for flavism? Does it only happen to germans or whatever?
Not a actual swan, it's a swan goose/Guinea goose/Chinese goose (Anser cygnoides).

It's basic physics : the more massive a creature is, the more force it needs to accelerate to a given speed.
A rooster will outspeed a goose that is probably a bit stronger but more than twice its weight.
he's no wifebeater
>Anser cygnoides
>"swan-like goose"
sometimes the binary names fit.
its also probably some toxic pigment

>gets abused for muh funny internets video
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Didn't we used to eat chihuahuas?
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Define "abuse".
That’s what they get for being ugly and obnoxious Mexican dogs
the aztecs did eat them but their main use was to be burned alive with people who died, to absorb the dead person's sins and get them into the afterlife.
No wonder they look like demons

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>uhh uhh please don't throw plastic bags in the ocean they vaguely look like jellyfish and i'm too stupid to tell the difference
why are they like this?
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>almost go actually it is a lizard
>check the latest phylogeny
>squamates are a sister group to archosaurs and archosaurian "lizards" are not called lizards even though we usually call them lizards
Tried this a couple centuries ago. The people smart enough not to throw their garbage directly into the ocean decided to massacre themselves during several massive wars and now the ones that are left think they're all racist and deserve to die out.
>line of humans that is intelligent enough to not do things like throw plastic garbage in the ocean.
Humans this smart are also smart enough not to overpopulate whereas humans not this smart would procreate as much as possible. You clearly are not one of the smart ones if you couldn't figure this out.
rage bait thread

Lovely Beasts Edition

cont. from >>4787478


Ray Allen Manufacturing: Tactical Dog Gear | Police and Military K9 (https://www.rayallen.com)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)

AVOID: Weight Pull Harness, X-Back Harnesses, and Sledding Harnesses. Pulling IS Dangerous.

ALWAYS: Size Correctly

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So panicked he can’t even type.
Post dog with timestamp
Telegram was a mistake

It quickly turned into a zoophile hideout and they've taken over this general in an attempt to defend their member with the worst opsec from getting kiwifarms'd.

unfortunately, he's still getting kiwifarms'd, by the FBI. because he broke the law.
>if I bump the thread with my headcanon it'll go away faster
I'll be making threads from here on out.
Telegram has a lot of practical uses. It’s just that unsavory people tend to hide out in those types of sites like you say

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Lounging edition.

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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>Do you remember the name of the medication/antibiotic the doctors used?
Opti pack e. I knew it was supposed to stay in the ear working for a while, but I figured by now it would be done. I guess that could still be bugging him though. I can't smell the medicine or anything else, and his ear doesn't look bad. I have to go back to the vet to get their booster shots in two weeks, so I'll talk to them about it when I go back to get their FeLV boosters. Also I have been sleeping throughout the night more than usual (was able to be up when their most active but schedule changed) so maybe he's been playing with his sibling while I'm asleep or just got a bit depressed that I'm not awake when he is anymore.
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>Did anything in his routine change lately that could cause that?
no, he’s not lethargic nor have discharge what i know of
>Does he have any other symptoms like scratching more often
yes, he scratches his head with his front paw oftenish for me to have noticed and he goes absolutely ham on scratching his ears — we do try and clean them out every day
>puking more often or pimples around the chin
no and have not checked
>Has anything new been introduced into his diet or into your home lately?
i introduced raw meat, as previously mentioned, as a supplement to his reggo wet/dry food

wish we could afford a visit to the vet, and here’s another pic of the guy
Well if you can't afford the vet there's not much you can do I guess. Sniffles and scratching sort of sounds like allergies, in which case feeding only meat might help find out if it's the case. From what I know, feline allergies are generally caused by the protein source, usually beef or fish, so what meat do you feed? Also I hope you're aware cats need more than meat, but bones and organs as well to get all their necessary nutrients. I'm not really knowledgeable on that topic though.

Alternatively if you can get your hands on some corticosteroids like prednisolone, it's really cheap to procure. If you manage you could try giving your cat 5 mg per 10lb per day for a week and see if it improves anything. If it does you can decrease the dose gradually to 2.5 every day, 2.5 every 2 days, to find the right dosage. And if it doesn't you still have to wean it off gradually but at least you'd know it's not that. Wouldn't recommend without a vet's guidance though as steroids have secondary effects especially long term.
Sure but that’s definitely not the norm. Anything past 15 honestly qualifies as long lived
How do I find a good groomer for my kot?

Dickus edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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Other than carpets, are there any plants that really benefit from CO2? I know it improves everything generally but stuff like stems grow monstrous anyway and your anubias and crypts are never going to explode.
how do you guys cull your snail populations?
I crush them with my fingers
I used to do that all the time as a kid
Loaches are your fren

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mega mofu dewlap edition

previous: >>4761865

short disclaimer: posts about eating/harming buns are not welcome, kindly take it elsewhere! this thread is for rabbit owners and lovers to enjoy, please don't derail with off topic posts or negativity.

general rabbit care resources:

bunny youtube channels:
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Incel forehead
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anywhere with a lot of dirt
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Learn a new word
>billions must hop

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How did evolution shape birds to have balls of steel when most of them are made of glass and do 1 damage?
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This is what I imagine a depressed 17 year old's take on evolution to be.
well whats the correct take then, cunt? there's always a waste of air like you popping up to say something is wrong but when its correct solution time you run into the hills. presumably to smoke cock.
There's no way he's even going to eat all that.
it's not all birds that are like that, geese and swans in particular are ground nesting birds, and are more exposed to predation as a result. Even their babies can't fly for a while, and they're down on the ground where everything can get at them, so over time the chicks with aggressive protective parents had a higher survival rate, and basically all the chill geese got eaten.
just dont act intimidated and tug their neck if possible, theyre easy to scare

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Toadlines of the Slamuminati edition

Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here
Previous: >>4780283
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>Givin Lein Jeans
>everyone in the photo looks like they're starting to be corrupt by the smashing and slamming
>SMASHING and SLAMMING is a contagious biohazard
>Airborne Toadline prions SMASH and SLAM the DNA of formerly normal mammals, causing them to express Toadlike features
The Toadlore is deep, keep an eye out for the gradual expression of a Habsburg jaw in the most prolific breeders.
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We should introduce some Kimbo genetics into the next toad generation to breed hilariously aggressive, yet inept, bullfrogdogs
>attacked a group of women
Business as usual

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i got a box with 170 dubia, couple of them turned adult last week
im planning on separating 60 weakest adult males, preferably those who grew slowest, so they wont breed
how can i mark the 1st 20 males, so i know to keep them?
a drop of nail polish or permanent marker on their head

>faster than any man
>solid boulder of muscle
>unhuntable meat tanks, no claws or teeth can get through their natural armor
>seriously, they can just walk through an attack by a pride of lions
>catch 500 human bodies a year, the ultimate apex predator of the world can't do shit
>their babies use crocodiles as chew toys
>brutally kill anything that even mildly annoys them
>only elephants and rhinos can even hope to challenge them
>do it all while a herbivore, making carnicucks seethe
Every day I'm in awe of these fucking MONSTERS
If a hippo charged at me I'd probably just fucking kneel
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>Very scary how fast they can swim
they cannot swim at all. they run on the bottom of the water and jump up to the surface to take air. hippos drown in deep enough water.
Hippos used to live in Europe, including the very species of hippo found across Africa. Europeans don't deserve hippos and their beauty, they'd probably rape one.
The difference between Africans is Europeans is only Europeans would have the capacity to rape a hippo.
Now Africans can be raped by them instead. Everyone wins :)

Why is it illegal to catch and eat rusty crayfish in britislamland? They're tasty and invasive
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>there are plenty of right-wing policies the current Tory government put in place.
Such as flooding their country with violent third worlders and doing everything in their power to stop their native population from defending themselves against them.
They’re left wing. You have a distorted view of reality. The right wing isn’t even visible in the Overton window of mainstream politics of most western countries, and it’s because they’ve ceded ground over the past 80~ years
>Labour is also right wing by the way
Mask has slipped, you have made your bait obvious.
>right wing is about how heckin based you are!

not its not retard its economic policy. labour are now in favour of capitalism where previously they were democratic socialists and previously actual socialists. so they're right wing!
They’re left wing. This is not just about economic policy.
>good morning lads

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See goblins.
Post goblins.
Talk goblins.
Discuss goblins.
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Why are his eyes so sunken? Or does he not have any?
Nope. No eyes.
That’s really fucking gay dude

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post animals close to the camera!
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