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This thread is for the discussion of Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46, Sakurazaka46 3ki, BokuAo (Nogizaka46's official rivals) and Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

(4/11-5/31, Nov. dates TBA) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical "Endless SHOCK/ Eternal"
(04/12-05/04) Seimiya Rei stars in the stage play "Kamogawa Horumo, Once More"
(05/03) Rakuten Girls Award (Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46, BokuAo)
(05/09-10) 8th Single BACKS LIVE!! (Sakurazaka46 3ki)
(05/11-12) Yamashita Mizuki's graduation concert
(05/16-07/15) Okuda Iroha stars in the musical "Romeo & Juliet"
(05/25) Sakaguchi Tamami 1st Photobook
(06/28) Matsuda Konoka 1st Photobook
(06/15,16) Additional Show in TOKYO DOME (Sakurazaka46 3ki)
(07/03.04) Hiragana Hinatazaka46 live at Pacifico Yokohama

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Runrun a cute.
Would kidnap. Wouldn't ask for a ransom.
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Delicious Brown Thicc Edition


Delisted thread:
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That's why I like beautiful girls that are good performers.
still dunno the context
is it aminos?
A vibrator hitting her clit
but why she so drain bamage?
is the vibrator that powerful?
I want to become a monger master like you
*i bow*
How do you arrange?

Previous thread: >>46661619

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Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

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She's got a lovely tummy.
She is the sexiest Abyssal in years.

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previous - >>46746140
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no dina thread?

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Futa suiwa
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Nice try Ran would kill me.

Name one
Reminds me I've got an idea stuck in my head about two timing Ran with Mamizou and vice versa, but they actually both fully know and plot to secretly bully you over it.

You get a girlfriend who is okay with starting a relationship under false pretenses, I guess.
Come clean on both. It's the equivalent of smoking a cigarette around a leaky gas pump, but I'll be damned if I won't go out without creating the greatest live drama anyone has ever seen.
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it's hard to imagine a beast couldn't smell that two-timing out instantly
or just the stray hairs on your clothes alone
I like her feet for some reason. And I’m not even a footfag fetishist or anything. They just look nice and make her look mature and sexy in those sandals. Her sprites in 15.5 are real nice too.

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Links and resources: https://pastebin.com/jDHxU1Jw
Album recommendations and YouTube playlist: https://pastebin.com/dMX8CJhk

Previous Thread: >>46680750
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There's Miku day on 3/9
Is there a variation in the setlists or is this it for every venue?
Miku day is not her birthday.
I really hope the audience isn't as dead as they were for Ado
Who here going to miku expo tomorrow? Im going and excited for it! Been too long since Miku did an NA show. I'll share a picture in the thread afterwards.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdvGBMix3hU baneki cover
https://www.twitch.tv/toru_2434 lol
YOASOBI is a hack
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Previous >>46720490

A place for discussion of Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON works.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (Japanese)

>Mahoutsukai no Yoru - WITCH ON THE HOLY NIGHT
Mahoutsukai no Yoru:
An Adventure of First Love (Mahoutsukai no Yoru Short Story):
Witch on the Holy Night Material

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Does anyone have Page 4?
Nasu just spoiler Mahoyo and Alice real identity

>1999: Only one person died in that Singularity. As mentioned in her profile, Alice can't die no matter what. Soujuurou already knew that at the time, so he went to the mountain to retrieve Alice's body, which he figured would be in suspended animation. Later, he came across that scene and decided that with his support, Aoko could solve the problem, consequently saving Alice.
Mahoyo 6 soon bros
>Nasu skipped Mahoyo 2, 3, 4, and 5 and jumped directly to 6
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Arcueid is a menace who must be stopped.

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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

07th Expansion archive:
Password: 07

Old archive backup at:
magnet: xt=urn:btih:311bb86e9f983a9393cca7d2190233c5b86a872c&dn=07th%20Expansion%20archive&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce

07th Links:
Umineko colored truths script:

Previous thread: >>46752486
219 replies and 123 images omitted. Click here to view.

Know your schizo

It wasn't funny
>It wasn't funny
It had its moments. Let's make the next thread about Featherine as some anon suggested for a change.
[blue]Gou, Sotsu, and Meguri are absolute masterworks.[/blue] [red]I refuse to explain, but truly from the bottom of my heart, thank you, Ryukishi and everyone involved. I am sorry for taking part in destroying this community years ago, but this was honestly life-changing.[/red]
...said no one ever.

Thread #27 of the HSE

This thread is for the spinoffs of the spinoffs of a fan work, read below to catch up.
OG work here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43718466/chapters/109935363
Read Hana's story here:
>“Hana Hakurei is the daughter of Reimu Hakurei and her husband, Anon. As the future protector of Gensokyo, Hana was never going to have a normal life, but it was worse than it should have been.”

previous thread: >>46660060
62 replies and 24 images omitted. Click here to view.
“Feels functional, but function doesn’t mean it won’t explode sooner than later…” I mumble to myself and scratch my hatless scalp, even this small effort bothering the twin freeloaders in my belly—your mama is trying to do magic, ze, sheesh. Patchouli attentively stares at the table emblazoned with a dozen hand-drawn esoteric inscriptions and sigils on its surface, paying only half mind to my work as her other hand continues gesturing and moving to give life to another sigil and so another star to the universe floating just above our heads.

It was… quite the overwhelming surprise entering the Voilé and seeing the entirety of a manually built universe just floating there—worst of all, not knowing exactly what its purpose was—but that's just Gensokyo: you never fully know the answer to whatever wonder is happening around you, but man look at all those pretty lights~

“Countless things in this world are in constant peril of unexpectedly exploding, but that hasn't stopped great people from pursuing such things… Will it stop you, Marisa Kirisame?” She lazily turns the page, her brows suddenly frowning as her purple eyes scan the paper, shifting to me for a brief moment. Patchouli Knowledge seemed amused.

What the…?

I hum, my curiosity spiking and my skin tingling, the seeker of mysteries—or more likely, adrenaline—pushing me to get answers… And I could get such answers from that odd book, which calmly floats to Patchy's side.

… For the chance of being vaporized alone, it's not worth it, but also the complete disgust that fills my heart at the thought of again stealing from Patchy and so losing her trust…

A little peek, though, shouldn't hurt.

As Patchy lets the utterly complex sigil she holds float up—golden, black and white, spiky and undulating like a crashing wave; somehow, it feels vaguely familiar—and turns the page, she sighs. “No, Marisa Kirisame, a 'little peek' would be very bad. Control yourself.” H-Huh, how did she…?! Patchy stares at me intensely, and I'm about to try defending myself, my heart rate skyrocketing. “Don't fret—you'd regain your mind before attempting it, so I'm not mad at you.” She pauses, as if pondering something beyond me on the papyrus of that book, before sighing and resuming. “I'm… proud of your change. Good work.” She said those words without an ounce of feeling in her face, and I blinked, utterly confused.

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“Why do you have a pregnant rat in the ready…?” I ask, staring as magic chains lock the small thing to the table and begin feeding the magical sigils, no squeak wafting the air. Soothing magic, probably.

Patchouli gave me a weird look, indecipherable but for ‘surprised’. “Why wouldn't I have it? I prepare myself for every circumstance, and keeping breeding grounds for test subjects regarding alchemical and biological processes is something every magician studying the nuance of the magical world regarding the body—humane or not—should at the very least take into account.” It's sobering that no counterargument comes to mind, though I find myself wondering if this relates to her many illnesses. Patchy hums, gesturing with her hand towards the table. “Besides, how were you expecting to test the integrity of this ritual?” I scratch my nape, and she turns her eyes away, likely deeming it an unnecessary use of brainpower. An actual living being will probably fare better than the mycelium I was considering using… “No magic works immediately after it leaves the pages of books and ideas, Marisa Kirisame; you should know that better than anyone else.” Her voice carries the intonation of a teacher and, for a moment, I wonder if that's exactly what's happening here…

Well, a master that stops learning is nothing but an amateur, so I nod and stare back at the rat, all but one sigil brimming with magic—the one right in front of us. “Yeah, guess ya are right…” With her satisfied nod of approval, I sit down—finally, phew~—and begin to pour magic over the unlit sigil, as taught to me years ago by a strange and awfully dressed ‘vengeful’ spirit. Patchouli stares sharply at the process with an almost nostalgic expression—she will be the one executing the ritual on me if everything goes according to plan.

The destroyed, though well-kept Voilé fades, as slowly does Patchy's presence, all the reading of books still floating around me returning to my mind as clear as day. The main sigil helps with the manipulation and plucking of souls—must be careful not to reverse it, otherwise it turns into a rune that kills souls—and the two larger sigils that nurse it help with visualizing not only the mother's body but her developing children's. Conduction of soul and body comes next, and Patchy's hand tenderly presses against my back. It was a surprise to know recently she's been learning control of Ki and can act as the sole conductor of the children's vital energy rather than using cold, hard magic to perform the procedure—a test of her 'germinating skills', she’d called it.

Many more steps are silent or happen in the shadows, sigils glowing more or less in accordance with their need for magical empowerment, and as transition occurs and lost souls start to flutter above the chained rat, the silent table almost sings. The hard part finally begins as those eight souls and bodies leave their mother prematurely, anxiety booming inside. I can feel Patchy tensing as she uses her body to guide the children towards a small jar containing this shining, bluish effervescent liquid—a mixture of water and magic, serving as a small womb for the children.

If something were to fail, it'd fail now, during the most delicate and uncharted part of this whole process…

… But nothing happened. The eight souls and bodies were effectively and totally transplanted inside the jar, eight different—all faintly radiating—droplets of life swimming in the captivating, glowing bliss of ignorance. I opened my eyes and looked straight at Patchy, knowing before our eyes even met her reaction: Patchouli Knowledge was flabbergasted. “It just… worked.” She mumbled in a daze. Smugness creeped into my face and instantly vanished when she gave me a death glare.

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For Patchouli, who was virtually competing with herself, one test was insufficient; each one proceeded without a hitch. Restoring the children to their mothers, testing with larger animals and their offspring, and even transplanting the children to other mothers—though we only tested that once and decided not to try that offense against mother nature again—the battery of tests ended without one big magical explosion or flood of gore.

Patchy didn't seem to be coping very well with that fact, and it all had to do with that powerful book she occasionally summons. Respecting her wishes—and I don’t want that death glare again—I decided not to pry, but man, curiosity is killing me…

Thanking Koa for the tea and whole loaf of pure bread, I began munching for much of Patchy's concern and the succubus' amusement. “Lady Patchouli, staring is rude—pregnant women have cravings…” She offers, the week magician watching with clear judgment as I pour four tablespoons of sugar into my tea. “A-At least is not as bad as the women of Makai…” I awkwardly peered at Koa, who went red in the cheeks. Yeah, I don't want to know whatever the fuck she's talking about.

Exchanging some final words with Patchy, Koa soon saw herself out, the magician draining her tea before addressing me, her eyes keen. “Are you prepared, Marisa?”

We've done a lot of tests; none went wrong…

… But the possibility of something just exploding in the magical world simply because it feels like it is never a round zero. Laughing after swallowing a chunk of the bread, though, I say. “I was born ready, da-ze~!” The forced lie buffets her face and ricochets; something inside stirring… I recall Reimu's face by that pond and I swallow dry, my eyes darting to the jar over the table that we'll use to store my children—one hand caressing my belly. “… It's the safer choice.” Patchy keeps staring in silence. Listening. It urges me like nothing else. “… I'm not as young as I used to be, you know? Even before getting pregnant, I was starting to notice it. I can still fly, fight—act like the badass I am… But my age is catching up: I'm committing mistakes I never did before, my reaction time is not lunatic-tier anymore, and…” I clutch my belly like it will grow legs and run away. “The Winter Solstice m-may be my last battle, so I need to make sure these silly little guys are safe… That's my responsibility as their mother.” My eyes burn, but I remain still; strong. “Can you believe this, Patchy…? Me, becoming a mother! And I, I… Mima doesn't want me fighting in the Solstice. We'd have a nasty fight if she knew that I'm planning to fight anyway… But want to know something-ze? I don't think I care.” It's the hormones of pregnancy. Nothing else explains these tears that strand down my face under the penetrating gaze of Gensokyo's harshest magician: “… Even if I die in the Solstice, I know they'll still have you. I simply do. You'll find a way to bring these kids to life, Patchy, and they'll hear that their short, old and very foolish mother fought bravely for their poor father… They may then hear she was one of Gensokyo's most notorious thieves and that she died with so many regrets… But they'll be proud of their mother nonetheless, won't they? I want them to be proud of me, because then I think that I'll… I’ll finally be proud of myself…” I glance towards the hovering universe brushing against the roof of the Voilé. “Heh, so silly, ain't me-da-ze—?”

“I'm proud of you, Marisa.” Simple words, said with a simple smile.

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And Marisa Kirisame never woke up again. Too bad, so sad...
RIP, but could have been much worse.

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Is flan-chan a nice kind girl that loves to play and cuddle or an evil mischievous big bully bat?
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It's certainly not gonna kill her
Flandre is OP
Sunken fossil world, i dont know why the fuck i typed an O there
flan-chan sugoi!
so this is how sisters treat each other?

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I imagine her as cartoonishly evil rather than maniacal
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The former it seems. Either way having to be called after Marisa is caught by the Scarlet Devil Police for stealing books sounds much better after you consider a ghost blowjob awaits you at night
I've always wondered when and how Marisa met Mima. It had to be after she ran away from home but why exactly has Mima agreed to teach her is a mystery
There never really was any obligation for Mima to take care of Marisa, so it wouldn't make sense for her to halfass it. It's also why I think that their relationship as yokai master and human disciple is very interesting - more interesting than Reimu's and Kasen's relationship, who does have a reason to see Reimu succeed.
That's a sitcom situation right there, parenting your adult adopted child just so you can bang her hot adoptive mom.
Id imagine it would be a funny and heart-warming comedy talking about the modern(?) problems of a (not)normal Genysoko family.

Dealing with not only Mima's friends as in Shinki and Yuuka and Marisa's friends as in Alice and Reimu. Probably having Yukari come in every now and then cause problems out of jealousy that she got mogged by a ghost.

It would be also very interesting to imagine the wacky situations caused by these broads of dubious sanity

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A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF

Previous Thread: >>46465257

Please put the sauce in the filename if posting pictures/gifs/webms.
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the best version of August In The Water just dropped
What do you mean by best version? What's the difference?
until the director (as he has said) can release a blu ray version, it is the best we can have. This was obtained from rarelust but the direct download if you don't want to pay takes 6 hours
Oh, I see. I already downloaded it from AvistaZ many years ago.

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>Music Channels

Sakura Gakuin: (dead)



Latest @onefive live


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Kano and the others are all 19 years old
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is this true?
How can someone know that they saw Yui when nobody knows what Yui looks like?
Empty headed dumb fuck
Besides I bet 98% chance she was wearing one of those masks to hide her face

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Somehow or another, you blink and half a decade passes you by. A few more days will mark 5 years since the /jp/ touhou GTA server was first hosted, all the way back in 2019!

If ever there was a fine example of butterfly effect, these threads would be it. I never thought a small, half-assed server I worked on just to do some touhou-themed gamemodes like capture the flag, would become a minor little tradition and something I was still doing 5 years later, and it's still strange for me to think about all the little splinter projects and things that sprung off from that little idea. And of course all of this is in itself simply a spinoff; this server was originally going to be nothing more than a temporary placeholder, a small little testbed, nothing more than a recreational playground I would use to toy around with some silly ideas I had for gamemodes and other things while another anon was working on a more properly traditional server. I don't know what happened to that other anon, but I've always considered them the original proprietor of this idea, and I can only hope they're satisfied with the way I've handled this over all these years.

Since that time, lots of other anons have contributed tons of OC for this little project, from art, to custom car skins and models, to scripts and even brand new maps. And to those of you that were such good and patient sports over the years, you have my thanks.
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I'm glad I checked the thread today, I would have missed this!
awesome! I'll do my best to make it there!
5 years huh... i need to cry brb
can I run this on linux using the gta:sa from steam?
Remember: GTA SA wouldn't be half as much fun if it weren't for the anons on the server

We should be thankful that we're all here today

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