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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp (was I supposed to do this?)
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
We Shall Be Free Edition
Previous Thread: >>92699311
253 replies and 45 images omitted. Click here to view.
Another Danmachi cyoa :>
You will be forgotten in a week. You will not become a general staple. Slimenuts will be remembered more fondly than you.
You will never fuck a sex goddess
Statistically speaking, if a goddess is immortal and thus has more partners over an infinite lifetime than any mortal, it means that for any given person selected at random, their most likely sexual partner will be the aforementioned goddess.
Without joke or irony, kill yourself.

I tried to convince my Gothic gf Victoria that we could use more trading in the Renaissance or Industrialist engine building. She told me to grow up and join the Contemporary world of hustlin'. Brutal.

Previous Thread: >>92667244

>Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8


As the new CEO of your very own publishing studio: what sort of games would you release? Any particular designers you would try to attract?

What is a game you play that never get's traction here? Why should the rest of us try it out?

Do you save up for new purchases or spend recklessly?

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Fish people, you're alright.
Im fucking hard right now.

Thank you. Looks like fun. I like hidden movement.
Got a couple of questions about lcg, specifically Arkham and Lotr. I'm considering playing with the gf and a couple of friends, but mainly the gf. >Asuming we like both settings equally, which one is better? As in more fun and inmersive?

I got both core sets, but both are 1st editions and I've read revised versions have come out since then. If we wanted to keep on playing, what would you recommend getting next? For arkham, expansions seem more easy to follow since you got campaign and investigators expansions, but for lotr, I don't really know the recommended order to play the boxes. Should we go fellowship, then two towers and then return of the king using what comes in the starter box? Should we get the 4 starter decks or, at least 2 of them?

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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

Downtime edition.

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg
Previous thread: >>92588976

>Thread Question: What antics do your characters get up to in their downtime?
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>friendship philacteries
based based based
>saying that Drow skellies are "much too diminutive in stature to please the eye" and called Maria and "insect-like abomination"
>find his stash of old necromantic grimoires
>it's actually just books of bone porn
>finally find his spell scrolls hidden in a special cache
>they're all self-care spells about making bones whiter and shinier
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I had a lot of fun with the song

Work in Progress, "Case of the Mondays" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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Nighthaunt may look appealing but a lot of their models feel very same-y, there's only so much variation you can add to floating ghosts with chains.
If you don't plan on playing the game and just want to paint them get a kit or two, that should satisfy the craving. You can always continue on later. Don't fall for the trap of buying the vanguard or whatever they're called boxes. It is cheaper per kit obviously but you're paying a lot at once and unless you're going to paint them one afer another you're better off getting a kit every month or two to not add to the unpainted pile.
Where to order custom transfer sheets from? preferably north American company.

It is just going to be same decal. Hopefully 1 small and 1 large version.

I wonder if the resentment from the death of fantasy battle will ever stop.
Anyways go back to your retirement home grognard or actually look at the models.
>building trench bases
>find a reasonably nice laminate wood that's thin enough for minis and already comes divided into appropriate scale planks
>build twelve of the bases, for the first squad to go on them, plus some extras
>a little glue gets on my finger on the last base and adheres to the top of one of the wood planks
>removing it as gently as possible removes the entire upper layer of the plank with ragged edges that can't just be glued back down
god damn it
>only two units look good
now that I look closer at the range that's kinda true lol
>its 90% monopose retard-ready easy-to-build bullshit
doesn't bother me
>aos is shit
I don't play tabletop so I don't give a fuck, I just want to paint cool plastic toys and AoS models are the best fantasy miniatures whether you want to admit it or not.

Those are valid points, you guys cooled me off. Maybe I'll get one kit for a test run if I feel like it.

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How would beings like wizards, holy knights, liches, and fairies be integrated into a modern war environment?

Trying to come up with stuff for an urban fantasy campaign. Need help coming up with cooler encounters.
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You essentially end up with Sci-Fi. Replace magic with psionic, tech gadets, drones, robots and nano machines and you get the same results. So just copy your go to space opera and change the names.
Logistics of warfare would be seriously impacted by magic. When you have units that are capable of teleporting people and equipment, conjuring floating disks, summoning animals and constructs and raising the dead under your full control, creating food and water out of thin air, buffing people for higher strength, stamina and speed, instantly healing people and repairing broken or damaged equipment, polymorphing fully-equipped soldiers into small and easy-to-carry (or considerably more mobile) creatures, animating objects and tekekinetically moving them with your mind, suddenly a lot of problems about transporting and stocking up your squads become considerably less serious.
But on the other hand, if you start relying on your mages a bit too much, losing them might effectively doom the the rest of the squad to a slow death from hunger or exhaustion.
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>No lignum vitae option
>into the trash it goes

Harvester of Misery Edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists

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>It's extremely polarising
yeah, for retards
See, THIS is what a mythic rare is meant to be. Simple but powerful on an extremely expensive card.
Wouldn't make for a good commander.
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He intended for players to play a well-balanced deck which is why hosers were so punishing.
How would be this card printed in 2024? (and how many more lines of text woud it get)

Vipork Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Tau Rules:

>Emperor's Children Index is coming:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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not beanpole skinny dumdum
Because everyone likes painted miniatures more than unpainted ones so he's getting bullied by the thread to give titananon motivation to paint them.
Thinking emoji

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Martial roleplaying Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!):

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I usually run FR, but I’ll offer my players origins for the weird MtG stuff
like Vedalkyn being humans with Mercane ancestory or Simic Hybrids being escaped Beastlord expiriments (not Malar, the mindflayer who made Dekanter goblins)
Level? Classes?
Planning for level 5. It's going to be made for short-rest classes with an emphasis on speed.
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The most obvious thing is

The least obvious parts are
>multiple entrances
>less obvious and better routes with good survival, perception and usage of shit like spyglasses
>no psionic network tier constant pulse checks on guards and shit, for fucks sake give some level of leeway unless this is the equivalent of the mega lich prison
>have said guards not have 85 fucking hitpoints so if you have something like a rogue, they can legitimately be knocked the fuck out
>Loot caches by the complex itself, including good weapons, disguises, maybe a unique weapon or something very very useful like a higher security rune key
>something which can be used for a distraction to do a getaway or even infiltrate at a high risk, like a pack of very angry ass dogs in a kennel that got abused by a guard *mysteriously* having their cages unlocked and now they gotta clean up kev the animal abuser (also less problems for your retreat)
>have a bomb somewhere
>have another infiltration team too, for shits and giggles
Thanks for the suggestion, anon, and I may cut out chunks of this, but it's way, way too involved for what I need. Wanted something a bit lighter weight. Some anon a few threads back posted crafting rules alongside some other feat/skill tweaks they made, which had some similarities and I liked, but figured there was a "standard" somewhere. This is cool but way too much to track/implement in the course of a normal game to me.

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Realm Artifacts, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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For those of us who were actually around for the Dominion launch it completely checks out. It was actually almost impossible to pre-order Dominion from a 3rd party and most people even just in this thread ordered directly from GW instead. The stock boom at 3rd parties didn't happen until later on, a lot of people regretted not waiting.
I'm not doubting it's validity but it's still worthless as a source. I can make up a story about dominion and post it here too
>Main difference is that 40k never lost the top sales spot.
Yeah, that's the point. 10th edition changes a lot more than AoS 4th edition is doing. The fact that 40k didn't lose his top spot shoot down your theory that the reason of the big changes are the lack of success
a 4chan post claimed dominion sold poorly
not him, but the warlock engineer was called warlock engineer even back in fantasy when it had no interaction with warmachines and the wizard level was optional

the engineering part comes from the development of weapons, not the on-field maintenance of artillery, and the warlock part comes from their engineering mixing arcane components and methods
even their ability to do magic is purely artificial and reliant on whether they carry the equipment to channel magic rather than their natural abilities or some other expertise

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Traditional fantasy games and settings are the best. How I purify myself of all subversive ideas and do a fantasy setting that's both traditional and fun? Books and any other recommendations are welcome.
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To restate something I said before, what's 'traditional media' is kind of a meaningless word.

Like to put it one way- chivalric stories of heroic knights in the middle ages ala King Arthur were subversive, in that they were subverting the traditional concept of heroism from the ancient greeks.

To the Greeks, heroism didn't necessarily imply positive qualities. For instance the Hero's of the Trojan War were largely assholes who made both Greece and Troy worse off for the whole exercise, Achilles starts the story bummed that he's not allowed to take a priests daughter as a war-bride and sulking in his tent halting the war effort. But the Greeks were interested in the world warts and all- portraying the world as it is rather than what they wanted to be.

By contrast figures like the Knights of the Round Table who are embodiments of idealized chivalry (minus Lancelot) are a subversion of that concept, portraying characters as moral ideals.

TLDR: You should specify a timeframe is what I'm saying. Defining story-characteristics from a certain era is way easier than trying to find some sort of bedrock.
Leddit needs to convince you that the slippery slope is a fallacy. They can't prove it so they rely on the media. See >>92681293
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>still constructing strawmen and not addressing the argument.

Reddit called. They want you back.
btw this thread hasn't hit bump limit yet but jannies anchored it.
Yeah, a few months back they'd have deleted it by now but I guess they're trying not to be so obvious. Funny how it always comes right after the redditors all disappear at once. There's at least one janny who seriously wants to change the board culture here.

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"For my holy wrath will know no bounds" edition
>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News
MTO O&G, new Grombrindal if you ignore the siggypiggy base

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H

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3 factions aka 3 plastic kits, 40k got that much in one side army release with the Kroot.
the way easier solution is to make the wounds added to the profile by the monster not benefit from the saves of the rider
rat players are eating so fucking good good, you think this kit will also be able to be built into other weapon teams?
was that ever the case with any skaven stuff?
Thats clunky, leads to strange interactions (multiple wounds ho!) and less intuitive. Its also simply not easier because there is fundamentally more steps involved.

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Guys like this used to be insanely popular. You don't see this type too much anymore, though. What happened? Why are edgy elf or elf-adjacent wizard swordsmen no longer in?
134 replies and 28 images omitted. Click here to view.
There's no real concept of Sin in Tolkien in the first place. He undercut it himself by essencially admitting Melkor's discord was simply part of Eru's grand master plan, as well as complete lack of his direct intervention to fix anything. Sole exception with attacking humans because they got too crafty for their own good.
Look at how their children turned out.
The god of this world? The one who promises all the riches of the world if they only submit?
The Lucifer also bears the sole guilt for the Original Sin. While humans continue to suffer the degenerative effects the narrow gate is open.
Yeah thats what everyone says about "woke" kids, they love their very rebellious parents too much and want to be just like them.

I can't even track what you people think woke is anymore, at least Florida codified it as politically incorrect wrongthink.
>The one who promises all the riches of the world if they only submit
Gee I wonder why those capitalist elites love your guy so much and are so open to the idea of an apocalypse that spares them but slaughters humanity.
The Fall is clearly a parallel to the beginning of Genesis, and the clear difference is that fallen state of Men came from the actions of Adam and Eve, while in Tolkien's world, Men, Elves, Dwarves and the rest already woke up in a tainted world, doomed to diminish and decay until Melkor bursts from Doors of Night and burns it all down.

>The Lucifer also bears the sole guilt for the Original Sin
Certainly not in the Bible. His name, or rather title, also comes from fan fiction. The only person addressed as Lucifer (bringer of light) in the NT is Jesus himself.

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It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread: >>92667253

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Never had a problem with it, and I have basically downloaded every DCC/MCC product on there I wasn't the one to contribute.
And the Starter Set please
SCP: The Tabletop RPG + All Extras
gofile (DOT) io/d/FiBR7u
Thank you! I honestly thought the repository didn't exist anymore.

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