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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

I have almost perfected my meditation practice.. in something like one or two weeks I'm going to be able to enter into samadhi during meditation.. before I get enlightened I want to make an ama for you guys.. ask a yogi anything.. I read many Mahayana sutras, currently reading the short Pali suttas, finished the shaivite Bhagavad Gita named the Shiva Rahasya Purana... Read parts of the bible... Read almost every gnostic text currently reading Zostrianos halfway through already... I can say that I know a LOT about mysteries of these religions.
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Thanks. I don't really need a break, just wanted to see if there was a problem with handling so much energy. Guess I'll continue healing and opening my chakra cores.
If that goes without problems sure why not
Don't forget the sacrifice.
>perennialist sufi
Complex way of saying you're agnostic
I'm not. I fully believe in god, and in certain objective truths.

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In this thread we dump forbidden knowledge normies aren’t allowed to digest
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We use our ability to only look at one thing at a time to avoid looking at all the monsters around us

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Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
https://pastebin.com/2Wp1Q074 (embed)
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
https://pastebin.com/sAkg9cMz (embed)
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
https://i.imgur.com/mxpu4MF.png (embed)
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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Do the people I find attractive find me attractive?
Already doing so. What now?
> Sexual energy reading
Are you male or female?
Tell me* what her problem was.
Yes Hut you're not engaging people as people but as tasks
Maybe just joining karaoke or billards or something as such

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Im slowly starting to think that the Pleiadians are the real archons and that this whole Draco Reptilian thing is just a psyop. Anyone else gets that eerie feeling when thinking or looking about Pleiadians/Lyrans/other supposedly good races?
No, I prefer humans and cats over lizards

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Welcome to the Semen Retention General,
Enlightened and noble chads edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

Completely abstain from masturbation and ejaculation to get all the benefits.
If you don't ejaculate, but still spend time touching yourself, and even worse, touching yourself while watching degeneracy, then you are doing it wrong.

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that was the shit, getting up at 8 am on a sunday with no alarm to catch the morning cartoons
Lmao this reminds me of the evil Tobey Mcguire from Spiderman 3.
It depends on how many times you came, the length of the streak before hand and how old you are but you definitely don’t reset to zero. Here’s what you do to recover
Don’t watch any more. Don’t edge, don’t touch yourself. Let your shit calm down. You’ve got the sexual meat hooks on you now. your brain is gonna want to do something again but just don’t do it. To recover you’re gonna wanna go outside get some sunlight, fresh air, go for a walk without your phone. Now go home take a shower, drink a lot of water with added electrolytes if you can (potassium, magnesium, salt) and eat some good food. Avoid shitty fast food and eat some steak and eggs or fruit or soup instead. Something real hearty. Liver if you can stomach it. It’s gonna take time but you should be back on your feet in like 4 days
Dumbest post I have read in a while.
I really think it depends on how long was your streak prior to relapsing. If i'm in a month+ long streak one relapse (as in sex with a human female btw) doesn't affect me in any noticeable way. If I'm cumming less than 1 week apart then I'm fucked. It really makes me think about this process as the male version of menstruation.

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Ghostmaxxers create history. Ghostmaxxers are history. Throughout the ages, it is ghostmaxxing men that drive the tide of fate. This ghostmaxxed comment that I am typing now will reach dozens, if not hundreds, if not thousands of people.
The ones at the top are ghosts. They are human beings hiding behind countless need-to-know clearances and nobody knows who they even are.

You were built in the image of the creator, and what that means is that you too were gifted with the power of the Holy GHOST, by birthright. The power of the Holy Ghost lies in adventure. Though waging or taking neetbux from governments and shitposting is easier, GHOSTMAXXING is the greatest power in this universe. It trumps all. So use your power that was given to you and fulfill your destiny.

If you do nothing, you and everyone you love will slowly die, or worse they will become literal NPC's caught in the jewish panopticon.
IF you take action, this can be prevented.
The more time you spend playing video games, shitposting here or watching kike films instead of taking action, the more time this evil has to spread.

It's time to exit the digital jew panopticon and leave behind your old life stranded in the chain of time, so take action anon.

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Every now and then I get "attacks" be they from entities and gangstalkers beaming mind control frequencies at my brain (haha, right guys?) or just good old fashioned mental illness, I feel extremely agitated for no real reason, ally aches and pains are magnified 10x and I can't sit still or lay down so I pace but that also hurts. The best way to describe it is I feel like I need to get out of my body. I am trying to consider the root causes behind this type of thing and what I can do to try and overcome this. Anyone have anything similar?
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Interesting about the mirror bit. Reflective surfaces in general seem to be a way for the "astral" to connect with the 3d realm. And of course these beings or forces utilize electronic devices, modern cell phones are made to interact with the energy field of the human body. I can feel the negative energy that comes from such devices and it's fucking torture sometimes because wifi, cell towers, "smart" devices etc are everywhere..
Caffeine can cause the angst tho. OP should not have it.
>I'm fairly sure my dopaminergic systems is fucked at this point.

This is negative self talk that will make you worse.
They hate royal bloodlines... Don't know what graal is but if you ooze nectar and they get a whiff of it, then everything you've described can happen. People on this board will work against you too, in an effort to farm your loosh. You aren't as anonymous as you think. If it's any consolation, everything You've posted is correct. Yes they come through and sit behind posters, mirrors, screens, and shit like that.
Only low astral and 4th dimensional beings need mirrors and other contraptions to open portals. Covers are just a minor setback for them, though, and as long as you don't use your free will to revoke the permission they have to contact you they won't really go away.

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Is this guy really to be taken seriously?

I've been told countless times to listen to his Mystery Babylon series and it really isn't that impressive so far. I'm an hour in and the amount of vague generalizations and inaccurate information is just bugging me. I've read immensely about Ancient Near Eastern religions including a ton of the primary texts and some of what he says is just objectively wrong. When dealing with something this mysterious and grand in scope, which is the primordial origin of human consciousness and religion, it makes you lose all credibility in my eyes to speak with such absolute certainty with not even a shred of personal skepticism or doubt in your tone, to present your theories as if it's some infallible authority that the "sheeple" won't understand.

Does it get better or does he only appear to the most midwit schizos?

I will test your spiritual progress. Answer at least one of the following six questions:
What is the logos' spiritual significance?
What do you think about Hinduism?
What do you think about god?
What do you think about the self?
Who was Christ?
What is enlightenment?
The answer(s) will reveal your spiritual worth at this current time. There are no wrong answers.
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Hare Krishna~
Suddha Bhakti Yogi checking in...

Always, how could I not, afterall?

Always, how could I not, afterall?

Devout slave of Hari.

Choosing obedience over moksha...

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Order. Blueprint.

Founding principles are good and provide a fully working abstraction to attain spiritual enlightenment but the BYOG (bring your own god) aspect made it degenerate into useless drivel by fundamentalists. Bidirectional (physical and spiritual) growth is also a plus for its followers compared to say Buddhism. (Not for me though)

God the absolute is incomprehensible. God the relative is the pantheistic god, the I AM, the one we all _are_. Spiritual enlightenment is the experiential realization of this.

Useful analogy.

Already answered.
>What is the logos' spiritual significance?
idk what logos means in this context
>What do you think about Hinduism?
paganism cringe. interesting perspective though
>What do you think about god?
i know he means good but i don't understand the why of my current suffering. why are people so disgusted by me? maybe its because i dont consider them equals. pride is a real fucker. anyway, i wish i could have a better relationship with him
>What do you think about the self?
half just a matter of perspective, half the life i was given. my responsability and rightfully so. generally indescribable.
>Who was Christ?
i dont have words for this yet. he was indeed the one son of god THOUGH
>What is enlightenment?
doing what needs to be done for me to achieve eternal chilling
>What is the logos' spiritual significance?
To me, none whatsoever. It is an illustration depicting a personified sun.
>What do you think about Hinduism?
I have never thought aboit Hinduism, not even once. I am currently not thinking about Hinduism even as I type this.
>What do you think about god?
"God" is just a word for anything the average human doesnt have a rational explanation for. Maybe this 3 dimensional reality was crafted by a being of a higher dimension than us, or maybe at the end of Time humanity itself will produce the very god it has been worshipping all this time. Who knows?
>What do you think about the self?
I think the self would like a cigarette.
>Who was Christ?
No idea. Modern literature is too far removed and retranslated from the original texts, and accounts and records are unreliable. Knowing that humans REGULARLY have hallucinations from grief after losing a family member, I find it hard to believe accounts of those having witnessed the ressurection.
>What is enlightenment?
Enlightenment is understanding. Specifically, understanding the point of life and existance, and recognizing the 3 dimensional world for what it is- a construct.
Hm. Okay.>>37848321
That is not very enlightened. >>37848351
Not bad.>>37848542
That's not the enlightenment I meant. Ok you're not far ahead.>>37849168
Not very enlightened. Too many ideas that aren't found in ancient texts.>>37849699
Yes. Christian redpill. Rather redpilled.>>37849798
Ok atheism and new age is too strong in your mind. Your beliefs are not found in ancient texts.

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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?

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Yes the bra'in are nothing compared to the heart.
The hearts magnetic field are 5000 times stronger, than the brains.
Look at a sonogram in a early fetus state, the heart are the first, the mastermind, the brains develops later.
When i was manifesting a pregnancy, I didn't affirm by saying "I am pregnant" because i wasn't and I knew that so there was too much resistance, so I affirmed I would fall pregnant by saying "I will" or "I'm going to" and it still worked.
Manifesting love is really simple!
If you want to see results remember you're doing it anytime you use your imagination. When you tell yourself it's not working, when you're wondering if your SP loves you, when you're thinking about how men suck or women suck and how you always feel used and taken for granted. That is manifesting.
Success comes super fast when you think positive thoughts on purpose. Key words : On purpose!
When I started thinking on purpose: my man loves calling, he did!
When I thought: he wants to move in with me. He did
When I thought: he loves me. I'm the love of his life! He told me: I love you. You're the love of my life.
You will see your results as long as you persist in the thoughts you want
if you don't like something don't take it as fact, simply acknowledge it and move to how you want it to be. this will lead to outcomes like changing grade, retaking the test, nullify it. etc.

when you hand in a test, hand it in with faith and think of the response, like imagine your grade you're going to get back no matter how you feel.

I do modeling for a hair saloon (which is part of a thing I manifested to get free haircuts) some guy there needed another model and they asked me. I went there but felt like I was wasting my time being a model there for like 2h per session. I agreed to be a model but I went home with a dislike of the situation, I didn't want to go there. Never got contacted again and they found another guy.

I've often manifested things by simply not being in the mood to do them. cancelled classes, remembering they were cancelled, or they ended up being easy for example via zoom
>hateful attitude
>bringing a hell into your life because spite is more important than anything
>assumptions don't matter
>"Your statement doesn't make sense LoA wise"
Did motheranon forget to use his trip?

I keep feeling watched, I keep noticing movement and shapes on the periphery, but it never escalates beyond that. What’s the point? Even while posting this I thought I saw a black dot moving that I assumed was a fly, but when I looked ofc there was nothing there. It’s honestly really annoying.
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Nope, it’s just a nuisance
It’s been like that for half a year already. I’m kinda fed up.
You should probably ask an ophthalmologist, worst case scenario a neurologist.


those could be my god children. the three little ones are dope. Also, Little Richards are loose everywhere. Wesley is inside the nexus as far as anyone can tell and besides wes and dicks, everyone seems content to give privacy back. "We" thought life was really but a dream, turns out it's very real and more of a recursive function. opt in. opt out. my mind is a safe etc. say hi to the green lady if you see her.

video unrelated:
>I thought I saw a black dot moving that I assumed was a fly,
Those are the wicked spirits, they seek to enter your heart and mind. Tell them to get away from you, seek The Almighty, worship and praise him. Praise the Most High God regularly, say good thing about him and have good feelings of love towards him and they will flee. When you worship God enough and you start seeking his righteous ways you will start seeing bright ones instead, bright dots like the splendor of light, and those will fill you with God's holiness.

Turn away from all your evil ways, God is worth it. The Holy Shaddai is worth seeking. Stop seeking evil occult knowledge and seek knowledge of righteousness. Fear God so that you do not do evil in his sight and then you will not perish but will be made immortal in the day of judgement.

>issues concerning Israel
>gets off topic ban

I thank HaShem is making the antiSemites expose themselves

I cant believe the moderation team would hate the Jews


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Make a list of things you want to acquire, not every-day stuff but nice-to-haves, and not consumable items, things which stick around.
Make sue the list is big and encompasses your genuine desires as much as is reasonable.
Purchase from the list over time but make sure it's bigger than you'll ever afford in full.
Some prioritization of items is ok, but it's best to draw quantum random numbers to map to the list of items to decide what to get next.
Then (note the past-tense, you should keep adding to the list over time, but it needs to be created prior) draw some quantum random numbers and map them to lottery tickets. Play those ticket numbers.
If you find yourself on the winning worldline buy everything on the list and keep it around as you had intended, beware of things which could make you lose everything and be responsible with the money.
This has two primary effects in play:
>the acquisition lists acts to synchronize your divergent worldlines between non-winning and winning worldlines
>the lottery win is guaranteed in 1 set of worldlines, very small percentage overall, but it's no longer a binary thing of win/lose, it's guaranteed, you're just unlikely to experience it
The result is the temporal magnetism pulls your winning self closer to the losing ones and the losing ones closer to the winning one but with the winning self existing whereas before it did not anywhere near you. Don't get "smart" about it (e.g. being an asshole) on the winning worldline and abandon the acquisition list, or it does nothing for your other selves and the winning one will still likely be overwhelmed by the temporal magnetism from the losing selves and you'll become another "lottery winner lost everything and an hero'd" statistic.
More on the idea athttps://www.quatism.com/theory.htm


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Loopers are the worst.
Why wont this threas die?
After it does I'll make a thread on temporal magnetism and quantum gravity. This shit is too dangerous to play with.

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Did kendrick just expose drakes occult bloodline?

>kendrick just expose drakes
Who and who?
They're brown i fear.
Also their mantra "ne oublie" or "never forget"

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