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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

>be leaf
>get type 81 (chink ak/sks clone)
>people aleays complain bow aks are heavy and shit
>>especiay mags
>load a mag
>barely weighs anything
Wtf? Are you all just weak?
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>10lbs is heavy. go ahead and carry it around for more than 5 minutes.
I carried a M4 w/ 203 when I was in. while heavy, it was something I simply got used to
a ton of feathers and a ton of bricks weigh the same but you can carry a lot more feathers than you can bricks. it's insane that you guys are actually so retarded that you can't even understand elementary school level concepts. do your parents put your pants on for you in the morning or do you pay someone to do it for you?
>this fucking thread
lmao. How did such a shit op turn into kinda a cool thread? Leafs and northerners post more guns you got now that I know you got 'em.
Fuck off rcmp
>a ton of feathers and a ton of bricks
your argument makes no sense, they are both service rifles. they are equivalent to one another

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I mean something so retarded I could hardly believe what I'm reading
Also, picrel is probably fake but still
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Germany will destroy Europe (including Germany). It cannot be stopped. It can only be postponed.
German is the catalyst for human advancement, always has been. Every time they create a "problem" people are forced to come together to devise complex solutions resulting in magnificent leaps in technology. If it weren't for German aggression in WW1 there would be no WW2, no assault rifles, no tanks, no rockets, no nukes, no space programs, etc.

Next time you meet a German, just nod and say thank you.
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>Have you heared the shit rebels do in africa to people it will keep you awake at night.

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New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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Approved ranges
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I’ve never understood hatred for actual shooting ranges, maybe I’ve just been spoiled by only ever going to good ranges but the real gay is carrying around steel targets.
yeah totally. keep doing what you're doing. don't go into the mountains, they suck and it's way too much effort.
Do you own a single firearm? It's not like you can go dumpster diving for them with a budget like that.

"stop jacking off to drawings of imaginary women" edition
Previous thread: >>61530713
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not strained enough. that's halfway through while you're still going strong
Seeing this makes me want to propose, but I don't want to make a hasty decision, gotta take it slow, God I love her.
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Holy shit thats literally me
the guy in the original pic was
and if you're Catholic wearing it is a reminder to pray

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>radio operator
>brigade level exercise
>delay enemy for 12 hours mission
>over hear brigade S3 telling one of the battalion CO to do it for the country or some shit
>have spare radio so tune into their battalion net
>company COs constantly reporting about being overrun and tanks and ifvs getting total killed all in every fucking coordinate
>"permission to retrograde we are getting overrun"
>Battalion CO immediately comms brigade S3 for permission to retreat
>"no, out"
Mission was a success, we lost an entire battalion. Is war as horrifying in real life as in training? 1/3 of an armoured battle group gone in a half a day... I suffer in Singapore. I hope war never happens.
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>My question is, if war does break out, am I going to fucking die?
Yes. You are in Singapore. You can really only fall back into the sea.
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War is more horrible than deadly. Short supply, bad conditions, injuries. Besides isolated meat-grinder situations death rate is on par with many active sports, like climbing, para-gliding, motorcycling, skiing etc.

IMHO the problem with war is loss of your civilian life. You'll spend years, loose health and youth sitting in stinky trench while oligarchs place their bets in luxury.
Where to? The sea?
Idk much about Singaporean defensive plans, but it seems reasonable to expect that they'd probably launch a counterattack in the event of a war into enemy territory, maybe that unit was basically a forlorn hope or a maneuver to prevent the complete encirclement of the city. I don't think the Singaporean military would sit by idly if the enemy tried to encircle them before attacking.
How the hell is GP style racing more dangerous than motorcycle racing?

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Tactical gear thread.
Post gear, discuss gear.
Old: >>61516975
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It works quite well. I've been too busy designing gear to tinker with it lately. I do want to eventually make a new pouch and design/print a shroud for the antennae connectors.

Southwest Antennas. Very expensive at 200 bones for EACH antenna. Far more rugged than router type antennae.
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3 if youre lone wolf
6+ if you have friends
>imagine not having enough ammo to provide cover fire for a bro
I like 10 speeds but elastic wears out much faster than canvas, I wouldnt get a rig with them permanently attached, you have to replace the whole rig instead of just buy new pouches.
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>or having just enough ammo to stir up conflict between domestic and invading forces creating skirmishes that result in deaths on both sides that you can use to your advantage by killing the survivors from your sniper's hide while they try to retrieve their wounded and retreat
>watnting domestic forces and invaders both to kill eachother
well, I guess if you're chilling in Gaza

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>I want to die. I think about killing myself every day.
Just join the military, retard
Based beyond belief
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Talk to your family about how you’ve been feeling. You clearly need them to know how much you’ve been struggling and telling them might reassure them that even you are having a hard time. Think of it like any other injury, in the immediacy of a crisis being able to be strong and push through the pain is valuable but pretending you aren’t hurt afterwards just lets it get worse.
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I haven't been shooting in three years
I was away working in a noguns country for two of them, but I've been back to a funland for a whole year now and I haven't gone yet
I'm not really worried about my skills having rusted but I have almost no extra money or time to go and have a proper day at the range
>You clearly need them to know how much you’ve been struggling and telling them might reassure them that even you are having a hard time.
Any time i so much as hint that I'm struggling all I get is "what else is new" or "so is everyone else" or "do your best"

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I saw him on youtube earlier.
Why do you?
kek I was going to tell him to post nose.
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he never replied to me, its over.
Why do I what, retard?

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A pre-83 crash video game guy jacking off a moose?
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It was obvious, even at a glance, that the design was supposed to be a camo pattern. I think that’s an interesting design choice and not particularly funny or shocking. Is it because I’m too high-IQ to find enjoyment in an online soijak spergout session?
>"Yeah! He's giving him a fuckin reach-around!"
Always being courteous.
hahaha oh wow
Haha nice.
Canada-san kyaa~

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The Comeback Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

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>typical jewkrainian seether
Yeah thats cool but its written in vodkanigger
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arrowhead and snoy being massive retards brought out the artists in the steam community to make a radical patch concept, what do you fine gentlemen think?

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babe wake up may 9 Moscow parade schedule just dropped
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Hamas knocked out a few
Boris with suicide vest but it's bangers and beans
Creep looking mf

Never existed. Clearly you are delusional.
Bitching doesn't fucking matter in Russia because its a fucking consolidated, mafia-state dictatorship you stupid fuck. The RU federal government doesn't have to do nothing for nobody inside Russia. If they want to have a donkey show in as their parade, they can. So if they're not putting tanks and having these pathetic showings with T-34s and National Guard vehicles, its not because of someone complaining.

This fucking website. Since 2013 you have to explain, make a drawing and then explain the fucking drawing multiple times.

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She would beat Iowa in a 1v1, simple as. Displaced twice as much, bigger guns, simple as. It's closer than it should be but she still wins, anything else is cope.

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I want to get squished by these two prows.
Ignore him, he's talking out of his ass, Yamato's loading mechanism extremely well mechanised https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T3rvxlz03U
Your mom displaces twice as much as Mike Tyson, it doesn't mean she can take him in a fight.
it's honestly wild an agricultural island nation barely out of feudalism is what gave birth to this.

20 of these should be donated to Ukraine
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A question I've had for a while:
After seeing the hilarious underperformance of basically every part of the Russian military, would they be able to defend themselves from B-2s? Before this war, the S-400 was feared as a top-tier SAM system that not even NATO could punch through without guaranteed losses. But now we've seen them get blown up while being recorded by drones lmao.
Assuming perfect maintenance and no freak accidents, could the US simply bomb Russia into submission with B-2s? Would Russia figure out how to shoot them down before 20 aircraft from the 1990s manage to slowly destroy their entire military?
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1 we use them 2, ukraine and infact no base outside the continental US can maintain the B2. So they would be useless to ukraine.
So the question is are you 13? Retarded? or falseflagging?
They will get shot down in a month because Slavs can’t into flight
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Do they even have enough trained pilots to crash all of these in the first week?
These and the B-2s are too valuable, but I suggested the F-117s, and everyone seemed to think it was a good idea. With the B-21 in production the Nighthawks are basically being retired, so it wouldn't hurt to donate them. Since they are stealth bombers they would be perfect for this theatre, surviving Russian air defense even in their small numbers

There are 64, and they are only used as training aircraft apparently. This is their time to shine

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