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Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

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Note: Discussions of prostitution or sex tourism are not permitted on /trv/.

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What are the most beautiful places in Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales?
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lake district is accessible by rail, you might need to deal with buses or taxis. the classic wainwright routes are about as good as it gets in England. not so sure about wales, only been up snowdon which was good (although how unprepared normies were for an actual mountain was hilarious)
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Isle of Barra, Hebrides, Scotland.
Dammit. These fuckers never want to print straight up.
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Tresco Abbey Gardens in the Isle of Scilly
Maybe on the 3 days a year when it's not overcast and raining

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14.8 seconds of airtime edition

>Last Thread: >>2637085

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: When in line for a coaster with a bunch of normies, feel free to autistically infodump to them every single iota of information you know about the ride you are about to go on: opening date, manufacturer, # of inversions, stats etc.

Roller Coaster Database:

Amusement Park News Sites:

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I agree, its just sad what libs have done to Disney
Harry Potter Land is where everyone goes
I was not expecting what that link ended up being.
I think they would want to have the park open and ready by the time HHN rolls up just so they can balance the insane crowds a bit. But yes, the speed that we're getting park updates is definitely a good sign at the moment.
I'm interested to see how they do passholder previews. maybe as early as spring, they could let passholders in, 1 land at a time, as they become available.

I'll be moving to Orlando this fall, mainly so I can be there in time for the park to open

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I can't think of anything more useless than wanting to go abroad. Since I was a little kid it never made sense to me. Humans are isolationist on principle so it seems like a contradiction to want to encroach upon another tribe's turf in the first place. Even then, it's so much easier and far more fulfilling to just use the Internet to learn about a foreign place instead of spending all the money to physically go there, and inevitably waste more time walking around than having an interesting experience. I hear all the time about how you'll meet unforgettable people, immerse yourself in their culture, yadda yadda, but there's no way this is true. You're still an outsider to the locals, and you still don't know anything about their customs, their language, their landmarks, their food, their government... It just feels so stupid to me.

Maybe I'm the asshole here but I wish we could just appreciate other countries from afar and not infringe upon them. I don't care if it's for school, or business, or sex, it just seems weird. I read up on what an embassy was the other day and it made me genuinely mad, that there are these little pockets all over the world where a foreigner can go and be patronized instead of having to even pretend like they care about the natives. How is that not at least a little fucked up?

Anyways, TL;DR is that I think traveling is inefficient and stupid, maybe even disrespectful, and that you'd be far better off watching travelogues on YouTube or searching for local websites. The context doesn't matter, the whole concept is off to me.
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well i went to another tribes turf, found the enemy tribe, think theyre all niggers and scammers and could not care less if this trip never repeats itself. Grass isnt greener on other side, all you find is some loser tourist scum who got no reason to be in the country except to self pity and avoid duties. Fuck all tourists. Fuck em all.
id say stop including japan in list of safe countries. Its getting way too much attention from freakshows who got no interest in business or building relationships with locals, so they will get into rape or fighting drunk. Trust me on this one. Honest to god i swear it is gonna be a bad place once everyone who wants there gets in.
Be very afraid of the tourist who will turn whole world into mcdonalds, subway, kfc chain to take selfies at some dead religious place. They will turn the whole world into a parking slot for ugly EVs. Im not fucking kidding,
there are activities & experiences that can only be done in other countries. not everything is just sight seeing. But if it is sightseeing it's still fun to go with my wife and just look at new places together.
don't want it to sound like I'm bragging, but anyone who complains about the impossibility of finding 'authenticity' in current year simply doesn't know how to travel
All jokes aside, OP sounds depressed. You might want to try Lexapro.

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Ignore the security guard edition. Let's get back to discussing your Philippine travel related inquiries and opinions here.
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It’s really just anyone except cuckshed. He lacks the intelligence necessary to generate anything with any creativity.
>shitty AI pictures
Pick one lmao
This one is the most accurate. I’ve seen this guy riding in jeeps and walking around puregold.
Yep this is the best cuckshed could muster. Truly uninspired and exposes his sub-80 iq

Just went to NYC for 3 days. Stayed at an Airbnb in williamsburg. Although I liked it for the first ~36 hours, I started to dislike a lot more as time went on.
> Vast trash-scapes pretty much everywhere.
> Food/coffee is incredibly fucking expensive, even at the "cheaper" places. Yet these places are packed.
> Went to an extremely hipster coffee shop that charged 7 dollars for an espresso. Place was also extremely packed with mostly locals.
> Servers/waitresses generally had shitty attitudes.
> All of the Williamsburg locals seemed like giant faggots. People dress like fucking clowns. The stuff I overheard these people talking about was some of the most inconsequential, out of touch shit I've ever heard.
How do these people afford to live here? Why does everyone seem like such an insufferable shithead? I've lived in cities and in the country, but with the exception of some restaurants, this place is uniquely repulsive. Are all of these people just living off of Daddy's money?
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Oh, you are living my dreams anon. I have some questions for you.
1)What industry are you employed in
2)which borough do you live in
4)which do you work in
3)how many hours per week do you work
4)how much time off do you get
You might want to explain where you moved from and what you make and pay for rent, the cheapest co-opt shared shower place is about 1150/mo. The cheapest studios in Newark are starting 1200-1300/mo with many places linking to a income restriction only and 15 minutes from the nearest train station. With ~1hr-90 minutes to downtown on the subway one way. That's 3hrs in transportation assuming you work downtown. This was found via apartments.com (inb4 I found a good deal with my friends).

Sure New York can be a better life if you're moving some some high cost of living area like Seattle or LA, the difference really isn't that bad. Though there are plenty of places where the overall cost of other goods and services are lower making the entire place of living far more attractive.

I doubt I am getting the same size or quality hamburger from a non chain for the same 11 dollars here vs. NYC+NYC tax+expected or pre-included tip

>I also don’t need a car which saves an additional 300 per month anyway
If you were paying 300/mo just to own a car I have way bigger questions here. Are you one of those leasing faggots?
>People dress like fucking clowns

Are there still hipsters there?

>you have enough money to not live in New York in the winter time.

nah, everybody knows that the rich leave nyc in the summer not the winter
>Are you one of those leasing faggots?

Gas, oil, and other fees easily top $300 a month
probably either generational wealth or some job that pays retards 6 figures for being finance frat bros or social media prostitutes or whatever

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Hot nights, city lights. Where to eat? Where to sleep?

Tips to help you not pay too much for the donkey carriage ride in Intramuros.

Binondo, Baguio, and Bonitacio Global City.

Rent a motorbike or take the trike?
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Hotdog spaghetti! Plus fried chicken and unli rice Sarap!
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For those who want to party. Book a hotel room in Angeles City. Fly into Clark International Airport (formerly Clark AFB) rent a car or take a cab and it’s just a short drive to your hotel. From your hotel you can walk to the famous Angeles City Walking Street.
Hey Joe! Don’t drink too much! It’s a marathon not a race!
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You can be a sexual predator but for god sakes don’t be a fucking loser like this guy who depends on Social Security and only brought $30k with him to last 4 years.

Your bridge account should be like $100k - $200k at minimum, the rest needs to be around $1.5 million plus.

Boom you now get to live like a king until you die.

It not fucking hard.
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Thanks for not schizo posting.
definitely looks like something I could skip

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Planning on trying to visit Egypt in late May to early June. I know I need a visa and my passport is up to date, but is there anything else I should be aware of or reserve before going? Or is the situation in the bordering countries too intense? No itinerary yet either. I appreciate any help.
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Americans and most people eligible for eVisa can do both.
>Private tour was fantastic
>Advises people to gtfo the city asap
I recall purchasing a visa on arrival, though you can likely apply for a visa in advance, too.

>I’m American, is there a chance I get denied?
You can be issued a visa and denied entry upon arrival. In either case, you'd likely have to raise several red flags to have this happen.
Any alcohol I should avoid or look out for?
All of it's the same, it's good

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A thread to discuss all things Thailand and Thailand adjacent.
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That goes without saying, always keep your work laptops wifi off. Turn bluetooth off too if you can. And have a backup server somewhere in case your home loses power.
do you think you probably have AIDS now?
nah, I flossed my teeth tonight, that should balance things out
I didn't like Thailand as much as I thought I was supposed to. Is Vietnam less touristy ?
have you had gay experiences before or was that a one off? I kinda want to hear more about this degenerate feat

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Ive got 5k i can use, which country should i visit to relax, also im a coomer, so sex tourism is fine, but not a big deal to me.
Im thinking
>or somewhere in LATAM
also ive got over 100k flyer miles.

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So, basically, I got an invitation to live/work in Japan. I work in software engineering. I'm not a fanatic about Japan, but I think it could be a great experience in my life.

white male, 32yo

I speak some Japanese, and I can understand most conversations. However, I have some doubts about what to expect regarding day-to-day life. I'm taking a small preparatory course about the customs, but most of the content is related to work place or work related manners.

I'm going to live in a place around a big city.

I would like to know what the nightlife is like, the day-to-day life, and what I can really expect from my coworkers. What do people usually do on weekends? How is the dating scene, and how should I really behave on a first date?

Most of the info videos on this topic lack of useful information; some are overly positive, while others are just blackpilled. If anyone knows of a more realistic source about what to expect when living in Japan, I would appreciate it.
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You'll be bored as fuck, even in Tokyo. The only things to do on your free time is either go drinking, fuck prostitutes, bum around parks and tourist spots, or buy plastic shit. You're not going to be missing much back home. Pretty sure since you're on the work visa they'll give you a very easy job even a child could do, atleast for a while. Dont be a autistic pussy and you can survive japan easily.
There are multiple churches in Tokyo and Jesus’ grave is literally in Japan.
No one thinks it's serious business but it is a good starting point for finding a decent apartment specifically designed to get foreigners a landlord okay with moving in. I don't know anyone who would 'brag' about using gaijinpot for anything other than a quick resource for a few things.

Also Tokyo has a fairly large Christian population similar to Sapporo, just make sure it's not that weird moony cult one.
Does sapporo actually have a large christian population?
>land that was shared with a bunch of russian othrodox and settled by many europeans for whaling
It's not big but compared to any other religion in Japan it is

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Do most of you just travel for business or are there some passport bros here aswell? I just don't understand what type of job you could have to maintain this type of lifestyle.

So my main question is, what job do you guys have?
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Now THIS is based
I was on board with you until i realized you're just hooing and hawing about another medical career that takes 2 decades of school to get. Yeah no thanks, a 20 year old idiot in tech sales with no degree can do this exact same thing whilst only working 10 hours a week. An IT cert that leads to a remote career within a year or so is also more worth the hassle. No wonder I've never heard of radiology, or other "great" medical careers besides being a surgeon/pediatrician, LOL
I run private tours for boomers, they tell me where they want to go, i organize everything, they request the basics (France, Spain, Germany, and so) most of the time and i shoehorn some of the places i want to go to make their trip more "impressive" for their other old friends, it takes at most some hours to plan a trip, some hours investigating landmarks and learning some of the history, and you can add enough "commision" fees to pay for your tickets, food and hotel and it's still a lot cheaper than travel agencies tours
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As I read, the jobs with travel are
>Selling Person/Marketer
>Park/Government Job

Euro > USA for breaks
Asia is pretty cool, and most ppl on here make 80k ish

Anything else that I forgot to add?
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>here’s your 18% tip for handing me a drink
Is there anything fun to do here that doesn’t cost a fortune or that is even free for that matter? I’m sick of paying to do literally anything here.
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>mfw I read this as a Vancouverite now reading abroad
Yes Vancouverites and Canadians as a whole really are this fucking stupid. Don't try to redpill them cause I hope they stay there.
again why the fuck would I relate vancouver to global cities? you really think I haven't been other places? I just got back from a 2 week trip to japan and shit sucks here in almost every way compared to there except minor nitpicks, but this is where I live and moving to another country (besides the US lmao) is not that easy and it's where my family is, and I'd much rather be here than almost any other city.
I thought only America tips
tipping culture here in Vancouver might be the most aggressive
you will get chewed out for tipping 2$ on a $$15 meal
the servers are very arrogant
when you click the tip option on the POS machine it sometimes starts at 20% as lowest
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>the servers are very arrogant

White servers are the most uppity and entitled.
Fuck this godforsaken cold shithole country.

Won't be long before you see entitled and uppity 2nd generation poojeet waitresses.

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Sup /trv/
Thinking of doing a weekend in Berlin to meet up with some old friends and need to figure out where I'll stay.
Want to stay within walking distance of lively bar strips with at least some dive bars that don't have gay flags up.
Any suggestions?
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Er, not really where I was going at all to be honest.
Just looking for lively bar strip recommendations mate. Places that'll be lively and open late, but where the average age is a bit older than university student.
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OP back again with shameless self bump
Where are some good Berlin dive bars?
Some great places:
>Monster Ronsons
>Zum Schmutzigen Hobby
>Betty F
>Ficken 3000
>BULL Berlin
I suspected your angle before I got to BULL Berlin
Thanks for telling me the areas to avoid anon.
live in berlin since august.. I'm not woke or political at all, but lemme tell you, you'll have to deal with gay stuff dude, because that's part of what makes berlin berlin. you'll enter a club like kit kat and you'll see oiled up gays fucking, drugged up women stripping in cages, people strapped on a wooden cross getting whipped (not shitting you), people with tattooed eyeballs smoking opium, etc you get the idea dude it's just sodom and gomorrah in there. which makes it so amazing. don't expect something that will make you feel like you wanna be a part of it, go there with the same attitude you visit a zoo and you'll have a great time there. if you're srsly getting mad over gay flags just stay away. also best nightlife is friedrichshain/kreuzberg area with all the big clubs (berghain, kit kat, tresor, sisyphos) and bar strips like warschauer straße. have fun my guy

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Bún chả edition
Or, "why is there not already an active general" edition
Where my Việt Nam chads at?
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Vietnam is a unpopular dating spot for old white boomers.

Why is that? Viet zoomers don't want to date creepy old white men or goofy young white males.

The cultural shift has been towards Korea. They want to seek rich, handsome oppas -- not a white dork from Ohio.
I thought viet kieus trumped koreans.
Why are you getting a 3 bedroom if you're trying to live cheaply?

Most Studio's - 1 bedroom in Nha Trang are like $350 if not less
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The dating preference hierarchy:

Rich Viet locals > rich Viet Kieus > rich Korean/Japanese/Chinese men > average-income local men ($300 - $600 monthly) > white expats

Whites have fallen off the dating cliff.

Vietnamese girls have secret Facebook groups where they doxx white males for being cheap, perverted, and broke.

Vietnamese girls saw white English teachers going broke during COVID.

Vietnamese people are suspicious of long-term white expats living in their poor rice-farming country.
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As a white male, your dating pool is relegated to 3% of the female population who could speak english fluently. The girls who could speak english fluently are girl bar employees, or those working in the tourism sector.

picrel, a white dork and his vietnamese girlfriend.

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