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It's funny how Lucario, THE furry pokemon (in the past) has less humanoid proportions than modern pokeshit.
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>no refutation whatsoever
Thanks for conceding
>digitigrade legs and retarded giraffe neck for no reason
still trash

I don't need a refutation when you don't have an argument beyond "digitigrade legs good because I have a fetish for them"
>looks cool
So it's good
>fetishes out of no where
>ignores the argument to pretend that it doesn't exist
Damn you're really projecting this time.
Just like their Trainers™
>filtered wojakposters
Holy based

it's been 2 generations since Game Freak started making dlc instead of third versions and sequels
how are you enjoying your $90 unfinished slop with an extra hour of content stapled on?
but it's okay since GF is selling you back the pokemon that they cut from the base game + a free legendary!
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>what is inflation
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You can literally buy these games today for $40.
I did.
That doesn't change the fact that they would sell the game for 60 bucks if it was made today.
It's sold new for $40 today.
Yes, because it's not a new release. Are you dense?

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It's Monday time! Share Misty art ITT
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imagine the tension
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WIDE Edition

The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi.

>Dawn Visual Novel by Anon
Walkthrough: https://rentry.org/anewdawnwalkthrough1_0
>VN Extra

>Dawn Screencaps and Scans

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poor saturn. guy needed some new fits in a remake
And that dream is the AO lifestyle!
>Koharuschizo is still samefagging

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New primarina event
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No reason
there for people that dont have the dlc idiot
SWSH events were useless, the only legendary events they did over the course of 3 years were Mewtwo/Urshifu and you couldn't even catch them. At least the starter raids are challenging and give good rewards.

>muh increased shiny odds
These have been moved to outbreak events, besides, what's the point when shinies are already insanely easy to get in SV?
At this point give us Female Meowscarada and we complete the set
>it's another starter
Getting real sick of starter only 7-star raids

Do pokemon fans actually believe this? As an adult, I couldn't care less about Pokémon and as I've expanded my media horizon, realized how dull and lifeless it is compared to almost any other game series.
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But where as a Pokemon is generally an animal - a smart animal, but still an animal with instincts rather then sapient thoughts - A Digimon is as intelligent as their 'partner', fully capable of strategy and speech. What exactly does the human bring to this 'Partnership' when the Digimon can do everything by itself already?
He's right if he's only talking about spinoffs and fangames.
Pokemon as consuming it from the mainline titles feels like a wasted effort.
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He is somewhat right. I LOVE how much I learned thanks to Pokemon. It made me interested in earth culture more. Now I LOOOVE to discover why one Pokemon was designed the way it is as its a full on creation philosophy as well.

Did you know Magmar was based on Kaiju from old jap movie? I didnt know that UNTLI THIS YEAR
>but still an animal with instincts rather then sapient thoughts
Pokemon are canonically sapient creatures.
>What exactly does the human bring to this 'Partnership'
As clichy as it sounds its real.

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What do you mean?
Just pirate it. Looks better on emulator anyway.
People thought Terapagos was a wish granter when the game told you it was a time paradox.
I don't think that many people thought that, pretty sure it was just the same 2 or 3 anons who were baiting people for infinite (You)s with circular reasoning which is very ironic considering the whole "turtles all the way down" thing it ended up having, kek. And Terapagos was one of the weakest parts of the story, which was otherwise really good imo.
>I don't think that many people thought that
You retards did polls to back up your bullshit and bragged how many people voted for imagination.
Why are you accusing me?
I honestly didn't care about these autistic bitchfights and neither should you. I tuned out of the SV lore theory threads at the beginning of 2023 because people weren't interested in discussing actual theories about Terapagos, they just turned it into a stupid skub vs anti-skub tier flamewar.

Fun fact, I actually had a hunch it was about parallel universes, but no one cared.

Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/55779445

PMD Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ
Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/cdc5_81m7d
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

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This is fair, but not all the Clover Guild art is shitposts. Posting general PMD art is always worthwhile, and there's no reason our local high quality OC shouldn't be treated the same as some other random internet artists' work.
Yes, I agree.
To be fair, PMD fans make a lot of fanart that’s just pokemon with scarves, and doesn’t look like it has anything to do with PMD specifically, but it still counts as PMD art because of the intent behind it. Same thing with art made for the guild. I don’t think every drawing needs to be posted here, especially since some of them are pretty obtuse inside jokes, but I see no problem with most guild art being posted because it’s still PMD at its core.

No idea what you mean by discord meta commentary, but yeah there are some inside jokes here. That’s true for every group in existence though, and I don’t think it’s excessive here. Besides, if people want a smaller ratio of guild content in these threads, nothing’s stopping people from playing PMD games and discussing their playthroughs, or just talking about anything PMD related. It’s nice to see gameplay and good discussion.
>what you mean by discord meta commentary
That string of words is an accurate description of how an outsider perceives it even if it doesn't have an exact meaning.
dood we know you guys have a discord server lmao

Come one, come all this here be CRINGEKINO

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.
This game is Pokemon Odyssey, a self described fusion of Pokemon, Etrian Odyssey, and Made in Abyss. It features a new story and region heavily inspired by the stratums of the Etrian Odyssey games, complete with FOEs and plenty of remixes of Etrian music.
After that horrible last fucking game we did, this one looks really good. Let's see if it lives up to expectations...

>Download Link


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator (might be buggy if using dark mode or certain extensions)
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Sheer Forcebros....
Pokemon changes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N7GY3MS9ra3obZ_LnDloiH3w6kLtsHzg/edit#gid=1546227159
that rat is normal/grass
so it is, interesting, design doesn't really scream grass doe

and another
>aether type
Is this really that common?

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>no Diancie edition

>What is Pokérogue?
A Pokémon-themed dungeon crawler filled with gacha-brained mechanics.

^ Fake offline client, play using this. You can eventually export your save to other custom servers. You will reduce server stress by having the assets downloaded. Make sure to actually run the .bat so the assets aren't streamed.


Also, something something, fuck Discord, fuck Sam, fuck shiny mechanics, and fuck g*cha pulls.

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weather is tedious and annoying to upkeep once enemies start enduring. it's also basically just a 1.5x damage multiplier for a single move type, given that the other weather abilities are useless in endless, and there are much better options for increasing damage output. drizzle just sucks when water bubble exists.
is it impossible to steal Eternatus' Mini Black Hole? I just spent like 40 turns going for Icicle Spear with 5x Grip Claw 3x Multi Lens and stole pretty much every item off him except for the black hole
we need to bring back gen 5 weather
Okay, time for me to say hi to with a sand team since I have better tools for it than hail I think (Snover + veil and Cetoddle are good but I have t-tar/shiny gigalith, water absorb clodsire, and Orthoworm alongside a pretty good Exadrill (only issue is I also wanna say fuck it and go with some legendary or UB).

Probably true but I wanna watch Excadrill swords dance and go ham. Also I'm not above save-scumming.

>Spliced endless
Don't have it yet but if you caught a spliced pokemon, how does candy/starter unlocks/etc. work?
bw3 are coming soon

>here's your final pokemon battle before the credits roll bro.
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>the final boss of the game that takes place at the current furthest point in the past we've experienced thus far uses the first Pokemon ever designed for Pokemon
there's a mandatory battle with a rhyperior before this one, the game just sucks
she's not a good enough trainer, nobody in PLA is used to using pokémon except the player, who's from the future, and volo, who's a freak.
>nobody in PLA is used to using pokémon
wow, sound like a shit pokemon game
It's almost like trainer battles aren't the point of PLA because they wanted to address the common criticism of "stop making me fight retards with their underleveled shitmons with no moves that don't offer any challenge because all I have to do is mash A until the battle's over."

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Hold the fuck up.
Are you telling me that Pokemon have always been "alive" inside the PC boxes and interacting with other pokemon you keep in your PC boxes?
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just a low iq, illiterate question to be honest
I love the irony of you trying to call people low IQ while your brain is so low functioning that you struggle to do something as simple as type.
>Pokemon are literally just Digimon now
That's just a ball, Anon. Where is the evidence that sending pokémon to Bill's PC doesn't store it as data?

What could've been...
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>real life dog in Pokemon World
That is the very strange living Greavard, it is said that whoever kicks that dog will be cursed with eternal youth.
-Burushitu, the monk
What if Ash gets only one pokemon from Paldea? What pokemon should it be?
>Would have to be a reboot though because Nu-Ash is too nice.
Reboot Ash is no different than nu-Ash.
It was from a time when Pokémon was set in our world and real animals and Pokémon could live side by side

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The Pokémon is literal Perfection.
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Imagine getting the succ from a swarm of these
that's a condom
I always forget how annoying it is to use because of the middle stage being the only one that learns moves from leveling up
i can't believe they didn't name a single member of this line "Amprey", what were they thinking????
It's a fucking pain in the ass to evolve it.

May or Mei
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May is 15-16
>b-b-but the games said th-
I don't care, the games are fanfiction as far as I'm concerned
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I said in a different thread but I'd fucking cum buckets if they ever made canon aged up designs for the Pokegirls. I know USUM made ones for Red/Blue but they're like in their mid/late 20s at most, I want 30+ May/Rosa after I've put some kids in them. I'll probably commission some art like that just have to find a good artist who can really convey that idea instead of just giving them big tits.

I mean Dawn is claimed to be 15 in PLA despite looking the same as DPPt, so May would probably look roughly the same at 15 as she does in game. Plus Wally in the Battle Tree looks the same as in ORAS and pretty sure those games take place a good bit before the Alola ones.
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Also god DAMN her tits are fucking gigantic in this art. At least if you look at her official ORAS art. The artist really said "nah I'm gonna make them bigger", and that's official licensed art too, you'd think they'd tell them to keep it on model.
I want Rosa to get a new design in the potential Unova remakes since May got two redesigns through Emerald and BW2

It doesn't have to be something crazy just different enough to be unique

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